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5116269 No.5116269 [Reply] [Original]

Btc goes up 0.1%
Alts go down 99.9%

The absolute state of this market.

>> No.5116638

There's no such as "cryptocurrencies", only bitcoin.

>> No.5117158

Oh please, most coins are very stable right now. And once bitcoin is done pumping that money flows back into alts

>> No.5117284

Means there is no new money flowing in. The only way bitcoin can go up is cannibalizing alts. Which is why it wont go up and if it does it will quickly come down. A majority of alts hit the floor of a dip vs bitcoin which has put the alt market at the stronger position than bitcoin right now. Until traders put more of their bitcoins in to alts or new money starts to flow in to the market, bitcoin is going to be a bear and alts are going to be bull. I dont know how long it will last.

The other thing is because people are so uneducated and slow to figure this out, bitcoin is under a microscope which is making everything even more volatile.

>> No.5117324

The alts that aren't shit go up still.

>> No.5117375
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i can tell you are new by this statement. Have you had a look at the satoshi charts of late newfriends? You are about to be massively raped if BTC keeps going up like this

>> No.5117592

>Means there is no new money flowing in.
Exactly. Right now exchanges are trying to get new sovereign fiat (mostly USD, KRW, and JPY) for worthless buttcoins so that they can cash out their Ponzi. You can't buy anything with altcoins and it's hard to buy anything you can resell for large amounts of fiat with buttcoins. The guy who bought a house won on that transaction, for sure.

>> No.5117673

>Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency
>can't even spend it

>> No.5117708


My portfolio is dark green still.

>> No.5117732

Fuck off with your satoshi bullshit retard. It's about USD and only about USD.

>bitcoin goes to 1 usd
>alts go up in sat by 100000%

Wow, guess we all just got rich!

>> No.5117743
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>> No.5117771

see dogecoin

>> No.5117776

1 king
1,000,000 peasants refusing to believe they missed the pump of a lifetime

Still plenty of time for redemption. Bow down.

>> No.5117809

If you bought now you'd only see 10-20% gains, maybe 50% if you waited long enough. Alts do this routinely and can actually be used as a currency

The arrogance you buttcoiners display is astonishing

>> No.5117814
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>i dont understand what anon i saying
>i wont even bother to research or question my thoughts
>i will namecall him in an Turkish flying peddling subforum
>that will surely show him
make 2 columns on your favourite spreadsheet anon, of what you gained holding BTC and whatever shitcoin you married and are actively trading since you seem not to be able to comprehend visually appealing charts

>> No.5117831
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comparing* kek

>> No.5117846

But all my Alts went up???? Guess Im not holding shit

>> No.5117882

Wong retard. Up over 100% in the last month.

>Being this new

>> No.5117960
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you are the arrogant one. not even pausing to think about what we are trying to tell you, youll realise your getting JUSTd in a few weeks though

>> No.5118014


Listen to Exchanges at Goldman Sachs podcast from yesterday. These people are terrified they are going to lose control of the payment industry. They don't realize it yet but their only option to survive is to pile in to BTC. Once this starts we will be 1,000,000 plus.

All you have to do is swallow your pride and buy in now.

>> No.5118154

>can't spend it because im a nigger that can't afford fees

>> No.5118214
File: 1.45 MB, 1400x3630, muh altcoin gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh alts
>muh USD

>> No.5118226

Please post lightening network webm. God damn sexy as hell.

Makes perfect sense, who's going to carry their whole stack around on their phone. You load up $100-$200 just like you do at the cash machine now.

>> No.5118238
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>Brother HODLing 0.5 BTC for months
>Me actively managing my portfolio
>He outperforms me by 50 %

>> No.5118278

Im glad you list that chart because I know its going to be followed by pink wojacks later and you will never understand why.

>> No.5118283

If that were true they wouldn't tank against bitcoin, you fucking stoopid pajeet brainlet

>> No.5118385

u know when they will launch lightning for BTC ?

>> No.5118435

We could make a lightning network right now if we wanted to.

SO many unconfirmed transactions, pisses me off.

>> No.5118603
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Legit. Once BTC is worth millions, we'll be able to load $10000 bucks and go on shopping sprees all over the place while cucks watch. $10k will be our "pocket change" tier money to have on a phone.

>> No.5118636
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hm so its an individual user dependent thing or will there be an official rollout somehow ? i only got the idea with the payment channel and that they want to route things like they do with the regular internet...the details are rather hard desu

>> No.5118671
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yeah and fuck the shit out of all the teenage cunts! we will be the new chads !

>> No.5118673
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>> No.5119062

Fuckin nice. Saved. Behold the future shitcoiners

>> No.5119142


check this out

>> No.5119238

thx fine anon !

>> No.5119239

I am not new friendo, I just do not measure in sats because I am not so arrogant as to claim BTC will always remain on top. I measure in USD since we still use Legacy Fiat for now.

>> No.5119276


LTC, ETH and IOTA are laughing right now.

>> No.5119314


>he doesn't understand percentages

>> No.5119377

You can only lose with alts.

BTC crashes - no faith in crypto, alts will actually die - as in no mining, no transactions

BTC goes up - you go up less.

Swallow your pride anon, it's not too late to admit you are wrong. This shit hasn't even started yet. There will be a tipping point with BTC when the banks are forced to get on board to future proof themselves. This could be just days or weeks away.

>> No.5119381

And BTC maximalists won't stop talking trash either way until BTC gets overtaken or it looses more marketshare to alt coins. However, let's suppose BTC goes up to 1,000,000$ a piece. 16 trillion market cap. If you want to double your money at this point another 16 trillion is needed, this might very well happen but it's going to take some time. So at this point BTC is valuable and everything but it does not make you any substantial gainz so it moves only a few percentage points a day. Now alts will flourish since it is the only way to make gainz. But until then, enjoy your BTC party while it lasts, I will be stocking up on solid alts in the mean time to prepare for this inevitability.

>> No.5119443

1. BTC crashes - alt crash
2. BTC goes up - alt crash
3. BTC stagnant - alt moons

As outlined in this post eventually BTC will be stuck at point 3 and you will see an endless rally for alts until they also get stuck.

Did you even read my posts? BTC will struggle with percentage gain the higher it goes.

>> No.5119451

I watched that podcast. They only talked about bitcoin for a few minutes and it was j7st about how banks will improve their operation so much if we're to live in a cashless society.

>> No.5119672

>Some random penny stock is laughing at Apple.

Who made the money though anon

>Implying you'll even pick the right Alt

I concede if you are a poorfag with $200 to invest go with some shitty alt and aim for an overnight 100x

>> No.5119698

And the potential for losing control of the payment industry. I was at that conference.