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51247334 No.51247334 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51247345

correlation not causation

>> No.51247357
File: 12 KB, 213x236, 1B6E7D63-C7B9-41B2-955C-6C7E11216367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares you demoralization nigger, I’m so tired of you fucking demoralizing fetishists

>> No.51247636

>5'6 to 5'8
>normal height
when will they learn?

>> No.51247647

Maybe this was the case 20 years ago, but techbros are (short) kings now

>> No.51247652

Well your reading comprehension shows you're one of the people who is paid less.

>> No.51247658

Taller men are also positively correlated with higher IQ.

It's as if everything in the world is telling us that manlets should be rounded up and exterminated.

>> No.51247676

Who are you quoting?

>> No.51247677

calm down short king
there's a good gal out there for you

>> No.51247691

op's picture. read carefully

>> No.51247721

other way around sweetie
are you by any chance a coping lanklet that has nothing interesting about him except his height?

>> No.51247757

stop being retarded

>> No.51247767

I read it carefully and didn't see your quoted text anywhere.

>> No.51247774
File: 2.40 MB, 960x540, life of a manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs, calm down sirs. Do not redeem

>> No.51247874

When I see posts like this I think of the 6 foot 3 guy who works at the local supermarket who is 350 pounds.

>> No.51248013
File: 641 KB, 1079x1097, short king spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey king, this is your year.

>> No.51248024

short king spring is over, now its tall guy fall. sorry loser get to the back of the bus.

>> No.51248027

we did. you didn't.
>ranging in height from 5' to 6'8", no mention of distribution therein
>the word "normal" does not appear anywhere in relation to mean or median of the set
>it's used to refer to an individual's terminal height, where growth stops, within the window of time in their life that was measured, 31 to 38 years of age
plus you're retarded anyway; the average height of men in the US is 5'9" and its lower in many other countries but higher in other majority white countries https://www.medicinenet.com/height_men/article.htm and you're not really out of "normal" until you're an adult male that's below 5'6" or above 6'2" at age 31, probably sooner

>> No.51248086

Literally you're using height as an excuse for your life failures and its fucking sad bite the bullet and grow up or keep coping and kys but either way be a fucking man for once you cry about your height like a little girl coping has no bounds apparently what a sad sorry sack of shit making up bs excuses

>> No.51248142
File: 274 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20220831_034952_703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for this dumb celeb couple to break up hard now that spiderman is over and she's basically fucking other dudes on camera as her career now
Gonna be funny as fuck when her next boo is some 7 ft Greek dude with tribal tats, and mr PP becomes a raging MGTOW for his zoomie fanbois that look up to him

>> No.51248154
File: 26 KB, 680x670, 1661880219180915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8 manlet hands definitely typed this

>> No.51249563

>shorter and browner
never stood a chance

>> No.51249850

>the lower self-esteem you have, the less compensation you demand from your employer
>manlets have low self-esteem
Who the fuck needed to look at a study to realize this?