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File: 48 KB, 800x602, 97158B72-A68A-4E0C-8EE8-9CABD4102F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51176570 No.51176570 [Reply] [Original]

This is the result of my job search. I have 7 years of experience as an SWE in the US. How the fuck are people getting $200k jobs straight out of college? Fuck programming.

>> No.51176622

>I have 7 years of experience as an SWE in the US
doubt faggot. I have hardly any experience and am reached out to by recruiters all day long.

>> No.51176649

I have a €42k programming job after 15 years experience and a master's degree. Fuck Europe. Did you send spontaneous resumes or answer offers?

>> No.51176656

what program do you use to make this visualization

>> No.51176678

You must really suck at swe or be the most autistic sperg in the universe because everyone I know who does swe strolled into the 200k club when they were in their mid 20s

>> No.51176686

I'm going to guess you sit on glassdoor and "easy apply" all day to bullshit jobs.

>> No.51176707

I straight up don’t believe you

T gets a recruiter or two reaching out per week, work in product, 4 years experience

>> No.51176720


>> No.51176729

And here I am making over 100k/yr with my "shitty" art degree. Look into entry level jobs or ones that require less experience and are easy for you to do - then look into OE. Or start looking into real estate or self employment

>> No.51176801

retard i just got a job off for 5 lahk/year writing javascript and all i did was go to a google code bootcamp

>> No.51176804

Do you have a security clearance? If so, create an account on clearancejobs and enjoy the endless stream of job offers you receive. I've been job searching since June, and have no problem receiving offers. Primary problem is I have very specific geographic requirements. I had two interviews with different teams for a military contractor in Melbourne, FL and received job offers for both. I work as an electronics test engineer. I have a feeling you're either bad at interviewing, bad at applying for positions you're qualified for, or this is elaborate bait. There's also the possibility that the market conditions are making companies averse to hiring (not so much a problem in defense industry), or your resume is awful.

I would revise your current strategy and reconsider. I actually know firsthand of a group in the DoD that is hiring people left and right indiscriminately (CS and all engineering roles) before a major hiring freeze, they have locations in Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma and Utah. Look up the 402d engineering division of the DoD if interested, I have contacts there and work with their program office on various projects.

With all that being said, you're doing a really bad job at finding positions that would be a good fit for you. It's difficult these days, and I can't speak to whatever industry you're a part of, but if what you said in the OP is true you should have no problem getting a job. Perhaps try 20-30 more targeted applications a week while focusing on your current job, and eventually something will find you. Company websites are also more useful for listings, websites like LinkedIn and Indeed are oversaturated with other applicants, and not all jobs are posted there. If not bait, good luck anon.

>> No.51176863

>I had two interviews
this past week* for reference
have also received offers that I rejected for Boeing (not living in St. Louis), GM (not living in Atlanta), and American Express (wasn't interested in the role, although I'm not totally opposed to Miami). Job searches suck but you're focusing too much on quantity versus quality.

>> No.51176913

I’m not eligible for a clearance

>> No.51176929

Fucking terrorist scum you will never be allowed to make it.

>> No.51177166

Don't tell me, you actually believed the larping faggots on /biz/ who say it's easy to find a job in this field?

>> No.51177191

Full disclosure I did this and am now realizing the sheer scale of my fuck up and will have to probably work minimum wage despite having a math degree from a good school just to make insurance payments

>> No.51177967 [DELETED] 

I mean I’m not 100% sure I have no chance. I probably have about a 2% chance of not getting denied

There’s several ways you can be denied that have nothing to do with terrorist/foreign involvement

>> No.51178228

This is about the same hit rate I get. 1 response out of ~600 apps. It didn't matter if I tailored the resumê or even upped the bullshit level to max, lying about experience. These days I am on unemployment which has job applying as a requirement so I'm happy to get no response.

>> No.51178257

If this isn’t a bot post, what did you use to make that figure? Is there a name for that type of plot? Like ribbon graph or something

>> No.51178262

>How the fuck are people getting $200k jobs straight out of college?
lol they're not you get 200k with exp dumbass

>> No.51179357

>7 year experience
>still applying for jobs
Use your professional network, dummy.

>> No.51179404

it's called a Sankey Diagram

>> No.51179743

wtf some other anon told me lrn2code was legit?? which one is it?!

>> No.51179785

post CV

>> No.51179819

I got 55k€ fresh out of masters, what are you doing boomer

>> No.51179858

This has got to be a joke lmao. I had 4 years experience while searching for a senior role and had like 2 interviews per day. How on Earth did you fuck up your resume so badly?

>> No.51179872

1) lying on resumes
2) not being autistic and knowing how to communicate in written and oral form
3) lying to you about how much they make

>> No.51179902

>Fuck Europe
If you're at 42k after 15 years that's your own damn fault, faggot. Bet you've been working at the same company the majority of that time, waiting on that raise they promised you like a good little goy.

>> No.51180077
File: 74 KB, 603x768, 1632791587177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck are people getting $200k jobs straight out of college?
I just got a full stack job in NYC for $150k (130k base, 60k stonks over 3 years) as a new grad and I had to negotiate tooth and nail to get it up that high. Nobody's getting $200k right out of college, not even in HCOL areas.

>> No.51180553

yep europe.
42k is even a good wage after 15 years in these areas. its quite pathetic these days. even if you switch jobs a lot. the tax man will make you give up half your paycheck. if he makes 60k a year he still wont have much extra, maybe 5 thousand net extra. working hard in europe is a scam. carreers are a scam

>> No.51180621

>if he makes 60k a year he still wont have much extra
That's almost a thousand more a month net, the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.51181071

Learning how to program before going to college, having proper projects outside of school/tutorial/meme ones, getting work experience while still in school or at the very least an internship, getting the degree anyways just to check that box. If you did all these things you could have had your $200k starting. Instead you partied in school, did the bare minimum, only have school assignments to show for it, and thought that piece of paper was enough to get you a high paying job.

>> No.51181226

>> what are tax brackets.
you never worked in europe.

>> No.51182525


Yep. I did this and got 75K starting. Now making 150k at 5 YOE. Thanks for coming to my ted talk

>> No.51182543

Embedded linux programming
Nope, stayed around 4 years each time. Market's fucked in the surrounding place and the employers take advantage of it.
I see regularly offers requiring 10 years of Python + Django at €28k yearly.
I earn netto around €2700 per month on my account, do the calculation yourself.

>> No.51182588

The can sense the 4channer in you. I just had a job interview at Big tech with the tech part was a breeze but once I got to the software manager roastie I knew it was over. All the trick questions she gave me, her cold attitude, etc. There's absolutely nothing I could do to give her a right answer. Oh, and I pronounced her name wrong which she took very personally. Fuck it next time I'm going in to the Big Tech process with all the disabilities that I can, like autism, and I'm also going to pronounce myself on LGBT.

>> No.51182594
File: 90 KB, 256x256, Hotpot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the EVERLOVING FUCK is this plot? Data scientists need to be shot

>> No.51182828


nigga white trash in my hick town make $20 an hour at Target here.

>> No.51182958
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>Fucked around all my 20s
>Got my bachelors at 31
>Immediately got hired in a high level tech support role that pays well
>Great money
>Barely any prior experience compared to the other techs
>Already thrown into sales calls, interactions with customers

Literally just be funny and handsome bro

>> No.51182963
File: 24 KB, 714x500, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learn to code

>> No.51182981

>42k Euro is good after 15 years
Do you live in Poland or Portugal? 42k is laughable for any experienced IT guy in Western Europe.

>> No.51183204

Check yourself offers on job websites, when you're not living in the capital or high tech belts you're hold by the balls.

>> No.51183238

>Believing 4chan threads where every other poster makes $600K when the median US salary is like $44K.

>> No.51183240

>This is the result of my job search. I have 7 years of experience as an SWE in the US. How the fuck are people getting $200k jobs straight out of college? Fuck programming.
they arent white, straight, or male.
so i assume you are all three.

>> No.51183271


Move to Australia. We have chronic shortages of SWE

>> No.51183327

50k right out of university what are you doing?
I'm bumping it up to 80k by stacking work from home jobs on

>> No.51183341

>500,000 rupees per year

>> No.51183394

What did you use to record this? Mind sharing?

Also, you're clearly doing something wrong with your resume/cover letters. I've had much better luck tailoring my resume to each job, as retardedly tedious as that is, and if I don't then I may as well be wasting my time with the application. Unless it's a small company where humans do manual review, you'll be automatically filtered out every time. Maybe try working with a recruiter.

>> No.51183399

this >>51182543 : embedded linux programming (C, bash, rust, python)

>> No.51183422

The median is only like 36k kek. But if these threads are true it means most of /biz/ are pajeets living in Oakland.

>> No.51183437

You're very valuable and you're being scammed. Are you in Academia?
Apply to different companies and demand a higher salary. At least 70k euroes a year. Or maybe 80k. You could get that pretty easily
All I know is R and python

>> No.51183442

>be pajeet
>why does no one want to pay me $200k for a software job
and the mystery is solved. Have you ever thought of going back?

>> No.51183454

>Go back to India where he will make 10k a year if he's lucky
I'm sure he's never thought of going back

>> No.51183473

Europe is a socialist paradise so tax brackets are extra fucked. I have relatives working as doctors in france and they make like... $60k/year with years of experience. It's completely asinine and destroys any will to work harder because there's very little benefit.

>> No.51183521
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, 1642192935136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replies to these posts pretty much confirm this board is full of crypto zoomers playing around with 4 figures in their wallet.

I make 47k per month in Eastern Europe. Going much further up in paycheck gets eaten by social insurance (ie old fucks and gypsies living on my dime) so it might not even be worth it. Most of my wealthier friends make minimum wage through their own LLC while buying a car through it and repaying expenses to themselves by collecting bills from their relatives.
All they had to do was make taxes normal, why the fuck am I paying 10k a year into social insurance when I'll retire at 70 at current rate of population trends? Makes me want to bomb state assets in minecraft

>> No.51183551

social security is a fucking ponzi designed to keep workerslave goyim content

>> No.51183580

and what languages do you know? Can you do full stack? Cyber security? Big data? AI? Cloud/containers? If you programmed in c for 7 years no one fucking cares most likely unless it was IoT

>> No.51183581

>47k per month
per year
honestly the netto would be the same with the tax brackets anyway

>> No.51183636

Nope, but I have a family and thus unable to relocate, and I have a disability which would make me less desireable when being interviewed.

>> No.51183686

dost jadno, da ti je stalo do novaca i da imaš mozga otišo bi u švicarsku i vratio se za 5-10 godina pun ko brod (150k/y sd tu, valjda jedina zemlja koja plaća kao ameri). ali ova stranica je puna autističnih debila pa previše očekujem. ali bar se čovjek nasmije.

>> No.51183724

I am guessing the taxes+insurance is 50% of the paycheck there aswel. It is that way in Austria. Some Austrian jobs pay around 115k and I don't even have to move.
Also, not y*go, just understand you because my brain and penis are massive

>> No.51183771

6,281 United States federal reserve notes per annum. Holy shit no wonder the western world has gone to hell. Even our unskilled trash laborers aren't undercut as badly by shit skins as our skilled white collar workers are. Dotr when?

>> No.51183829

The hebrew is at fault for that

>> No.51183872

lmao OP I respect what you're doing trying to drive competition away but at least make the FUD more believable

>> No.51183971
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1414, 1645827978305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck are people getting $200k jobs straight out of college? Fuck programming.
Either work for FAANG, get into some unicorn, or go into high-frequency trading/some quant role. Simple as.
I did the first one, made over 200k right out of college. It's not easy but it's not impossible either.

>> No.51184008

Maybe you are just shit.

>> No.51184097

How much would a full stack from a bootcamp be expected to make?

>> No.51184468

>make insurance payments
Why? Why do you need insurance. Are you 60+?

>> No.51184525

>work for FAANG
>made over 200k right out of college.
Yep, same here.
I only got a CompSci degree, didn't do anything else but I knew a guy on the inside and he vouched for me.
Also, I spend $4000 a month just on rent in the bay area which kinda sucks.

>> No.51184718

yes, it's that way in most of eastern EU. we need to feed the rest of the retards with retarded amounts of taxes. you are pretty based.

>> No.51184840

To buy medication I need to stay alive and to be insured in the event of an emergency

>> No.51184867

The same amount a full stack could stack if a full stack could stack full stacks.

>> No.51184997

>tfw going for cyber security degree and certs online
>tfw in a management position currently for something entirely unrelated
>tfw 23
I can only hope I’m not keking myself somehow.

>> No.51188015

$0 per year
your resume will be filtered out by Workday for not having a degree and no human bean will even read your resume

>> No.51188029

your degree wont mean shit if you're unpleasant to be around

>> No.51188056

Why it’s a really shitty way of visualizing
Is that for ants or what? Can’t even see what it’s about without a magnifying glass.
No wonder he gets no offers

>> No.51188230

>parent's get mad at me
>now I'm starting amazon wagie job on friday
>fell for accounting bachelor's meme
>don't want to do more schooling and studying for a cpa
>applying for staff accounting jobs, ap jobs on indeed
no luck so far
what other field can i pivot to from accounting or combine without anymore schooling?

>> No.51188307

>accounting degree
>work for a big 4 because it's basically required by law to get your CPA
>get abused for a few years
>move to a smaller accounting firm & make bank, or keep slaving away at big 4 and make even more bank
you're not unlucky, you're just retarded for picking a career field with a structured progression path and trying to succeed by doing your own thing. Get your CPA.

>> No.51188370

i regret everything

>> No.51188384

No it's not you liar it's your tinder had sex ratio

>> No.51188454

people literally still learning how to code thinking they will get a job. there is a fucking huge gap between the experienced and the newly learned. the new will never get a position. period. the code you newbies create compared to me is disgusting. i cant work with newfaggot codemonkeys. if you havent got experience, im not dealing with you. fuck off and seethe, go find another career

>> No.51188684

Copium google new grad offer for VHCOL NYC/bay area is 142 base/100k stock over 4 years/15k signon and 15% target bonus without negotiation. Also finance companies are paying new grads $300k+

>> No.51188908

>tech support role that pays well

>> No.51188934

okay larper. don't take what you see at that one website at face value.

>> No.51188963 [DELETED] 

Syscon remains dedicated to being the ultimate solution for applications that need security, decentralization and scalability, but without the compromises. Every advancement of syscon is built on the base layer of security that only bitcoin can provide and that is why we stay on Proof-of-Work through merge mining.

>> No.51189118

I'm sorry wagie, there isn't a place for you anymore.

>> No.51190215

Either your resume is bad or you have poor interview skills. I reached $200k 2 years after college. First job I got was $100k.

>> No.51190534

Is there any other job besides SWE and sales where someone can make >100k anymore? ffs

>> No.51190775

What are you a disabled nigger or something? Imagine being this unwanted. You're a Loser.

>> No.51191132

I did accounting for 10 years with no CA. Just start your own bookkeeping/accounting service. Was slow at first but grew over the years to 300+ clients. Lots of small businesses and individual people. Starts with friends and family and just kinda goes from there, mostly word of mouth in my case. I don't do it anymore because I trade full time instead and accounting is soul crushing, but if you want to do it it's totally possible.

>> No.51191166

you guys didnt make 500k right after college?


>> No.51191191 [DELETED] 

>he went to college
Absolutely cringe, you should consider not going into more debt. Didn't you learn your lesson yet?

>> No.51191305

Are you white?

>> No.51191366

>LARPers saying they all make $500k with 2 months experience
>meanwhile OP is the only one to post real proof
sorry to hear about your troubles, OP. i always knew coding was a meme.

>> No.51191505
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1537, tech-wagies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Embedded linux programming
Your choice to stay in a narrow field. Even basic cloud platform job will pay 55k+ in most of Western Europe, probably more.
Of course, have to learn a broader range of skills.
I'd love to do nothing but Linux. Cumfy as fuck, I hate having to keep learning tech that expires after every 2 years. Wish I could do nothing but Linux. I am burning out quickly and thinking of jettisoning this idea to do DevOps. It's just a nightmare and all free time spent studying/learning, not worth the money, not even if I can one day crack 100k Euros. What's 100k when you get taxed to shit, the margin gains are not worth having no life.

I have a friend in Germany in same situation. He's a "Linux Sysadmin". This job almost doesn't exist anymore. Hence his salary is capped, he stayed long enough that he's OK but he can't work anywhere else for the same money. He's just hanging on till they make him redundant.

It's a rat race, especially for that first job. Do you have an extensive GitHub repo? Probably not.

>> No.51191587 [DELETED] 

This. It's over.

>> No.51191633

Literally call the company and ask for the hiring manager. Talk good on the phone and get the job.
Doing the boomer tactic and shaking their hand works better than spamming 100 resumes.

>> No.51192820

You are incompetent.

>> No.51194110

I’m not larping. You are just in denial. Those google numbers are minimum for new grads in Bay Area and New York. Google hires a lot of new grads so this information is well known. Also finance companies citadel,Jane street pay new grads $300k+. Citadel return intern offer is $425k first year.

There are lots of jobs that pay $100k+ a year $100k annual income. Business analysts, hr, accounting, finance, marketing, pharmacy, therapist, recruiters, insurance, etc


>> No.51194193

>be a white straight male
>expect to get a comfy wfh SW job
Sorry buddy, those jobs are exclusively for female identifying PoC

>> No.51194200

try rawgraphs it's called Alluvial diagram.
go blind nigger

>> No.51194289

What are you doing to escape the race then ? Well I can still learn the skills, but if my job doesn't propose me to use them, how am I supposed to sell them when they are required for another job ?
When I got ouf of school EJB were a thing, I taught myself python (and I'm glad I did). C, Unix, network and sysadmin were mandatory as well and these were things I still use as of today. Rust is a thing I learned alone, but if my company doesn't want me to use Rust on a project (and it's not gonna happen, I'm as low on the totem pole as can be), there's no way I can put it on me resume. All code written by me (even in my sleep) belongs to my employer, so github pet projects cannot be considered.

>> No.51194772
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>Those google numbers are minimum for new grads in Bay Area and New York.
lol no.
if you're a new grad (masters) in NYC with years of internship experience, then MAYBE you'll hit those numbers.
most Bay Area tech companies are at or near Santa Clara where CoL is actually similar to San Diego. you're DEFINITELY not getting that sort of offers if you're in-office in the Bay Area and just graduated.
>muh finance companies
quants get paid "up to" 600k. you'd have less income fluctuation if you gambled professionally. you'd better have studied your ass off to get one of those jobs too because they require more than just programming knowledge.

>> No.51194825

You're doing something wrong. Does your resume have keywords? I literally have people calling me almost every day/ linkedin messaging since I put looking for work.

Examine your application process itself. Look at a few of your target roles. Do any of the requirements/key phrases repeat? Like for me a common element is "explaining technical concepts to non technical audience" so for every single job listed on my resume, at least one bullet point is dedicated to how I have experience doing this.

You're going about this wrong and that's why you're failing

>> No.51195019

>if you're a new grad (masters) in NYC with years of internship experience, then MAYBE you'll hit those numbers.
you should just stop talking because you don’t know what you are talking about. The numbers I posted are 100% accurate and factual for Google and those are the BACHELORS numbers. Masters grads get slightly higher base.

>> No.51197587

Feels good being a trade business owner making $200,000 a year.

Just learn a trade, modernize it with your l33t coding background, and target the rich like I did. It’s literally that easy and it turns you into a real man.

>> No.51198789 [DELETED] 

Those that are likely to make millions during the AltSeason2022 begin their planning now. I'm hunting more WAVES, ETH, and, most importantly, Syscon ATM. This provide BTC merge mining and security, as well as an ETH bridge with extremely low costs.

>> No.51198931

what the fuck
I'm making €84k after 8 years
not even in the wealthy part of Europe

what are you doing man?

>> No.51199045

>Embedded linux programming
that explains it
you're in a very narrow field, and not because it's a rare skill, but because it's simply not in demand
switch to webdev and you'll be swimming in money