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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51430126 No.51430126 [Reply] [Original]

>stock crashing
>crypto dying
>real estate unaffordable
>cash inflation
is this the end time? how to even get ahead

>> No.51430150

>stock crashing
Imagine thinking they're ever gonna let the line go down for any extended period of time. They will prop it up until people are burning the entire country down because they can no longer afford to eat.

>> No.51430184
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I've lost so much money on sp500 in 1 day it's unreal. It's like all that I saved in past years meant nothing.

>> No.51430276

Easy come easy go

>> No.51430296

This is why the short order exist

>> No.51430311
File: 155 KB, 800x662, 4EE56F1E-FE57-4E89-8B4D-D8BE78A73BAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept it, goy.

>> No.51430435

DCA and wait for the market to recover. Too many moonboi faggots on this board.

>> No.51430470
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>be me
>financially illiterate
>finally let my bank convince me in late october 2021 to put 15k in stawks that they will manage for me
>nothing but red ever since

>> No.51430520

Just keep putting money in weekly, bi weekly or monthly. In the long run you will most definitely be up.

>> No.51430816

i put in about 200 a month

>> No.51430863

If asset prices are crashing harder than inflation can pump them, then you just stack cash, eat the (lesser) loss from inflation, and buy cheapies when you think it's the bottom.

>> No.51430942

Everyone that's gotten really wealthy since the 90s has done so off M&A and IPOs. That should be a hint about this whole thing works now.

>> No.51431122

how does that work?

>> No.51431209
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>he doesn't know

>> No.51431255

Just post Sneed

>> No.51431284

People start companies, they grow them for a period of time, then they sell them, and they get a big cash payout at the time of the sale. And the kicker is that different industries get different multiples, so owners who sell a tech company will get a bigger pay out than owners who sell a construction company, even if at the time of the sale both are generating the same profits. All of the really ridiculous high-end wealth that's been generated in the U.S. since the internet, and certainly since the 2010s, has come from high valuations, whether that's a company being sold or going public. In other words, speculation.

>> No.51431326

I picked up a second slave job to accumulate more btc, eth and a random shitcoin.
I'm buying biweekly and will continue to do so until the btc halving 2024. After that I'll stop.

A year after the halving I will either have made enough money to exit society (I wasn't far away last bullrun) or I'm stuck, accept my fate and most likely kill myself shortly after. We'll see I guess.

>> No.51431331

Good. Don't worry about volatility just keep going and don't stop. Over 10 years at a conservative estimate of 6% return you will have 60k when you only put in 40k.

>> No.51431339
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what's btc halving?

>> No.51431351

> how to even get ahead
Long energy.

I came to ask, how do I go long energy?

What are the tickers I need to follow and stocks I need to buy?

>> No.51431378

>what's btc halving?
the only positive catalyst I see in the next few years
Also smoking women are disgusting, imagine the smell and taste. I once dated a french woman, she looked great and like all french chicks she smoked without break. It looked kinda cool and careless with an attitude but making out wasn't what I imagined since everything smelled like smoke and kissing felt like liking an ashtray at times

>> No.51431770
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>enough money to exit society
Everybody is doing this, and this urge, unironically, is the reason for basically every collapse of every society ever. Good luck with samsarra till the moon bops you, you stupid fucking Earth cunts.

>> No.51431848

Same way as always, get a good job. Unironically. You avoid a ton of shit when making $400k. You are buying houses that landlords and real estate investors and normies do not target. You always have plenty of cash to invest when the market is down. And let's face it, the inflation in every day shit like food, gas, and rent don't hit hard when you make a lot of money. People have gotten away from the simple formula of getting a high paid job and have became obsessed with investing the past few years.

>> No.51431870

Building wealth isn't what destroys societies. Destroying wealth does. The monetary expansion created by big government incentivizes people to consume rather than create, which leads to destruction of real wealth and resentment for the rich few who actually benefited from the retarded system.

>> No.51432426

hold onto your butt and be ready to buy when shtf, opportunity will be better then 2020, your grandkids will thank you

>> No.51432780

Why would you only buy bitcoin? Why do that to yourself?

>> No.51432782

That's a man

>> No.51432827

Besides medicine and big law, what "jobs" realistically pay people $400k besides tech? None? And what happens when the tech asset bubble pops, valuations come down, and the cash stops flowing? You think all the engineers will make $400K? No way.