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51253043 No.51253043 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best depression proof jobs?

>> No.51253058

Professional tiktokker aka nurse

>> No.51253060

Any job that you enjoy and are not forced to do because of money. There you have it.

>> No.51253061

>burgericans are paid a top 1% salary in normal western countries to put a needle into someone
burgerica is peak clown world
especially when faggots come in here and say they're struggling, "muh cost of living", whereas when you look at their spending it's literally because they buy $5k of consumerist bullshit per month

>> No.51253063

Is this how low IQ mutts learn in Idiocracy America now?

>> No.51253064

the only recession proof jobs are high demand trades and doctoring
things and people will continue to break even when the economy is bad
also, nursing isn't doctoring

>> No.51253066

i think he means financial depression not mental health depression lol

>> No.51253072

Boomers are the world's pay pig.

>> No.51253074

Yes, the average mutt knows nothing about a subject other than what they’ve seen or heard about it on YouTube or TikTok

>> No.51253085

I really, really do not want anyone with "anaesthetic" in her job title going into the field because she saw a TikTok post about the salary.

>> No.51253093

>Be American
>Pay $10k/year just for health insurance
>Nurses make $125k/year to babysit sick people and every hospital has 500 billing/insurance middlemen
Wow imagine the GDP if everyone did this
>American life expectancy now lower than Asian farmers in Vietnam

>> No.51253107

Male porn star

>> No.51253110

>What are the best depression proof jobs?
Professional town crier.

>> No.51253127

>nurse practitioner
not a doctor, fuck these people that think they can properly assess patient needs by completing a year long certificate program, all they fucking do is contribute to antibiotic resistance and make insurance more expensive for everyone

>> No.51253128

ESL Retard, a needle can cripple you if it hits a nerve. It's not even difficult to do. Maybe if you weren't hating imaginary /biz/ larpers you'd have $5k to spend at all

>> No.51253129


>> No.51253150

This is the only one. Have capital and put it to work.

>> No.51253166

professional thug

>> No.51253168

Nurses are in high demand right now because every dumbass women in America fell for the
>I am le smart woman meme
So they studied bullshit in college and are now unemployable. Many women are finally catching up to the fact that Nursing is a cash cow and it's a piss easy degree. The field will get saturated in the coming 5-10 years and hospitals will be ruthless when it comes to cutting Nursoid pay.
Just become a Doctor, it takes more time and more effort but it's worth it in the end.
You could teach a 12 year old child to draw blood lmao. Nurse jobs are piss easy and they spend 50% of their day just chit chatting with their coworkers.

>> No.51253170

Fuck me i've been a doctor for 8 years and im not at the bottom pay there.

>> No.51253190

Where you from? India?

>> No.51253213

Almost (UK)

>> No.51253224 [DELETED] 

You have to be black or jewish

>> No.51253253

Is nursing a good job ?

>> No.51253302

Kek apparently that was my family's trade going back generations in the old country (France). I don't even know what it means.

>> No.51253323

In the US it takes 10 years I think to become an actual physician. How long does it take in the UK?

>> No.51253332

>Almost (UK)
Confirmed close enough to India in 2022

t.$300k/year software engineer considering a medical field switch

>> No.51253339

>Just become a Doctor,
doctors have to spend 13+ years learning how to do their jobs before they are even allowed to make big salaries. The ROI from becoming a doctor is bad

>> No.51253343

5 normally. Though I had to do a pre-med year first, then had a year out with ill health so 7 for me.

>> No.51253349

casino owner

>> No.51253351

But I pay $780 per year for health insurance, my company covers the rest.

Do you really, actually believe we pay 10k for health insurance?

>> No.51253361

You'd be a glorified nurse in the US

>> No.51253373

As some other UK doc anon here has said - i'm outright considering a move out of medicine or out of the country.

Even considering the USMLE and even if they make me start again from scratch it might be appealing. The UK haemorrhages british docs and over half of new NHS doctors come from outside the UK and EU every year.

The GMC will ass rape you as a white doc if you breathe wrong and if you evade that you do so for the joy of £40k for working 8-8 5 days a week.

>> No.51253387

What if I told you that social media where a minority of attention whores brag about shit was different from real life here?

>> No.51253392

As Jewish as it is, any production job in entertainment, the last thing normies will give up is consooming media, my dad was non-stop working during the 2008 crash when our neighbors were getting foreclosed, and I was non-stop busy during the pandemic when all of my friends in normie fields got laid off. The cycle of slop never stops.

>> No.51253403
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forced to take vax...all day on feet...watching people die daily & having feces thrown at you....enjoy your depression free nurse job

>> No.51253460


>> No.51253549


>> No.51253558

It's like a cross between a walmart greeter and an internet kiosk :D

>> No.51253568

Is that supposed to be a lot. I guess I am spoiled as fuck making $450k as an entry level software engineer?

>> No.51253723

We're going back to either military or farmer. Well, personally imma bout to start dealing cards even though I can use a cnc machine and hack

>> No.51253774

Based. My twin sisters are about to become nurse practitioners. I'm still gonna make almost the same as the two of them combined though.

>> No.51253815


>> No.51253840

why the fuck does a list need a fucking clap routine? holy shit the future is fucked, wasting 15 seconds when I could read the list in 1

>> No.51253852

they also go into like $500k+ in debt to earn their Dr

>> No.51253883

doctors are consistently the top of lifetime earners on average.
Its worth it when you can make 300-500k afterwards.

>> No.51253888

Hating other white people is why Europe will always be poor. You could learn from us but you idiots prefer to swallow our Jewish propaganda. You are from the stock that was too much of a bitch to risk everything for prosperity. You might not like it but white Americans are what peak European performance looks like.

>> No.51253897

just because they make a lot of money doesn't make them happy or fulfilled, doctors are easily one of the most depressed professions and the topic at hand in which jobs are "depression proof"

>> No.51253918

I think you meant 450 rupees instead of 450k

>> No.51253947

I get paid 100k (australian) for doing mental health nursing. We do even less then regular nurses. It's very based. I did get a cup of piss thrown in my face last week though

>> No.51253954
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>> No.51254032
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Pest Control.
Rich bastards still want rats and boogs out of their house.

>> No.51254070

>doctors are easily one of the most depressed professions
Because a lot of Doctors are fucking retarded cucks that chase the academic ivory tower and subspecialist status. There are a shitload of Residency trained doctors that willingly take a huge paycut just to work at a very known hospital. Imagine being this cucked, it's like a banker would willingly takes a big paycut because they "want to work" at Goldman Sachs. LMAO
Actually Smart Doctors fuck off from hospitals and go straight into private practice. Work 40h-50h a week, get a lot of vacations, work with the patients you want (if some retard comes in you can actually tell him to fuck off) and earn more than doctors at hospitals.
If youre miserable as a Doctor you are simply retarded.

>> No.51254176


>> No.51254330

people were shouting about obamacare for all the wrong reasons IMO.
people were all talking costs, but the reality is that if the government takes over healthcare there is ONE employer. everything is equally shitty.

now, the medical field in the US is a cartel, so if they want to pump up the number of doctors, all they have to do is relax standards and they can meet quotas.
BUT... the ultimate reality is that there is one employer. and people realize its a shit deal and not longer want to be doctors.

this is happening with the military (the poor navy being overstretched and ramming into ships), with teachers, and also with politicians, which is particularly terrifying. not really a fan of the rule by 80 year olds.

>> No.51254335

but yes, you can earn 150k US as a GP here

>> No.51254350

It's the insurance companies too, like 15 years ago I was charged $60 when they "administered" me 2 Tylenol pills. The medical scene here absolutely is a cartel racket. That's why you should always not pay your medical bills, let it go to collection, then negotiate with the collectors to get off by paying only 5% the total cost because that's what the true cost of medical service actually is

>> No.51254431
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>yuropoor butthurt that workers can still earn a living wage in America
Fun fact: in yurpurup not only is water not provided as soon as you sit in a restaurant, you have to pay for it, and the restaurant charges you as much as a real drink
>the absolute state of the yuropoor

>> No.51254448

>40k for working 8-8 5 days a week
Is this during residency or as a fully trained doctor? How much do you earn once you finish residency? How long does it take?
I know that UK docs are very cucked, but dont know to what extent

>> No.51254451

Wasted on coping cringe peasant stock.

>> No.51254500

>£40k for 60hr weeks
Jesus Christ, waiters earn more for fewer hours in freedomland

>> No.51254781

You can tell this is a third worlder poster, not even a Eurofag but literal third worlder (probably Mexico) since his only experience with nurses is to give him polio vaccines or whatever they give thirdies.

>> No.51254823

No they don’t most of our waiters can’t get orders right and my last one was clearly on drugs while serving me.

>> No.51255055

kek cry moar faggot. Wife works less than 10hrs a week and makes $30k/yr, no full time waitstaff is making less than $50k/yr in the US

>> No.51255076
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ah about that. Slava Ukraina peasant

>> No.51255224

>1. Onlyfans nurse $20million

>> No.51255307
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Anesthesiology literally balances you between life and death you fucking retard, I would refuse service from anyone doing that shit making less than $120k

>> No.51255364

CRNAs aren't Anesthesiologist. They are complete trash that try to get autonomy so that hospitals can cheap out.
Anesthesiologists make more like 300-400k

>> No.51255567

Nurses are paid a lot because they work shitty hours and don't get to see their families very often. Many of them are travel nurses and/or work 12 hour days 3x a week. Not extremely helpful for starting a family. Also the younger ones also tend to work shitty shifts aka graveyard shifts or in facilities/areas where nobody wants to work, kind of like how teachers generally get the shittiest schools when first starting out.
>depression proof jobs
Depends on what depresses you. I like engineering, but CS for example attracts a lot of faggy nerd types so I try to avoid them (most engineering jobs have them somewhere). Some engineering jobs will also burn you out, so you should try and get on a good project for a reputable military contractor. What defines a good project? No funding problems, a clear path forward for the next 3-5 years minimum, and a respect for work/life balance aka not having to work overtime or extra hours more than a couple times a year (usually before a deadline or for some special testing event etc).

As for other careers that are rewarding, it really depends on your interests, not everyone would like my job but I don't mind it. I'm compensated nicely but if I was paid only $60k for example I'd be demoralized. There are good and bad jobs in most fields, but some fields pay enough to make the bad jobs tolerable. Maybe consider finance, I know a few guys with great careers in it, but I've also heard of people who want to blow their brains out doing it. All comes down to you, just try and choose a field that hypothetically has the pay and work you'd enjoy, and then try to find that fit as you progress through your career. Everyone has to have a bad job at some point. My dad for example worked a ton of crappy jobs until he figured out what he wanted to do. He worked at yardstick factory, an auto paint shop, as an insulation installer, a pencil factory etc until he went to the gym, got buff and joined a SWAT team.

>> No.51255624

Doctors are worse off than I am as a shitty factory wageslave
Christ money is not worth the fucking shit doctors have to go through, and the shifts they work

>> No.51255630

That’s objectively not true
You can ask for free tap water and they’re legally obligated to give it to you

>> No.51255632

Jobs in the food/hospitality industry, no one wants to do them so people are always looking for them.

>> No.51255639

tiktok is literally designed to give people depression and other mental issues

>> No.51256313

I'm a MD and nurse job is absolutely retard tier, they're also lazy as fuck and spend half of their day in pause while complaining they work too much and manage to whine when you ask them to do their fucking jobs.
The only people who really work hard at the hospital are the janitors, the interns and the fellows.

>> No.51256354

And whoever is working in the echo lab

>> No.51256376

Keep telling yourself that you dumb poor fuck lmao

>> No.51256388

Cybersecurity is the best recession proof job. Companies outsource to India to save money, and they get low quality code. Low quality code has vulnerabilities. Bad guys exploit vulnerabilities to mine XMR because they need money. Company has to pay expensive cybersecurity guys to fix the problem.

>> No.51256431

Hello anecdotal cope, I know you never took a statistics class so the concepts of "average" and "per capita" are meaningless to you but my numbers reflect the average healthcare spending of an American per year and the average life expectancy. I know you're special and above average but your country is a shithole empirically. Leave your emotions and selfish tunnel vision behind and accept it.

>> No.51256481

Working for the government

>> No.51256502

Shut up retard, we need to fud our job, you want to earn less?

Spekaing of being a doctor is terrible. Patients, studying, law. Also we are full. Dont study it.

>> No.51256521

>if it hits a nerve
you wouldn't feel it at all if it didn't hit a nerve. wtf are you talking about?

>> No.51256559

Dumb ass. Nursing is hard because you 5 - 8 very sick patients to take care of. You won't survive day 1 niga.

>> No.51256580

Your not a MD. Having 100 plus patients in the ER is not easy. If you are a MD you would not beag about it in 4chan. You don't want to think anything medical related ourtside of work.

>> No.51256776

Healthcare workers are all sociopaths, and both their jobs and their lives sound miserable as hell.

>> No.51256865

I am actually, unironically, an MD in America, working on a large academic hospital. Been on 4chan forever. Ask me something. I'm actually willing to help if you have any questions

>> No.51256886

you can see the stupidity in her eyes

>> No.51256896

Facts. Any STEM related to critical infrastructure and the military is still in demand during a recession. Cybersecurity in the 21st century is on the same level as grid maintenance, army corps of engineers, etc.

>> No.51256949

Did you fuck any nurses in the broom closet?

>> No.51256980

Employers don't give a shit about your military experience anymore lol

>> No.51256988

Kek this is crazy, in my country (Finland) nurses get paid so little that people are leaving the field in masses because they can just get comp. sci degrees for the same effort and earn 2.5x wages.

>> No.51256991

Idk my job makes me depressed af

>> No.51257001

Meanwhile you can minimum wage as a nurse in Germany kek

>> No.51257014

What a stupid fucking video, do people really zogbot scroll through this shit for hours?

>> No.51257044
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Machine/robot operator in demolition or energetics. Buildings and bridges still need to be removed despite what the economy's doing. Just keep grinding for bigger and more difficult.

>> No.51257050

The Chinese gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.51257093

focus on the necessities for human life. Healthcare is certainly one of those necessities.

>> No.51257104

dumbest shit I saw while working at my mom's clinic came from doctors, not nurses.

>> No.51257134

Nope. Married with a kid. But the nurses are really permiscuos, since most of them are miserable

>> No.51257142

why wouldn't they be? They keep the place going but they get shit on by the doctors and have more recently earned the ire of an entire political persuasion because some of them dared to blow off steam on tiktok during a pandemic.

>> No.51257143

I have nothing to say. Doctors are soulless and dumb as fuck. Bet you don’t even know about the cosmic death fungus, fucking idiot.

>> No.51257155

Which specialties are the best to go into?

>> No.51257174

>If you are a MD you would not beag about it in 4chan
I didn’t brag, I made a factual statement smoothbrain.
I don’t care if you believe me or not anyway.

>Having 100 plus patients in the ER is not easy.
95% of nurses don’t work in the ER and you never go through 100 patients a shift as a nurse unless you do the triage (which is arguably the only role with a bit of mental load).
I did some replacements when I was still a student during summer and half the day was spent in the staff room eating cake and gossiping about some bullshit. I was basically done with my round and charting by 11 am and the entire afternoon was spent jerking off and waiting for the admission (which took 10 minutes to make).

A nurse anesthesist job is even comfier, you basically do nothing 80% of the time and you’re paid fucking crazy salaries in the US but that’s probably the only nurse specialty where you need some brain cells.

>> No.51257182

>You could teach a 12 year old child to draw blood lmao.

That is called a phlebotomist you autistic retard.

>> No.51257189

but they have the FREE HEALTHCARE™

>> No.51257247

What are you looking for? Money, then orthopedics or dermatology. Easy lifestyle then something like infectious disease or pathology

>> No.51257253

Don't forget that also get shit on figuratively and literally by patients and their families.

>> No.51257254

I think the same can be said about most social media.

>> No.51257422

I'm UK but i've never found this to be true at all. We really don't socialize with nurses much at all. Everyone has odd schedules so arranged social nights are few and far between and the nurses kind of view themselves more with the ward clerks and domestics than the doctors. I think it's because of how tied to a specific ward they are.

>> No.51257541

government jobs

>> No.51257592

Nurses make 100k or more in Canada lol and still bitch constantly

>> No.51257641

So we're unit based on my hospital. So I'm on the same floor with same day staff constantly. That sorry of environment let's the staff really get to know each other and socialize, even during the workday or on breaks. Since I'm rounding on patients all day and they have their assignments, we're constantly together as a team

>> No.51257679

>CRNAs aren't Anesthesiologist. They are complete trash that try to get autonomy so that hospitals can cheap out.
Lmao. I work in an OR and I would trust a lot of our CRNAs more than some of our anesthesiologists. Besides in most circumstances the people doing your actual anesthesia are going to be either a CRNA or an anesthesia resident (who often feel like a 50:50 shot if they're decent or trash) and the anesthesiologist just covers multiple rooms

>> No.51257689

All jobs cause depression

>> No.51257781

What's the difference between a urologist and an anesthesiologist?

>> No.51257790

clap clap

>> No.51257839

One knocks you out before sticking their fingers up your butt?

>> No.51257879

lol you're telling me my dumb ass makes more money than nurse practitioners working at home running scripts? lol dumb roasties

>> No.51257889


nursing is absolutely easy and is full of retards. however, america is capitalist first and foremost. it doesn't care about credentials or intelligence. it cares about money. nurses will continue to be paid a lot because they can bill the government/insurance companies a slightly lower rate than doctors and pay them half as much (which just happens to still be high because doctors make so much). the situation with nurses is 100% capatalism working its magic. a capitalist doesn't care if you're a dumb 5/10 girl on tiktok. he cares about how much money you can make him, and nurses are making healthcare execs a lot of money

>> No.51257982

>A nurse anesthesist job is even comfier

Is this actually even a good job? When I was a broke college student I looked at NP and nurse anesthetist salaries and I was like "Damn imagine making 100k", but now I make 250k WFH (i'm a consultant for a large company) and it's so cucked being in healthcare and being stuck in a hospital all day. I was making 150k before this working for the government putting in literal 2 hour days sometimes

>> No.51258069

1st year pre-med at a state school

>> No.51258110

aren't most of your patients there involuntarily? not exactly an ethical job

>> No.51258207

you have time to invest in any hobby you’d like or simply just enjoy being lazy
i make like $3k a month staking ETH and BitDAO tokens and in living life
its not that much money really but its enough to support my lazy coon lifestyle

>> No.51258570


you'd have to stake like what 400+ eth to make 3k a month? i don't think that's a 'job' it's just having money already

>> No.51258574

The line usually is "a urologist plays with sometime else's penis in the operating room"
But i like yours

>> No.51258619

I dunno bro, my best mate is an officer in a military medical unit and they literally teach intravenous therapy to 85 IQ zogbots there. Can't be hard

>> No.51258638
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Amazon warehouse worker
>people will never stop buying junk
>labor filters out the unhealthy so your coworkers arent mostly fatties and weak nerds on biz that cant handle it make crybaby posts you can laugh at
>can get warnings but they go away anyways
>no customers
>little responsibility just bounce around different jobs if you get bored if you are somewhat decent you can move up to laptop monkey role
>super dumb easy to setup opportunities to get laid only hardcore r9k tier weirdos would have a hard time doing

>> No.51258670

I pay 1180 every month and my co pays are 40/80, rx aren't cheap either. SIngle White man.

>> No.51258682

You could probably live like a king in New England. You are just gonna have to learn to drive everywhere since only the densest of cities here have decent transit.

>> No.51259239

are you serious? I paid £1000 in national insurance (how bongs pay for NHS) over the last tax year, and I only worked warehouse/fastfood slave jobs to keep my head above water. I am a student so I get a loan that covers rent and then some. being a warehouse slave student in bongland is more expensive then being a faggot in america. its fucking over.

>> No.51259445

moar like boner nurse if you get what I am saying

>> No.51259836

Military experience generally gives you an edge for military contractors. If you're trying to get a logistics job at Amazon however, perhaps it's not as useful.

>t. engineer for a major military contractor who works with a number of veterans

>> No.51259925

It's the opposite now in fact, military experience for non-military/government related fields is looked down upon heavily. Normies are afraid of the ptsd veteran mentally breaking down and shooting up the place

>> No.51259974

You pay $11 a gallon because $7 of it is taxes to fund your socialist insolvent globohomo programs. You pay far more than me for healthcare than me.

>> No.51259985

Okay fags I'll give you probably the most versatile profession in healthcare that nobody talks about: physiotherapy. Bonus is you can do massages and work in a gym.

>> No.51260155

All the nurses at my local hospital work three 12-hour shifts per week so stfu

>> No.51260177

Is that what an americANO gf looks like?

>> No.51260191

how do you get military contractor position?

>> No.51260228

im a nurse.i get paid 44.59/hr

im pretty sure i get a higher pay by switching hospitals. Im going to the NP thing too in october.
any other nurse chuds here too?

>> No.51260273
File: 127 KB, 542x363, E75B4B18-5691-40D6-9042-5ED319CCC2A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just apply jobs work for a while then quit and neetmaxx until I want to work again

>> No.51260277

Be an airline check in agent, have unlimited power and ruin other peoples days and vacations. It’s honestly a lot of fun I don’t even do it for the money I just love interacting with people and watching them seethe when things don’t go their way.

>> No.51260287

imagine your doctor is secretly a fellow 4chan anon

>> No.51260317

dude anesthesia is tough a little less and it does nothing a little more and it kills you

>> No.51260344

Those people are fucking tards. First time some Navy roastie tried to take blood from me she missed the vein 3 times and another dude looks over like "yeah that vein collapsed now, try a different one". Then she started complaining omg no I can't do it I can't its too awkward (?) and made someone else do it.

I figured whatever, that was a one-off. Basically the exact same thing happened to me the next half dozen times I had to get blood drawn in the military. They'd miss 3+ times EACH arm.

I developed a fear of needles because of it. Shit is fucking insanely stressful to me now.

>> No.51260368

Yeah, no. It's the most nepotistic thing in existence, designed to keep the likes of you out, since I'm guessing you aren't in the tribe. If you _really_ wanted to be in the USA, your best bet would be to suck it up and retrain there as a NP, or even nurse. You'll still make more money and live better.

Come to Australia. It's what I did. You'll either do it now or in five years time. The UK is over as a first world country. There is no feasible politics that puts the UK together again as a competitive economy

>> No.51260420

UK has one million immigrants a year. Do you have any idea how many health issues they bring with them? An entire lifetime's worth. They're inbred, and can't look after themselves when they get here, so inevitably end up diabetic on Western diets. That's what you're paying for. That's why Americans don't want a fucking NHS. It would genuinely bankrupt them, as it is doing to us.

>> No.51260482
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>not a doctor, fuck these people that think they can properly assess patient needs by completing a year long certificate program, all they fucking do is contribute to antibiotic resistance and make insurance more expensive for everyone

>> No.51260690

Nurse anesthesists make 200k a year working one hour a day since 99% of procedures go without problem. If you work in a university hospital the intern will basically do half of your job in bonus.
You can basically spend your day browsing 4chan and look at the blood pressure and saturation once in a while.

>> No.51260728

nurses are the worst slaves.

>> No.51260805

>depression proof jobs

Work in a nitrous oxide factory.

>> No.51260823

Sauce on the nurse boy?

>> No.51260834

Anesthesiologists are a money hack basically everywhere in the world, they're nearly always the most highly paid guy at any operation table because they're usually the only one there whose fuckup will kill the patient.

>> No.51261048

Lots of pathetic wages in here flexing that their corporate overlord gives them more peanuts than someone else's corporate overlord. It's comical how easily the ruling class pits the working class against each other. Sad, but also comical. Yall are getting played

>> No.51261769

OR nurse, get paid around $39 an hour. I'd probably make a lot more a lot faster jumping around jobs, but mine is so damned easy with such a good schedule I'm not sure I'll ever leave.

>> No.51261855

lol shut up gas monkey only way you get blamed when someone dies on the table is if you make a comically bad fuckup. The equivalent would be if the surgeon accidentally stabs someone in the heart or leaves sponges inside the patient. Shit I respect ortho docs more than anesthesia docs. the one thing anesthesia does well is intubation but ED docs do that plus a 100 other things

>> No.51261857

Mad as fuck Nursoids. Daily reminder that you will never be a Doctor.
If you believe a CRNA is even comparable to an Anesthesiologist, then I would love you to go get surgery without any Anesthesiologist in the hospital. One bad thing happens and you're dead because your retard CRNA doesn't know anything.

>> No.51261986

im a cvsicu nurse. night shift. before that was in a stepdown floor.

hopefully my stinky linkies and ethereum can send me to the moon

>> No.51262020

Teacher. Unionized government position.

>> No.51262023

>night shift.
I'm sorry, that shit sucks. Fingers crossed my Ch-ch-chia (which I'm surprisingly still overall positive on) goes somewhere in the next few years.

>> No.51262033

desu i prefer it over the dayshift. it is less stressful

>> No.51262418

>reading comprehension
You be more useful as fertilizer. Compost yourself.

>> No.51262580

Definitely depression proof, but for dogshit pay.

>> No.51262661

>your salary tops out at $150k probably in your 50s
Is this a flex? That's humiliating

>> No.51262666

It's a unionized position so you can just strike and fuck up every parent's day because you aren't getting paid enough.

>> No.51262677

working in a field with your hands

>> No.51262688

For me, it'd be any night shift security job. I fucking hate dealing with people so watching over a quiet, dead building sounds like a good time. Also Trucking, my dad was the fucking happiest when he was a trucker.

>> No.51262701

hotel receptionist

>> No.51263045

ended my third day at amazon today
t. former NEET, retard with accounting degree (CPA Candidate,), 25yr old
wish I was more social, there's this cute asian girl that is at most 4'7 tall and i want to throw her around and mating press her

>> No.51263102


>> No.51263141
File: 204 KB, 780x840, 7F2865A1-B196-466B-BB18-B95E09A194ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shooting poor retards in the desert

>> No.51263177

That's exactly what retarded middle aged nurses say.

>> No.51263245

>t. poor retard

>> No.51263289
File: 473 KB, 998x1297, 1637756610800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bus Driver

>> No.51263295

latinx gf is easier just offer her a heroin

>> No.51263305

Neighborhood warlord.

>> No.51263315

You would announce the king and bishop's news, but especially the local lord and priest's.

>> No.51263381

Except I make over 100k with full benefits and half the year off.

>> No.51263401

Ehh that hardly ever happens...but yeah we could. Pretty comfy

>> No.51263522

I have this issue where seemingly at random times I will have a small keloid scar, akin to a spot, form on my upper back on either shoulder, spontaneously. No doctor military or otherwise has helped, maybe you can but at this point, I know Western medicine is a farce and I would rather visit white witches, alchemists, herbalists, etc at this point.

>> No.51263596

Homestead organic farm (no machinery) on a private plot of land near the woods, ideally a river or lake too and near hills.

I imagine anyway. A castle would be pretty cool too but I don't think it would be as good.

>> No.51263631

So many seething incels in here angry that young, attractive nurses have more earning potential than they'll ever have. Thanks OP, this has been an entertaining thread.

>> No.51263710

Being a repairman for literally anything essential, as people won't be buying new shit

>> No.51263755

prostitute and raider. Take your pick. Either way, your ass is gonna get fucked.

>> No.51263837
File: 994 KB, 1242x1112, B97CAC7B-D247-406B-9C08-B00D189A4DA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bartender, sex worker, soldier, casino dealer/slot maintainer, drug dealer. And yes healthcare worker as OP is basically hinting at with his pic

>> No.51263861
File: 96 KB, 794x1024, 0F1BCDC0-3376-45CD-8012-8926FDA07649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a raider your ass isn’t gonna be fucked. Your doing the ass fucking.

>> No.51264751


>> No.51264784


yeah how are you ever going to calculate the correct dosage to give a human that has been in controlled conditions for 36+ hrs? bodyweight? ugh chemistry is so haaaaarddd!!

>> No.51264789
File: 154 KB, 720x805, aidngws4bu581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I earn 120k as a male nurse, lol. Males win again.

>butt wiping to females
>I do all the restraints

>> No.51264856

omfg i love when she starts to wiggle

>> No.51264925

People don't universally react the same to drugs. You give specific amounts based on weight to start but need to tailor based on how they react. Anesthesiology from what I've observed is definitely just as much an art as it is a science. Also chronic smokers (and that includes weed) are the fucking worst to put under. The only thing worse are the morbidly obese patients who desat within 30 seconds of getting the anesthetic

>> No.51265012

Law is pretty recession proof too. People always have legal problems that need solving, especially when the economy goes sour.

>> No.51265202
File: 456 KB, 1024x931, 1662340206143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek these retarded roasties using shitty BLS wages.
Every metro area is hypersaturated with nurses and PAs.
Covid let them stay hirable for a bit but now covid is "over" so it's back to hiring freezes and staffing agencies.
If you want to do medicine go for a terminal degree or don't bother.
Physician, Dentist, Pharmacist, Podiatrist etc.
If you're not an -ist you are dispensable.

>> No.51265215

in my personal experience all jobs cause depression

>> No.51265272

Anything in the film industry. People need their distractions more than ever during hard times.

>> No.51265302

water and wastewater treatment are the best career fields but they require certification and experience to make good money
you can't just walk into a new career at the beginning of a depression, the good times were here so you could prepare for the bad times
the sluts who were paying some of their rent with the subscription money they were getting will be the ones begging to get into a real career field because her tips stopped being good at her bar and grille job and her onlyfans subscribers started unsubscribing because they needed the $15 per month and just went back to pornhub

>> No.51265317

lmfao thats terrible advice.

>> No.51265431

>t.pathological liar
Probably also a pedophile working at a kindergarten.

>> No.51265437


$1180? what health problems do you have?

also single white male, i pay $50 a month and they take it out of my total salary

>> No.51265449

Learn to read, monkey.

>> No.51265453

how do you keep your sanity working around so many white females? does the lip ever bother you?

>> No.51265470
File: 14 KB, 474x355, E657D516-3B5F-4CDF-B4B9-245B31B69AE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working around so many white females

I guess Filipinas count as white to you, incel.

>> No.51265478
File: 66 KB, 669x669, 1632948656115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlisted faggots earn less than Mcdonalds wagies.

Try again ZOGbot.

>> No.51265634

To be fair, most doctors were outed as worthless unthinking minions as well in 2020.

>> No.51267735

If only that was the norm