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51212682 No.51212682 [Reply] [Original]

Amouranth made 33 million from Onlyfans. Why aren't you starting an Onlyfans business?

>> No.51212735

Because i'm respected in my society, because i'm not a whore, because i love my parents, and because i want a good wife and sons.

>> No.51212757

I dont have a hot body with huge tits like acoomoranth

>> No.51212769

yeah and 33m short

>> No.51212778

>literally who

>> No.51212851

All you need is 50,000 people to pay you $50 per month

>> No.51212913

>top 0.01% of all creators
something tells me that the distribution on that income curve is pareto on steroids
also compared to that making it in crypto is respectable socially, also has the added benefit of remaining anon irl

>> No.51212952

Yeah, don't care. I'll eventually make it, meanwhile, you will be a whore, you will never have sons for the fear of them or they friends finding out the fact you're a whore. Really, i don't mind that literal whores make a bank on OF. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that they feel entitled to a good marriage and sons when the moment comes. Engrave it in your mind: "You will never have a familiar life", no one wants to be a son, husband or parent to a whore.

>> No.51213028

imagine caring that much about what society thinks about you
unironically NGMI

>> No.51213058

>no one wants to be a son, husband or parent to a whore.
Talking from experience?

>> No.51213104

I care about my parents.
Talking from common sense. Kids will bully the whore son. Not a single good man will ever marry a whore. And not a single good parent will ever wish for his daughter to suck dick and take it in the ass for a living. It doesnt matter how much you kikes try to gaslight us into normalizing that.

>> No.51213137

Tell that Riley Reid.

>> No.51213171

if you have a decent relationship with them, they'll understand you retard
it's not like you're gonna force them to watch your porn or that's even likely they'll go out of their way to find it
retarded excuses because you probably have a small dick or you're ugly as shit

>> No.51213183

Because I'm a man that's not either a bear or a twink so nobody would pay to watch me spread my asshole.

>> No.51213196

kys godless niggers

>> No.51213212

only honest response itt, anything else is pure unfiltered cope
if you had the goods you wouldn't even think about it in a second

>> No.51213224

>if she spends 1/30th of her OF earnings on Link, she'll have the same amount as me
scary thought desu

>> No.51213229

>Tell that Riley Reid.
That's not a good man, he probably takes as many drugs as that slut. 80% chance they get divorced in the next 5 years, and 100% chance that if they ever get kids they will be bullied to suicide or into ghetto life. Not cope, just facts.

>> No.51213232

end your life kike golem

>> No.51213238

the kids will be bullied to no end tho and in these days of the internet the social stigma will haunt them the rest of their lives
imaging if you will applying for a job if the first 30 pages of google of your name show the porn of your mom
today someone will find out about it and make sure it never goes away ever again so you condemn your entire line to living in the margins of society

>> No.51213246

Point is an evil industry that preys on young men. Fuck that poison.

>> No.51213259

the likes of you will burn in a lake of fire for all eternity and I sleep like a child knowing about it.
>Point is an evil industry that preys on young men. Fuck that poison.


>> No.51213270


Whores will always be whores. The only thing that changed is that they can now earn bigger profits by cutting off the jewish porn producer middlemen and reach their audience directly through Onlyfans.

>> No.51213271

>if you have a decent relationship with them, they'll understand you retard
>Yeah honey, i had to... uhmm.. take tyrone cock in the ass on cameras, because... uhmm... i needed the money to buy the yatch. Don't mind your classmates, they are just jealous because you have a hot mom.
>Next day, kid get bullied, repeat.

>> No.51213348

>the likes of you will burn in a lake of fire for all eternity
Oh no not the lake!

>> No.51213369

he supposedly is a man, not a roastie
are you ok anon? do you find the concept of a man having sex with random women or even his own wife for money humiliating? man is a conqueror, not a damsel in distress, his purpose in life is to inseminate as many fertile females as he possibly can.
if you find the idea of you having sex for money with multiple women repulsive, you might wanna check your testosterone
>le kid get bullied, repeat.
why would your kids ever find out about that? are you people unironically retarded?

>> No.51213404

a man will clearly inseminate many fertile females by making porn shoots of his asshole for other gay conquerors to jerk off to, truly a high T move

get off my board, schlomo. /lgbt/ is that way..

>> No.51213428

wtf are you talking about you closet fag, deranged psycho?
the only one thinking about men's assholes itt is you

>> No.51213448

refering to

get off my board, kike

>> No.51213453

>why would your kids ever find out about that? are you people unironically retarded?
>Kike is unironically normalizing prostitution and lying to your kids.

>> No.51213492

so anyone can be a billionaire? meaning all the billionaires are not that special at all?

>> No.51213501

I just fucking hate those small hat nosebergs unironically pushing internet prostitution and supposed ''''/pol/lacks'''' doing nothing about it, back in my day on hate.chan we would have thrown the oven dodger on a train headed to >>>/auschwitz/

>> No.51213525

I'm quoting a person who said that if he had the goods he would make some content, the fact that this guy is possibly gay is completely irrelevant
straight men do have onlyfans accounts you retard, stop obsessing over dicks and boipussies
>normalizing lying to your kids
yeah, because every adult is completely honest and transparent with your kids
this entire thread is filled with kissless virgins using "morality" to cope

>> No.51213533

I respect that. She’s set for life, she can live out whatever fantasy she wants.

>> No.51213541

I dunno how.
I hate Americans so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.51213557

schlomo schlomo globohomo get off my board. I hate everything about you

>> No.51213562

>I'll eventually make it,
American cope is hilarious..I've been becoming more poverty stricken as time goes on.

>> No.51213572

make me virgin bitchboi

>> No.51213590

Because I have dignity.

>> No.51213609

I feel bad for all the pimps that are out of a job now.

>> No.51213620

oopsie you forgot to close the pornhub tab

>> No.51213651

>yeah, because every adult is completely honest and transparent with your kids
>this entire thread is filled with kissless virgins using "morality" to cope
Yeah, it may be incredible to you, but some people don´t like the idea of lying their sons about their lifes. Pretty shocking, no?
Im already mid 6 digits. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.51213658
File: 66 KB, 300x739, tumblr_m6vi2snLjG1r2ev9ro2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amouranth is an Israeli double agent originally by the name of Isaac Miller, who underwent roughly 20 cosmetic surgeries. Her father is a wealthy businessman and has industry connections with both twitch and onlyfans, who wash company revenue through her accounts with thousands of bot accounts

>> No.51214133

Bro I do, I was cursed with a pathetic scrawny body but somewhat good ass genetics. If I put on stockings you wouldn’t have a clue. I just don’t want to do it.

>> No.51215247

>yet another 1 post by this ID onlyfans shill thread
Anyone who doesn't realize that these top accounts are paid by onlyfans to lure in new whores doesn't deserve to make it

>> No.51215343

It's crazy how much money simps have to give away while getting nothing in return.

>> No.51216034

Because there is more to life than just money. You can't fuck with me or tempt me with money, I am a philosopher king. Descendent of Plato. Son of the lion. Follower of the one true Lord.
I am on the path to acquiring enough money and power to crush my enemies. (no schizo)

>> No.51216291

Only women can be whores retard

>> No.51216657

>some people don´t like the idea of lying their sons
these people should grow the fuck up before having kids then
you can't and you shouldn't be transparent with a child about every aspect of your life moron, especially regarding sexuality

>> No.51216698

Assuming this is real why would she show this online whos she flexin to? If she wanted to flex she could've just bought an expansive dress or shoes idk

>> No.51216893

The point is that the whore is making sexuality every aspect of her life. If she doesn't want to be transparent about it, she's basically lying her kid about every aspect of her life. Stop arguing and defending whores, kike. YOU WILL NEVER NORMALIZE PROSTITUTION, IT WILL NEVER EVER BE A RESPECTABLE WAY OF LIFE. 100% OF KIDS WOULD RATHER HAVE AN INDIAN SHIT STREET CLEANER AS PARENT THAN A WHORE.

>> No.51217115

>the whore
>defending whores
are you illiterate? or perhaps a whore yourself? you didn't even pay attention to what I was writing did you?
I'm not defending whores you moron, I'm advocating to take advantage of the whores and make some money for yourself as a man, not a fucking whore
your only retort is muh parents, muh non existent kids, muh whores
please, keep gambling your money on crypto and stay a perma virgin

>> No.51217201

the pics are literally everywhere. there's no way this aint money laundering.

>> No.51217213

never mind i underestimated technological retards

>> No.51217236

Why does she flaunt her wealth like this?

>> No.51217354

Proof that men q
Are better than women in every conceivable way.

>> No.51217426

the lake of cope more like

>> No.51217484

Simps are the best investment.

>> No.51217507

where pics of booba and vegane?

>> No.51217521

>are you illiterate? or perhaps a whore yourself? you didn't even pay attention to what I was writing did you?
I see a faggot writing walls of text to argue that whores can get a good man and happy children in the future, which is a big lie. But keep pushing your agenda, mr noseberg. Your fall will be glorious.
>please, keep gambling
I'll, faggot. I have a nice job and i can afford burning big amount of money.

>> No.51217577
File: 2.79 MB, 576x1024, 1650412991732.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled onto her twitch channel on the front page the other day, and she was literally grilling her fans calling them 'beta orbiters' and her audience was loving it.
Pretty sure some people have just sold their soul to the devil and they become successful on Earth in ways that defy logic. Jesus is king and I'm better off loving myself instead of some vapid thot

>> No.51217582

I think the whole making bank on onlyfans phenomenon shows how inferior most men are when compared to women. The only way she makes that much money is if an enormous number of men spend money on her, rather than making investments or building a family. Very few men would make a significant income from whoring - because women aren't pathetic enough to send them money. Even those men that do make a living, their biggest donors are usually gay men. Simps deserve to be hanged.

>> No.51217609

Checked abd based

Jesus is thr Lord

>> No.51218745

this bored is so atrocious now i cant believe ive been here for 5 years, im so close to offing this shit