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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 617 KB, 1796x1531, 5AC86BFA-7441-4778-B2C2-252BCEFC73C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51240961 No.51240961 [Reply] [Original]

Can demoralization fags tell me why you need so much money?
>used car:15k
It’s not like any of you leave the house anyway. Ohhh dude I just HAVE to live downtown I HAVE to consoom a liability that spends 95% of its time sitting

>> No.51240969

go back

>> No.51240983
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 0E1F46CE-3179-47D9-BD90-DCB24B983ECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter sage
New ID for OP now

>> No.51241146

Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean others want to be.

>> No.51241163

I live in nebraska in a small town and all the 200-300k houses from two years ago are 400k minimum now

>> No.51241198

I really don’t believe this, and I don’t want to hear goalpost movers talk about how they have to live in bfe
I live in Wisconsin and you can still find affordable houses that aren’t in bfe or crack ghettos. So not too far off from Nebraska

>> No.51241207

It's literally the bare minimum to remain competitive in the dating pool as an ugly autist with no friends or personality

>> No.51241211

Correction* I thought you were saying all small towns in Nebraska. You must have decent paying jobs around if real estate is that much around you

>> No.51241215

because that's the only way they can compensate for their social inadequacy. money does not discriminate and it gives them power over those they feel intimidated by.

>> No.51241223

used car: 15k
house: 200k-300k
pussy: 1M+
a loyal wife: priceless

>> No.51241224

If you honestly need to make 100k+ to get a woman, she’s probably a bitch anyway so why would you want her?

>> No.51241230
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>> No.51241239


I live 20 miles out from a major city and a townhouse is 550k and a Honda Civic costs 30k, a half decent luxury car is 60k

>> No.51241258
File: 33 KB, 258x544, 99237E1C-D4FA-496B-96AF-77CECD81D56D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao you’re just straight up retarded. Perfect wageslave
You’re the type of person that buys a brand new car when the current one has a simple maintenance issue (oil change rather a transmission replacement)

>> No.51241270
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, D0E743E9-9EA3-4ADD-A8B4-9B55F2A5EE73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30k civic
>60k luxury car

>> No.51241280
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 666FB76F-94EA-4871-9AF5-CE026A839D75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t be serious

>> No.51241450


>> No.51241706


>> No.51241928


>> No.51243021

>Honda Civic costs 30k
.... i paid 2k for mine. Are you retarded? What, you want a brand new one? Lol... Live within your means retard. Noone cares what you drive btw.

>> No.51243055
File: 16 KB, 293x245, 3E666016-BB6B-483B-B49B-22C777AAEF27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He not only wants a new one, he wants a top trim one. Not even a Type-R.


>> No.51243112
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The left can't meme

>> No.51243133
File: 52 KB, 177x239, 74285586-007B-4915-B7DA-E1F4112DD1B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the left can’t meme

>> No.51243148

Same fag
>Thou shalt not use VPN

>> No.51243179

It’s not a secret captain obvious

>> No.51243181

my dad bought his house 12 years ago for 200k and now its 600k
it is not 200-300k for a house lmao

>> No.51243204
File: 229 KB, 196x275, 66B93735-EC3E-4A72-B5BE-0699FD1D230D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are houses down to 10k, up to 100s of millions!

The price point given was for a reasonable house. Nothing decadent, nor in a crackden ghetto. Btw, you don’t have a family so you don’t need a 3000sqft house or even really anything bigger than 1200sqft (as a house). 800 is more than enough for one individual but that’s not really a house

>> No.51243583

yikes. imagine being this pathetic

>> No.51243615

There's this thing called "mind your fucking business socialist nigger" it's a very simple concept to learn.

>> No.51245552
File: 651 KB, 850x763, 1591050861307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the OP image didn't make "tranny" one of the several default responses when /pol/chuds seeing someone who thinks outside their programming range.
/pol/ is probably more based on shame perversion than fags are. You guys are okay to be around IRL because you're too cucked to bring any of that shit out of your subconscious around others, which is slightly better than faggots shame perversions IRL, but you guys are worse than fags IRL when you can put on a mask and go online.
Fragile /pol/

>> No.51245600

some fat bloke in a dress sat down and wrote out this tomb thinking he was owning the chuds lmao

>> No.51245804
File: 33 KB, 108x145, 1589516471171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you saw a fat bloke in a dress IRL, you'd seethe internally like the cuck you are, lmao.
The fact that you chuds are worse at representing your ideals than trannies is pretty funny though. You can talk about 41% online, that will show them while they step over you in real life.

>> No.51246676

You will never be a real woman

>> No.51246729
File: 3.42 MB, 376x348, 1654993952129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /pol/tards are closed fags, they secretly fap to tranny porn, because tranny (sometimes) can resemble the looks of a female, so they don't feel so bad fapping to them. This is why you see so many /pol/tards obsessed with trannies, there are some very good examples ITT. They feel guilty about this so they use anger to force this negative feelings out and into someone or something else. You can see this most prominently on many alt right celebrities who have been caught fapping to tranny porn or dressing up as a fag or tranny.

>> No.51246759

jewish datamining thread to make argument points in the news etc.

>> No.51246773

The chud is a wholesome meme

>> No.51246787

but i dont hold back irl

>> No.51246844
File: 215 KB, 960x844, 1661365444134566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this not only that he is just a derivation of the well known sóyjak meme. And everyone with even a few brain cells knows that sòyjak posting is used mostly to troll or to post ironic shitposts. Nobody in his right mind would make hundreds of anti-sòyjak memes and would flip his shit when he sees a jak. But the moment you post a chudjak oh oh you will get a shit ton of angry /pol/fags normalfags in your thread, all extremely angry for some reason. I wonder why.

>> No.51246939

I don’t have enough money for either of those things, that’s why I need money.

>> No.51247020

Well huh, it’s almost like you aren’t a demoralization nigger who says 100k/yr (on a single income btw) is nothing. Even then a couple making 50k each is still pretty good it’s not like your expenses double with two people. It might be a bit more expensive but it’s not double, but housing will be cheaper

>> No.51248592

Fragility in the glass boxes that are their mental prisons. It's probably better that they don't break them.
The only /pol/chud I know who I am unfortunately related to is also an unabashed coomer. I imagine most of them are aroused by feelings of shame, ala how easypeasy describes.