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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51299304 No.51299304 [Reply] [Original]

>the project manager is demanding write permissions on files that she definitely shouldn't be writing on

>> No.51299527

PMP = print money paper

When I got mine, my salary over doubled

>> No.51299994

Do you all cause everything you touch to burst into flame, or is it only the ones that I deal with?

>> No.51300006

You don't get to decide that, chud.

>> No.51300824

Well, I actually have specific instructions pertaining to who gets what access that she doesn't get to override because I don't report to her. So, I kind of do. She'll bitch to my supervisor about it, and he'll tell me to give her permissions, then I will. Then she'll do something she wasn't supposed to and start pointing fingers around.

I just want a documented email chain of people telling me to do it so I don't get the blame laid on me when she overwrites someone else's weeks of work or fucks up something that she wasn't supposed to even touch.

>> No.51300831

I miss the adult swim of my youth, bros

>> No.51300839

It was over before it even began anon

>> No.51300846

Baaaarnaby Jones

>> No.51300862

Hit and run. Plateless gang car.