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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51447042 No.51447042 [Reply] [Original]

I just learned you can't unstake Ethereum and there is not even a date planned when this feature will be introduced. How many of you have locked Ethereum now?

>> No.51447077

It’s REALLY not that funny.

>> No.51447084

They're forced to have diamond hands, could work out great for them...or not.

>> No.51447087

Maybe not for you since you locked up your whole life savings (1 ETH)

>> No.51447091

t. locked Ethereum
>5% in staking rewards which is just a lottery ticket
>literally can't even unstake if you wanted
>this entire idea of "staking" hinges on asset collaterization which you can't take out


>> No.51447097

More than you’ve got shitskin

>> No.51447105
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Picrel =you

>> No.51447122

You're laughing, he can't get his Ethereum back and you're laughing


>> No.51447133

eth is based on trust-me-dude monetary policies
where the dude is a transitioning pedo

>> No.51447134


>> No.51447135

ETH is just now 50% complete dumbass. You'll have to wait another 2 years, despite them only saying 1 year. It tookthem 7 years to get this far. How fucking stupid are you that you didn't know about unstaking?

>> No.51447144

the most kino thing of all is that the merge is such a non-event i almost forgot to check about it. this wasn't even used to market for a scam pump lmao.

>> No.51447145

I feel like you’re lying. There’s no way they would do a permanent token lock? That’s worse than an 8year lockup

>> No.51447185

What happens if I need the money to pay something urgent?

>> No.51447207


You will rob somebody.

>> No.51447234
File: 2.53 MB, 480x270, 13D5852C-847C-4283-BCA3-FC67C02E11A7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stakies miss the massive pump because their eth is locked and they can’t sell the top dear lord that’s fucking comedy gold

>> No.51447264

>massive pump

>> No.51447274

What pump

>> No.51447278
File: 2.12 MB, 1288x1786, giant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling ethereum ever
literally you will never make it.

>> No.51447419

The one that’s coming in two weeks
Except unironically

>> No.51447428

>have to stake basically forever because crypto devs move slow as fuck
>have to sit on the sidelines and just watch if any big pumps occur (lmao never)
>have to also rely on the integrity of the network protecting your investment
>ability to unstake finally gets implemented
>either have to hodl with le diamond hands or immediately pull out and sell to dodge the massive dump due to other people selling off their shit
i hope that 4.5% apy is worth it

>> No.51447456

This is how the rug is pulled

>> No.51447517

>rug pulling Ethereum

>> No.51447616

>selling when everyone else who has been locked from selling for 5+ years goes to sell

>> No.51447667

They will limit unstake to avoid a massive dump. Maybe you need to wait years for your turn.

>> No.51447781
File: 52 KB, 808x805, 1663165453003679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>congratulations, you are in wave 5 of 8 of our potential unstaking plan
>this means you'll be able to remove any staked assets as soon as March of 2027
th-thanks vitalik

>> No.51448700

>Forced to hold for 10+ years
I don't actually see a downside. This will benefit a lot of people with paper hands.

>> No.51448734
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>mETH heads gave this guy their life savings

>> No.51448760

Lol, lmao even

>> No.51448791

he has no soul

>> No.51449317

> 50% Done
> First half took 7 years
> Second half will only take 2
See yall in Q3 2029

>> No.51449416

Npcs are cringe af imagine being the ceo and still do the wagie dance

>> No.51449429

>I just learned you can't unstake Ethereum
I have a feeling you've known this for a long time and are making the nth identical FUD thread. Every staker knows they can't unstake until Shanghai update and has known since the 2020 beacon chain launch. The staking launchpad and every guide warns about this multiple times, you can't not know if you're a staker.