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51220102 No.51220102 [Reply] [Original]

They are panicking, get in now or be priced out forever

>> No.51220125

Checked and confirmed, we pumping

>> No.51220142

why would I own LunaC?
give me one good reason, more than the "meme" and speculations in a downwards trend?

>> No.51220170

Trust me. You want to read his arguments. The burn tax will not work as expected.

>> No.51220195

The fud in the Lunc general is worse than I’ve ever see

>> No.51220223

the safemoon slap 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.51220246


>> No.51220256

and that's a good thing

>> No.51220386

>staking has been already re-enabled
>burn tax on the way
>already up 1500% from its ATL
>CZ showing major interest into the revival of LUNC (Possible Giga burn/off chain Binance 1.2% burn)
>Terra Rebels, a bunch of literally whos that are actively reviving the blockchain with TFL approval.
>Massive fudding everywhere
>Massive pumping after crabbing between 0.00009 0.00010 (CZ giga wallet has something to do with it)

>> No.51220538

>Here's why
opinion discarded

>> No.51220554

>one good reason
You're a shit troll, son. I don't know who in your life told you you were good at this, but you're not. That person lied to you and now you're missing out on an outrageous profit-taking extravaganza. I would shoot them a text and ask for an apology.

>> No.51220589

I don't have any just wait until between 1 cent and a dollar and fomo in to help my exit ladder thanks anon.

>> No.51220656

right, they were promoting this coin when it was an obvious ponzi and scam ..
and now that its real and owned by real people they FUD it to death ...

>> No.51220723

When literal fucking nobodies start coming out of the woodwork writing articles warning you that you're going to lose money because they want to think people see them as the next Nostradamus it means you should probably buy. How many reddit retards said "Don't buy GME HERES WHY:" ... or "Don't buy DOGE HERES WHY:" ... or "Don't buy SHIB HERES WHY:" ... these fucking people pick shit that is going to go parabolic because things eventually come back down and then they get to say "SEE!!!! I WAS RIGHT SO IM A PROPHET!!!"

>> No.51220738

They’re panicking! RIGHT OVER TARGET BROS

>> No.51220771

This is what's known as the rumor and that means you should be buying right now.

>> No.51220779
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>Timothy Craig

this is the guy who wrote the article. As you can see its a highly estrogenic simp who got paid to FUD LUNC, just look at his face, it says enough. It's a face that you would want to punch as hard as you can and break every brittle bone in his skull. This guy doesn't eat meat and I would literally snap him in half with ease.

His reason is that the on chain burn will not have any impact as all the activity is on the exchanges, however binance will 100% implement the burn tax and all the other big exchanges will do the same thing.

Nice fudding attempt you rat but it doesnt work

>> No.51220810

CZ wants his money back. Simple as.

>> No.51220836
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>n-no terra classic isnt going to $1 IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE
>oh god why didnt I just buy a bag back in August like they said.

>> No.51220942

> le electric boogaloo

Reddit. Go back.

>> No.51220965

What fudders and newfags don’t get really is that CZ was one to suggest a massive burn of LUNA to Do Kwon with his 80,000 BTC reserves. But he was such a fucking moron that thinking that forking the blockchain would be his best bet to save him and his whale handlers. After the fork, CZ all of sudden plays dumb about LUNA ( bows LUNC) burn. Not to mention the fact that 1 trillion coins removed out of out of that wallet on both the Blockchain and the CEXs halt trading. That’s why everyone contributes the massive 2.5 trillion giga wallet to CZ. Because it seems he was the only one to be able to move that amount of coins during the capitulation event.

My assumption now is that once the on chain burn tax is implemented. He will revealed his cards in the gam and do an off chain burn tax on Binance.

>> No.51220967

They make a good point thoughevertheless. The 1.2% burn proposal won't affect exchanges, which is where the vast majority of LUNC is traded.

>> No.51221053
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blindingly bullish

>> No.51221063
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Sell signal.

>> No.51221117
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Good trolling attempt but the double reddit spacing made it too obvious.
The marketcap FUD is starting to get me bros, any hopium?

>> No.51221184

Trust me. No One here give a shit about a nothin one cousin of Rajesh.

>> No.51221209

>here's why

I instantly close the site as soon as that shit pops up.

>> No.51221293

If you read his article, the points he mentionned are all very valid. LUNC will indeed never hit $1

>> No.51221518
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>all points valid
>from a literallly who opinion hit piece

>> No.51221519

Jewnolists get the rope. Kys kike.

>> No.51221578

If I learned one thing from dog bat, its that fud is the most bullish thing possible

>> No.51221611

Fuck it.

Just had to get a bag.little late to the party but LFGGGGG

>> No.51221632

technically you are not late to the party if LUNC reaches $1. That is a 3000x or so
Current volume is a whopping 2 billion dollars but hey, you're obviously very early!

>> No.51221656

even at the shit low price its allready at 1,7B EU market cap

>> No.51221677


All the big exchanges said they would follow the protocol of the chain. The vote passed.


>> No.51221701


2 billion in clown world money is literally nothing you faggot retard

May as we’ll be $20 bucks in the scheme of things

>> No.51221719

Only a fool still wanna give Do Kwon a try, dgaf
Am eyeing some degen projects
>>No one buying that atm

>> No.51221724

but i bought just 2$ as lotterie ticket of it becouse people allways crazy

>> No.51221777

Hell fag
Who cares, they just manipulating it to lure plebs into it

>> No.51221816

> binance will 100% implement the burn tax
What a delusional faggot, news flash: he ain't making you or any of lunc faggots wealthy, keep dreaming pal

>> No.51221839
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>All the big exchanges said they would follow the protocol of the chain

>> No.51221883
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>> No.51221885
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If you aren't eyeing Alliance block, they launched a decentralized VC platform FUNDRS.

>> No.51221937

Get out

>> No.51221986

anyone who wanted to be in got in months ago. as terrible as technology has been for mankind, if we had the tech to kill you when you hit submit the world would be a better place in a short time.

>> No.51222015

bullish af

>> No.51222025

let the poor moonboy pajeets dream anon

>> No.51222256

Just stop caring lmao

>> No.51222279
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>> No.51222699

I bought multiple redditor's life savings (1 million LUNC) for $300. Such a sweet taste.

>> No.51222733
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