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51190347 No.51190347 [Reply] [Original]

Why did BTC dump so hard? Why are not more people buying in if it’s always going to go back up?

>> No.51190354

My pp got hard
Also btc is a bitch

>> No.51190365

You have to be a homosexual to be attracted to that

>> No.51190368

that's a man

>> No.51190369


404 error: tits not found

>> No.51190371

Post your 10/10 then. If she doesn't get your pp hard, something is wrong with you. Look at her fucking thighs and ass.

>> No.51190377
File: 115 KB, 719x1021, 1644338981720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty elaborate ruse. It's a guy. Probably shaved his legs and bought some stockings.

I'm an expert on trannies. I can tell from the thighs that he has possibly been on estrogen supplementation. It's also very possible this is his fetish because muscle that activates in the leg when the penis is hard is activated in several of the thigh shots. A rudimentary understanding of males understanding can show this. That along with the way he rests his legs in a masculine fashion.

Looking at the hand shows me has probably photoshopped them too because they don't look quite male or female. He probably thought he would be clever enough to remove his male features but obviously isn't very familiar with biology.

This along with his 4chan use, crossdressing, and catfishing tells me he is probably a very lonely person who never had many friends in school but also didn't pay much attention to his studies(explains the lack of understanding of biology).

He also tries to act feminine in his typing, but my algorithm tells me he psyche is that of a male. He tries to be feminine in his speech but falls short in many areas. He doesn't quite "get" feminine expression. This is likely due to his obsession with anime he developed due to his social isolation during middle and highschool which ultimately messed up the wiring in his mind and drove him to this fetish. The people who make anime often write female characters who overcompensate feminity but let the male writer's masculinity shine through. This is why many bisexual men favor female anime characters. I'm a little too trained to fall for this, but I can see how many have.

All in all, this is a ruse that would fool an amateur. Someone not well versed in gender expression in speech, biology, and male/female psychology. Hope this helps everyone here.

>> No.51190387

brain is such wonderful tool you can notice many subtle things.
maybe she has big hips & some boobs, but there's something wrong with her I cant get hard for that body

>> No.51190388
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>> No.51190392

she's pretty attractive, but being overly attracted to thighs/ass is definitely a nigger thing. check yourself anon

>> No.51190397

Sick in the head.

>> No.51190403

you're a faggot or a nigger, maybe even both who knows.

>> No.51190425

No, I'm just not attracted to underdeveloped asians emulating children.

>> No.51190431


>> No.51190441
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ching chong

>> No.51190443


Because the majority/bigger share of buyers over 13k were institutional/smart money and not retail and they're not willing to offload their bags until the shit really hits the fan..

I'd even go as far as saying anything over 8k is still largely smart money and market makers.

>> No.51190445
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>> No.51190451

gym "women" is complete mental illness

>> No.51190456
File: 1.09 MB, 1044x1246, 1657385654057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies are waking up, how long before there's none left to hold your bags?.


>> No.51190459

I hate women so much it physically hurts

>> No.51190518

i hate tik tok sluts

>> No.51190786

this race is so ugly they don't even look human standing next to the aryan angel

>> No.51190841
File: 57 KB, 417x338, 1661871932448723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish retarded faggot simp incel coomers would say the fuck off my /biz/

>> No.51191473

It just gave you the opportunity to buy. Now, I'm getting SCRT cheap.

>> No.51192193

I feel this post.

>> No.51192870
File: 1.46 MB, 720x862, fljk2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I go all in

>> No.51192883

u r geh
y r u geh

>> No.51192991

Imagine the smell of that brapper.

>> No.51193035

>Why are not more people buying in if it’s always going to go back up?
Lel. Who said it's always going to go back up? Lmao. Stupid fucking baggie.

>> No.51193772


>> No.51193795

looks like a tranny
someone stole ur boobs "lady"?!

>> No.51193812

what's his name?

>> No.51193980

Natty ones are ok, The gear/var ones are literal subhumans and trannies by definition

>> No.51194014

Bitch still finished third. Maybe she should go on Onlyfans instead of competing in athletics.

>> No.51194040


>> No.51194063

that scene was so sick

>> No.51194077

> it’s always going to go back up

>> No.51194078

Lmao she mogs those asian mongs so hard, you can even see it from the look on their faces

>> No.51194111

>the goy knows

>> No.51194198

>the furries dance
mega cringe

>> No.51194261

What closes the case for me is if I ask myself,
"could a man pull this off relatively easily?"

the answer is yes. There isn't a single detail in this entire sequence that couldn't be replicated by a man.
The specific angle with no deviation is the biggest.

>> No.51194485


>> No.51194495
File: 175 KB, 938x844, f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that scene was so sick

>> No.51194622

The people are not stupid and are getting fucked by the whales, its time to know better, and invested in BTC and eth with scrt and avax

>> No.51194653

been using scrt after the tornado cahs ban and never knew that would get so many airdrops too.

>> No.51194675



>> No.51194706
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought and sold some private nfts too, the killroy was a funny movie, I love the guy but he fucking speaks a lot, I need the stuff as well.

>> No.51194723
File: 2.44 MB, 720x915, visionofmakingit3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do whales want to fuck us?

>> No.51194844
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>that webm
Delet plz

>> No.51194870

>bowl cut bangs
>downs syndrome face
>body of a 10 yr old boy

>> No.51194884

Being a parent is awesome. Kids are awesome, because they are honest, true and because they're not jaded miserable assholes

>> No.51194897
File: 236 KB, 532x621, 69435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more efficient to buy alts and shitcoins over actual raw btc.
Post your gmi list anons for me it's

>> No.51194912

Every single swede looks exactly like the nigga on the left.

>> No.51194916

And das based!!!

>> No.51194920


>> No.51195140

Yeah it didn’t make her hotter. Women actually look better with a bit of chub on them

>> No.51195164

They all look the same

>> No.51195195

she's hot. she's a hot biological human female. anyone who doesn't think she's hot is a fag, jealous roastie or tranny, or fat slob. cope seethe and dilate. closing thread now

>> No.51195224

I am new here and 99% sure it's probably a better idea to go ahead and buy bitcoin. The strength(and weakness) is in it's fluctuating value.

>> No.51195529

Nah you're just fucking weird dude

>> No.51195567

>choosing this over OP's chick
mental illness

>> No.51195592


>> No.51195664

>Why are not more people buying in if it’s always going to go back up?
I am

buy the dip, ya dip

>> No.51195832

All of the above messages are off topic.

>> No.51196156

as it should when op posts coombait, kys

>> No.51196676


>> No.51196717

that's a man

>> No.51196800

honestly why accumulate btc when alts like ETH and MATIC are performing just as well if not better and have way more utility with a realistic entry price.

>> No.51196830

These fags be doing the most in fudding but ain't smart one bit. Then years later come here and cry and wish they bought, be following Feds to act as TAs overnight.

I bank on quality tokens with solid fundamentals, okay for instance, holoride.
Look anything which can bring ease, less stress but yet productive in terms of car rides then hell yeah count me in. Cause last I checked the world is fucking evolving and no one being seating his/her asses down including car brands.
So yeah man autonomous driving with electric cars is coming into the space in no particular order. Cheers to the good life.

>> No.51196854

Why say so?

>> No.51196859

This. Mining was the closest way of making it in the crypto space. Unfortunately ETH is now removing POW soon....and all that's left is BTC and a few others The era of mining is nearing its end considering the increased difficulty now compared to what it was 5-10 years ago.

Now a lot of stuff is POW which is complete BS because there is no guarantee of the coin you stake of making it and governance will typically be owned by some kike holding a bag making the moves to pump or dump on everyone. On the other hand...if you are mining and the coin ruggs...you at least have the hardware left to sell and get rid of easily. Mine, sell, mine, sell, mine sell. Now its over. I hope everyone here has fun with VCs rugging your asses while you are "staking" your bs shit coins.

>> No.51196890
File: 958 KB, 944x1126, 1652558791060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many btc to have my penis permanently (24/7) inhabit her vagina?

>> No.51196894


>> No.51197088

Watched this yesterday. An actual master piece

>> No.51197180

what is it?

>> No.51197214

Literally looks like a man.

>> No.51199622

Just hodl and DCA anon. Btc is going nowhere, I also got in on privacy solutions which play a major role in the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.51199657

Does biz really not know it's owned by institutions and they control the price movement?

>> No.51199717

state your facts

>> No.51199784

>Why did BTC dump so hard?
Lack of volume is bearish.
>Why are not more people buying in if it’s always going to go back up?
Because they can buy more at the lower price its headed toward. If it was going to go up any time soon, it would have already done so.

>> No.51199797

NFTs have come a long way and I'm anticipating Railgun's NFT integration which would enable access control and private auctions.