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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51380623 No.51380623 [Reply] [Original]

Almost bled out on the pacific crest trail this summer (perforated ulcer), so I had to get helicoptered off the mountain.
Have been dealing with about $10k in hospital bills for the past three months, but the air ambulance company hit me with a $57k bill.
What the fuck do I do?

>> No.51380635
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simply do not pay it

>> No.51380669

This, medicals won't go on your credit AFAIK.

>> No.51380676


>> No.51380679
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paying? helicopters are not cheap.

>> No.51380688
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Wait for the great reset...you won't have to pay shit after the government defaults on debt

>> No.51380695

Healthcare is actually free in America if you just don't pay

>> No.51380703
File: 66 KB, 258x195, E4E20A27-6DD6-45F1-A87E-5D1610378DC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet NOW you’re wishing your copter was one of those medicopters that crash killing everyone on board

>> No.51380706
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Leave your house, get shot, die, have to pay $100k in medical bills.

>> No.51380711

How far were you from sea level in FEET if you recall

>> No.51380723

Why aren't you insured for this kind of thing?

>> No.51380736

Bullshit it won't.

>> No.51380756

you cant pay you cant pay. helicopter company should know they cant just put 60k bill on people. tell them you could pay it off over next 30 years or you cant pay at all. Stay calm in any case.

>> No.51380761

Good job you aren't one of those dumb europoors, it wouldn't have cost you a thing!

>> No.51380770


>> No.51380787

Just be yourself and it will work itself out

>> No.51380828

Should have purchased the $300 locator beacon and gotten the $100 a year rescue insurance anon. Did the same thing you did, but made sure I was prepared for everything, including massive injury that would require an airlift. How far did you get? Sobo or nobody? The area around walkers pass was an absolute bitch in the heat this year.

>> No.51380846

Sobo or nobo* fucking auto correct.

>> No.51380869

looks like I was somewhere around 5360ft, it was on Grizzly Peak near McCloud

>> No.51380888

Damn I know that must of been a beautiful view

>> No.51380891

I don't know the whole story, but it looks like the air ambulance companies purposefully do not get in insurance networks so they can charge more.
so my insurance is covering none of it so far.

>> No.51380907

Not gonna happen

>> No.51380936

Yes, learned this one a little late. I was with my girlfriend, we were only doing a section hike, but didn't make it very far at all.
She had a Garmin inReach, which could have been insured with flight insurance, but it only covers the person who bought the GPS.
So, I guess we could both have one and both have insurance in the future.

>> No.51380944

we have free healthcare retards, literally just ignore it

>> No.51381043

God obviously meant for you to die. Now you must pay the fine for thwarting His will.

>> No.51381119

Yup, it cost me a lot to get mine, like $300 plus the monthly membership. Plus the insurance, but all told for 3months I spent about $600ish(next excursion will be a fraction of this since the unit is bought). I'm sure you saw how useful the inreach was. Being able to get weather reports in my exact area was a godsend. If you can't get something worked out. And by worked out I mean either free or like under $500 for everything start a GoFundMe. Your situation is very different than some of the fools who go out and don't understand basic safety and end up falling off a mountain and need an airlift. People would more than likely be sympathetic and donate. Did you start in WA? I started in Campo, had to head home due to injury for 1.5mo, then started back in tehachapi. The heat was absolutely insane. Made it to Kennedy Meadows before I had to head home to take care of some things. Going to finish the rest of it next year but I am on sticking to the cooler months. Was carrying 2+ gallons of water at a time and was running out before each resupply. The socal part of the trail is brutal.

>> No.51381175

At one point I ran into tainted water on the trail (and didn't realize there was a cache up a hill from the main source). Tried filtering it, not sure what was in the water but it did not filter out, smelled like pure putridness. I had about .5 liters of water left and had to hike another 6miles of uphill to get to the next source. That was pretty scary but I managed. The pct is very unforgiving. At least the socal portion.

>> No.51381383

I'm definitely embarrassed because we didn't make it very far at all. The plan was to go from Burney Falls state park and end at Crater Lake, you can figure out how far we made it.
I had no idea about the ulcer, but I can't say I'm very experienced, this was my first time on the PCT and only my second time backpacking.
And if it wasn't bad enough to fail so early, go into shock from blood loss, and still be anemic after three months, fighting these bills is soul-sucking.
I'm not trying to complain, but it does feel like I'm paying an unknown karmatic debt.

>> No.51381864

wrong. literally had some junkie fraudulently use my info to call in an ambulance and a hospital for an overdose. recently got hit with a collection letter and now i'm trying to fucking fight it. fuck junkies.

>> No.51382127

Don't worry man. When I first hit the trail at Campo. I barely made it to lake morena before having to go home. The hills in the middle between Campo and lake morena ...well mountains lol let's be honest, were very rocky and I ended up rolling my ankle, didn't realize how bad it was at first. Took a break to assess, thought I was ok(ankle rolls and twists I have dealt with no prob in the past) but after another 5miles I was finding it harder and harder to walk. I slowed down to a crawl and ran out of water. Finally made it down the fucking mountain with no water, injured ankle. Set up camp and then had to hike another 1.5miles to water(awesome source I found though) and then another 1.5 back to camp. Decided to take a 0, rested the whole day, barely a patch of shade but I managed by drinking a ton of water. Then had to do the 3miles for water again on that injured ankle. Finally made it back to town and got a hotel for a week...then realized that I was in no shape to start again, foot and ankle were 2x the size of normal and I couldn't but any weight on it without the help of my poles. Ended up spending about 1k from that incident. The important thing is that you had a good time before the injury, that you learn from what happened(can not call this a mistake) and that you don't let it deter you from going again if you do desire. I am heading on another thru hike next month, going to be a blast! Wishing you well fellow hikeranon I hope things work out. If we ever meet on trail you will know me as I won't shut the fuck up about crypto and investing.

>> No.51382461


>> No.51382495

Based Picrel
t. burger

>> No.51384323

Invoice them for 57k. Tell them that you flew them and their helicopter the hospital, using spirtual enenergy

>> No.51384361

Should have picked a better trail you fucking casual

>> No.51385490
