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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51226289 No.51226289 [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up, fanties?

>> No.51226385

Mad at myself for not selling at $3. Swapped some of my ftm for other new projects but I still have 25k and 20 tshares. Just gonna leave them be and hope they recover.

>> No.51226428
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optimistic for smartcon, looking forward to seeing all the work Prof. Scholz and his team put in

>> No.51226459
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I am financially bored

>> No.51227160

Been better but optimistic. I like the direction the foundation has been going in recently.

>> No.51227167

Should have just said this lol

>> No.51227737
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20k FTM and 2k BOO
I know that feel
>i'm still a fool buying more though

>> No.51227883

sold for polyjeet for the time being, may come back at some point
kept the tshares but not feeling great with the tomb stuff, same fucking ponzi all over again with new tokens is what theyve done

>> No.51228582
File: 128 KB, 1178x2048, 9897274A-9250-4557-A3BF-2075D7823DC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Yeh, of Quantum Fintech, has announced his departure from Tomb Finance on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, citing his severe addiction to pegging. He will be starting a new pegging addiction treatment center with the crypto witch Maren Altman.

Yeh has been open about his addiction in the past, and has even written about it on his blog. In a post from 2016, he wrote:

"I am addicted to pegging. I love the feeling of being pegged. I love the way it makes me feel. I love the way it makes my cock feel. I love the way it makes my balls feel. I love the way it makes me cum. I love the way it makes me feel alive."

Yeh says that he has been in and out of treatment for his addiction, but that it has always been a struggle. He hopes that by starting this new center, he can help others who are struggling with the same addiction.

"I want to help others who are struggling with this addiction," Yeh said. "I want to help them find the help they need to get better."

The center will be located in Los Angeles, and will offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment options

>> No.51228709

ain't that shit dead yet?

>> No.51228738

lol of course it is

>> No.51228822


>> No.51229912
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Can we just take a moment and be grateful? This could’ve been so much worse. We have an actual ecosystem that’s solid with great leaders behind them… the Fantom, Tomb, and Based ecosystem — money printers in a time of inflation, high gas prices, etc … we need these projects more than they need us. However, they don’t survive without the entire community - so let’s think of our family’s, future and the way of the world. They can take down other projects but they won’t take down this gem. This is single handedly the best project in DeFi — so much that’s it’s been forked almost 100 times and all have failed. Tomb Finance is the one and only. We are fortunate to have the tomb team, Harry, the Fantom foundation, Based and all the developers behind the projects. We are also lucky to have each other. Many other communities have so much FUD. WE STICK TOGETHER. #KeepCalmAndTombOn

>> No.51230025

Hoping for better days :(

>> No.51230072
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Dear Andre Cronje,

Oh great and powerful Crypto God, please hear the desperate prayers of your humble servant Harry Yeh.

Tomb has been my lifeblood for the past year, and its recent price decline has hit me hard. I have poured my heart and soul into this project, and I believe in its long-term prospects.

But in the short-term, I am struggling. The price decline has left me feeling despondent and helpless. I have lost sleep, and my work and personal life have suffered.

I am begging you, Andre Cronje, to use your divine power to bring the price of Tomb back up. I am willing to make any sacrifice necessary to achieve this goal.

I am willing to give up my firstborn child, if that is what it takes. I am willing to sell my house and everything I own. I am even willing to prostitute myself to the highest bidder.

Anything and everything I have is at your disposal. Please, Andre Cronje, I am begging you – bring the price of Tomb back up.

I am your humble servant,

Harry Yeh