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51292524 No.51292524 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51292666

Leveraged traders deserve what they get.

>> No.51292760

>greedy energy companies are leveraged to the tits because they got greedy despite sitting on a cash cow and needs the taxpayers help
Oh, that's great. Take my money

>> No.51293014

just bringing down all of society with us teehee

>> No.51293053

I think the European taxpayer should pay for this. Afterall... it's not like they will complain.

>> No.51294841

All this because Europe doesn't have the balls to just do an America and roll into Ukraine, slap the shit out of Putin, reclaim rightful Ukie clay and then demand gas and oil in return

This is why Europe will always be second place

>> No.51294977

The US has never done this to a nuclear power, and has always performed military and diplomatic acrobatics to avoid doing so, always punching down.

>> No.51295081

clueless nitwits like you appear here on the daily , go fuck right off back to plebbit/pol

>> No.51295142
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>Utilities buying commodity futures is greedy speculation

>> No.51295166

No all this because the global zog wants Ukraine to be a second Israel. Zylensky is depopulation Ukraine of goys. The solution is to just drop all sanctions and let putin have that shithole

>> No.51295268
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youre right ameri-anon. So why is America not doing it ?

Ahahahhahahahhahah FUCKING PUSSIES !
Afraid of getting your your ass handed to you again like in :
-Vietnam (lost and left after 58 thousand dead and failure)
-Iran (you wont even touch like little bitches)
-Afghanistan (lost and left after 20 years of death and failure)
-Korea (like above failures)

You havnt engaged in Ukraine because you know that Russia saved Europe from Nazi germany and defeated the germans. America just stepped in at the last moment taking credit. Bunch of grifting (coward) losers.... Lmfao. For the few dumbfuck americans that died for the europeans in europe , I laugh my fucking ass off... Fucking dumbasses getting invovled where you dont belong.

Americans are retarded as shit, we all say it here in europe.. Its so true too. Laugh all you want now amerifaggot-fatty, we'll have at least 80 years of laughter when the dollar finally kicks the bucket and america goes back down the list where you belong.

USA = 3rd world nation.

Cope and seethe for me, give me a reply to let me know that I did a good job making you angry

The vid rel really made me laugh ,this dumbfuck realized 80 years late that he fought on the wrong side LMFAO.
Americans are so fucking STUPID, HAHAHA

>> No.51295275

Real talk... why doesn't Europe just invade Russia? Russia is struggling to hold Ukraine. Europe could easily conquer Russia right now especially with so much of Russian military stuck in Ukraine. Just blitzkrieg Moscow and take out Putin. Now you have a vassal state supplying you tons of free gas. Europe could become the #1 world superpower if they just stop being pussies and invade Russia. Russia does not have the balls to use nuclear weapons and would just fold over. No way they nuke Europe since it would just result in Europe nuking them back.

>> No.51295283

jewish autonomous oblast 2.0

>> No.51295328

do you understand the intended purpose of futures contracts?

>> No.51295339

And this is where highly intelligent investment discussion are supposed to happen with bunch of clueless retarded niggers

>> No.51295370

Russia is pwning the US and EU backed forces in UKR. The only reason you don't know this is because u live on zogged and lefty fantasy echo chamber plebbit forums. wake the fuck up, that shit is all marketing.

>> No.51295390

originally they were to lock in predictable pricing but then turned into casinos like everything else. close?

>> No.51295406

>why doesn't Europe just invade Russia?
Yes, let's just invade a NUCLEAR power. Surely they won't retaliate, especially when the leader is ill and has no cards left on the table other than launching nukes.

No wonder Europeans are in such a shit mess right now, if this is their diplomatic skills. Europeans have -13 modifier to CHA.

>> No.51295424

I dunno, because of nukes?

>Just blitzkrieg Moscow
t. Napoleon Bonaparte

>> No.51295480

This will effect so many more people than leverage traders...

>> No.51295649
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no reason why this can't be fixed with a backratio spread on the call side for low debit.

>> No.51295714

>Just march on Moscow in September bro
After Afghanistan, why do Westerners STILL think that history doesn't apply to them?

>> No.51295885

just let Bernd pay for it

>> No.51296047

Power companies HAVE to sell and purchase energy contracts because they're the ones actually producing energy and taking delivery for distribution to consumers.

>> No.51296451

Futures markets shouldn't even fucking exist. It was a rotten idea to start with, it's where market manipulation first began. Now we all pay the price.
You won't have a legit counterargument.
Fucks like you hold that there is such a thing as received wisdom and we must not question what previous generations also held as accepted fact. Stupidity and weakness crept into the West long ago because of eunuchs like you.

>> No.51296523

>Futures markets shouldn't even fucking exist.
Futures contracts were meant to provide a known value for future pricing on volatile commodities for industries that require a steady supply of it (e.g. Jet fuel, diesel, gold & silver). However, I agree that they have since become yet another leveraged derivative for degenerate wall street banks to gamble with. If it was strictly 1-to-1 contract (1 contract = 1 barrel of oil), then maybe it wouldn't be so bad these days.

>> No.51296566

Does this shit mean that European energy companies are basically invincible? European governments are about to subsidise wagies' heating bills, this means that consumption isn't going to decline when crude oil and natural gas prices rise

>> No.51296624

Lol it would've been cheaper to let Russia have the valley and buy back the rest of the Ukraine then release it. But why waste an opportunity to twist the knife and grind down the ecological footprint of the working class?

>> No.51296640

Markets *should* be based on fucking physical *always*. The whole notion of future pricing is an attempt to manipulate prices and like all manipulation, has and will fail. Let the markets take their natural fucking course for once, just a thought. But no, eunuchs will always want to hedge against risk even when it distorts prices to a retarded degree.
Precious metals fags seem to finally have worked this one out.
>industries that require a steady supply
Fuck them. I don't care, fuck them. Let them pay the market rate or let them fuck off.
I'm so tired of how no one questions this because it's fucking gospel now. I hate humanity so much and this is one of the many reasons.

>> No.51296771

What country are you from?

>> No.51298353

>Fuck them. I don't care, fuck them. Let them pay the market rate or let them fuck off.
>I'm so tired of how no one questions this because it's fucking gospel now
You're a fucking idiot then. I'd like to see you try running an airline company and see if you last 1 year.

>sell tickets in advance to customers wanting to plan holiday/business trips @ current oil price
>day of flight comes, massive oil shortage happens due to sandnigger embargo, price of oil skyrockets on day of flight
>still have to honor price of original ticket due to contract, losing all cash flow
>have this happen one or two more times, airline goes under, gg no re

The same can be applied to shipping industry, medical industry, food industry.

>The passengers can just buy tickets the day of the flight! Fuck them too!

Yeah, let's see you plan your next vacation or business trip on same-day ticket prices and availability. Tell me how that goes.

>> No.51298453

where can I play european gas futures???

>> No.51300214

>Americans wants europeans to follow his example
>Die for israel
>Die for ukraine

>> No.51300429

And feminism was <meant> to give our trusting wives and daughters q saw in their glorious country.
Its ok to say qn idea that was good went horribly wrong.

>> No.51300475
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this is not a functional market.
not for a commodity Britain doesn't need to be importing from ANYONE, nevermind fucking Russia. One upon which virtually every other fucking industry in the country kind of depends upon not to double in price overnight at fucking random. Shits all fucked up yo.

>> No.51300677
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lol, lmao even
What is Britain doing?

>> No.51300697

no cunt knows m8.
literally, no-one.

>> No.51300723

they love globohomo and would love to pay carbon taxes

>> No.51300877

but its the utility companies and producers getting margin called
why do you think the governments are announcing supports

>> No.51300918

good bait

>> No.51302794

Britain absolutely needs imports. They import basically everything and rely on their financial sector to make the country money.

>> No.51302895

to provide liquidity to the market from gamblers who should naturally get the rope and no bail outs

>> No.51303883

Tax money from proles to bail them out?

>> No.51303902

No you dumb Redditor
Real businesses need predictability, therefore futures
The electricity markets are the only really honest commodity markets since the physical price fundamentally drives the futures and not the other way around like in metals

Captcha jpm2t

>> No.51304193

>Bong need imports
yeah with 98.4% of everything else, sure.
It doesnt *really* need to import energy tho - it has nuclear, oil+gas fields, renewables, coal, you fucking name it - its basically the one area in which it is self-sufficent, or should be. Quite how it manages to produce energy cost increases 10 times that of absolute Ivan-gimped Germany from here, its a bit of a fucking mystery.

>> No.51304547

>Fucktard thinks he is smart for knowing what the gospel is
I know all that you fucking monkey. I'm saying even then they should pay the fucking market rate. I don't care how difficult it makes their business model. They aren't entitled to having it easy just because they move people around you fucking moronic cunt.
That shitty basic bitch example you give is precisely what is called having to deal with market effects aka the real world.
The way you people think it's okay to insulate yourselves off from the real world just because it's inconvenient is directly linked to why markets are insane these days. You'll never be high IQ enough to make the obvious correlation. You're a eunuch and deserve nothing but a painful death.

>> No.51304577

>Real businesses need predictability
Idgaf what a business needs, I don't kowtow to business needs you fucking good shabbos goy.
Businesses should learn to operate without requiring the manipulation of markets. If they can't do that then they shouldn't be in business.

>> No.51304630

>The electricity markets are the only really honest commodity markets since the physical price fundamentally drives the futures
Can you make money on this? Itd be nice to bet in an honest market driven by facts.

>> No.51305464

No, Europe is just doing what its told to do by the WEF to execute the Great Reset. The new prime minister of UK is a (((global leader))) after all.

>> No.51305538

>Idgaf what a business needs
Then you don't cry like a faggot if price are not stable in your local supermarket, you can't get your wife drunk and your barrel full of wine.

>> No.51305590

Why would the producer get margin called?

>> No.51305598

And I still dgaf.
There's no such thing as reliable or stable prices. It's all in your mind and in the mind of other fucktards who believe in modern economics like you. Yes there are temporarily reliable and stable prices brought about by manipulation. But the very fact that they are temporary runs counter to the idea that you can hedge for eternity and not suffer consequences like we are seeing now. It's all an illusion.
I get that I'm being a contrarian but contrarian thinking is precisely what could have stopped this world becoming the shitshow it is.

>> No.51305605

Ukraine is a giant oil field. Just giving it up would basically be kicking the can down the line but next time it would be even worse.

>> No.51305699

Dude, a futures contract is just a generalized agreement where someone pays for someone to hand them that commodity in the future. Are you against contract orders in and of themselves? You know buying something on amazon is a contract to have it delivered to your house right? It's the exact same shit.

>> No.51305700

>let's make the consumers deal with periods of high yields and low yields because faggot number #9999 doesn't like people taking less risk

>> No.51305828

lol the actual markets are doing fine and the european industries have already adapted to this new reality, meanwhile degenerates trading derivatives are whining about their "instruments" getting rekt

fuck putin, fuck russia, fuck usa, fuck "traders" and banksters, let them all fucking die

>> No.51305840

how so, this is a derivative market that has no influence on actual gas/energy prices

>> No.51305843

A futures contract isn't a derivative, if you hold onto a futures contract for oil you will actually have oil forcefully delivered to your home, it happened to some anons.

>> No.51305905

futures supposed to give certainty in price, now doing the opposite
"reasonable" (Keynesian) economists once again made to look like clowns
watch them all getting bailed out

>> No.51305929

>energy companies lock in a normal price a year ago with futures/derivatives
>costs increase dramatically due to Ukraine and covid psyops
>energy companies cannot honor their futures contracts
>collateral about to get called

>> No.51305977

Pure conjecture, there's nothing that would indicate that putin seriously wants to fuck with anyone else once he's done with Ukraine.

>> No.51306179

Yes, I basically am. Unless you think the current system is good and deserves to continue, then it's time we burned it all down and tried something better that doesn't end in the same shitty economy-destroying debt deflation each time. I fully realize most of you people don't have the vision or the courage to even consider what I'm saying. You are not men. You are barely human.
I hope you enjoy the next 2 years then.
Weak sois like you won't make it and it will be self inflicted.

>> No.51306606
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without sounding like a boomer, liberals, greentards, and middle class activists are to fucking blame.
>north sea oil drilling - stopped due to environmental concerns
>fracking - banned due to environmental concerns
>nuclear - everytime a plant is proposed, nimby boomers and greentards shit their pants
>anyone who promoted the idea of a strong uk that wasn't dependent on imports got called a little england racist retard for the last 24 years (since tony blair)
>coal plants shut for environmental reasons (fair enough, but why do this and ban fracking?)
unironically the ruling classes and their student activist kids got so high off their white guilt propaganda, that they actually fully went through with it and put the UK into the weakest position it could possibly be in, whilst telling the public that this was a good thing we deserved. it is actually unbelievable how much better we could have been prepared for this crisis.
>dont gimp our economic potential at every fucking turn
>subsidise local heavy industry to keep it globally competitive
>dont base policy decisions off of the demands of middle class pink haired 19 year old whores

>> No.51306776

EC said they're gonna temporarily freeze the natural gas derivatives trading. Another nothing burger shilled by vatnik subhumans. War must be going very poorly. Putin hasn't even been making any updates like he did in the past on the war effort.

>> No.51306852

I wish you were an europoor rogue general so I could see some nukes drop in my time

>> No.51306890

Dubs of truth /pol/ always complains about the n words of the world ruining society when THEY are the biggest n words of society.

>> No.51306897

It seems airlines still go under like niggers during the Titanic, and just as often. It's almost like all that "safety" margin turned into boardroom member pocket lining or something.

>> No.51306900
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crypto was just a warm up
the entire planet is rugging

>> No.51306910

You played too many video games.

>> No.51306922

How? You think Putin is going to come for Poland? Who the fuck wants POLAND?

>> No.51306950

Time to take your meds vatnik...

>> No.51307036

Yeah, I bet people said the same thing after Chechnya and then the exact same thing after Georgia. And then after Crimea. It's like you retards just keep being wrong over and over and over and over and over again and you literally never learn anything lol.

>> No.51307217

>dude you can't sacrifice an extremely profitable event to insulate yourself from a period of massive losses
I'm with you if you think perpetual futures without delivery are shit, but futures are useful for our economies.

>> No.51307400

None of those places matter. I meant nato territory.

>> No.51308150

Well if you look at their previous wars the pattern seems to be that they're constantly pushing closer and closer to western countries. Also they're pushing the "multipolar world" meme very hard at the moment. While I think it's unlikely they would attack a NATO/EU country next, especially if they can't even take Ukraine, I wouldn't actually be surprised if they did. If you know anything about Russia then you know their ultimate goal is to challenge the US, the only reason they haven't done it yet is because they're too weak.

>> No.51308324

God this board has gone to shit ever since the plebbitors and /pol/faggots invaded
> bruh futures contracts are bigoted and transphobic and ableist bruh
> why don’t we just heckin invade Russiaerino, we could get Iron Man and the Avengers to totally BTFO Putin LMAO
GME is fucking over, go back

>> No.51308504

>pushing closer to western countries
>baltic states join NATO
>Ukraine wants to join NATO

>> No.51308514

>margin calls
play jewish games win jewish prizes

>> No.51308533
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For you.

>> No.51308796

>Americans are retarded as shit, we all say it here in europe.

If you compare Americans to Russians suddenly the Americans don't seem that bad at all. So no, we don't all say that actually. You're probably just a coping ruZtard lol.

t. Eurocuck

>> No.51309429

>joining a military alliance is the same as literally invading a country

Nice cope retard.

>> No.51309464

Also you retards keep coping about Ukraine and NATO and yet Ukraine STILL isn't in NATO after all these years because NATO didn't let them join. If NATO actually wanted Ukraine in NATO don't you think they would already be in? It's almost like your retarded cope has no factual basis at all.

>> No.51309519

This. Main stream media has been lying for 20 years, every body knows it, but still gets their info from them.

Anything they say is true I go the opposite.

>> No.51309667


>> No.51309751

Let the fucking jewish rats BURN with their futures!

>> No.51310478

I think a myktipolar world is ideal, we've already have too many monopolies ruining everyone's lives

>> No.51310503

mentally deranged CIA tranny cope

>> No.51310531

>oil in free fall
>nat gas in free fall
>ukie southern offensive gaining steam, appears to be highly effective
>leaked documents showing that russia is starting to feel the sanction squeeze on everything from fruit and seeds to high tech materials and components
putlerbros... i don't feel so good...

>> No.51310556

You're a dumb fucking nigger holy shit! STOP POSTING RETARD

>> No.51311266

When you are surrounded by enemies you tend to lash out.

Yes and although Ukraine isn't NATO it STILL is treated like a partner with all the assistance they receive.

I got nothing to cope about.

>> No.51311297
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>leaked documents

>> No.51311374

putlerbot cope

>> No.51311412

>surrounded by "enemies" that don't actually attack you and only wanted to trade with you while you're the only one who is actually invading your neighbors
Your arguments are pure retardation and literally all of you have is cope. Just because you can't admit you're wrong and retarded doesn't mean you're not wrong and retarded.

>> No.51311438

Russians are basically like white niggers who break into your house and then get mad and play the victim when you shoot them, completely retarded.

>> No.51311448
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>putlerbot cope

>> No.51311469

guys. GUYS!
guys listen!
everyone calm down, there is enough energy for everyone!
In America.
Europeans, try huddling together though, that might work.

>> No.51311475

yeye, if by "trade" you mean "betray" you are right. NATO went too far by not respecting Russia's interests.

>> No.51311501

You are a monkey retard if you think nuclear nations are gunning to challenge each other. The cold war is going to stay on until someone gets the nuclear damper-accelerator tech working.
Russia's mistake was invading on its own instead of proxy via literally any of their satellites. It's the exact vietnam scenario again, except the ukranians pussied out of their own country en masse where the congs didn't have trains to ride off into EUnistan with.

>> No.51311539
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putin is losing, just like trump and hitler. Chuds. Always. Lose.

>> No.51311594

oh, you were trolling, sorry

>> No.51311608

>nuclear nations are gunning to challenge each other
nukes are fake

>The cold war
also fake, both sides are NWO

>> No.51311666

Like I said I don't think Russia is challenging the US any time soon considering how weak they are currently, but if you think that's not their long-term goal you're just coping. Like you said there could be some tech eventually that makes nukes irrelevant, basically providing a counterargument to your previous argument yourself lol. That kind of "Russia isn't going to do anything bad to us" thinking is precisely why Germany is so fucked right now.

>> No.51311752

They know they can't beat the US and it's not even about that. They don't want the US to expand further as they did after the Soviet Union vanished. NATO expanded, but why? There was no Udssr anymore and NATO was still there and expanding. The US saw Russia still as an enemy.

>> No.51311836

> Futures markets shouldn't even fucking exist

Anti-Semitic much?

>> No.51312023

NATO is expanding but so is Russia so I again, your argument is pure retardation. Even before NATO existed Russia was ALWAYS looking to expand, you think it's an accident they're the biggest country in the world? How do you think it happened lol? You think they got all that land for free or is it more likely that they took it with force? Literally all you have to do is look at a map and think a little bit and suddenly your argument looks pretty retarded.

>> No.51312287

>You think they got all that land for free or is it more likely that they took it with force? Literally all you have to do is look at a map and think a little bit and suddenly your argument looks pretty retarded.

Are you american or what?

They own all that land because nobody fuckin lives there, so why not take it and leave it to others like China, Kazahkstan or whoever.

You could go so far to say Russia is reclaiming and not only expanding. NATO is expanding. And they did that after the Soviet Union was gone.

>> No.51312889

You know Russia sold Alaska to the US, right... right?

>> No.51315187

You don't have a legit response

>> No.51315291

Getting bailed out?

>> No.51315367

Not true. There’s many different ethnic groups and states in Russia. All were subjugated by the Russian empire.

>> No.51317413

>do an America
You mean invade some Iron Age country, get your fucking shit pushed in and have a national existential crisis over it?

>> No.51317470

because producers hedge their product with short positions or with written options. sometimes, more complex positions consisting of a combination of different options.
for example, OXY successfully navigated COVID using three-way collars despite carrying like ten times its earnings in debt after acquiring anadarko.

>> No.51318130

>futures are supposed to help with bad times
>bad times happen
>go under anyway

Explain this

>> No.51318361
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Fuck Americans, the sooner Europe gets rid of their American overlords and buddies up with the BRICS countries the sooner America advances to South Africa 2.0.

>> No.51318390

>ukie southern offensive gaining steam, appears to be highly effective
>leaked documents showing that russia is starting to feel the sanction squeeze on everything from fruit and seeds to high tech materials and components
The media has been saying this for months and so far literally the opposite has been true.
How many times can they lie to you, and you'll still repeat their talking points?

>> No.51319024

>Real businesses need predictability, therefore futures
lmfao, rope yourself, you are clueless

>> No.51319054

>leaked documents showing that russia is starting to feel the sanction squeeze on everything from fruit and seeds to high tech materials and components
>russian citizens feeling the effects
>implying russian politicians are affected in any way by sanctions or give a single shit about russian citizens

>> No.51319097

Is something going to happen?

>> No.51319157

>Real businesses need predictability, therefore futures
i bet real businesses need bailouts too when things aren't predictable huh?

>> No.51320240

they are hedging against falling prices, they deserve to fail for this

>> No.51321131

I know, but it's not like these ethnic would be able to form a whole state. Russia doesn't has that many inhabitants compared to it's size. And the population isn't distributed evenly, but the bulk is in the west.

>> No.51321179

Why wouldn't you be as leveraged as possible if the government guaranteed to bail you out?

This problem was created by the government for allowing this to happen and then incentivizing it with bail outs.

>> No.51321214

The best argument is, that they do it for the people, cause otherwise they wouldn't receive gas and therefore freeze.

So we can expect this to happen again and again and again.

>> No.51321226

The intended purpose is irrelevant
Futures are used exclusively for price manipulation and financial leeching / gambling

>> No.51321434

By even worse next time I mean you will have the same oil shortages but Russia will be in control of even more of the share of oil because they'll have Ukrainian oil production too.

>> No.51321476

>Stupidity and weakness crept into the West long ago because of eunuchs like you.
So by that logic we shouldn't try to fix what isn't broken and accept that our ancestors were objectively smarter going back 100 years ago.

>> No.51321494

i dont really care about politics, this is good for my investment cuz it will lead to money printing and thus more stock and crypto value

>> No.51321513

>this was a good thing we deserved
Well yeah, the UK is too blame for almost everything that has gone wrong in recent decades in particular. Nobody in their right mind, regardless of race or politics is not going to be satisfied by its downfall.

>> No.51321522
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I don't care if the country goes bankrupt. That'll show Putin!

>> No.51321536

>bending down backwards and letting him do what he wants and being at his mercy is better
do vatniks really

>> No.51321543

I don't care what slavnigs get up to in their own time. Why should I have to bail them out?

>> No.51321562

what would happen ?
if the margin call gets executed ?

>> No.51321564

because being at their mercy and having them take ukraine will make the situation worse and enable them to further invade westward? if you are american that means most of your trade partners are fucked too

>> No.51321579

>enable them to further invade westward?
No, that's what NATO is for. Russia is struggling against some backwater slav shithole and I'm supposed to be scared? Fuck off.

>> No.51321603

russia taking ukraine means more gas to them, less for europe and less resources in general and a worse position for NATO
it also solidifies the fact that noone gives a shit if you are invaded and that will lead to further violence by other countries

>> No.51321624

Nukes are not real, gaylord.

>> No.51321630

its merrit order
its a scam
they rob our money

>> No.51321667

Seems like a good lesson not to be reliant on russian gibs, and for vulnerable countries to join NATO.

>> No.51321709
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>France: 4%

>> No.51321724

from what I'm understanding they were on the other end of that deal

>> No.51321820

>let’s just throw everything away because LE JEWZ manipulated everything
Fucking idiot. Next you’re gonna tell me we should ban housing because speculators like Blackrock have found a way to make housing a fucking investment. If you want degenerate gambling gone, ban the fucking hedge fund speculators and Wall Street from operating.

>> No.51322840

By the time they can do that hopefully all of these globohomo governments will embrace nuclear and fast track expansion

>> No.51322964

In 20 years India's oil demand will have at least doubled along with a bunch of other countries. The demand only goes up.

>> No.51323760

Its unfortunate the EU allowed itself to outsource critical things like defense and energy to the USA and Russia. But they are set up to fail to begin with with unsustainable immigration. Unless something that drastically changes soon it won't matter if Europe is taken over by Russians. There will be no Europeans left.

>> No.51323830

Over any long enough time frame, a nation's success will be determined by its access to resources. All it takes is a decade or two of technological stagnation for other nations to catch up to your services, and suddenly you have nothing; no material resources to fall back on.

>> No.51323872

I understand trading firms getting buttfucked but there's plenty of energy firms in crisis due to margin calls
Why are energy companies trading with leverage? Is this a meme stemming from Porsche trading it's way into owning VW?

>> No.51323904

The Banking Media complex has made it unthinkable racist for Europeans to seize or exploit resources because "muh colonizers". It isn't by happenstance either. It was deliberately planned and executed. A generational cultural genocide.

>> No.51323913


>> No.51323919

Porsche ended up being bought by VW. Not the other way around, iirc. Wild story, read up on it.