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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51159700 No.51159700 [Reply] [Original]

Is the working man a sucker? Is going to work day in and day out for the rest of your life without ever thinking starting your own business or investing a fools errand? What about college and university? Most degrees are fucking garbage and even at the end of the few that can get you a well paid job, you're still spending atleast 4 years of your life, you're in student debt and you'll be doing a job that you hate until you leave this mortal coil. The only way for a man to be free is to do something on his own and take risks, the only people who really matter are the ones who have the balls to do what they want without trying to play everything safe. It's like that quote from the movie 'Blood in Blood Out', "life's a risk carnal". You can't play it safe all your life and expect to be somewhere.

>> No.51159743

biz should be renamed blogposting & cope

>> No.51159779

What's the matter? You hate reading or something?

>> No.51159877

Good movie, good scene.
Conversely, the scene in Goodfellas when he explains how the working stiff is a loser flies in the face of it.

>> No.51160179

Yeah good movie. A lot of things said in that movie made a lot of sense. The scene with the baseball cards and Sonny telling C why he cares about Mickey Mantle when he's not paying his bills stands out. Too much celebrity worship these days, people obsess over shit like movie stars and singers.

>> No.51160225

Working to get seed capital for investing is a good move.

Working without investing your paycheck is for suckered, yes

>> No.51160400

I agree 100%. If you're working with the intention to invest or start a business I can respect it as means to an end, otherwise in most other cases you're just a schmuck who's willing to work his life away for a pittance.

>> No.51161232

>Working to get seed capital for investing is a good move
This is the truth, for nearly all of us, the only way to get capital for the purpose of investing is to work.

>> No.51161357
File: 38 KB, 558x395, 1658188560882372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but there is a point where you just get used to your routine and live with it. Take it back further. Why do you want something of your own in the first place? Will that really be the answer to give you happiness? For me, jerking off to /gif/ and playing RDR 2 are as good as it gets. Money comes and goes. Fuck it.

>> No.51161426

>Too much celebrity worship these days, people obsess over shit like movie stars and singers.
how old are you jesus christ gramps lmao

>> No.51161434

You type like a retard with a dick in ur mouth

>> No.51161437

Sure let me just go check my bank account and how much that costs, o looks like too much, guess that was a nice thought, back to work now.

>> No.51161476

I had this realization when I was 13, there isn't much to discuss about it really.

>> No.51161527

You also realize these guys are organized crime which typically is funded by the state at some arms length and monopolized/oligopolized.

So basically it’s just hypocrisy.

>> No.51161634

It's not just about the money though. I want something that'll make me feel content. I don't think working a 9-5 would give that satisfaction for me, might be different for others. I need a dream to chase, it doesn't matter to me that that business might go tits up so long as I gave it my best. I don't really care too much about material shit in the end.

Old enough to spank your ass with my belt.

Do I? You sound like a 2-bit cocksucker but I didn't think this was the place for sharing our opinions of each other.

Seed capital pal. Another anon talked about working to get seed capital start a business or invest.

What you doing now if you don't mind?

>> No.51161814

>What you doing now if you don't mind?
Almost done with university, have no career plans. I put a lot of effort into online hustles at a young age and built capital early on, invested into crypto before the bull run and now... I'm in a comfy spot, spend most of my time daytrading crypto. On a related note, my parents worked white collar job and I witnessed first hand how awful it can be, they weren't well paid either. If I had to put up with that shit rest of my life I don't think I'd be able to do it. I couldn't imagine being born into a low-middle class family and not have a lust for money...

>> No.51161924

Good for you pal. I'm glad you're doing alright and in a decent position.

>> No.51162606
File: 146 KB, 1200x1077, 1621924429368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the working man a sucker?
yes and no
here's some wagie memes, i post them a lot so sorry if you have seen them before.

>> No.51162626
File: 283 KB, 710x655, wagie cant even take a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51162642
File: 20 KB, 478x317, tVfYlsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51162665
File: 650 KB, 320x568, 1621933994276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51164319

Nice memes you've got there

>> No.51164994

The door test is still the best filter for whores. Best part is it's universal for everybody, not just whores, and it doesn't even have to be a car.

>> No.51165015

yes but theres nothing wrong with hard work if you have to do it. but I'd say to be satisfied with it never wanting to invest or start something of your own seems stupid to me. But who knows, if that makes you happy then maybe it's not stupid

>> No.51165050

the state is organized crime on a much bigger scale. taxation is just extortion

>> No.51165335

Whoa bro. You should like study philosophy or something dude. Radical bro

>> No.51165435

It honestly baffles me that so many people would not be able to scrounge up even $250 for an expense past the age of 25.

>> No.51166000

Amen. The door test stands the test of time. The Mario test not so much. Also teaches a good lesson not to hang around with bums and bad people, unless you want to be brought down to their level.

Sure thing. If you've got to do it then you've got to do it. If it's what you enjoy doing then I can't judge, but like you said I can't get behind people who never consider investing or starting a business.

>> No.51166039

this one changed how i saw people, never realized it was this bad

>> No.51166068

they're peasants

>> No.51166916

Couldn't imagine living like that.

>> No.51167898

its cuz these nurse bitches are buying diapers, netflix or fast food

you really do have to be mentally slow to not have cash liquidity in your 30s

>> No.51168370

>The door test
What's this?

>> No.51168409

Just watched this movie. Was good. Yes, working means you are agreeing to be poor.

>> No.51168550

lock yourself out of your car with your date inside and see if she unlocks the door for you without you needing to ask her to

>> No.51168702

Oh right, I had to go rewatch the scene. Guess I forgot because everything is remote now, you can't even do the door test. You can't assume she even knows doors have physical locks.

>> No.51169360

Most people like me don't have what it takes to start a business or even invest in stuff. For commoners it's literally the best option because anything else will just set you back. I still consider myself lucky even though I will never be rich because I at least woke up in my 30s and learned a bit more about finances than the average person, but work is still the best route to survival so it doesn't matter.

>> No.51169642

mega corp wagies dont understand they can call in 'sick' any time they want because there are 20 other wagies that can pull the slack?

>> No.51169718

Most megacorps are run with the bare minimum staffing to cut as many corner and maximize profits. At the center of every bigboxstore is a manager who is the definition of promoted incompetence, but in their defense, they're never allowed to hire enough people to run the store properly. If there's enough work on a shift for 8 people, and you would run exceptionally well with 10 (allowing for time off to happen and breaks to occur naturally on a full staffed day), you're allowed maybe 6. So if someone calls out, the 5 remaining people won't be enough to run everything, and the manager would never in a million years help himself (that's not HIS job afterall, that's the lazy good for nothing zoomers he hired who don't want to work!) so you get people screamed at for taking off. All while everyone is kept under 80 hours every two weeks so they're all considered part-time and don't have benefits.
Whole setup is a house of cards but because for a lot of people that walmart is the only store left (mom and pops long since run out of business) it never closes due to lack of customers.