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51369731 No.51369731 [Reply] [Original]

Should I invest in walkable cities?

>> No.51369882

How does one invest in walkable cities in the first place?

>> No.51369894

Bumping for interest. I never heard of this

>> No.51369935

How would you even do that?
And how are walkable cities supposed to generate profits?

>> No.51370007
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>when chuds are in charge

>> No.51370028
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How long until some souless chuds start defending their way of life?

>> No.51370072

Do highways and suburbs generate profit? No. They're heavily subsidized and completely inefficient. All that land that could be used productively is being used to store and move cars around instead.

>> No.51370075

probably real estate and smart home/utility companies.

>> No.51370085

invest in shoe companies

>> No.51370090

>How would you even do that?
dense pedestrian zones and good public transport
>And how are walkable cities supposed to generate profits?
foot traffic promotes commerce
i should hope it's obvious why
it's more for small businesses than massive car and fuel companies though
there are qualitative benefits too
on a basic level, walking is good for the population

the problem is niggers though
you can't have a walkable city when there are no-go zones
the market's solution to that are hoas and unaffordable rents but this isn't good
the other problem is the existing infrastructure and the lack of any drive to create walkable cities from the top
it would talk a concerted effort for 20 years to manifest them and that will just isn't there

>> No.51370099

I was just looking at micro apartments. I will own nothing and I will be happy in my pod

>> No.51370119
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Just give us zoning laws that allow small shops and restaurants in neighborhoods for fucks sake, bonus points for requiring sidewalks.

>> No.51370120


>> No.51370138

>implying i can't walk in literally any city
i have feet too you know?

>> No.51370151

how does someone invest in anti nigger cities, this is a very profitable solution to a big problem

>> No.51370155

That word we don’t use here as civilized people

>> No.51370156

I grew up with a local grocery store across the street from my house with a full butcher shop + bakery. I was so spoiled by that convenience that I have always lived within walking distance of a grocery store (at a very high rent markup unfortunately). I really wish that was the norm for American neighborhoods. It is so convenient and makes it really easy to cook for yourself.

>> No.51370169

PA is so cursed its unreal

t. nj

>> No.51370187
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>trucker stop
zoom out, nigger.

>> No.51370205

its called building apartments on top of stores

>> No.51370217

>become governor of your state or province, or head of state of your country
>create a new infrastructure program that pays for improvements to sidewalks, walking trails and bike paths in your cities

>> No.51370233
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Walkable cities won't exist as long as niggers do. I walk to work n shit still tho cause a nigga gotta get day wagie bred til my BAT takes off n shit. Then imma move out to the country and live dat trad life niggaaaaaaa. But nah bruh ain't no way everyone else gonna be walkin cuz they stay inside and get too fat cause they ain't tryna get shot my some darkie. If wanna dem nigs in the same room as me my but cheeks tense up no lie no lie. U go to the city at night and it's nigger central up in dat bitch. Walkable cities just ain't a thang out here in burgerstan.

>> No.51370240


>> No.51370287

Who wants to live in an apartment?

>> No.51370300
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>Vapid consumers
You guys are the fat slobs the drive 50 minutes to Applebee's and Walmart

>> No.51370304

1906 was still drivable you braindead redditor

>> No.51370318

Makes it easy to have fresh meat and produce too

>> No.51370322


>> No.51370340

Imagine defending that bottom picture. Why are chuds in love with asphal?

>> No.51370346

>walkable city
>in the US
yeah every year the US becomes more fractured and has less social cohesion, not sure on this one senpai

>> No.51370353
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>forced to live in huge appartements with nigger neighbors
>walking outside during hot weather
>walking outside during cold weather
>forced to take your ikea purchases home in cargo bikes
>day gets ruined if person in front of you is smoking
lovely for a student city, but no one else wants this

>> No.51370391

open a bike shop

>> No.51370577
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tfw you make your city too walkable

>> No.51370774

Why would you invest in places where you'll get shot for being white?

>> No.51370792

when liberal fags say walkable city they mean

walkable city = niggerless city

they will never admit to this, but look at the examples they point out. always some homogenous society with no black people.

>> No.51370813

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.51370815
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Walkable city bro they picture that you show has literal cars and trains you mean a normal fucking city? The only other thing would be the Arabic street shitter “the line” bullshit

>> No.51370825

bless be

>> No.51370932

>live a scooter ride to work
>scoot through park as the sunrises each morning
>wagies ragie in their honk Honk prisons

>> No.51370979

Is this the endgame of chainlink holders?

>> No.51371102

>Guys why can't Zoning laws let me CONSOOOM
Even in a walkable city I wouldn't want to live on the same block as any sort of commericial property.

>> No.51371118

why is everyone suddenly talking about this shit, is the mainstream media pushing it in their cycle or something? You can always know what the mainstream media is pushing just by coming to 4chan, you fuckers are the biggest g0ys on earth, at least normies don't give a shit.

>> No.51371130


>> No.51371175
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No, walkable cities mean the rape hordes have easier access to your home.

>> No.51371203

we call them european cities anon

>> No.51371272

4chan is what was on tw*tter 1 month ago

>> No.51371331

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.51371463

checked and kek'd

>> No.51371723
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America is way too dangerous for this.

>> No.51371755
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Never giving up the convenience of having a car. You can take the metro and live in the pod and drink the cockroach milk if you want to but I'll be out here with the ability to go anywhere anytime I want, whenever I want.

>> No.51371771

Most countries have value this for centuries. Americans are finally realizing how cucked driving to literally everything is

>> No.51371784

The opposite. Invest in South Africa tier cities defined by private security enclosed, gated homes.

>> No.51371789

where is this?

>> No.51371847

this is unironically the future of the US, private security is going to to be big biz

>> No.51371877

Why are there trains, cars, bicycles, scooters and skateboards in walkable city?

>> No.51371909

damn so what youre saying is it wasnt POC?

>> No.51371914

2019 was peak tbqhwyf

>> No.51371934

If you do live in a city that is filled with niggers, why not make it somewhat more livable? If you don't already live in a city, then cities becoming more walkable doesn't affect you.

>> No.51371980

This. Most of my life I've lived in places with convenience stores, grocery stores, bakeries, restaurants, bars, bookstores and even department stores at walking distance

t. third worlder who lives in a shithole where zoning laws and building regulations don't exist (they exist on paper but not in practice due to corruption and lack of enforcement)

It does have its conveniences, but trust me, I would much rather live and deal with the downsides of a burger suburb that won't even allow a small convenience store at walking distance from my house.

>> No.51372045
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To each their own.
I say she hasn't even begun to peak yet

>> No.51372072

I loved in the city for 9 years where I took the subway and am now living in a small town for the past 4 where I drive literally everywhere. Walking/biking/subwaying is infinitely better.

>> No.51372079

This lol they keep reposting that same place off the highway in PA, to be fair that place markets itself as a tourist destination because of how consumerist it is I guess

>> No.51372121

>Racist bat holder wonders why his shitcoin won’t moon.

Many such cases.

>> No.51372148

No one can tell me why NOT ONE COMPANY can make buildings like this anymore. Everything is plain and simple

>> No.51372179
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Letting the rapers have easier access to the rapees makes the city worse though, at least for the rapees the city is worse. I guess from the raper's standpoint it's a nicer city, but nobody likes getting raped, Anon.

>> No.51372245

My architect powers arent that strong yet, I KNEEL

>> No.51372251

Mixed thoughts on this. If I were a real estate speculator with $10m burning a hole in my pocket, I would absolutely buy up land in tier-2/tier-3 cities and redevelop them into mixed-used housing communities with walkable spaces, lots of greenery, dedicated bike infrastructure, etc. The issues are that
> 1. the barrier to entry is ludicrously expensive so you'll likely only be selling to upper-middle class families (same idea as luxury condos)
> 2. you are beholden to the zoning laws in your city and it might literally be illegal to build walkable communities
> 3. there are a significant number of people who DON'T want to live in dense spaces, they WANT their suburban hellscape because their primary concern is being as far away from other people as they reasonably can be, so as a real estate developer you need to find ways to market that community beyond just "we've got bike lanes" because that isn't going to be a make-or-break kind of amenity when people are buying homes. For these same reasons, you probably aren't going to be successful with this kind of project in a town of 10,000 people because there's just too much space for cheaper housing.

>> No.51372275

This would be an amazing Parkour City but too many zoomers will die playing an irl platformer

>> No.51372297

i genuinely think if you built commie blocks in the west and advertised it as high density eco friendly youd make insane profit. put up some trees, high security fence, plants on the side of the building type deal. gym and small grocery/market that any resident can sell stuff in. solar for the memes. just make sure to screen residents.

>> No.51372308
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>> No.51372368

Only to the extent that the non-POC enabled them to

>> No.51372372

Its to save money and maximize floor space
The insane costs of making this today is just terrible especially when you have to factor in mason workers who will charge extra for this

>> No.51372408

Why is this the new meme?

>> No.51372423

I wonder if the walk ability of a neighborhood goes down with the percentage of black people?

>> No.51372439

you forgot one thing

>> No.51372455

I'm not racist. Niggers are bad.
Normal black people are cool!
One you will become powerful as powerful as i, youngling

>> No.51372486

Everything you could ever need could be within a mile but if the percentage of black people is too high the walkability goes way down.
I live close to LA and in the arts district there are plenty of bars and restaurants that literal gangs used to reside in.
There are women walking alone at night with expensive cameras taking photos
Apartments are built there now with stores and restaurants on the bottom
The future is people with money living in high dense cities that have fixed the many issues cities have (poor/homeless people, criminals, violent people, etc) while the rest live in borderlands type shitholes that try to fuck with those who prefer midwest living and find out.

>> No.51372947

You do realize this is due to the loss of hard money and the degradation of currency, don't you anons? You have read The Bitcoin Standard, haven't you? Haven't you? When the world is sucked dry through usury this is the result. Also Look at how the price of automobiles have skyrocketed in the last ten years. The reason? from the 1950s to the early 2000s costs could be brought down as the car degenerated from metal to plastic. Now everything on the car that can be plastic already is. Hence nowhere to cuts costs remain and the price skyrockets. Your money is unsound and it buys less and less as time rolls on.

>> No.51373015
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Yeah I'm not reading your cope kiddo

>> No.51373051

Our biggest issue started when manufacturing went to China so USD started leaving the US and never came back.
Everything was sustainable back when money just kept circulating around the US while slowly being acoomulated by the rich which helped.
Some say the unions are what started this all since the rich people decided to tell workers to fuck off instead of giving them their moneys worth but of course its a combination of a ton of things like a rising population and competition both internationally and internationally causing more supply and less demand

>> No.51373968

>look, a drone picture from 500ft in the air where you'll never actually be shows that just outside the concrete hellscape of emptiness there are trees!

>> No.51374092

>He doesn't travel by drone
Libtard confirmed

>> No.51374157

thank you for recognizing an uncanny valley shill thread. so many bots in this thread it's unreal.

>> No.51374339

Shoe stocks, invest in Steve Madden.

>> No.51374347

Main Street

>> No.51374622

Scott pilgrim ruined a generation of women.

>> No.51374832

Why cant these faggots imagine the same type of infrastructure for cars? Make them go either above or below ground.. or even cheaper would be to direct pedestrians away from moving traffic.

>> No.51374993

living in a walkable city doesn't mean you can't own a car you nigger
I'd rather take the metro than be stuck in traffic 2 hours every day

>> No.51375078
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Here's your walkable city, shitskin parasite.

>> No.51375110

>Poor chud who drives 50 minutes to Walmart

>> No.51375172

>start walking
>get run over by a train
not very walkable is it?

>> No.51375210
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This kills the fatty amerigolem phenotype and the jew fears the non-lardball american.
>imagine sub 110 pound 5'3 qt3.14s you can throw around in the bed
Love france for this

The architect poster is also a jew

>> No.51375229
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No more grease balls
I only see good things from this city design

>> No.51375249
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Also put lots of stairs so hambeast can't use their vehicles

>> No.51375261
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Also things short enough to be walkable and inconvenient for cars and far enough so that the landwhale vehicle runs out of energy for the round trip and requires towing

>> No.51375274

By selling your car, commuting with bicycle and investing leftovers in whatever

>> No.51375290

God damn I miss stories like these. I need to go back to browsing /fit/ in my spare spare time

>> No.51375303

reminder to all Reddit-Americans: Your grand parents lived in affordable walkable cities, cool public transportation, spaces built for “people not cars” but then a bunch of niggers moved in and started rioting and mugging everyone so they moved to the suburbs

>> No.51375327

It’s the latest WEF meme.

>> No.51375340

Lol my grandparents grew up in a Boston neighborhood called “Dorchester”

I bet it was very walkable and that they had easy access to the train. Today it’s not uncommon to turn on the local news and see “Police investigating double homicide in Dorchester”

So I guess today if I wanted the walkable urban lifestyle, I can either pay 3000 a month for a one bedroom in the nicer sections of Boston, or I can pay a third of that and live in Mattapan/Dorchester where going for a walk means watch your back whitey

>> No.51375349
File: 775 KB, 1109x915, 7747 - clothes ear eyelids feather glasses hat indian native_american red_skin shaman small_eyes smile soyjak stubble subvariant_massjak variant_wholesome_soyjak war_bonnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red niggas in 1699 be like:
>white pilgrim ruin generation of injun

>> No.51375531

These are the people calling me soulless?

>> No.51376525

Nah. Less money to be made and they are also doomed to become dens for homeless people.

The best idea would be to make meme walkable districts that people pay admission to enter and not entire walkable cities.

>> No.51376579

Looks unironically comfy in a weird way, not gonna lie.

>> No.51376644

Walkable is a misnomer, it's bikefags that are pushing all of this. They demand roads and walkable space be converted to bike lanes and then continue to ride on roads and sidewalks. Bikefags terrorize everyone else. There is nothing walkable about a city where some angry belligerent bikefag zooms past your shoulder every minute and one wrong step in either direction means they'll crash into you

>> No.51376645

>>forced to take ikea purchases home in cargo bikes
>he still consooms furniture
>hating on bakfiets

>> No.51376655

WEF redditor go back