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File: 35 KB, 278x276, chnlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5133129 No.5133129 [Reply] [Original]

guys. this time it not pump and dump by binanace bots/whales/ look at volume, look at charts. look at BTC bull run. this is literally last call to get below 40 cent. uptrend is real. by March it is 10$ coin. which is 25x from now. get on board retards. 130k linkie calling all non-linkers+ linkers accumulate as much as you can. before moon.

>> No.5133232

bump buys. get in. last call below 40 cent. it will hit tonight, no looking back.

>> No.5133259


>> No.5133262
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If this is not what genuine accumulation looks like, then I don't know what is. Plus, doing this on a day when Bitcoin is hitting ATH.

>> No.5133273

nt pajeet

>> No.5133324

fuck off chinke nigga. btw I am makku.

>> No.5133361

holyshit, 20 btc sell wall eaten away in mins.

>> No.5133419

once LINK hits $10 staying in is going to be crazy stressful.. my stack will be bouncing thousands--maybe tens of thoussands--of dollars each day :-X

>> No.5133432

Oh fuck its happening!

>> No.5133437

>this time it not
>it will hit tonight
>chinke nigga

>> No.5133466

fuck off pajeet.

>> No.5133484

Therewas no 20 btc sell wall. There's fuck all sell walls, thats why its climbing even though everyone is selling. Idiots keep buying pushing it higher. I kid you not, just look at the order book and see for yourself

>> No.5133487

you guys act like it doesnt do this daily and crash back down to 28 cents lmao

>> No.5133498

chainlink being pumped and dumped one time every day on binance. this is not organic mooning. look at the charts back over the last week. these fuckers are trying to take your lunch money. its not time yet.

>> No.5133503

How do you law abiding citizens plan on paying your taxes on your link gains.

>> No.5133518
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we mooning again?

>> No.5133533


>> No.5133543

>calling others pajeet but can't form an English sentence with correct grammar or punctuation

>> No.5133584

I cannot argue with that look

Had many, sold most, bought more. If this moons uncontrollably I'll have a quick cry in my golden REQ tissues

>> No.5133599
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>> No.5133604
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>> No.5133658

it's not going to moon on binance

>> No.5133662

why the fuck is this piece of shit pumping? no news, literally gonna dump again. same shit again and again and again and again and fuck you linktards. see you at 25 cents

>> No.5133676
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>tfw 1.2k linklet
hoping for big crash i need more

>> No.5133681

What triggered this moon?

>> No.5133693

probably some whale group

>> No.5133701


Aw yiss. Lets take that motherfucker down.

Every coin has to earn their keep in this game. BTC had the bear whale... we have our... 2000sat wall lol

We only get lambos by slaying the bearwhales the whole way up the top 100 coin list.

>> No.5133719

>bump buys. get in. last call below 40 cent. it will hit tonight, no looking back.

you pajeets say this every single fucking time link rises, and it always slumps back down

>> No.5134091

Just stop I'm not buying your bags

>> No.5134129
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mah linkz

>> No.5134166

527 link cause I keep all my money under my mattress

>> No.5134184

I've been tempted to swing these baseless pumps, but I know that when I do Sergey is gonna insta-post the best EOY announcement any stinky linky could dream of

>> No.5134219

Is $10 realistic even in a optimistic scenario? I'm seriously asking

>> No.5134230

Take one for the team. I'll give you a ride in my lambo I promise.

>> No.5134260

Im betting on this hitting 100$ eventually, I'll either get filthy rich or crash n burn

>> No.5134272

looks like the perfect opportunity to jump out

>> No.5134284

Yes. If this token is used as it is supposed to be for smart contracts with SWIFT (not to mention any other uses), processing billions of transactions a day, then it has the potential to beat out ripple's current market cap. Do the math for the price based on that.

>> No.5134290

$10 from the initial Fomo when Swift confirms partnership.

>> No.5134306

Don’t waste your time on this shitty coin. Get on verge.

John mcafee picked it as at top 2018 coin. Check his Twitter

>> No.5134309


>> No.5134314

By never selling for fiat

>> No.5134315

As someone who has spend dozens of hours scalping the binance order book, this is when you sell.

Yes LINK could very well be 100$ in the future but we're correcting to 32 cents right now. Might as well increase your stack.

>> No.5134316

lmao deluded linkies

>> No.5134321
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>tfw third world poorfag
>sold all my belongings I could afford
>spent all savings
>only got 12.2k link
I hope you fags with 100k link are happy

>> No.5134346

Get off this coin.. it’s not ready

Get on verge . Selected as john mcafee pick for 2018

>> No.5134366

explain to me why the FUCK didn't you just scalp LINK?
t. 3k to 16k linklet

>> No.5134377

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5134464

cool, thanks man. Used Honda Civics are enough for me anyway

>> No.5134473

I did, a little. Got maybe 1k link extra from daytrading, but I was too careful and scared. I imagined it could moon to 1$ any moment so I wanted to hold as much as possible.

>> No.5134483
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>> No.5134526
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>> No.5134563
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I'm very happy for linkie bros right now. Good luck out there.

>> No.5134566
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Ok so I did the math.. I have exactly 5670 LINK, if it goes to 10$ like you said, I'll have made 144k. Holy fuck.

>> No.5134586

that's probably enough for a 3rd worlder though

>> No.5134587
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My brothers. I am just a neet that has wasted all of his neetbux buying the link dip.

I am a loser and a complete nobody. I never had a girl tell me she loves me. My mother doesn't talk to me. My father gave up on me to focus on my little sister, and my friends... well they are far and few.

I work 8 hours a day wagecuck 8 hours a day. I have only profited slightly from this bullrun since most of my cryptoholdings are LINK (and some DRGN). But it's time brothers. Just like with ark, ether, OMG, and so on is now our turn to moon.

With what I have invested, I might not become rich, but my life will change enough for me to have hope and keep fighting another day. May the crypto gods take us to Lambo land

>> No.5134594


>> No.5134598

This goes to 100$ in few years, dont sell before that

>> No.5134602

Why do you think 25x ? Any news ?

>> No.5134608


>> No.5134615

Someone just flash bought those sell walls.

>> No.5134621

2k buywall is down! We're going up another 100 sats!

>> No.5134661

I hope so. I want us all to make it.

>> No.5134681

What animu is this?

I really enjoyed Death Note but have been struggling to find something on par with it.

>> No.5134685

well, it's something, but this shit literally went sideways for so long. also, you couldve done it like i did. every 2k link i get i send to MEW immediately so i dont get joosted if sergey lets it moon. i was only keeping 5k-7k LINK at a time on the exchange. oh well. still gained some so i guess it's alright

>> No.5134692

$10 is very low. link has ten times more use cases than ripple yet ripple is so expensive right now, Link should be able to get to $100 and beyond if all goes well

>> No.5134701



>> No.5134714

When I first bought my LINK and realized it's market cap potential it was hard for me to sleep at night. I kept thinking about what it'd be like to have all that money.

>> No.5134739
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>> No.5134740

fuck no one selling it. good job linke iron hands. now new floor is 38 cent. before end of yr 1$ linkee....march 10$. mid 2018 40$ per link.

>> No.5134791

I'm happy, but I hope it dips again. I need to accumulate more

>> No.5134798

Where do you store your link outside of binance?

>> No.5134806

>John mcafee picked it as at top 2018 coin
thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.5134818

In 2019 no one is not going to sell tokens because they are locked in nodes. And if someone want to sell they can do it and receive 200$/link

>> No.5134839
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>> No.5134861

>no one is not going to sell

>> No.5134866


>> No.5134875

>no one is not going to sell

>> No.5134930

Countdown to getting cucked again by btc in 3...2...1..

>> No.5134932

you guys got robbed

>> No.5134952

is it too late to join in? I always loved link memes but never bought any

>> No.5134975

It's still a bargain desu

>> No.5134979

You fucked that sentence up but you're right. In 2019 I'll be staking my link and living off the dividends.

>> No.5135001

sorry i am wannabe pajeet

>> No.5135014

This. I'm not selling my LINK, ever. Dividends all the way. Any news on projected dividend price?
I'm accumilating until $10 / link

>> No.5135097

Bought at 30 cents, ready for liftoff captain.

>> No.5135164
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it's back up to 2027. some poor pajeet dumped his link thinking he could dump the price, oh how wrong he was.
this is genuine accumulation.

>> No.5135185

>not on Bittrex

Yeah I'm not making 3 fucking accounts for this shit. Chain link isn't shit if it isn't even on Bittrex.

>> No.5135208

>Doesn't know how to use etherdelta
You need to go back

>> No.5135229

You'll be posting pink wojaks forever if you don't get Chainlink before it hits Bittrex.

Btw, Binance is a superior exchange. The chinks list coins much quicker than us Americucks.

>> No.5135458

Thinking about selling now to accumulate, yea/nay?

>> No.5135473

What is happening, why is it not going down

Of course first time I try to swing trade I fuck it up

>> No.5135497
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am i too late?

>> No.5135534

no worries, theres no news. It will correct to ~2000 sats.

>> No.5135662
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>> No.5135690


I'm not buying at the top without any news to drive the price

>> No.5135693

buying rn is foolish someone with 60k link could dump in the eth market and drop it back down to 52k thats a 10% swing from just 50k link i said it yesterday when it swung from 49k-41k and it will happen again

>> No.5135720

Holy fuck we are going up fast

>> No.5135757

Im never selling my precious LINKs

>> No.5135795
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Whichever one of you assholes shilled this in November and made me buy 10k, I will perform fellatio on your right now.

>mfw up $2k

>> No.5135844

it's probably a pump and dump. LINK bag hlders are itching to dump on you.

>> No.5135855

I convinced two family members to buy slightly over 10k link each at fifteen cent with them under the impression it was some kind of new Bitcoin. I think this makes me my families patriarch.

>> No.5135863
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Men, prepare thy lambo orders!

>> No.5135867

new floor is 40 cents.

>> No.5135890

thread theme


>> No.5135916

It's going up to $1 in the next 5 hours
Check dubs & screen cap this

>> No.5135957


nah they said it was for real this time and not a pump n dump so I believe em

>> No.5135987

and then it gets dumped rn lmao

>> No.5136010

hope u learned ur lesson its been this high before just 2 days ago actually

>> No.5136025

It's not dumping

>> No.5136053

Only if it can stay above 2000 sats consistently. This has been a constant ceiling in the past where everyone dumps.

>> No.5136076


>> No.5136095

You idiots are going to get dumped by bagholders who want to get out, this pump is based on literally nothing, don't FOMO and become the next bagholders

>> No.5136098

baby gains, watch this space in 2018, you're going to see some real fucking magic

>> No.5136147

u retard there is no sellers. buyers literally begging to get some link. EOY 2$ dollar link. yahooooooooo

>> No.5136163


>> No.5136167

lol, bs.

it's basically piedpiper from silicon valley, but vaporware.

enjoy the pump. make your money and don't hold the bag. this thing won't be worth shit in 2 years.

>> No.5136200


>> No.5136247

lol. salty non linker. EOY 2$ LINK. Q1 10$ link. q2 20$, add +10 each quarter . by 2010 each link 1000$.

>> No.5136272

ohh same nigga fudding. may be he sold his bags want to buy back so fudding it.

>> No.5136300

Maybe he just mocked a coin he has no intention of ever owning for two hours for no reason.

>> No.5136329

wow link was 1000 8 years ago?

>> No.5136357

Here comes the dump you idiot

>> No.5136369

2010 was 8 years ago? WOW you're in the future
>>5136247 is still a pajeet, tho.

>> No.5136395

This is heartwarming but It's not time yet. Will rebuy cheap and strap in with a comfier stack.

Link will free me from wagecucking.

>> No.5136412

MAybe youll look like an idiot when they dump on you then you come in here and claim you swing traded to save some face. cant wait for the dump lmao

>> No.5136466


>> No.5136552


>> No.5136589


Textbook bear trap, you'll rebuy at 44 cents

>> No.5136599

It's 41c again dumbass

>> No.5136628

>do you not see the dump or something? its not 41 cents mate

>> No.5136650

no its not

>> No.5136657

its a bear trap says the increasingly nervous linkie for the 6th time this year. top kek

>> No.5136684

staggered back near its ATH already dumping for the love of Pete SELL you long suffering motherfuckers

>> No.5136728


Oh, I'm sorry guys, you're right. It's 39.6. You're right, it's dumping HUGEly by 1.4 cents

>> No.5136745

you must be using a different exchange because its going to hit 37 cents soon

>> No.5136755

>when Swift confirms Corda partnership


>> No.5136770

The december news is that sergey ate all the ICO funds... it's gone. ALL GONE

>> No.5136773

Have faith lil nooblet

>> No.5136815

retard 30% increase. its normal that 5% correction. its bear trap before bull run

>> No.5136826

did you really just stare at LINK charts for more than 2 hours just to shit on LINK as it dumps from local ATH into a new floor? you posted in this thread 15 mins lmao. bet you were greedily preying on the charts as it started to go down hahahaha

>> No.5136853

15 mins from when it started*

>> No.5136894

yes. yes he did. he's a lil faggot with like 1 LTC or something

>> No.5136939

Pajeet you referenced the wrong person

>> No.5136985

What happens if it breaks ath? Is this officially a moon mission?

>> No.5137015

he's now stalking this thread waiting for 2k sats buy order to give. id talk shit when it goes back down to 1800, that's when LINK literally did nothing new. if it consolidates and actually creates a new floor then he'd just look stupid. i know linkies like to fud their own shit, i personally shit on this pump on my first post on this thread. but i am already satisfied by the thought of him literally staring for hours at charts of a coin he doesnt even own lmao

>> No.5137057

LINK doesn't even have a purpose. The only attractive thing about it is the low market cap, but no one wants link.

Why should I get back into it?

>> No.5137065

we pumping again boys dip is over

>> No.5137074

you shouldn't, fuck off

>> No.5137078


Don't! Stay away! As you said, it doesn't even have a purpose. So don't buy a single one!

>> No.5137091

You are right, dont buy.

>> No.5137093

you shouldnt you should leave

>> No.5137171

lol fuck off then. dont buy

>> No.5137186

all these (you)s

>> No.5137280

I'm going to eat losses again. Last time I bought this coin it was at 50 cents. Buying again and holding this stupid fucker for another 3 months

>> No.5137317

anyone else thinks this guy is still stalking this thread
i bet you cant wait for it to go down again, right? i bet youre so excited to shit on this thread right? youre gonna be staring at charts for almost 3 hours now by the way

>> No.5137318

Finally I can sell and break even after all these months. Buy back later when it dips to 20 cents again.

>> No.5137421

Just dumped 300.000 link at market sell on binance and it dipped down to .19 cent. Glad to be done with this shit coin.
Sirs don't get emotional attached to coins. Dump if you trust you brain.

>> No.5137484

any minute now, it's gonna dump any minute now i swear. staring at these charts almost 3 hours now. cant wait to shit on this thread again, any minute now

>> No.5137518


Good decision! Selling after the Zeppelin announcement when you realised that ChainLink is going to be the default oracle for smart contract and dApp development on Ethereum.

Prudent investing, anon!

>> No.5137527

Pajeet, fuck off

>> No.5137571

Yeah, but ethereum is going to get outran by cardano before it even gets to that point.

Like ETH hasn't even made a big move in months and stuff like ADA and XBY are right there and leagues better than ETH.

>> No.5137601

>LINK getting FUD all day every day
>hoping it dumps so I can buy more
>it keeps going up

The haters can’t even do their job properly.

>> No.5137617

What announcement?

>> No.5137621

Dude, now calculate your buy in sats and what you sold at in sats. Then calculate your break even! lol

>> No.5137643

i swear guys, it's about to dump, it's been 3 hours now. i've been checking these charts for 3 hours. it's gonna dump now guys

>> No.5137723

About time you got to work Ranjesh.

>> No.5137741

the one rory did yesterday
basically confirmed link's going to be the de facto oracle solution provider for all smart contracts ever written in the future

>> No.5137747
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Rory revealed a partnership with ZeppelinOS.

Zeppelin themselves revealed the partnership here:


Zeppelin aims to provide a free, open source smart contract development layer on top of the EVM, in order to standardise smart contract development, provide better security, and provide consistency while still maintaining decentralisation and consensus. It's run by openzeppelin who manage $1.5 billion in digital assets.

It is likely that this will constitute the base development layer for future smart contracts and dApps on Ethereum. In the whitepaper, it says that ZeppelinOS will provide a standard interface for interacting with off-chain information. They have already announced who they have been working with in that regard.

LINK is going to be the automatic go-to mechanism for off-chain data being accessed during smart contract and dApp development on the Ethereum network.

>> No.5137756
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>> No.5137912

it's dumping now anon, from new local ATH to its new floor. you called it anon!

>> No.5137957

I wonder how that whale that dumped a million LINK a week ago is feeling rn.

>> No.5137965


>> No.5137977

It's about to moon again, lads

>> No.5138001

ATH tonight??

>> No.5138044

Oh shit
So this is the reason there was so much stupid fud yesterday

Damn this has been the best weekend away from home ever

Godspeed you Sergey

>> No.5138225


Can you walk me through the math? I just don't see $10 in the future.

>> No.5138248

that's because you don't understand how huge and ubiquitous LINK is going to be

>> No.5138260

Lol, just read whitepaper and you know why link will be 100$ token in future

>> No.5138276

moon time

>> No.5138334

shiiiit, been meaning to buy since the dip last tuesday but my deposit is still pending

>> No.5138388


I get that it will be important. I just don't see how you attach a minimum dollar figure to it.

I'm not a nolinker by any means, I have 17k.

>> No.5138427

need to accumlate moar....pls stop

>> No.5138458


>> No.5138470

I sold everything at 31 cents last night JUST

>> No.5138478

Anyone trying to predict a price in crypto is just guessing. No one knows what will happen.

>> No.5138496


I think my $1 by Monday guess might actually come true...

If it does, I expect $2 by Friday.

>> No.5138501
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>> No.5138512

i swear guys it's about to dump tho, can't wait to shit on all of you. it's gonna be 4 hours of me staring at charts, it's gonna dump guys

>> No.5138527


$1 by Monday
$2 by Friday
$5 by February
$10 by May
$50 EOY 2018
$100 Q2 2019

Screenshot this

>> No.5138558
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>> No.5138589


>> No.5138646

>implying we wouldn't need to use scientific notation to display the value of LINK come Q2 2019
You're being really conservative with your estimates anon

>> No.5138649
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not much longer boys

>> No.5138654
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>> No.5138697

tfw you wish you bought more

fuck it

>> No.5138735

I have 10k Link.

It probably won't be enough to live lavish and retire like some of the anon's on here, but I'll be able to graduate from school with no debt and maybe buy a small condo, and then take a vacation to Japan or Thailand in the future feeling very comfy.

Thank you biz.

>> No.5138736

enjoy my pumped up cock nigger

>> No.5138775


you would have to be a gay nigger jew to buy Lonk

>> No.5138786

Stinky linky here

>> No.5138815

Lol you think 10k link will pay off your debt, pay for a vacation, and buy you a condo?
Fuck no. 10k link will get you a ticket to the next moon mission when link is pumped high enough, in early 2019. There is no cashing out. This is the best way to make money that has ever existed, don't you see it anon?

>> No.5138838

Man... I guess I'll buy it sometime this week then, I wish it dipped back to .20, could've bought more, oh well.

>> No.5138847

Dude, stop a second and THINK about what you're talking about. Everything you just listed gives you no return and is literally a short term pleb shit purchase.

With 10k link, forgetting about the fact that you can use them in nodes to receive dividends for the rest of your life

10k link priced at 100 a link (end of 2018)
10k link priced at 1000 a link (early 2020)

Wait 2/3 years and you will have made 300,000 a year doing nothing. Also, please drop out of university and stop wasting time and money there. You need to put your money into creating further sources of income. Personally, I'm keeping my LINK and using them for nodes, not selling

>> No.5138901


What are your estimates if you don't mind me asking? I'm always curious to see where people value it. I could see it hitting much higher, but ya I was admittedly trying to be fairly conservative.

>> No.5138924

You were correct but these idiots pray and then don't bother looking at charts

>> No.5138930

Well i have 15k links and i dont think that its enough for node. I mean there is guys with million tokens.

Or maybe i can setup node but i get like 20$ per month.

I'm just hoping for +100$ link so i can retire

>> No.5138952


So those figures are based on staking?

10% per year eh?


>> No.5138954

Actually, if you look at the number of people with more than 100,000 tokens, it's like 1,500 people.

>> No.5139049

pretty sure there is no node size limit, bigger node just get priority.

>> No.5139057

I'd hope so but I don't want to be greedy. Grew up poor so any kind of vast money feels odd to me. I am grateful for this opportunity.

Yes I read about the node thing. I also filled out that survey thing about the node's and gave them my e-mail so hopefully in the future I can set one up.

Also wouldn't 10k link at 1000 be 1million? and 10k link at 100 be 100,000?

I don't plan on selling anything for a long time. However, I am not quitting school. I have 2 more years left and only ~3k in debt as of now. I am working hard at something I actually enjoy.

>> No.5139061

Maybe yes but i think that you need at least 50k tokens to live only with dividends.

Of course i hope that i could get 2000$ per month with 15k tokens but that just doesnt sound realistic.

>> No.5139094

i was messing around talking shit to the guy who was so excited for LINK to dump. i just imagine that he is actually stalking charts to shit on linkies instead of fudding link cuz he owns it too, much like most linkies.

>> No.5139162


10k LINK at 100 per is one million (1000000)
at 1000 per, it's ten million

Can we stake just 10-15k LINK and make 10% confirmed? Hoo boy.

>> No.5139169

Is there anything comfier than holding 50% link 50% req?

The fudders worked day in day out trying to crash this coins but we all knew they're going to moon eventually.

Feels good to be right.

>> No.5139179

Enjoy, being a school kiddie is even worse than being a wagecuck

In 2020 when LINK is ~1000 a token 50k tokens will yield a lot of dividends. It's about holding for the long term.

>> No.5139181

fuck off with your fucking garbage shit you fucking faggot

>> No.5139193

>$10 each
How did you you come up with 144k?

>> No.5139233

This. How do people calculate there price?

>> No.5139235

nolinker detected

>> No.5139338
File: 103 KB, 640x882, DE24BC69-0B43-40A2-A15E-8C026620F6E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens now?

>> No.5139356
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>nolinker detected

>> No.5139384

I think he may have meant to say that he currently has 5670 USD worth of LINK. That would be roughly 14k link, which at 10 bucks would be about 140k like he was saying.

>> No.5139527

is it too late to get in on this shit once it gets past .50?

>> No.5139554


Maybe in the very short term, but most people seem to think it's going >$1 in the months timeframe.

>> No.5139557

Fuck no buy all the way to $5 then we hit $50

>> No.5139581

No. You will have to wait a little while, but LINK will 100x easily by 2018 Q4. what I'm doing is putting a certain percentage into LINK per week and then another percentage into more undervalued crypto as LINK begins to rise in value, but I'm going to continue investing and holding until LINK reaches around $1,000

>> No.5139606


Minimum floor for this is between $1 and $2. Lets call it $1.50.

But $0.50 is going to be the point that it flips into a real moon and closes that gap fast. I don't like to sell FOMO (i've been responsible for a few LINK FUD posts lately trying to get cheap LINK), but ya... I do think time is running out before we cross that 50 cent line.

Or it could just be another PnD that's done a better job at looking organic... hard to tell what organic looks like on LINK since its been so heavily manipulated down.

>> No.5139649


Most alts are pumping today, debbie downer.

>> No.5139658

In the end there will be 1 billion tokens, 1 trillion marketcap is maybe little bit too high even for chainlink :D

>> No.5139674

Bro any price under $10 is a good price for link, we are just lucky enough to get in before it hits $1, I got my stack of link at the $0.15 to $0.22, feeling comfy

>> No.5139754

It's very possible for link to hits $300 in 5 years right?

>> No.5139826

Okay, for the non-deluded linkies here, realistically what does the next month look like for LINK?

I sold some earlier, I invested in the ICO.

I want to buy it back if it dips. Think it'll dip under 2k sats again?

>> No.5139836

Why is no one trying to figure out where all this buying is coming from? It's not typical. It's as if LINK had some good PR somewhere.

>> No.5139838

lol no

>> No.5139857

Every alt is getting pumped
the volume is people moving out of bitcoin/into crypto I guess

>> No.5139858


the coinbase rumors are pumping everyone right now.

>> No.5139928
File: 27 KB, 721x139, Screen Shot 2017-12-17 at 1.06.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The ZeppelinOS news has developers legitimately excited, and Chainlink will be a critical part of that. Chainlink will be the default oracle service, and it'll be baked right into the kernel of ZeppelinOS which will go on to power most of the next gen dApps.

There's a world outside of /biz/ that's worth checking out from time to time.

>> No.5139940

It will drop down to .30 again, and close the year at .45

>> No.5139976

What are the Coinbase rumors?

>> No.5139983


I think it'll cross 50 cents over the weekend, rocket to $1.50 this week and close the year at 90 cents.

>> No.5139989

hope your right anon

>> No.5139992
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>measuring in USD

has no one told you yet?

>> No.5140002


There are none. The rumour is that Coinbase is adding new coins, so now every coin is rumoured to be one of those coins.

>> No.5140025

Dude, look at literally every alt in the top 100. They're ALL getting pumped.

New money is in, old money is rich, and they're diversifying now.

Everyone is trying to buy the next Bitcoin/Ethereum.

>> No.5140038


Pump or dump from that sideways pattern.

>> No.5140078

ok but Chainlink is doing exceptionally well overall, it increased its Coinmarketcap rank by 10 places.

>> No.5140112

If Coinbase becomes a big altcoin exchange that would be huge.

>> No.5140148

>has no one told you yet?
told what, that you're retarded?

>> No.5140161


Nah. The volume has gone down, and so has the price. That's a good thing. If the price had kept carrying up with lower volume, that's when you can expect it to dump.

Wait until tomorrow and you'll see this trend continue. Its finally broken into a long term upward trend and so far hasn't broken out of that channel. We'll be at 50 cents before the end of the weekend at the rate we're going.

>> No.5140166

Yeah, EOY news and the zeppelin_os mini announcement were very bullish signals for a coin with the kind of (albeit risky) speculative appeal LINK has.
The pump makes sense imo. Obviously a portion of it is whale games, but the hype is genuine.

>> No.5140238

>Altcoin satoshi price drops
>Bitcoin price goes up

this is literally you

>> No.5140245

It's "Welcome to the NHK". Excellent animu, ditto for the manga. Lots of NEET feels anyone on 4chan can understand. Go watch it, man. We all deserve a Misaki.

>> No.5140288
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>measuring in sats
this is literally you

>> No.5140325

God damn though, it's more of a rush than cocaine. This shit gets me more hyped than holding a half ounce of coke.

>> No.5140341
File: 20 KB, 306x306, judgment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so many retards in here kek

this is why it's so easy to make money in crypto.

>> No.5140366

its so hard to focus on finals rn
fuck me man i just want a lambo and my math degree is that too hard to ask

>> No.5140512

Just HODL. This motherfucker is gonna moon-bound. Focus on your studies. I only hustle this shit cause I fucked too many bitches and did too much blow in college. Life's easier with a degree muh nigga. Just HODL, the money elves will do the rest.

>> No.5140561

what are satoshis measured in? also, hmmm i wish there was another fucking coin to trade for LINK? Oh, thats right, theres that one with the guy who dresses like a faggot

>> No.5140567

if cryptopia sold link i would actually buy it. you pajeets have been working so hard, i feel i should cut you a break

>> No.5140593

m9 anybody measuring success in sats is literally retarded. Are you seriously telling me that if BTC crashed to one cent you would still care about your sats?

>> No.5140597
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HODL till we can blow coke in our lambos senpai

>> No.5140616

I am happy for linkies. You have been through enough, you deserve a pump.

>> No.5140619


>rocket to $1.50 in 2018, close at 90 cents EOY 2018

fixed for you

>> No.5140636

The only reason sats have any value right now is because you can redeem them for USD and other fiat
Rattle this thought around in your head for a while until you get the picture here

>> No.5140642
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dream of the the day when /biz/ runs wilds with their checkbooks in hand. Imma be blowin' lines with Trump mothafucka. We gon' make it rain. I'm hard invested in Dogecoin too. We gonna light up the mothafuckin' night!

>> No.5140677

>Imma be blowin' lines with Trump mothafuck
Trump does NOT do drugs you fucking cuckboi.

>> No.5140701

That was probably a dev getting paid and he dumped some of his stack

>> No.5140724

cocaine is ubiquitous among powerful men, honey

>> No.5140760

Not for Christian straight-edge success stories like Trump.

>> No.5140924


t. brainlets that will never make it

>> No.5140962
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>> No.5140971
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>> No.5140991
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>> No.5140997
File: 56 KB, 605x317, BTC vs USD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last and only help you'll get from me, brainlet. Heed my advice.

>> No.5141025

Why do you all use this worthless argument? Nobody is denying that holding BTC would have been a better investment up to this point, but plenty of other options would have been better than BTC too. It has literally no correlation to sats being the better measure of value than USD. Fucking brainlet.

>> No.5141057

we all want the sat value to increase, and it will. oh yes it will. at the price singularity.

until then, it's nice to enjoy keeping pace with bitcoin and thus growing in USD.

>> No.5141071

Where's the 4th chart after bitfinex is insolvent and BTC crashes back to $2k?

>> No.5141079

It's called diversification nigger. It reduces risk.
I could walk into a casino tonight and put all my money on red, easy 2x, perhaps.
BTC will come back down because it's entirely lacking in utility. Will it double before that happens? Perhaps.

>> No.5141103
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Sold 16,000 link at $ 0.17

At least I have DENT

>> No.5141136

Damn I wish I had that kind of naivety and/or trolling prowess

>> No.5141207

Measuring in sats is a surrogate measure for "beating the market", something that only matters in a bull market. In 2009 some traders held parties when they "beat the market" even though they lost money because they didn't lose as much as others. They would have been better off just hodling fiat. When hodling fiat is better than hodling btc are you still gonna measure in sats?

>> No.5141219

Why do degenerates such as yourself believe with such self-assured zeal that everyone else is a degenerate too?

>> No.5141283

Why does this autistic retard keep trolling these threads complaining about sats? We know we would have made more holding bitcoin you dumb fucker. It's not rocket science. Go whine in some other thread about another bleeding shitcoin because they are all fucking down in sats. Oh wait, you can't, because you're fucking obsessed with LINK and will do whatever you can to FUD.

>> No.5141321


You have to be a total idiot to believe Trump is squeaky clean, dear lord.

>real estate baron in the filthy city NYC
>marries off all his kids to kikes
>connections with gambling mafias
>loves jews

>> No.5141369

If Trump had skeletons they would have been dug up during the election.

>> No.5141370

oh boy this thread is going downhill fast...

>> No.5141502

"...when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything... grab them by the pussy."

>> No.5141506

Julian Assange said he has dirt on Trump but refuses to release it because it's all boring; especially when compared anything Trump says about himself on a daily basis.

>> No.5141633

Are you too autistic to discern social cues? Trump was obviously making a joke.
He says lots of things to keep people guessing.

>> No.5141822


His cow-towing to Israel like the rest of them is enough for me. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.5141855

Not everyone, anon. I said powerful men. There are a great deal of boners in the world like yourself

>> No.5141863

Your wife never should've let you have internet in the cuckshed. Cucks who criticize Trump should literally have their citizenship revoked.

>> No.5141877
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Good goy.

>> No.5141925

>cuck cuck cucky
fuck off T_D, this website was still tolerable before you monkeys showed up.

>> No.5141957

>he doesn't know The_Donald was a 4chan creation
Newfag power level revealed.

>> No.5141979

It was a /pol/ creation. And /pol/ was created to contain you nazi dipshits. Get the fuck out

>> No.5142044

>he thinks 4chan has ever had boring mainstream liberal opinions
Are you even old enough to be using this site?

>> No.5142046
File: 59 KB, 529x554, 1473830693888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they slowly realize /pol/ wasn't so much of a containment board, but an incubation board afterall

>> No.5142055

I actually browsed /pol/ up until I realised that T_D was here to stay.


>> No.5142074


>> No.5142096
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>> No.5142099
File: 42 KB, 619x540, 1512074979663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left /pol/ to come here after the Alabama election. I now have $650 I didn't have a week ago since coming here. Thanks Crypto /biz/ !

>> No.5142104

kek suddenly the latest post is about trump for some reason.. oh and before that some retarded usd vs sats shit. fucking LINK

>> No.5142117
File: 875 KB, 1600x900, 198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know how it feels, stinky linky.

>> No.5142133


That's, yes, literally, like you say, the cuckiest statement I've read in quite a while. Good job, goy.

>> No.5142134

Nobody's saying 4chan had "boring mainstream liberal opinions" but iirc ~2006 4chan was pretty strongly against Bush, which back then was a leftist position.

>> No.5142144

>finally in the green with LINK

Anyone have that pic where man is walking alone in dark in between giant statues?

>> No.5142184


Same, the election season ruined /pol/ and 8/pol/ as well. It's money making time now though. We need to stay focused.

>> No.5142245

You only say that because deep down you know it would be justified.

>> No.5142326


>> No.5142340


Trump is a cuck for the jews, like every other American politician, and you are a cuck to trump.


>> No.5142375

Does that really matter? At least Trump has something to protect in his home country. Hillary had nothing of that and she would have been the worse poison out of the two.

That's why people prefer trump.

>> No.5142399

Ah yes, the .info means it's informational!

>> No.5142492


It's debatable - she would have accelerated the decline, perhaps waking up people earlier with in-your-face liberal insanity, and Trump will perhaps (if he actually does anything; as far as I can tell, he hasn't done shit, other than not appointing another communist to the supreme court like killary would have done, which yes, is a big deal) slow that decay down, making it even worse in the long run because the demographic issue will be even worse the longer we wait. This is my last post here though, sorry to derail.


>doesn't even bother to check the link and fact-check that all the names and ethnicities listed within are accurate.

Truly a dogmatic cuck.

>> No.5142583

LMFAO why'd i laugh at this?

>> No.5142765


>> No.5143084

I just bought 5 chainlink guys, how long until I'm rich?

>> No.5143373
