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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 800x533, view-lidl-supermarket-logo-wattrelos-france-january-view-lidl-supermarket-logo-lidl-stiftung-co-kg-german-138840393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51154054 No.51154054 [Reply] [Original]

Average european
>Doesn't invest
>Doesn't want to own property
>Spends all his money on cars, kebab restaurants or vacations to shitholes like greece
>Youths waste their time studying sociology and psychology
>0 tech pressence, laughable manufacturing, govs focused on gibs
Weren't white people supposed to be smart? You litterally have to import asians and arabs to do the skilled labour because your people are so lazy

>> No.51154069

professor shekelstein told me this is called post-industrialization and it's both natural and unavoidable.

>> No.51154077

>Germany's gas storage facilities filling up faster than planned, economy minister says


>> No.51154086

Retarded mutt kill yourself.

>> No.51154091

read protocols of zion mein neger. the only way to survive for the jew is to get rid of the caucasian white masterclass and create a brown global race whose iq is sub 90. at least they believe this shit in their paranoid minds.

>> No.51154095

Life in the Nordic countries are 10 times better than the US. Homogeneous populations, high social trust, welfare state takes care of most citizens, and high wages and standards of life.
The US is a shithole in comparison.

>> No.51154099

Oh, we switched the disinformation campaign away from the pathetic Russian invasion performance. That one was hilarious, please bring that one back. General wahh-europe-bad posting is nothing special

>> No.51154126

Lazy europeans with no arguments

>> No.51154141

Sweden had 350 shootings last year alone. They have as many gun deaths as germany despite having stricter laws.
On top of that handgranade attacs are common, which has no equivalent in any county which isn't a warzone.
The alps used to be heaven on earth, but the eu is hellbent to destroy it forever, by demographics and economic warfare.

>> No.51154144

>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>go to university
>get shot
>go to work
>get shot
>go to mart
>get shot
>go to hospital
>get shot
>go to a theater
>get shot
>go to garlic festival
>get shot
>go to a bar
>get shot
>go to church
>get shot
>stay at home
>get shot

>> No.51154156

Okay, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland then. Still, I'd much rather live in Sweden than the US. Just avoid fucking Malmö

>> No.51154173

Come on Ivan, is that all you got? At least have some more posts agreeing with you, that will make it look more organic

>> No.51154188


>> No.51154192

>You litterally have to import asians and arabs to do the skilled labour because your people are so lazy
Nah we don't. We have to do that to appease the subhuman jews.

>> No.51154193

>Average European doesn't have enough meaningful money to invest or to make investing worth the time you have to spare to invest properly and it not being gambling
>At the same time /bizfags call Leverage/Margintraders gamblers

>Youths waste their time studying sociology and psychology
>I have to be productive, on /biz

>> No.51154194

Typical european behaviour
When challanged go to your boyfriends and start ciclejerking and pretend you are on the right
This is why your women prefer muslim men

>> No.51154246
File: 2.63 MB, 1272x3510, B7BDE16F-4915-4273-9008-C2FF7B4A3606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cointellpro agent logic
>israeli internet force ?

>> No.51154262

(((Skilled labor))) nobody here wants to work, we import poles to clean the toilets and pick the strawberries. And we need shitskins to appear on company profiles because 90% is export to 3rd world. Citezens get gibs but it takes atleast 8 years with full time work to become one

>> No.51154278


>> No.51154306

Haha, you got quite mad there, maybe this line of work isn't for you?

>> No.51154367

>When challanged go to your boyfriends
This is exactly what muslim/middle east/north african people do. Whenever they challenge you, and they lose, they go get their cousins.

t.greek in germoney

>> No.51154370

Norway is the best place to coast. Sucks if you are a foreigner though, outwardly everyone is nice to you but on the inside everyone will just want to avoid you

>> No.51154469

Are you black?
Do you speak their language?

>> No.51154478
File: 151 KB, 500x564, pepe-shitting-on-tranny-jannies-72110166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can one say, u rope oors are quite retarded
i told them normalniggers years ago in germanistan, no one wanted to listen and called me retard or ignored me instead all they wanted to do was having stupid fun and those who listened are now holier than thou and call me a retard still and told me it was their own thinking that brought them to their wise decisions

>> No.51154516

/pol/ is always right

>> No.51154631

>homogeneous populations
Not for long, enjoy your diversity lol

>> No.51154638

Could you be a little more vague?

>> No.51154666


du dreckiger nach Gyros stinkender Ziegenficker kannst froh sein das wir euer armseliges Land nicht verpfändet haben. Zahlt gefälligst Steuern damit ihr von dem Schuldenberg runterkommt oder wir kommen wieder vorbei und machen diesmal Nägel mit Köpfen!

>> No.51154707

10 rubles deposited into your goverment mandated account.
only 99999550 more and you can buy non-draft agreement.

>> No.51154808

Ich erwäge viel eher Arbeitslosengeld zu beziehen und mir mein Leben hier noch ein wenig gefälliger zu machen. Wie wär's damit?

Schickt doch erstmal wieder Italien und Bulgarien wieder vor.

>> No.51155065

>import asians and arabs to do the skilled labour because your people are so lazy
I'm sitting on my ass for almost 9 years and the only thing they have to offer are mcwagie&recruitment agency jobs. Wanting skilled labor but not having the capcities to educate them on their own.

>> No.51155084

>Homogeneous populations
>high social trust
>high wages

>> No.51155103

>Wanting skilled labor but not having the capcities to educate them on their own.
??? When they say they want skilled labor, they mean you should already have the education. It's not like germany hasn't enough people to study or learn. They want a finished product.

>> No.51155509

The 4€ kebab is really what ruined my life.

>> No.51155539 [DELETED] 

G'day, that's amazing! Everybody knows that crypto is the future, but have you tried Life Beyond?

>Fun action gameplay
>Open Alpha Reward Program
>CEO, Benjamin Charbit, was the Game Director for Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.51155567
File: 634 KB, 1200x1789, 1661568851233480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't say anything bad about hecking /r/europe you must be a fricking shill which is like bad #standwithukraine

>> No.51155837

>>go to garlic festival
>>get shot

>> No.51155850

>Just avoid fucking Malmö
Why is that?

>> No.51155864

Many Swedes

>> No.51157084

>going on holiday is a waste of money

>> No.51157452

i always laugh at “professional troll” line such pros that when they get btfod they ban you from their platforms kek

>> No.51157560

>Go to new years party
>Get taharrushed by (((asian))) migrants

>> No.51157696

>Average european
>>Doesn't invest
>>Doesn't want to own property
>>Spends all his money on cars, kebab restaurants or vacations to shitholes like greece
Greece is pretty nice though.
>>Youths waste their time studying sociology and psychology
Women do.
>>0 tech pressence, laughable manufacturing, govs focused on gibs
I live in sweden and we are the nr1 tech country in the world. We have more broadband access than america.
>Weren't white people supposed to be smart? You litterally have to import asians and arabs to do the skilled labour because your people are so lazy
Who said they were supposed to be smart ? You're not supposed-anything, unless you get off your ass and do it. But hey idk, those pesky germans only did send russia and the US to space... Retards, amirite? LEL...

Amerifats suck so bad

>> No.51157735

no one can afford to buy the stuff thats why.

>> No.51157880

Can be lucrative in Europe
A lot of people in my country move into sectoes that don't correspond directly to their degree. Having a degree, particularly a high level one (such as psychology is in Europe), is enough to show potential employers that you have the ability and persistence needed to learn things, as you do in the workplace.
I have a psychology, never worked in psychology, and make twice as much as the median in my country. I'm not incredibly wealthy, but I also don't work very hard.

>> No.51158059

Rum, have you heard of ASML? USA is now preventing the Dutch gov from selling any part of that tech to the Chinese. The next chip decade is entirely dependent on Europe. Cope more

>> No.51158304

Is that Vladimir Putin?

That vatnik has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Luton Premier Inn. That shit had to be the tightest, whitest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Vladimir Putin screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That vatnik frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That vatnik Putin and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Vladimir Putin, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass vatniks either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. White skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That vatnik Vladimir stole my heart and drank my seed.

>> No.51158568
File: 110 KB, 1024x546, 1659387597683945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't invest
Europe is the second wealthiest continent on the planet
>Doesn't want to own property
Europe is very rural
>Spends all his money on cars, kebab restaurants or vacations to shitholes like greece
Everyone loves cars, kebabs are dirt cheap junkfood and greece isn't even a common tourist spot
>Youths waste their time studying sociology and psychology
Mostly women
>0 tech pressence, laughable manufacturing, govs focused on gibs
Why the fuck wants their country to be one giant factory, I suppose China is a utopia with their acid rain, unbreathable air and forklifft gore videos. And yes, having subsidized healthcare that's accesible to your citizens is nice.

>> No.51158627

I wish...

As an Eastern European with a networth +300K USD (I'm in my 20's) I want to be the elite of tomorrow

keep buying kebabs and bmws dumb westoids, we will ravage and pillage the west very soon

>> No.51158773

This. We nordic chads just keep winning. Fuck sweden tho, that place is a ruined kebab show...

>> No.51158839

you are a dying race lol

>> No.51158895

>Homogeneous populations