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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51212926 No.51212926 [Reply] [Original]

God I want to kill myself so bad but I'm too much of a pussy to do it, I have $0 unemployed and just lost my last $10 trying to long lunc I want to unironically kms

>> No.51212935

Uhhhhhhh LUNC TO THE MOON you must be a tranny to fall for FUD :DDDDD

>> No.51213101

live stream it bro, haven't seen a good head pop in a while

>> No.51213124

I just said I tried to open a long you spastic retard, you aren't skilled you got lucky being at the right place and the right time go fuck yourself

>> No.51213153

You'll burn in hell, miserable and alone no matter how much money you have for being the piece of shit that you are, remember these words

>> No.51213400

you smell like reddit

>> No.51213447

Because I'm right and you faggots are wrong? Go figure, incel money fags are so disconnected from reality and social interaction that you aren't even considered human in the eyes of society. When the revolt happens, your head will be mounted on a pike with every other moneyfag who has way more than they deserve.

>> No.51213546

Lmao, first it's 'woe is me please have pity' then you lash out like a little bitch. Typical luncuck lmao.

>> No.51213593

Wait…so did you lose you money trading or do you hate all traders and hood they all die? I mean, just come out in say it too you freak: being against crypto is just thinly veiled racismand sexism against white men- quit being a freak- not sorry you lost $10 go rope

>> No.51213661

Don’t step into the light if u do kill urself. Otherwise you’ll come back.

>> No.51213748

don't kill yourself
buy a nice sniper rifle
shoot hillary clinton in minecraft between the eyes
die like a true hero
if you manage to survive, kill some pedo
bill gates is a good candidate and he is also playing minecraft

>> No.51213829

don't do it anon. get your papershit sorted and get gub gibbs. also start with sport, you dont need much money for running, cycling or lifting waterfilled plastic jugs. you may find atleast some joy in life to continue the grind. also dont waste it on leverage you retarded monkey

>> No.51213841

you need money for plastic jugs retard

>> No.51213855


>> No.51213944

hows it feel carrying those big based balls around anon?

>> No.51214523

While you sit comfy at home? I think suicidal people shouldn't take out targets first because you don't deserve it.

>> No.51214544

>buys lunc
checks out

>> No.51214575

Just so you know it’s usually Jews who joke about this stuff and want you to kill yourself. Thee\y laugh about white suicide statistics and say it’s great that white male suicide is increasing

>> No.51214607

I feel you through the screen fren, hopefully everything works out.

>> No.51215008

Go find a job with a sign-on bonus. Dump it all into LUNC. Praying for you friend.

>> No.51215127

Anon, it's time to do some serious soul-searching and ask yourself a question: what manner of suicide and streaming platform would bring /biz/ the most joy?

>> No.51217546

>incel, but only the white, non gay, non tranny males
>non citizen
Leftoids love these buzzwords, and I thought you always preach love and compassion and you live by it but turns out you are virtue signalling selfish kikes.
Give any one of the poor average people a billion dollars and what do you think, most of them won't do shit to help the people around them. But you love to bash only one certain group of people for everything that is wrong with the world while letting the jews out, the real threat and an insult to humanity, whereas white non cattle men are the most dangerous threat to you because they see through your lies and some can act. Go look for some help and maybe your biggest "enemy" is the only one who would help you while neither the jews, nor the blacks nor the women would do that. But you collectively wished to and supported the zog elites create that world and now you and many others suffer.

>> No.51218386

Do you have credit? If so use it and in the meantime get a job(doesn’t matter what it is just get some income going), live well within your means and grind it out. Suicide is the easy way out, this is a time for fortitude not “poor me”. No one is going to solve your problems but yourself, you got this fren!

>> No.51218398
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should've bought $qom

seriously though anon its impossible you only had $10 to your name, quite literally impossible. where are you from?

>> No.51218428
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This is the most comically doomer shit I've read in this board and I was here to witness BTC dumping from 70k to 30k in a matter of two weeks. Please go outside and find happiness. Delete your reddit account.

>> No.51218438

nigga he just said hes broke

>> No.51218439
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Shoulda bought BNB. Oh well!!!

>> No.51218605

Not only that, with with $10
I'm fucking floor scraping and the idea that $10 would be enough to send me over the edge is some staggeringly pathetic shit, lol

>> No.51220827

fuck sake anon link your paypal i'll give you your 10$

>> No.51221237 [DELETED] 

Hang in there, my dude
Things will get better, you need to stick it out

Most people go through bad times in their lives, but you need to power through it to the good times.

Learn from your past mistakes, you don't really want to kill yourself. You just think it's the only way out. If you improve yourself and your life, this desire will go away.