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51151144 No.51151144 [Reply] [Original]

Slowly realizing how much time I've wasted just "being on the computer". Fuck boys. Life is for living even when everything is totally fucked right. Fuck being a total NEET asshole. I've been living one basically and I don't want to anymore. As long as you have health you have your wealth and so let's use that time well and fulfill our potential in the real world. Whoever this applies to, we can do it bros. I believe.

>> No.51151163

I am 35 years old and have spent almost every day or night sitting on the computer since age 12 or so

I dont know anything better, I wouldn't know what to do without a desktop PC.

Im too short/ugly for the real world

>> No.51151184

Combat sports.
Viait a ticket to a 3rd world country.
Buy a cabin with 50+ acres and no electricity.

>> No.51151249

seems to be complete shit

>> No.51151318

You missed out on wageslaving, working, studying and getting a degree. You've actually lived life. The rest of us ruined it for a ((((future)))) and are no richer now than you

>> No.51151332

I already lift weights, it doesn't do shit if you have an ugly face and youre 5'6

>> No.51151359

Sometimes people who spend a lot of time on the computer are more interesting and entertaining than people who do the same shit over and over and treat their hobbies as their identity. People who stay up later also tend to be not as...dull.

That said, I've partied a lot but I still appreciate those quiet nights talking to internet randoms, gaming and watching TV. If you're going to be a people person, they have to be the right people.

>> No.51151366

Same here anon, how old are you atm?

>> No.51151375

Then be miserable for the remainder of your live.
Just trying to help you bro.

>> No.51151397

You think people like me barely exist in the world, why? because we dont go outside, theres many like me, dont be fooled because you dont see us outside, theres a reason why you dont see us outside.

Theres also a reason why the average height doesn't match your real world views, its because short men dont bother outside.

Go outside to any night-life, it will all be 6ft+ guys, manlets will stick out like sore thumbs, even though 6ft+ guys are a minority, yet they become the majority at night-life, and there will be a lot more women out compared to men, another point.

Who do you see out in nightlife? Its 6ft+ men, and women. The manlets all stay at home because they know theres no point going out because its just a competition of 6ft+ guys

>> No.51151510
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babys first blackpill?


>> No.51151556

Wait a minute, are you the guy who posts here on biz about being short and wanting to get the height procedure when you make it?
Jesus man, you gotta chill out.

>> No.51151562

correct, its unironically over for us manlets. Tall men don't respect us. Even if they're nice to you, we know that beneath it all they feel they are better simply due to genetics. It is what it is. Women can be attracted to us if we get some money or they just have no options, but we all know we're not among their top choice. Its over.

>> No.51151572

you have no idea what a life of social isolation does to a man. there is a richness of limbic experience that can never be accessed by.

>> No.51151595

Okay, Theroux. Tell me.