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51306565 No.51306565 [Reply] [Original]

>in relationship with younger woman
>she is an only child
>parents divorced and one died, still in contact with other
>just her and me several years, extremely comfy not dealing with any family obligations on her end
>knew she is a test tube baby but nbd
>one day she finds out who her actual dad was
>starts finding all of these siblings
>starts talking to them constantly and treating them like real siblings that have known her for her whole life
>now taking all these trips across the fucking country spending all this money to meet them and hang out with them
>we are being inviting to all of these weddings and random hangouts
>she keeps talking about traveling to be around them nonstop, facetiming 24/7, any time I bring up anything she relates it to her siblings

Jesus fucking Christ I just wanted my comfy only child gf who looked up to me. It’s over bros

>> No.51306589

If not larp ur relationship is done for . Rip

>> No.51306599

is she loaded? or her parents

>> No.51306614

Sorry about your relationship coming to an end anon. Im happy she found family and it makes her happy but unfortunate for you this is about where you and her's ride together comes to an end. She's literally saying things like 24/7 cam time as a relationship. It's done if she's thinking like this. Dont ruin her happiness or be a jerk over it just end it as adult as possible and wish her the best with her family.

>> No.51306615

Your social network is your most valuable asset and you just got a big boost without having to put in any work. Go to the weddings and hangouts, you sperg

>> No.51306622
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damn feelsbad op

It pisses me off how fucking dumb and easily influenced women are.

>> No.51306639

I’m already well off is the thing. Life was perfect, we had so much fun. Now it’s like her entire identity is she found a bunch of people she has never known and is super attached to them all. It’s disturbing

>> No.51306646
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just go do the stupid shit with your gf. the weddings the hangouts. make her pregnant else it would really have been all for nothing.

>> No.51306650

No but thank fuck they all seem very successful and well adjusted for the most part. But it’s like she finds another one every fucking month I think she has 6-7 at this point in time

>> No.51306657
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just wait until she comes to her senses man. she's still in that phase where she thinks "friends" are a thing. give her a few months/years she'll grow out of it. meanwhile you can do some things together that aren't watching t.v and sexo after.

>> No.51306681

You sound like a narcissistic crybaby bitch
Be happy for her or let her go

>> No.51306688

Bro she just found a part of her life that’s been lost/missing for years. Let her enjoy it, but don’t spend all your money on her.
The part of you buying everything instead of helping is your fault.
The euphoria will end at some point, and like every family she’ll see them on Christmas, Easter, and maybe Fourth of July/thanksgiving.
If you love her, even tho you’re larping, then the relationship isn’t over, you’re just being stupid with your money. You’re mad at yourself, not her

>> No.51306689

Don’t fight it or it will only make her closer to them. If you support her eventually the new family will get old or hurt her feelings or piss her off. That’s how family is. She’s just playing catch-up for decades of missed time

>> No.51306715

>meeting 7 random people and spending every second with them like they are family is normal
fuck you contrarian faggot, this isn’t normal at all. siblings are supposed to go
through your entire life with you, that’s what makes the bond so strong. you can’t just whip that up in a group text ffs

>> No.51306733

high iq post, I definitely have not and will not complain. part of me is happy for her of course, but I’m starting to realize it has completely dominated her identity which sucks. I mean I try to put myself in her shoes and I’d probably be acting the same way. But I miss the comfy old times

>> No.51306753

Have you tried, maybe, to talk about this issue with her ?

>> No.51306757
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interesting pic but idk if I agree with it.
it sort of encourages inaction. like don't bother trying to do anything, just go with the flow.

lazy ngmi attitude imo.
destiny might be real but idk, I think you can change destiny

>> No.51306760

I'm not contrarian, I'm a realist, and I obviously hit a nerve you insecure control freak

>> No.51306762

No because it will immediately pit me against them in her mind. Rookie mistake

>> No.51306774

Shit's prob over dude unless you want to keep playing tag along and shit. If I were you I'd try to get some distance, see how she handles it and gauge it from there. Always be positive about it though, do not act jealous or whatever

>> No.51306789

You’re like a twitter liberal who pretends totally fucked situations are normal and starts chastising anyone who states the obvious

>> No.51306841

That's where you're wrong kiddo. I'm not telling you to be a self centered asshole, but if you don't tell her that you miss the time before you were happy and that all those travels cost too much money, then she won't realize it or try to ignore it because women are like kids. Show yourself some respect and show her what you expect from your relationship. No need for harsh words or anything, show her that she's important to you but you deserve some attention too.

>> No.51306867

I'm tired and I typed like an ESL but you get the idea. Don't try to avoid the problem, face it like a man.

>> No.51306871

>destiny might be real but idk, I think you can change destiny
then it wouldn't be destiny.

>> No.51306888

Talk about my feelings with my girlfriend?
Sounds kinda gay right?
Okay thanks dad, I see how you’re probably right

>> No.51306894

Definitely not, just look at yourself
Your comfy life of control has been disrupted and you're throwing a hissy fit on a Bratislavian Tapestry Looming Consortium

>> No.51306905
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destiny that you'll have the mindset to take action and lead to that same destiny that's destined to happen

>> No.51306927


>> No.51307016

My father was a truck driver and my mother was a whore, I have 12 siblings that I know of (probably more). One sister is a druggy, one sister is an abusive drunkard, one sister is a financially and emotionally unstable lesbian, one brother is a 30+ year old wagie living with his mother, one brother is a 14 year old criminal schizo who eats live fish, the rest are too young for their futures to be determined.

I'm a mid-twenties schizo (diagnosed) with serious joint issues from a rough job I had, looking at 3 surgeries this year (had 1, 2 pending)

>> No.51309507

>attempts to help the /biz/ relationship poster
You are a good man.

>> No.51309772

OP just sad he can't groom her anymore.

>> No.51309870

>insecure cuckbucks afraid the naive and lonely girl he groomed and hid from the world is gonna find something better now that she left his dungeon and is seeing the world and finding other people to rely on

lmao. enjoy dying alone loser.

>> No.51311973

based take

>> No.51312180

If you actually loved her you’d be so happy for her. Why don’t you get a cat and a fleshlight instead?