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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 392 KB, 680x680, 30y-boom-drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51440990 No.51440990 [Reply] [Original]

I used to think having 7figs will be making it

>be in 7figs in 30s
>live in cali
>still no home of my own
>still feel financially insecure
>know 1 slip and broken arm can financially ruin me
>won't even dream of quitting my job
>can't imagine the pressure gf/wife/kids would bring upon me
How do people make it work?

>> No.51441031

>live in cali
Have you tried moving somewhere else, retard? Money is yet again wasted on dumb people who don't know what to do with their lives.

>> No.51441064

Cali is where everyone I know is.

I don't want to be the 50-70yr old boomer who moves to SE Asia get STD from hookers.

>> No.51441072

7 figure hell is the new 6 figure hell (in California, at least)

>> No.51441086

>move to Appalachia

>> No.51441123

>live with inbred rednecks
>they all hate you because you're either not white enough, too liberal, or not inbred enough
>even if you do manage to have kids they'll become inbred rednecks within a few generations assuming they don't die of heroin addiction
Worse than moving to Idaho, Utah, Portland, or rural Canada.

>> No.51441163

I heard you weren't hot shit in San Jose unless you're a decamillionaire (and I heart that like 10+ years ago). So I assume the make it level now is 9 for SV/SF and 8 figs for everywhere else.

Kind of insane that everyone is asking for $1M for a SFH when the soon half the population will be living in Cali by haxing rent living homeless or on government subsidized housing.

>> No.51441168

Making it is turning money into physical resources you own and control.
There's your problem but please stay there.

>> No.51441212

I wouldn't know cause I'm not an amerifat but I'll just assume you're a seething shitskin

>> No.51441213

why dont you go fucking travel and look for a home. world is a big place, it be a waste not to explore.

>> No.51441242
File: 406 KB, 784x705, 2022-09-09--1662782481_784x705_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugarless monster is a great pre-workout to be desu.

>> No.51441255

that's not how it is in Appalachia at all, and we do meth here not heroin

>> No.51441257

In south america 40k buys you a really nice home

>> No.51441309

you can retire on 1 millionin all of latin america and have a way better quality of life

>> No.51441357

Yup. Latin america can be great if you're rich, and you will be since USD exchange rstes are ludicrously high.

>> No.51441420

Just buy a townhouse/condo for 600-900k and stop paying $4k a month for a 1br in your """luxury""" apartment faggot

>> No.51443086
File: 117 KB, 680x659, 30y boom poke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink it ironically cause 30yr old boomers are supposed to

I have been to the rest of the world. It's mostly pretty meh. USA is pretty much the best country in the world. China and Asia are getting BTFO by covid 19 in 2022. Europe is just USA with extra war, socialism, and faggotry. LatAm/Africa/SEAsia/MENA suck. Britain getting BTFO by Brexit and you'll have to be a subject to the crown under the worst guy possible.

Only real other choice is Canada. It's basically USA with less Latinos and guns, but more healthcare. Just global warming hasn't kicked in enough yet.

>> No.51443203

It doesn't
40k will get you a shitty brick house in a shitty and dangerous area built by people with no training.
But for like 300-500k you can get a really nice house in a nice area.

>> No.51443301

Da fuck?
Here in South Brazil 100k can get you a nice 3 bedroom house in the suburbs *15-20km from downtown*, in downtown it's a bit more expensive, and they are usually apartments.
My rent for a 3 bedroom house is around $250 monthly, I live like a king with $2k, but I could easily live with $800 if I was to cut some expenses like eating out often, buying steam games and taking 45 minutes long showers.

I have $80k in crypto and stopped working because even staking BNB would pay me more than I would make working.
The only bad thing is that guns are not that accessible and the cheapest 9mm pistol costs like $750 bucks.

>> No.51443358

100k will get you a shitty "house" that is the size of a small apartment, in a private soulless suburb where you still have to pay rent because you technically don't earn the land where your house is built.
>even staking BNB would pay me more than I would make working.
80k in staking BNB would be like 3k/year

>> No.51443575

Stake it direct on Trust Wallet, it pays around 10-15% with some peaks of 19% in some rare days, and 9k years is a hell lot more than Brazilians make annually.
Labor is pretty cheap, so you an get a professional for just a few bucks more.
The minimum wage is around $200 MONTHLY!
More than 70% of the population makes less than $600 dollar monthly.
You can literally make in 1 day in America more than a Brazilian can make in a month.
Yet we are one of the richest countries in South America, when I travel to Paraguay and Argentina I feel like a rich person visiting a poor country because I can buy more stuff there than I can here, just as you could buy more stuff in Brazil than in the US.
Living in cheap countries is great to live frugally.

>> No.51443647

yeah? and what about Australia you farkin dumb cunt

>> No.51443787

>What is the "Make it" amount?
40 years ago it was a million dollars. Today you need a million dollar net worth and a six figure income to live a middle class lifestyle. Or live 10x above your means in debt you can never escape from. $20 million used to be the wealth level, real f u money, live like today's billionaires do and leave most of it to your ungrateful decedents. Now you need $20mm +income to live like an entry level rich fuck, and you will still struggle not to blow though it all if you don't set a reasonable lifestyle and keep money coming in.

>> No.51443810

>ask how people make it work
>several people tell you
>proceed to act like a faggot and disregard all advice that is given you
stay in california and get a beach house, that's clearly what you want to do so go do it and stop wasting our fucking time

>> No.51443826

Full disclosure: I have masturbated to this Monster Energy anime girl multiple times.

>> No.51443853

Anon, I....

>> No.51444303
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You're insane or an ultra consoomer if you can't make a million dollars work to keep you out of shitty jobs

>> No.51444839

What century is it? Areas worth living in south America are $100k+ now easily

>> No.51444853

You’re asking the wrong questions in clown world. There are make it locations. If you’re not there, no amount of money will save you from what’s coming.

>> No.51444998
File: 103 KB, 680x587, 3DEBAAB6-FCF1-4F08-895E-A007F52B6E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 year old boomer who fled to Florida from a blue hell state
Heh. Yeah. *slurp* It was worth it.

>> No.51445990

Why the fuck waiting for 7figs in a bear market? I take profit when I made some. I recently sold some of my Matic holdings to buy more XPRESS because I see its potential.

>> No.51446038

Point made earlier—Cali seems expensive. Though I don't stay there, once the markets start to recover, I'm confident in my ability to profit from my investments in ETH, ELG ORE, and XPRESS. I'll implement plan B.

>> No.51446239

It doesn't have to be from crypto. You could become a dev and make seven figures or you could become an NFT collector as well.

>> No.51446245


>> No.51446258

The merge has come and gone, now let's wait and see what happens with ETH

>> No.51446263

I literally moved to Florida In early August. I've been getting used it over the last couple of weeks. Everything here is 20% cheaper across the board at the very least. Get the fuck out of California.

>t. born and raised in California (LA) but finally escaped at 29

>> No.51446273

>One extreme to the other
The absolute bane of any conversation in this day and age, why the fuck are people doing this all the time?

>> No.51446340

tf? just move idiot, what is it with you americans? You could live like a prince with that kind of money in so many places, yet you choose to remain in one of the most overpriced places in the world for.... reasons?? And then bitch about it? jesus

>> No.51446498
File: 2 KB, 125x112, 1643578911072s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking richer than my bro whose a dev. Though It depends on what individual want. Crypto has safe my ass I won't fucking trade it

>> No.51446542

While I wait for my ETH to start making me money, I'm now using the XPRESS round 4 staking pool to make passive income.

>> No.51446543

I see that a lot of you biz bros did go balls deep into a shitcoin pump and dump scheme, and now you feel like the greatest businessmen ever

>> No.51446554

i really love this kind of stare

>> No.51446566

Kill yourself, Is all about being smart anon

>> No.51446575

You clearly dont know shit, also go fuck yourself liberal scum stay in California and keep your cancer away from the rest of the country.

>> No.51446576

Token burns and buybacks. I hope the next couple years be better than this one

>> No.51446608
File: 3.46 MB, 1125x1407, 1658507041259133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% into ETH. 50% into MATIC and you've made it. The definition of "make it" is quite frankly subjective so it's hard to give you hard and fast numbers.

>> No.51446705

Cool it with the classist remarks, comrade.

>> No.51446718

Hey, don't remind him about us. He might actually move here.

>> No.51448080

long term 100ETH

>> No.51448099

well stay there are suffer, retard.

>> No.51448165

Lmao and retards wonder why the homeless in CA are aggressive
I support the homeless there, I hope more rich people get their house invaded and their belongings strewn down the streets of nigger infested dumps.
It's an excellent movie and I don't want it to end. In fact, maybe one could even profit off this? It's only a matter of time before the poor people in CA rise up and start pillaging the fake rich, how does one profit from the pillaging of Beverly Hills?

>> No.51448204

1 bitcoin is the make it stack. The west is about to enact credit controls to stop their currencies from imploding while going on a bout of money printing as large if not larger than covid.