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51284395 No.51284395 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.51284410


>> No.51284411
File: 306 KB, 852x640, LUNALADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51284419

I made 500k out of 200k thanks to you guys
thank you very much! VERY VERY MUCH!!!

>> No.51284433
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>> No.51284448
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Ok guy?

Looks like you sold a little early but you do you

>> No.51284459

>oh no! Only made 300k usd net profit in a week by clicking on my mouse!

You're probably poor and will never make it in crypto. Thanks for providing exit liquidity though

>> No.51284467
File: 130 KB, 827x735, 970DAE7E-A41D-40A5-BD7E-8E90C9AF35F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares you pathetic faggot. You will die a virgin.

>> No.51284475

Coingecko has LUNC ranked at No.30 WTF IS HAPPENING??

>> No.51284490
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WAGMI Lunchads!

>> No.51284493

Most likely you'll provide that for us later down the track, considering you're okay with chump change

>> No.51284499

If anyone here sold at 00025 or something please don't post here, we only need the high IQ anons here

>> No.51284500


Whatever man, enjoy your 300k dolarydoos I guess

>> No.51284517

>chump change

Again, I made a clean 300k in a week
I'm a neet so that profit will secure 10 years of neetdom more or less
Thanks again for buying/holding the bags anon, I honestly really appreciate your dedication

>> No.51284546


K guy. Bye then

>> No.51284547

Throw 10k back in and check it in a year. You'll be able to clone a waifu with those earnings.

>> No.51284549

Sure faggot, just make sure not to fomo in with that same money on the way up which you probably will with that impulse

>> No.51284627

USD will be worthless in a decade. Atleast buy some food and land while you got it.

>> No.51284637

$1 eoy kek willing!

>> No.51284659
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>neet for 10 years with this

>> No.51284669

Double checked

>> No.51284701

Don’t forget to pay your taxes goy

>> No.51284731

how did you bring yourself to put your 100% bank in the first place? i cant get myself to put that much into anything

>> No.51284744

Who said that was my 100% worth? I've been in crypto for a few years now (high 6-figs)

>> No.51284762

oh ok well that is still a considerable portion. anyway i was just asking how you have the balls to put such money in and not sell the next day at a 10% gain basically for example lol
happy u made the money btw

>> No.51284768

>neet for 10 years with this

My current rent is $800 a month, and I spend around 1k on food, entertainement, car/gas and whatnot
Let's make it 2k a month, or heck 25k total a year
300k should indeed last me 10 years or so

>> No.51284786


Same, im a neet and put like $700k into lunc just for fun and now I have 1.5mm

gonna buy a new gaming computer soon and get some new steam games


>> No.51284941
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>> No.51285180
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believing this poohanded elaborate fudder
Lunchads i expect better

>> No.51285223

I doubt you'd have put $200k into this shit if $300k means so much to you

>> No.51285262
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OP is larping, probably quite salty about the clown world LUNC parabola, and even if he isnt lying, hes boasting that he has half a million dollars just to prolong hes basement dwelling lifestyle
you come off as pathetic no matter how you slice it

>> No.51285730

For all you poorfags like me who only have ~500k LUNC, what's your strategy? Are you going to sell any percentage of your folio soon and wait for a tasty dip to slurp it back for a lower price? Or just HODL no matter what?

>> No.51286597
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You my son shall be the frist to eat in the heavenly court of our dear saver luna.

>> No.51286630

Based Lunar poster. Those games were so kino.

>> No.51286738

Any good sources to get started in crypto or whatever this is for absolute new fags?

>> No.51286748

Also if it is possible for poor people to get into crypto

>> No.51287102

people lost money shorting this.
while I made 15$ to 3000$

>> No.51287119


>> No.51287144

How does this work. Will I get my money back even if I'm unlucky, maybe a smaller sum?
I'm a newfag.

>> No.51287174

>holding $200,000 USD in LUNC
if you are this reckless you will be broke in a month and an hero'ing; you will be unable to walk away from your gambling addiction, that $500k is probably still in LUNC

>> No.51287476

kek why settle for $10 go for the big one $100 EOY or nufin if we picking numbers outta your butt

>> No.51287593

>people are still mad we risked 50$ on this

>> No.51289252

Bussin fr fr no cap on gawd cuz.

>> No.51289487

just HODL till 1$ with my tiny 250k lunc bag

>> No.51289525

this, whi cares if we lose coffee money

>> No.51289690

based Katie poster, I remember you from the early LUNC threads

>> No.51289790
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yes and yes. right now you can go to Kraken or Kucoin, and set up an account within 5 min. then buy Luna Classic, which costs about $0.0004 per coin as of writing this. you can see the price action here: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/terra-luna/

once you've purchased your coins (buy as much or as little as you can afford), set limited sell orders on the exchange. if you have a small bag you're probably going to have to wait for 10 cents or more to make a sizeable profit, maybe even 50 cents or a full dollar. you can learn how to set up sell orders on YouTube, it's easy when you get the hang of it (just search 'selling crypto on Kraken', or 'Kucoin exchange selling crypto').

if you buy a bigger bag you should download the Terra Station official app & wallet, then send maybe 20% of your overall stack there as a safeguard... you can also stake those coins with validators to earn passive daily profit (but if you want to un-stake them you'll have to wait for 21 days before they're available again, so think carefully about how many you want to stake... or just use the Terra Station as a backup wallet).

good luck newfren! grab a bag of LUNC and join us on the hype train!

>> No.51289892

i have my computer in my bed and skip the shower and walking to computer frames.
maximum neet

>> No.51289915

Holding 500k here. Planning to sell bits of it to help pay bills here and there, the rest I’m holding until 5 digits. I’ll keep maybe 100k just in case it goes silly

>> No.51290020


nice larp you fucking faggot. Go fucking neck yourself.

>> No.51290060

>once you've purchased your coins (buy as much or as little as you can afford), set limited sell orders on the exchange

Or how about don't be a fucking retard that leaves their coins on exchange and instead create a station wallet, send them there, and stake for a 40% apy. Wow, what a fucking concept. You fucking keyless retard.

>> No.51290117

Played the game since the 90's can't help but to post the goddess Luna pic. Got in when this shit hit rock bottom been stacking for a few months and it's paid off. Can't complain.

>> No.51290164
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>Or how about don't be a fucking retard that leaves their coins on exchange and instead create a station wallet, send them there, and stake for a 40% apy. Wow, what a fucking concept. You fucking keyless retard.
stfu you seething tranny, how's he going to sell if his coins are stuck in staking? you utter imbecile. if he has less than 3 million LUNC it makes no sense to stake, you gaslighting cretin. the rewards are minimal, and he'll miss the moonshot with the 21-day undelegation period. go fuck yourself with a dilator and fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of for trying to mislead newfags.

>verification not required

to anyone else reading this and lurking: staking is only worth it if you're diamond-handing to the next bullrun, or if you have massive amounts of LUNC. you need 1 million coins for ~1,000 LUNC daily gains. if you're holding small bags (anything under 5 million) you're better off splitting them across multiple cexes and setting up sell ladders like pic related. when LUNC starts hitting 5-10 cents you can start selling in increments of 100,000 coins to take early profits, and ladder up from there. staking is a meme being spread by fudders to lock up your coins. I've got 30 million LUNC and I've staked 11, but the other 19 is laddered and ready for sale. don't listen to these faggots who tell you to stake 100% of your stack.

>> No.51290256

Same, I'm homeless and I put like $3mm into it and tripled it. I'll buy new gloves with full fingers and a harmonica.

>> No.51290419


>what is inflation

Holy fuck you're beyond retarded

>> No.51290883

If you haven't bought in now would be the time. Bobos you know you're gonna get liq'd if you keep gambling with the price action.