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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 313 KB, 512x448, 00049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51431616 No.51431616 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51431628

You won't fool me that's not an AI image, that's your own shitty doodle

>> No.51431654

when i lost my virginity
>t. 27 yr incel

>> No.51431676

they already are, top was may/june

>> No.51431688

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty,wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended functions of it, NOT glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Prices cant come down under capitalism. The system doesnt allow it, it can only deteriorate living conditions, things only become worse and worse as time passes. The line must always go up while everything else must go down. Sacrifice everything and everyone to the line. Line goes up, life goes down. That is how capitalism operates

>> No.51431711

Congrats, you failed the Turing Test.

>> No.51431814

after crypto crashes

>> No.51431840

It's not me who failed it it's an AI that passed it. Ironically by being as shit as a human at drawing

>> No.51431853
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The Fed will keep raising rates until they nuke the economy, so housing prices will be forced to go down

>> No.51431857

Unironically never

I just got called for a job as a mortgage lender
Literally every week they have to close a minimum of 5 loans just to get paid
If they can't do it for 2 weeks in a row they get fired

It's a fortune 500 company too

>> No.51431905

Please stop posting these ai images. You realize algorithm phobia is a real thing right? Have some respect for others phobias…

>> No.51431909

And because they have to sell mortages to keep their jobs, the market never gonna crash? Lmao

Who do you think first lost their jobs in 2008? These people are the canaries of the market

>> No.51431947

Housing doesn’t just crash overnight you fucking tard it takes years to reach bottom. You won’t see any deals for at least a year and the 30 - 40% dip will happen sometime in 2025. This isn’t a shitcoin that people panic sale because it has no utility.

>> No.51431954
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>> No.51431966


>> No.51431969
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It's the fact that they've actually been closing a minimum of 5 per week is what makes me think nothing but collapse, since retards are apparently still buying enough for these people to not only be employed but expand their business out

>> No.51431976

Blackrock and wealthy boomers don't need mortgages

>> No.51432006

this one is fucking incredible

>> No.51432326
File: 361 KB, 512x448, 00100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except due to rising rates, the lifetime cost of home ownership has skyrocketed.

>> No.51432485

Dude, fuck off with your images created with
Stable Diffusion WebUI. They are uncanny valley and boring and shit.

>> No.51432590

they might be starting to roll out subprime garbage just keep the party going. theyre already giving niggers in the ghetto 100% financing. they could expand that loan program

>> No.51432810

Close your eyes, faggot.

>> No.51432830
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I made mine with the command line interface so you can kiss my ass

>> No.51432876

>When will housing prices go down?
If.... If the Feds raise rates so a home loan has +8% interest rate. You will see the housing market come down. On the flip side you'll see home owner not want to sell because they have a 3% rate.

>> No.51432878

we have entered the AI pepe arc

>> No.51432887

that's good, the sooner you leave this board, the better

>> No.51432888

I think they are interesting.

>> No.51432943

homeowners who have nice low fixed-rates in safe neighborhoods they want to live in will be fine, its the speculators, air bnb "moguls" and people with HELOCs who are going to be crushed

>> No.51432951

They are an interesting thought once. The autist is spamming the board for 4 days now, and it's soulless uncanny valley crap.

>> No.51433000

this many posts down and no one has said it? for shame

>> No.51433002

Blackrock buys using massive loans from the FED. They have a lower interest rate than you or me. They look like a cash buyer because they got the loan first then bought the house.

Fun Fact if you live in a single family rental. Use lots of drano to keep the drains clean. About once a week.

>> No.51433033
File: 1.19 MB, 1024x1024, fghfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's one person
Absolute retard

>> No.51433040

I have found about 4 airbnbs in my neighborhood. I wonder what will happen to their ratings when someone is throwing eggs at their houses everyday?

>> No.51433053

Waste of good eggs

>> No.51433068

wast of a good house

>> No.51433087

if you really wanted to drive them out of a neighborhood, you advertise them as great party spots on worldstar and local hip forums but i wouldnt recommend this strategy in your own neighborhood

>> No.51433120
File: 15 KB, 286x405, 1631084225309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're at the top of the Weimar Republic right now. The Fed's options at tackling hyperinflation are
>Be slightly hawkish
>Be mega hawkish
Of which, yesterday's CPI numbers should give you breadcrumbs to which direction their strategy leans. It's so bad that they're willing to throw Biden's fucking WEF shills under the bus to start deflating the giga bubble that was created (admittedly blumpf's QE was mostly responsible).

So housing will crash, and fucking hard, but everything around you will suck really fucking badly during the hard recession that has arrived, so hopefully your ducks are in a row and housing is the least of your concerns.

>> No.51433139

I was reading somewhere that ARMs are already on the rise.

Source: somewhere

>> No.51433256

AI-chama... I kneel