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51304830 No.51304830 [Reply] [Original]

XRP Cheat Chart

>> No.51304837

we will crab for years?

>> No.51304913

XRP will go to $37500 when the switch is flipped

>> No.51304944

>still in the top 10 despite zero actual adoption and an SEC lawsuit

meanwhile Chainlink:
>dumped from rank 5 to rank 30 despite massive actual adoption and institutional interest

>> No.51304955

scalper here: xrp is almost impossible to scalp. It will do nothing for hours and hours and then in 3 minutes, shoot up 4%. It never trends smoothly. I don't go near it

>> No.51304959

two more weeks trust the plan

>> No.51305004

Organic, you know, they are flipping flapping switches :)

>> No.51305062

Love laughing at xrp. Reminds me of myself when i first started out with investing crypto and believed every lofty unobtainable promise and bull shit lie they came up with. Excused every dump the management would make, so much more… truly the great filter of crypto. Good luck to you amateurs. Some advice, not every conspiracy is true.

>> No.51305148
File: 288 KB, 861x512, cbdc-xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor nigger

>> No.51305229

If they decided to use ripple instead of just copy the tech like a million others already have, they will just use the infrastructure and not the token. Xcurrent instead of xrapid if I still remember after all this time, correct? Essentially the same thing, without giving ripple tokens too much power. Probably won’t even do that much though.

>> No.51305263

Anyway enjoy holding on to your bags that haven’t seen an ath since their inception 3 bull runs ago

>> No.51306792

yeah the bagholders got cheated when the team dumped on them

>> No.51306807

best roi % in the past 5 years in the top10

you obiviously aren't og
keep stacking erc-20 tokens noob

>> No.51306827
File: 143 KB, 1152x2048, standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.51306869

zero adoption huh? Are you a shitskin kid? You can't really be that stupid right? Well you are here funding xrp so I guess you must be black and poor.

>> No.51306889

>best roi % in the past 5 years in the top10
when I joined crypto in 2017 XRP was at 20 cents. ..now its at a nice.. 30 cents after 5 years!!!!!! wew what a performance!!!!

>> No.51307154
File: 70 KB, 1456x292, cripple use case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Garlickmouth himself.

>> No.51307374

They're not currencies though.

>> No.51307475

It was designed to be a world reserve currency actually

Usecase is upon us you filthy kike, seethe more

>> No.51307489

why can't you fags use some of your time to learn about cripple's codebase being a joke?

>> No.51307503

Anons, I literally quoted Garlinghouse.

>> No.51307543
File: 27 KB, 640x723, 4bbe0479ba414c2357f877cd20f762b878f9a581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I quoted garlinghouse anons!!


>> No.51307564

>want it to be
Oh I'm sure they wanted big things, but at this stage there is zero adoption, like I said.

>> No.51308005

XRP was $0,003 in april 2017 you newfag