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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51416658 No.51416658 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51416696

you fuckin idiot why didnt u liste nto the jews? SHEMITAH year idiot! why dont u lsiten??? it's right there infront of you the answers.. the jews are dropping secrets u are not listening.. this is why we call you goy... you are like sheep

>> No.51416710

19k by EOD?

>> No.51416811

Kys NORG you giant faggot living Balamb Garden's basement. It's not dumping because of the jews, but simply because whales a TRADING and they trade based on how the chart looks, and the 1D Stoch RSI topped yesterday.

>> No.51416910

>and they trade based on how the chart looks, and the 1D Stoch RSI topped yesterday.
Lol that's not the reason of the dump. The chart paints itself according to shemitah end

>> No.51417756


>> No.51418700
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Goddammit op I burst out in laughter XDD captcha NSAstj check digits