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51282452 No.51282452 [Reply] [Original]

The real currency of the future is lead

A few angry boomers with hunting rifles can shut down the entire power grid/internet by hitting transmission lines.

Ops there goes your ATM, there goes your crypto.

The future is barter in ammo, namely 9mm and 556 nato. We are going to be on the lead standard.

>> No.51282502

Ridiculous fantasies about societal collapse so you can murder your neighbors aren't healthy.

>> No.51282510
File: 1.52 MB, 3693x2954, 90stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't imagine needing to trading any of my ammo when I can just use silver instead

>> No.51282518
File: 8 KB, 259x194, download (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but collapse does.happen, just like that volcano in Pompeii. You can't do anything about it.

>> No.51282526

no bro u dont understand i would definitely live in this scenario

>> No.51282534

americans murder their neighbors all the time without societal collapse happening schizo

>> No.51282554

i did
t. pompeii survivor

>> No.51282575

>muh ammo pile
one pack of niggers targeting your house is all it takes

>> No.51282576

>disabling the electrical grid by shooting high voltage transmission lines
>1.5 inch thick steel cable
>with lead
>from range
If this is the average brain of the doomer/prepper then I think we'll be just fine
You could fire that entire picture at a single line and not break a strand of cable.

>> No.51282592

I'll trade you a bullet to your head for all your silver, see how it works?

>> No.51282612

or I can do the same for your bullets

>> No.51282644


>> No.51282648

It actually happened, retard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack

>> No.51282652

The vast majority of Pompeii residents survived. A minor eruption a few days earlier had spewed ash on the city and made the air quality really bad. Pompeii was basically an ancient Roman resort town, so had an unusually high number of large villas. Everyone with money left the city because of the poor air quality, and left their slaves behind to clean up. Only then was the city destroyed.

>> No.51282668

true (((we))) need some expooslives. talk to chainlinkgod.eth on twitter he'll set you up at a discount price.
rumor has it the feds have stolen his numberplates in preparation of a crime they will frame him for so maybe you can trade him numberplates for boom booms idk

>> No.51282685

These is are Pompeii mummified bodies of what appears to be a man getting a blowjob right before the hot ash covered them.

>> No.51282710

the things jesuits do that plebs believe man

>> No.51282727

Why didn't their slaves leave? I mean think about your comment.

>> No.51282733

I only buy enough ammo to carry on me plus my pack, the rest will be tactically field acquired. Any more is dead weight. Move light, move fast, move silent

>> No.51282746

>A few angry boomers
Boomers are bitchass pussies and will be genocided for their crimes against humanity

>> No.51282776

holy shit

>> No.51282865

not clicking your scam link rajesh

>> No.51282872

IT dressing FU??

>> No.51283120
File: 34 KB, 1271x125, larpers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, what happened?
>a team of professional snipers with detailed planning did some superficial damage
>little to no power outage
big nothing burger
You're not disabling an entire grid with traditional firearms

And next time you try and prove a point, don't link a fucking source the refutes your claims in the FIRST fucking paragraph.

>> No.51283181

>these is are
>blowjob right before

>> No.51283280

>I'll just fucking SHOOT you!!!
lmao you're either a LARPing pussy who wouldn't last a day in your fantasy mad max collapse, or you're a fucking psycho who wouldn't last a week before getting capped trying to rob someone

>> No.51283294

literally bought a pistol and my first 1000 of .223 today, i guess i'll be alirght

>> No.51283295

My mistake was investing in guns and ammo before crypto. If I did it the other way around I’d have a very large house right now.

>> No.51283333

>Knock out local power grid
>normies can no longer air fry tendies and tater tots while watching TV in a climate controlled environment
>silent majority goes apeshit hunting down the persons responsible for the power outage
Great plan OP.

>> No.51283349

This anon gets it.
>Verification not required.

>> No.51285931

>A few angry boomers with hunting rifles can shut down the entire power grid/internet by hitting transmission lines.
>Ops there goes your ATM, there goes your crypto.
You know how cells work?

>> No.51285944

>aren't healthy.
When SHTF I will be running far south as possible.
My Neighbors are all broke anyway.

>> No.51286357

If you don't know how to make home made kersosene your ngmi. The only thing more common than guns in America are reloading kits. As if you're going to buy any bullet from some cunt you don't know only to have it full of baking soda instead of gun powder because why would anyone sell bullets to someone who may use them against you.
t. Lived in Sarajevo during the seige. Kerosene is gold. Good luck.

>> No.51287014

kek burgers are the most tame cattle and nigger worshippers imaginable.... nothing burgers

>> No.51287024

balkan based warcrime knowledge

>> No.51287033


>> No.51287054

Left wing terrorists knocked out the power supply for 20000 households with an arson attack.

>> No.51287059

>Ops there goes your ATM, there goes your crypto.
damn you stupid. and woops there goes your gold value too.

>> No.51287079
File: 161 KB, 1232x711, photo_2021-11-11_13-44-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another amerimutt cope thread?
They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elected a nigger president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say Martin Luther, they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching niggerball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Mike Tyson, Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, while ignoring the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and and their music charts are filled with niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those are true red blooded American niggers. They watch nigger porn to the point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. America has been and will always be a nation of nigger-loving niggers.

>> No.51287086

Society has literally NEVER EVER collapsed since it's inception. You're beyond autistic if you think it will happen. Sure regression might happen, but a collapse never.

>> No.51287088

See the problem with your logic is that your fsntasy of a 1 man total beast out there in mad max world is gonna be roadkill for a gang of cyclists who will rape you and your wife after taking all your valuables. It’s also called hiding the treasure well.

>> No.51287130

Even after the black plague that wiped away 40-60% of the population, with middle ages technology, peasants went back to plowing the fields after a few years and next up was reneissance.

>> No.51287132

Have sex incel

>> No.51287165

this has too be bait right ?

>> No.51287178

Give me one example of society completely collapsing and aa mad max style era happening.

>> No.51287270

>mad max style..... what are you talking about that is fantasy but societal collapse does happen,

roman empire, Macedon empire, byzantine empire, and even germany 1945 for most recent. no kys tranny

>> No.51287497

Oh i see only uneducated people think a collapse is possible.

>roman empire
It was a slow disappearance of central authority, not a societal collapse. A farmer now paid taxes to a local war lord while his dad paid taxes to the roman emperor, not much other difference. People didn't even realise the roman empire being gone. Hell, Charlamagne was crowned by people larping as the roman senate.

>Byzantine empire
Same shit, yeah the city got sacked a few times but people just migrated elsewhere. Once again the local peasant barely noticed a difference.

>1945 Berlin
After the invasion was over, order returned in a couple of weeks. Not a societal collapse.

>> No.51289079

dark ages nigger

>> No.51290454

cope harder brainlet

>> No.51290530

Parts of Roman Empire for sure. Some parts were stabilized by Germanics like Italy after the collapse but some were utterly fucked by other Germanic tribes

>> No.51290915


did we have the same degree of centralized system such as power grids back then?

>> No.51292941

So you dont train shooting, you just larp and have a rifle thats probably been fired twice and like 120 rounds of ammo. Sounds about right for this place.

>> No.51293042

I heard you can juice Serbians like oranges and kerosene comes out of their assholes. Thats why the Yugoslavia fell, a Serb found the secret bottle asshole extraction technique and the Albanian elite shut it down.


>> No.51293187

>A few angry boomers with hunting rifles can shut down the entire power grid/internet by hitting transmission lines.
wow great let me live without any of the modern luxuries and all of the downsides wooo

why would anyone ever want to hedge like this? suppose society does collapse, wow you get to be king of the dump and have the most shiny bits of metal and least radioactive food
but suppose the much more likely outcome that you're wrong, you get fuck all

>> No.51294737
File: 808 KB, 225x249, 1662215623723613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 biz fag here. I remember there was a lot of threads about stocking up on ammo. Anons would post pictures of their closet full to the ceiling of ammo. I shrugged it off and well...look where we are now. Ammo prices thru the roof compared to back than. havent seen any ammo threads since then until this one. i guess all those anons made it.

>> No.51294819
File: 909 KB, 1909x1074, 1659763979648600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having ammo and a gun is a win win, its never a lose. regardless of "society collapse", a gun is #1 on the list of insurance. you know that phrase people say you dont need it until you do? well a gun and ammo is number 1 on that list. when you need it...you really fucking need it. but yeah have fun not having a gun, ill be fucking your butthole while your family watches :)

>> No.51294870
File: 129 KB, 402x334, 1510244095469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real currency of the future is lead
>A few angry boomers with hunting rifles can shut down the entire power grid/internet by hitting transmission lines.
>Ops there goes your ATM, there goes your crypto.
>The future is barter in ammo, namely 9mm and 556 nato. We are going to be on the lead standard.

>> No.51295043

Bronze Age collapse, made the late antiquity collapse look like a milld inconvenience

>> No.51295332
File: 142 KB, 975x668, 1656868847741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stopping anything

>> No.51295380

>1.5 inch thick steel cable
you shoot the transformer so the oil drains and it overheats and fails... in theory anyway

>> No.51296230
File: 221 KB, 568x896, 1659988281425353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hot bitches can I buy with 1000 rounds of 556 ?