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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51379241 No.51379241 [Reply] [Original]

tell me about vertical farming. what are the best stocks and why

>> No.51379255
File: 264 KB, 659x573, ACE65D00-34D0-4F22-AEBF-A17043A6E831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51379388

I am so lonely

>> No.51379455

Vertical farming only makes sense when you can deliver more optical power per unit area than the sun. Neither solar nor wind are capable of this, only carbon, nuclear, and hydro have the requisite power densities. With the current push for renewables, I would stay away from vertical farming. There are some confounding factors, like the fact that renewables can be placed on arid land or offshore, but unless the Sahara gets covered in solar panels overnight it won't make much difference.

>> No.51379572
File: 69 KB, 657x557, 7e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy understands physics

>> No.51379605

>Vertical farming only makes sense when you can deliver more optical power per unit area than the sun. Neither solar nor wind are capable of this

>> No.51379695


>> No.51379704

is this other coin fucked up?

>> No.51379709

Sauce for that man pls

>> No.51379744

Can you elaborate?

>> No.51379816

Solar flux is about 1400 W/m^2 on the generous side. Solar panels can, at best, deliver about 20% of that. Even taking into account the limited spectrum required for farming, transmission, storage, and conversion inefficiencies means solar is still below breakeven. Take infrastructure costs into account and suddenly vertical farming with solar power looks more like a bad joke than an honest proposal. Wind is fucking abysmal - on the order of about 10 W/m^2, not even worth discussing.

>> No.51379847

legit thought the thumbnail was a raccoon on the girl's shoulder

>> No.51379865

Vertical farming is great if you're growing mushrooms and have unlimited fresh water.

>> No.51379893

Plenty of solar-powered vertical farms exist and are flourishing.

>> No.51380423

Decades of "free" capital have resulted in numerous energetically doomed projects.

>> No.51380447

I don't even want a giga Stacy, I'm fine with an average looking girl

>> No.51380506

it can make sense in some niche situations with salad for example. growing under electric lights on a commercial scale has only ever made economic sense for space research and illegal expensive plants (drugs ->cannabis).
Growing calory dense food under electric lights is retarded.

>> No.51380564

That body is damn near perfection. just needs another couple pounds of ass. one pound on each cheek would do it.

>> No.51380613

Trust me you'd be disappointed. Sometimes your fantasy > the truth

>> No.51380631

those companies are the ones killing our farmers in Europe now. Are you trying to out jew the jew?

>> No.51380641

What a disgusting body. Look at her nonexistent hips. She has to be a man

>> No.51381194

you havent seen her face, trust me you dont want to

>> No.51381205


>> No.51381210

The spirit of God is always with you
You are not alone

>> No.51381292

>until the lights become highly efficient, and then you can go for aquaponics, fish poop is now used to feed your plants, and as result you will eat high protein and no microplastics plus water can be used in both systems and recycled.

>> No.51381320


>> No.51382202

You're a dumb nigger faggot