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51241456 No.51241456 [Reply] [Original]

Now it's pretty obvious that there won't be a burn. Besides, the big three (binance, gate and kucoin) said they won't implement it. At least we tried. (((Disclaimer: I own 4.5 million LUNC)))

>> No.51241489
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>> No.51241495

Link to wild claims plz. Otherwise disregarded as daily fud.

>> No.51241507

When did the big 3 say that? Links to sources or you’re a nigger kike

>> No.51241508

>LUNC is dropping to absolute zero!!
>Ok LUNC didn't drop to absolute zero, but it's a dead coin all the devs have abandoned it
>Ok Terra Rebels are developing the coin, but LUNC is going to crab at sub $.000X
>Ok LUNC gained a zero, but staking will never be re-enabled
>Ok staking was re-enabled, but LUNC will never go above $.0001
>Ok LUNC went above $.0001, but there will never burn tax
>Ok there is a burn tax on chain, but CEXs will never implement the burn tax
>Ok Binance implemented the burn tax, but the other CEXs won't
>Ok all the major CEXs implemented the burn tax, but LUNC will never be $.01
>Ok LUNC is $.01, but it will never be $.1
>Ok LUNC is $.1, but it will never be $1
>Ok LUNC is $1, but it will never be ATH

>> No.51241515

>Link to wild claims plz. Otherwise disregarded as daily fud.
Seriously? The burn has been discussed for 4 months already and no exchange said they will support it. If I were you I wouldn't quit my day job. Trust me.

>> No.51241543

You said they said they won't implement it. I'd like to see proof of that, otherwise you're a smelly kike.

>> No.51241570

No. YOU show proof that they will implement it. They won't do it and they can't do it because it's illegal and they would be prosecuted. It's market manipulation. Nobody will risk their life to make you a millionaire.

>> No.51241583

nice fud
never selling

>> No.51241591

It's your thread you dumb semite. Again, it's cool, I've missed out before too, it's not a good feeling but it'll pass.

>> No.51241636
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>there wont be a burn

>> No.51241690

(((disclaimer: OP is a faggot)))

>> No.51241710

You never believed in a burn.
I'm going to say that the chances of you being a nocoiner faggot are pretty high.

>> No.51241921

CZ said it has to be implemented on chain first, implying that once its done they'd do it on Binance lol

>> No.51241959

You already made this same FUD thread yesterday nigger

>> No.51242291


These retards are going to die poor. There’s too much behind the scenes work being completed. If you post FUD here go and CHeck the price when Terra Rebels took over the blockchain and check the price today

>> No.51242366

guys can you believe it? there really are good, well meaning people in this world. This anon is so selfless he has decided to warn everyone here about the risks associated with the cryptocurrency LUNC. Even though you didn't enquire his opinion, hes gunna give it to ya. Surely, there couldnt be an alterior motive here?

>> No.51243087

I believe those dubs

>> No.51243223

Got a question - I got rugged on BLZZ avax, and they compensated with all the LUNA that was dumped on them... how do I get this off the AVAX chain as this is luna classic?

>> No.51243880

Let me predict how this will continue for the next 200 posts. OP will get called kike jew FUD liar and nobody will come with any evidence to prove that exchanges are going to burn and manipulate markets that way

>> No.51244104

oh my god this entire board is comprised of niggers who cannot use google


>Top exchanges, Kucoin, Cryptocom, Bybit, FTX, Kraken, Poloniex, Huobi and Binance, have noted that they would support the upgrade. Thus, deposits and withdrawals will be suspended during the upgrade.

Yes the burn will happen. Yes the price will increase. Yes everyone will fomo in. You will too. The end.

>> No.51244116

Oh, would you look at this >>51244104!

>> No.51244134

Name a single burn coin on a CEX with burn on said CEX. The CEX trading bots(the CEX themselves, trading against you) would never allow it.

>> No.51244151

You blatantly fell for a pump and dump scheme when you could have been DCA-ing into ETH and MATIC now that the merge is around the corner. You people fucked up big time.

>> No.51244164

I have made and will continue to make thousands. :^)

>> No.51244182
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Oh look green candles and now fud threads

>> No.51244863

Dissclaimer : Sneed the sneed there will sneed no sneed because sneeding is dissasneeded and desneededly unsneeded

>> No.51244970

>Moving the goalposts

>> No.51245149

What a nice guy, I don't have any lunc but I do have some wlunc on coinbase, I know it's not the same, but I feel he deserves to be given all of it, to protect me from the impending poverty caused by holding wlunc

>> No.51245177


lmao. Look at this pathetic Matic shill.

Your shitcoin mooned a long time ago. No one cares anymore about matic until another bullrun happens. Either way, it won't bring 1/100th of the Xs that Luna classic will.

>> No.51245241

I get emails from MEXC saying they’re implementing the burn

>> No.51245601

>I get emails from MEXC saying they’re implementing the burn
Are those emails here in the room with us?

>> No.51246651

Yeah, in fact, they're up your ass

>> No.51246781

Every damn thread

>> No.51246812

They literally are, check their twitter

>> No.51246827

let's see what happens after the burn is successfully implemented on-chain.

this pretty much.

>> No.51246963

Great post anon, the fud surrounding Lunc is hilariously desperate

>> No.51247191

People are fudding at this point simply to buy in lower. That much should be obvious to anyone fully aware of the matter. These are bobos trying to make their shorts. They can't do much else for time being. Though they very well could get liquidated any day now as the next pump is going to be abrupt and absurd.

>> No.51247216

It's been on Mexc for over a month now you stupid fucking nig

>> No.51247230

Litterally the rules of 4chan.
Op must provide if not he's a double faggot.

>> No.51247277

Honestly anons the best course of action right now is to sell and let it die.
sold all my bag just before the collapse and bought MATIC instead.
my matic bags have been pumping even in this shit market.

>> No.51247306

At this point I laugh my ass off everytime I read the word "MATIC" in a LUNC thread. You goofs are so cute.

>> No.51247368
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Reminds me of something.

>> No.51247401
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Market forces that your puny mind can't grasp are at play here...
I said this before and I will say it again, this will moon, it is a certainty.
You're either in or out.
If you're out, you may as well fade the fuck out right now.
For the rest, HODL, WAGMI!

>> No.51247447
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I gave up on alt coins with "fundamentals" earlier this year you smelly indian shill

I unironically sold my entire portfolio and converted it into LUNC.

Honestly don't care if I lose it all, it was already dumped to oblivion by this bear market but Im already half way back to my original portfolio value just from taking a gamble and holding LUNC.