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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51263007 No.51263007 [Reply] [Original]

eeeeeHEHEHEhehheHEheheee batties $40 bat or nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.51263034

I'll settle for $30

>> No.51263338

f4g did u sell? why not

>> No.51263752

How’s your mental health, mate?

>> No.51264228

My bastards, I still haven't been given my August rewards yet. MY VILLAGE.

>> No.51264285

well, it`s swinging back up if you mean BAT

>> No.51264851
File: 247 KB, 957x532, E969FBFD-B364-4360-B3BE-5EA4311BF191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser Brendan has saved my village from hunger

>> No.51265229
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2 more days until numbers for August come out?

>> No.51265996

im still mad that the big headed faggot had two days to release the numbers and now hes waiting until the 6th. Numbers better be good.

>> No.51267102
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x848, 9ABA26BB-4C73-462F-84B6-E0B492A90535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea that was a jerk move. Good thing we got mulksy and Jimmy or I’d hate this whole company

>> No.51267109

Why buy what you can get for free from clicking ads?

>> No.51267835

I think the bigbrain is just coasting now. He just makes big moves now. Hes not in the day to day anymore. Sits on twitter until its time to do an acquisition or spec out something like working with sardine or ftx. He needs to set more direction for the people under him before hes too far removed and the company loses the vision/focus. You can already see some of it starting to creep.

>> No.51268296

He's stalling cause they're bad. Same thing last month

>> No.51269353

>hurr durr ive got 4 million BAT
get rekt retard

>> No.51269531

Someday they will release a major update that adds more utility to BAT, and it will be worth 5$.
I accumulate 9 bat a month until that day.

>> No.51269718
File: 23 KB, 311x196, batn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATTies OFICIALLY got scammed. Brave downloads and usage have no bearing on the token. Glorified Ad Blocker. Token used for money grab gimmick. A small fraction of the users actually turn on ads - people will pay NOT to view ads.

BRAVE users != BAT shitcoin holders

Brave fans:
Love privacy
Hate big tech
Hate ad industry
Hate government
Probably use Linux, free software

BAT fans:
Don't care much about privacy (use public ledger crypto, rationalize KYC)
Love nu-big tech (web3)
Love ad industry (it'll cause BAT to moon)
Love government (regulation and institutional adoption will make BAT moon)
Probably less tendency to use Linux and free software

>> No.51269725
File: 91 KB, 1076x654, bate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Brave announces they reached over 1 million monthly active users in January 2018 - BAT price $0.85
> https://brave.com/update-brave-browser-and-bat-achievements-in-2017-and-goals-for-2018/
> https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20180108/
> Brave Passes 50 Million Monthly Active Users, Growing 2x for the Fifth Year in a Row - BAT price $0.35
> https://brave.com/2021-recap/



> Yep, here, at least in the way that I don't care about the BAT rewards. I just think Brave is a good browser and I like to use it.

> do care about crypto, but not the Brave rewards. I have turned off ads. I don't want to make $30 a year by having to see 6 ads an hour.

> Time is my most precious commodity, attention is a close second. As I get older I'm more aware of this, and don't care to pollute my consciousness with ads if I can avoid it.

> I have been using Brave for around three years, never turned on BAT. Not interested in cryptocurrency of any kind.

> I don't give a shit about earning bat.. I give a lot of shit about crypto

> I'll raise TWO hands. Life is too short to spend it closing ads popups for pennies.

> If I could I would disable/strip off any crypto feature from Brave, desu.

> I do care about crypto, just not BAT.

> Yeah, I really wish this sub had forced flairs so I could filter out all the "were my bat??1" posts. Mods, please?

> Don't give a shit about crypto baked into a browser.

>> No.51269730

i need more fud. i want to feel alive again and this isn't doing it for me.

>> No.51269734
File: 157 KB, 370x246, bati.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How about 10 BAT in one year from today, you pay me if BAT:BTC >= 0.00015 (max to date is 0.000145), else I pay you. Safe if BAT is worthless as you contend. How can you lose? ;-) - Brendan Eich @BrendanEich · Jan 24, 2018
> https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/956237347649069057
BATTies got scammed! BAT is 0.00001715 BTC. BAT is Eich's money grab project, his last chance to make some money because despite being there in the early web and throughout the growth years, he never managed to make any money. Scamming low IQ crypto fags was his ticket.

>> No.51269740
File: 78 KB, 400x364, bat2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 5 years of pure, unbridled cope
> muh give it 5 more year, BAT is a 10 year long term investment

>> No.51269757
File: 10 KB, 316x160, bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh Brave Search
this is BATTies last dose of hopium. A trillion dollar mega-corp with an unlimited budget, Microsoft which could force itself as the default search engine on retail normies, failed miserably is where a token with basically zero budget is going to succeed. BATTies will continue to get scammed

>> No.51270322

Shit dude. Did I get scammed?

>> No.51270466


>> No.51270647

Can someone explain why people create these comments 24/7? I don't get it. Even if you think Brave is shit, why do you care about your fellow 4channer that much?

>> No.51270655

its fun.

>> No.51271528

It’s wicked bizarre. These are bots at work. BAT could jump to $3 tomorrow and these poasts will still show up. It’s programmed in the same way $40 is programmed in

>> No.51271580

Stage 1. buy shittoken. Stage 2. waste everything. Stage 3. Cry a river on 4chan. don't be such an asshole. Use Yopi Network!

>Backed up by gold the yopi.network sustains very strong currency
>Micropayment services
>No team tokens
>90 days lock = 66% APY

>> No.51272931


If you lost a bunch of money on BAT wouldn't posting 24/7 actually make it worse because you're ruminating on it? I think the people doing this are mentally fucking themselves every hour of the day.

>> No.51274858

It’s because they still have hope. They know the project is awesome. It’s just Brave is falling short of their expectations. A lot of unkempt promises.

>> No.51274908

>omg how can people enjoy mocking arrogant idiot shitcoiners I just don’t believe it wow how can this happen
Cry some more.

>> No.51275063

Why aren't you making money like the Top G suggests instead of posting on an image board of onion sellers?

>> No.51275114

Unlike you I browse biz in my free time for entertainment. Crazy idea I know.

>> No.51275435

I'm pretty physically active for posting here. And I have a job. Never got any stimulus!

>> No.51275720

How long do we need to wait to get some god damned thots back in the threads?

>> No.51276410
File: 10 KB, 1200x1200, wojak feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this crab range is cancer but the fact that it's only like 10-15 cents above the most epic, pathetic and cancerous BAT crab range of 2018-2021 is what hurts the most

I don't mind crabbing but BAT hardly held any of its gains from this latest bull run. That's what's so fucking depressing. BAT hits nearly $2 and isn't even crabbing in a 40-50 cent range, makes me want to puke. So what, next bull run (in fucking 2 years) BAT gets to... $3? $4? Somebody kms me

>> No.51276690
File: 56 KB, 828x828, 15D74459-F5CF-4839-B735-90AE6630813B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax. We’re gonna two major sell the news events in Q4. Halloween and thanksgiving.

>> No.51276710
File: 942 KB, 1440x1789, Screenshot_20220707-162920_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appropriate ID HOR FAN

>> No.51276791
File: 27 KB, 500x334, 3245403C-0E40-4033-BE02-42B6A579C160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure if this is cope or a larp but my bags are so heavy I’ll believe it

>> No.51277902

Someone tweet at Brendan about the trans report. He’s probably tired of only talking about Covid.

>> No.51277969

What report sir

>> No.51278335

Transparency report. Details what sheer panties and leggings Jennie will be wearing for the month.

>> No.51279859
File: 43 KB, 769x567, I HAVE ABANDONED MY COIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We fucking had years of brutal crab at 18-25 cents. Then finally it broke out. Now we are back at the start. And you know if btc drops to 15k we are at 25 cents again. Haha there is nothing holding this coin up. No one wants it. The team did fuck all in the bullrun. And somehow doing less now.

>> No.51280021

People were so tired of bat spam threads for 5 years they started spamming these anti-bat posts. It's like a community service to warn noobs and idiots to stay away from this shit token that hasn't been able to keep above $0.40 in 5 1/2 years

>> No.51280153
File: 222 KB, 960x917, CDE73064-0A3A-410D-8B10-16EA09A77C24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone tweet at Brendan about the trans report