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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51235946 No.51235946 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51235960

Chilling out after spending the week socializing and fine dining in the onboarding at a big company.
I hated the food, how do normies eat that fancy bullshit. Give me a McDonald's burger

>> No.51235986

I'm a hateful incel who spends all my freetime shitposting and posting thinly veiled woman and nigger hate threads on various boards.

>> No.51236019

I'm relaxing, watching some shit on Plex and digesting a dominos pizza.

>> No.51236042

I'm getting out of the office early in 'affordable electricity land'. Of course the office is my wfh home office but it still feels good. Don't get stuck in the traffic, wagie!

>> No.51236054

You are here forever

>> No.51236059

imagine your farts

>> No.51236060

we naturally do whats right outside of influence

>> No.51236115

just watched a movie with my gf and now im just relaxing lazily browsing here
we watched ex machina it was very good

>> No.51236124

It’s Friday high noon. I’m currently waiting for my barber to be available in a few hours. Been a few months since I’ve had a haircut, definitely looking forward to shoot the shit with my good friend. Treat your barbers well fellas, they decide whether you start balding now or later.

>> No.51236161

Haven't had any yet, but they will come.

>> No.51236172

K. Keep me posted

>> No.51236179

It’s 12:18pm PST. I’m shitposting while eating lunch

>> No.51236180

My gf left me 9 months ago.
I have zero friends
I only have a part time job

/pol is mainstream's last bastion of free speech. And even that is compromised.

>> No.51236184

what else would I do ? waste time with dumb bitches?

Dating blows. And sitting around watching movies with some dumb hoe only to blow a load on her pussy is nice for an hour... Then I want to do things. Like making money, or looking at the markets (BECAUSE I ENJOY IT).

>> No.51236197
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everything will be fine fren.
I can be your fren if u like. WAGMI

>> No.51236213

cause I've got the flu

>> No.51236237

you got THE flu? run for your life

>> No.51236273
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I'm just chilling. I have a sore throat. Gonna do my bills in a little bit. Wbu?