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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51187159 No.51187159 [Reply] [Original]

>using the coin of a guy like this
why would you do that, in addition to the downsides of eth, its creator is also a retard, why would you do that?

>> No.51187183

I ate a cricket in Mexico City and it wasn't that bad desu

>> No.51187208

wasn't that a joke?

>> No.51187212

You can't digest the fiber from bugs. Humans don't have the ability.

>> No.51187263
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i always thought bugs were actually toxic to eat

>> No.51187266

We're not supposed to digest fiber, retard. It's good for making our poops more regular.

>> No.51187268

Considering he's a failed ripple employee, i dont think so

>> No.51187406

Eat the bugs then faggot. Chitin is not human friendly just like how beyond meat is very unhealthy.

>> No.51187484

it's obviously a reference to the bugs meme

>> No.51187503

>gringo gets tricked by the locals
>it wasn't that bad

>> No.51187521

>its just a meme
just like ETH being a effecient low cost coin

>> No.51187537

when smart contracts become commonplace, you won't want them

>> No.51187572

>implying I'm white

>> No.51187573

They sorta are, eating bugs in the wild is a good way to get parasites because you are eating the whole animal and not clean cuts of butchered muscle

>> No.51187605

I’ve eaten fried crickets and meal worms, tastes like sunflower seeds, there’s also lots of hard bits that would remind you of sunflower seed shells

>> No.51187673
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>implying brown people know how to read and write

>> No.51187701

>it wasn't that bad desu
>just 30% chances to get parasitic infections and fuck up your intestinal traits forever

>> No.51187708

explain what a smart contract is

>> No.51187737
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More on this

>> No.51187751
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Well thank god I'll never be poor enough that I have to eat bugs for survival

>> No.51188058

he literally is making ETH proof of stake to bow down to these kikes.
(ESG eco friendly jewish bullshit)
its a """joke""" yeah but hes also serious. 10 years from now you won't know if it was a joke or not.
eating bugs is a small humiliation compared to entering POS dont you think?

>> No.51188175
File: 54 KB, 519x640, BA477BC7-5D9B-4181-AD09-E1E5A56BE946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitadick is a globohomo, always was
He is a useful retard to push specific narratives (just like Greta)
They think they are saving the planet but they are just pushing for global tyranny