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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 301 KB, 1500x1125, NewYorkStreets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51207416 No.51207416 [Reply] [Original]

what is the point of living here exactly, from a business and financial perspective?

>> No.51207468


Access to prime pussy

>> No.51207508

There is no point in it anymore. Even just 10 years ago you had to move to a city to network and find financial opportunities for work and business but you don't need that. I live in a small town in Florida and have 3 different people from 2 different countries helping me run my business. We do everything over Zoom and Monday and Slack and other productivity software. I have one guy in Missouri doing my wed dev, I have a girl in California doing social media management for me and I have a leaf in a suburb of Toronto, Ontario, Canada helping me do marketing and sales funnel strategy and optimization. I'm going to hire another person soon that lives in the Philippines to be a virtual assistant. Again, I live in a small Florida town and go on my boat and fish on most days.

>> No.51207516

You can do drugs because you don't need to drive and you can stay up all night.

>> No.51207535

I lived there 10yrs ago for the job. Now it is pointless.

>> No.51207555

Also, the leaf and Californian were gone on vacation 2-3 times during the Summer and it's as though nothing had changed because they were hooked to their laptops the entire time. The only thing that differed a bit was the time zone different when they were in Europe and Asia. But again, that is what the productivity software is for. Everyone knows what they and everyone else has to do/are doing at any given time. I'll probably be in Manhattan myself this fall to fuck flyover state transplants that moved in during the summer and are still new and looking for dick.

>> No.51207567

very based anon

what sort of business do you run

>> No.51207577

It's a Direct to Consumer e-commerce business. We're in the health and wellness space.

>> No.51207599
File: 34 KB, 225x225, 1631528749845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah im also in the business of marking up chinese goods

>> No.51207639

What's the point of living anywhere? You move because there's opportunity in something you value. If you think the New York has things that you value, that's why you'd live there.

>> No.51207698

Everything is sourced and made here in America anon. We're not cheap by any stretch of the imagination which is also why we've been able to get and retain a sizeable market share of repeat customers (we have a subscription based business model we push heavily). Moms love us and so do young upwardly mobile professionals in their mid 20s through late 30s. Not my first rodeo. I used to work in the space back in the mid 2010s post colelge when I still lived in Los Angeles. If I run into another zoomer dropshipping Chinese bullshit I'll probably have to slap his shit. I'm sick of it.

>> No.51207722

lol nah. the locals are all roasties or worse. Anything pretty is flown in.

>> No.51207847

I do amazon FBA at the minute looking to branch into private label and E-com. Any tips on how to start? / shit you wish you knew when you started etc?

>> No.51207983
File: 43 KB, 460x550, 09A1498A-2AAD-4F4E-9761-E8BA6001EC03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.51208015
File: 48 KB, 500x500, itsjustnotenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still looking for the answers OP

>> No.51208045
File: 134 KB, 1773x1773, 1661474752469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy: become even richer
>banging the keyboard with your dick until you find a project with at least one nft game like deo arena
>play for 93 hours straight
>get rich
>go out and waste it on hoes
live for the moment, there is no other

>> No.51208070

Everybody is flown into Manhattan, anon.
>t. native

>> No.51208077

Part 1 of 2

- Brand and user experience is exponentially more important than the product (good or service) itself but the product is still vital since it's what subsidizes the brand. It still needs to be high quality.

- Upfront marketing is everything. Learn how to aggressively upsell and provide more value through a value ladder and high conversion sales funnels as soon as your lead/pontential customer interfaces with you (Russel Brunson is an annoying little shit but he basically figured it all out with ClickFunnels. Study his books and materials and model everything you do after it. You don't actually need the ClickFunnels service though. You can do it yourself or outsource a dev). Everyone thinks they have a clever product or service they think is going to change the world but they don't know how to sell for shit.

- Learn e-mail marketing. So much happens behind the scenes. Build a list of loyal customers and followers (if your business fails you'll still have an e-mail list to sell to when you start another business venture. This is literally how I got a head start on this current business. I had 7k+ e-mail addresses I had collected in the years prior). You will be doing a very substantial portion of your business behind the scenes via e-mail marketing. Remind your abandoned shopping carts to finish the transaction and market to your e-mail list first (give them freebies and incentives before everyone else gets them. This will keep them on the "treadmill"). Fill your funnel until it over flows and market market market sell sell sell.

>> No.51208080

sorry, but I'd rather eat something rich and expensive than be a fucking consoomer

>> No.51208090

if by prime you mean completely brainwashed with triple digit body count then yeah

>> No.51208113

This year's crop of NYU hoes is good, anon. Haven't been up to check Columbia tho.

>> No.51208115

Fat diabetic fuck

>> No.51208131
File: 397 KB, 683x457, 1666403437799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acess to one of the, if not the most prime of all pussy making games right now

>> No.51208163

Part 2 of 2

- Get good at doing UGC (user generated content). Outsource it if you can't do it yourself. TikTok is everything right now and we blew the fuck up back in 2021 when we went all in. It's also free. Content marketing bridges the gap between you and customers. It takes a lead from going " Oh wow brand #19382409820984309238 is trying to sell me shit yet again" to "Oh wow. This is familiar and relatable. I like it. Micro influencers are good at this.

- Influencer marketing is huge and is the future. Again marketing is everything. A lot of influencers will work in returns for freebies and whatever it is you're selling. Don't be afraid to drop real cash if you're going to 10x your return. I constantly drop $1-5k on single TikTok influencers for one campaign and don't bat an eye when I make $10k+ in sales and my profit margin is already 40%+.

I actually had an FBA and dropshipping little sidehustle back between 2015 and 2017 and the only thing I would have done differently was to know my numbers well and have kept my books with autism levels of precious. Also, not having been afraid to pay for marketing and ad campaigns and to having paid better attention to quality control. Quality control would have meant doing the content marketing myself and getting good at being a content producer. This was back when you could still get away with just laser etching a logo onto some plastic piece of shit being shipped out of China though and calling it a day.

I hope that makes sense and it's all over the place. You gotta just jump into it and learn by doing. Good luck

>> No.51208173

I typed all of this shit on my phone. Apologies for the typos.

>> No.51208246

I appreciate the effort taken to respond thanks, I like your last point specifically, if I was your market id probably be a buyer.

In terms of product selections / niches would you recommend entering a market you're less familiar with if its larger or targeting a smaller niche that you have more relevant experience with?

I suffered a lot with insomnia so while experimenting I sort of made a homemade sleep cocktail that I've considered selling as a supplement however I worry the market isn't big enough. There are a few competitors but they generally target athletes, my thinking would probably be to target professionals and the eternally in bed scrolling types but I'm not sure if its too big of a challenge for a first venture outside of FBA.

>> No.51208372

ID changed for some reason but this was me still, appreciate it. I think the micro influencer way is probably the way forward, think I've convinced myself to try the sleep product.

>> No.51208375

This is a very good niche and product. This has a ton of potential to work. I would buy it and I know that the people who buy from me would also buy from you since the market segment overlaps. Find the biggest and most successful CBD and marijuana adjacent companies + the biggest and most successful essential oils and topicals brands + the biggest and most successful organic/natural "clean beauty" cosmetic brands that are on social media and draw inspiration from their look, feel and aesthetic to synthesize something for yourself. If you can find a reasonably priced co-packer and private/white label company to work with it should not be a problem at all so long as you get the branding, marketing and user experience right. Bonus is they also do the shipping and handling for you so you don't have to deal with inventory yourself. I know a lot of people who work in finance, tech, and consulting who are miserable zombies who would benefit from exactly your product. Good luck anon. Godspeed

>> No.51210310

how do you find drive to do anything?

>> No.51210406

Mega cities have an almost endless amount of things to do and see no matter what your hobbies and interests are. The amount of people there means it does not matter how weird you or your interests are, because there is already an established community of people like you that you can befriend. The dating pool being large also increases your chances of finding someone that is right for you, instead of settling for the only available roastie above 6/10 in some small town in bumfuck Ohio