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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51456764 No.51456764 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51456805

the dust you receive as reflection on any buy and sell right now will make people jealous in the future.

>> No.51456816


>> No.51456879

the initial inorganic spam avalanche was pretty bad, but the constant drip of jaded bagholders trying not keep the morale up is making up for it nicely. have you lost a lot of money on this dog token? please say yes

>> No.51456893

>Bought in October
>Sold in November

Simpul as

>> No.51456933
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>Missing the next x10000

>> No.51457063
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I made enough for an entire 2 years and have some fun money to gamble with or throw back at do8o. Do8o ramp up was always organic. That you disbelieve it shows you couldn't find a crypto signal even if it was inside your sex doll.

>> No.51457217

what are you idiots doing to memetools
dogbat 50b eoy

>> No.51457827
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>> No.51458000

50b was last bullruns target
It's 100b now

>> No.51458017

Checked, will see you on the other side brother. Never let these faggots bring us down.

>> No.51458063

You've never tasted 6 figs before, huh? Lmao a true bizreal
You retards lack the capability of adapting. I bet you don't even understand liquidity because if you did and saw the ratio between market cap and liquidity, you'd see just how rare dogbat's situation is. All you see is that is dumped hard so "it must be dead" without understanding anything else. Jeet IQ

>> No.51458108
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Unironically it will be easier to enter the billi ranges because when btc makes aths, it needs more money meaning more money as a whole will flow into the space meaning alts will scale higher and memecoins will go even more insane than last time. Shit is going to make me be in the top .001%.

>> No.51458147


triple checked


kek the butthurt against my dog is palpable and delicious, it makes literally no sense


cozy thread. fuck jannies, sad lil faggots hating on a fucking memecoin while leaving demoralization threads thot posting inane babblings etc but nah man deaughbahownk is bad, somethin fishy and very very homo. forgive your mothers and fathers jannies. d0geb0ink 50b eoy never selling, will live off reflections in the future

>> No.51458317

This man speaks the truth

>> No.51458546

Holding a comfy stack. Ready for a full send when the time comes.

>> No.51459149
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Lol what a retard
Sold a dead coin to buy another deadcoin

>> No.51459287
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>officially 5.5% less doe bow than last run and you counting. Unofficially even less.
>people still putting BNBs in it while BNB is low
>BNB is bound to go way higher next run
>The top 50 of doe bow from October 2021 has been decimated meaning whales never will have the power they once did on the coin
>Bonus: out of 40k+ holders now holding coin, how many got one too many booster shot and/or have lost their wallet and will still receive reflections.
>The coin has a literal cult following that goes way beyond what a memecoin is and redefines the genre entirely.
>Sets trends, fuck the status quo.
>Everyone and their mothers love the meme, instagram filter overload, the coin can go anywhere.
>the coin is a blank canvas for people to get involved into crypto in a much more personal way.
>Dobros debate passionately, but a dobro is a dobro forever, no matter what.

this coin is only starting. It will be remembered as 4chan's grassroots coin that made it mainstream.

>> No.51459313


>> No.51459370

Hey so basically I'm just not going to sell (my d00b00 bags)
I know UGH I know I'm SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not going to sell them is all

>> No.51459420

what's the sui/make it?

>> No.51459649

10b sui
100b make it

>> No.51460131

This, next bullrun will be insane for memecoins, thanks to shiba.

Bro, this coin still here after all the fud e market conditions, its more than clear this is the one.

>> No.51460341
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Depends. Where do you live and what’s your desired lifestyle?

Quick and multiple millions would be 500b imho. 8T last ath was about 5million before exit tax.

>> No.51460359

This guy and the ones he tagged gets it.

>> No.51460632

why buy something like LINK with actual utility or something like BIT with billions of dollars in backing when you could buy a coin that has the picture of a dog.. right?

>> No.51460760
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>> No.51460988


>> No.51461139

Missing gains daily to bag hold a dying shit coin. Mean while ive done a 100x in 2 weeks by not being a bag holder.

>> No.51461295
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Right? I used LINK to play to make my dog's cancer go away. I think it helped for 30 seconds. He barked and I said "No doggy listen to the mp3 version of the source code, it is useful". He was like "wtf" ahaha. Damn I miss his wtf face. They really need to work on their coding. So I sold for a dog on the blockchain because it was fun. And I made so much more than with LINK that I could buy a new dog. WEW. Now my dog works on the farm and makes my corn catching easier. I guess dogbat was more utilitarian than link in the sense that money is more usefuel than not making money. plus he looks cute so I got a girlfriend now. BIT got billions of dollars backing it but does it have a dog? No. I guess USD got Trillions of dollars backing it. I guess you could buy USD man if you are allergic. Money is really useful especially since inflation is higher and higher everyday. Please be careful. Corn oil is not good for you. Thank you. Also do you have the remote control for me now that would be utility for you to have it because a remote control is useful but only if you can afford a tv with it alongside it. My new dog keeps thinking the buttons are corn knobs lol, he loves it. THANK YOU DOGBAT A++++ Fast Shipping! AHAHA like the ebay meme! okay sure why not

>> No.51461816
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The other day there was an anon who requested d○b○ listing on coinbase. How is it going? Did you get an answer?

>> No.51461870
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Holding 110B, no point selling unless it skyrockets.

>> No.51462217
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This turned 1500 to over 200k in 2 months. No fucking shit I'm sticking to bat being held by a dog

>> No.51463688

100b Eoy. Simple as

>> No.51464117

kys you useless turd, you're never getting your money back.

>> No.51464131

Markets like making people like you seethe. 2023 the bull will return. Sorry.

>> No.51464231
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assmad over a doggycoin

>> No.51464285

even a massive bullrun won't save this pathetic garbage. no need to baghold this to 0, just cash out that remaining $30, buy yourself some nice thick dildo, and just enjoy being a faggot.

>> No.51464313

>even a massive bullrun won't save this pathetic garbage.
False :)
Scales with bnb
Bsc casino will come back
Amazing liquidity to market cap ratio
Cry more

>> No.51464427

Btw I'm a top 100 wallet. I can buy you some rope to prep for 2023 if you'd like?

>> No.51465187

d0b0 had it spotlight
It was in November
Move on.

>> No.51465225
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>> No.51466346

Fuck your mothers. May you rot

>> No.51466925

It wasn't even a spotlight. You know the difference between this coin and all those billion market cap souless memecoins?

This one is secure and got virality all over, it doesn't need any bots or paid influencers and people feel the difference.

If you do not think this shit will bypass DOGELON mars past ATH, what the heck are you even doing on 4chan?

>> No.51467069

Do you have a hopium line injected into your vein or something? It's over lol, lmao even. Go back to your TG containment zone and tell Santovi and Amy I said hi

>> No.51467778

Perhaps at this point there are many who have sold for a loss. Not I, for I am still in profit and always was. Soon most of the believers will be like me if they aren't already. All the fudders here either 1. bought the top and sold the bottom, 2. angry losers banned from TG, 3. or they are ghostbro himself / his jeet minions. It's probably number 1, no one would devote this much time to fud a coin unless if number 1 was the case. Many such cases

>> No.51468418
File: 96 KB, 700x684, CUMZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean hopium? I'm already not working anymore because of this coin. What else is there to hope? Of course this coin won't die, people are trying to fud it with the lore. Prime example from you. They got nothing else.

>> No.51468561

Heheheh dobros wgmi

>> No.51469349
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>> No.51469862


>> No.51469956

Hehehe yes wagbi

>> No.51470038

no exchange will list a reflection token. Simple as.

>> No.51470095
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but they already did. Weird uh?

>> No.51470132


>> No.51470173
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fucking justin HAND OVER THE LAWYERS NUMBER OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND beg really hard pls i need this

>> No.51470371

God were these made by jeets or something?

>> No.51470519
File: 432 KB, 1556x1564, BF774206-BB31-4E59-9F41-F97FDF51210B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people putting money into a dog with a bat are more in touch with crypto and reality than fudders
> is already on Cex
>cex aren’t even the reason why we flew up last time
>40k holders, bnb bottomed out, 5% less coins than last time
>multiple offers by CeX made
>there are multiple ways to go about it, depending on the deal made between Cex and coin

Okay retard

>> No.51470573


I thought the first one was made by Arthur Hayes?

>> No.51470616
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Better get out now d0bobaggies
Early whale is starting to sell

>> No.51470653

Btw his bags were worth at least 1 million at ATH
What a retard kek, should've sold a long time ago

>> No.51470683

im collecting the tax and im slurping should he do so

>> No.51470738

>bnb bottomed out
HAHAHAHAAHAHA now I know you're retarded

>> No.51470747
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Whales selling at a fraction of the damage they could do to the LP. Great news!

>> No.51470836

HAHAHAHA retard fell for the trap.

>focus on bnb
Even better if dogbat dca bnb lower. What the fuck do you think?

>leaves the rest undisputed

>> No.51471169

>hahahha i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.51471327

>Ahahaha what you said is wrong it’s in fact even better for do80 so let me correct you stupid I won at fuding doe bow

500 IQ. Weren’t you trying to say stupid shit about Cex? Go on.

>> No.51472074

When this hits a dollar I will have 20 billion dollars

>> No.51473350

try not to post like a hindu marketer, you might eventually manage to convince people that they should sell their moon tickets

>> No.51473728
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Dog bat 50B eoy 100B 2023.

>> No.51473745
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I don't think I will, thank you