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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 128 KB, 422x750, XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5118679 No.5118679 [Reply] [Original]

Someone just bought 900 million XRP. That's about $700 million worth.

Unlike most fags on /biz/ who disparage XRP for being "shitcoin" or "working with the jews" etc., there are some of us who get it.

This will moon even more.

This will bring us profits.

And profit is the only thing that matters. Fuck your shitty ideology. We're here for gains.

>> No.5118721

Source? Don't they only release a billion? Did that madman buy 90% of the monthly release? If so, we're in for a good ride

>> No.5118731

Probably just a big bank.

>> No.5118753
File: 29 KB, 212x238, 02AAE167-05AB-4FA9-A37B-71F684372042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What sort of kikery is this?

>> No.5118784

Monaco is mooning tho

>> No.5118803


>> No.5118814

I am a stock market pro, ripple was the first crypto I bought.
Did it monday 2 hours before it clipped 0,25.
Absolute nobrainer.

>> No.5118816

this. Did you get tired of shilling your crappy discord and just reverted back to regular shitposting?

>> No.5118846

Lol your shitcoin is dumping. Blasted past support

>> No.5118897
File: 115 KB, 764x469, tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, absolutely destroyed

>> No.5118955

can you mark your support that you’re looking at because there’s no support it has officially broken

>> No.5119020

you dickheads with your fake screenshots are ridiculous

>> No.5119077
File: 101 KB, 2048x1024, 7dbffb772e1729f5049b8a1e7d83b7db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drops a few hundred satoshis because BTC pumping
>Stays flat in USD


>> No.5119079

sure you THICC mongrel, keep missing out

>> No.5119170

>And profit is the only thing that matters. Fuck your shitty ideology. We're here for gains.
Principle always wins in the long run, ripple will fail, it's a question of time.

>> No.5119185

>t my intuition says so
Guess why you're still shitposting and not on a yacht

>> No.5119206


>> No.5119267

That's a big buy. Maybe someone with inside knowledge of next announcement or coinbase addition. Either way, I already bought my ticket.

>> No.5119277

same, i got 18,000 tickets

>> No.5119320

(will be dissappointed with life guy)

>> No.5119350

>working with duh joos
I thought this was a business and finance board, not a childish ideology safe space for conspiracy nuts.

>> No.5119385
File: 1.29 MB, 1600x1323, 1412392382563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys kike

>> No.5119434

>muh the joos
are you muslim or why do you insist on hating the money people so much? I love my gains

>> No.5119501

That long run could mean 1000 years.because as things stand, you cannot defeat the Jews. So why not ride on their back and profit?

>> No.5119526

>everyone I don't like is a jew
Seriously. End your fucking life. I'm here to make money, you're here to be a faggot. Just neck yourself. Your family probably wouldn't miss you, and I'm just going to guess that you don't have any friends either.

>> No.5119537

Ripple is a scam.

Don’t make money by tricking other people.

>> No.5119569

source or fuck off

>> No.5119602
File: 111 KB, 1160x629, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5119603

It is tempting to say that the emotional drive for me to have been on the ethical side of history from the beginning is irrational, however that assumes that it is materialistic wealth that dictates rationality and not my emotional satisfaction.

>> No.5119882

Someone buying 12btc worth of at 3972

Is this the signal?

>> No.5120693


>saving screenshots for meme currency gains in 2018 when Ripple hits 2.5$

>> No.5120734

nah, that's just accumulation. But to be fair they didn't see the last breakout comming and people FOMOed in for 300k+ XRP per purchase when it went off. Even whales don't see shit like this comming I swear.

>> No.5120955

Shit like this will be how the banks get Cucked by NEETs.