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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51138540 No.51138540 [Reply] [Original]

>normalfags unironically think you can make it with 10 million dollars

>> No.51138556
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>> No.51138579

>650k/year in divvy payments isn't making it

The absolute state of biz

>> No.51139638

>normalfags unironically think "making it" is a binary on/off state that activates when you own a certain number of constant maturity zero coupon government debt

>> No.51139720

Kek this, i never understood neets who want to become rich. You don't need any money to just waste your life away inside your room if you live in a first wirld country.

>> No.51141296

imagine being so bad with money you don't make it after 7 figures

>> No.51141309

No no you don't get it

I need 50m so I can start an immense farm where I will work harder than ever before

>> No.51141335

OP is a financially illiterate fag lol

>> No.51141724

Leasing land is cheap

>> No.51141798
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>retarded demoralization thread

>> No.51142007
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>> No.51142040
File: 604 KB, 1857x1553, net_worth_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> $1,200,000 to retire in boonies or slav country near sea. This is NOT making it, this is existing without waging. Any emergency will wreck this tier.

$200,000 new house and rusted out 1960 Camaro SS. $40,000 a year interest or $200,000 apartment in slav high rise in actual city.

> $2,000,000 to retire as middle class
> $3,000,000 to safely retire as middle class

$500,000 to cover NEW middle class house near fly-over city, $500,000 as an emergency visit to the ER in the US if you get a papercut, and $2,000,000 invested to withdraw 4% post-inflation for $80,000* "income" that you use for living expenses.

If anyone ever gets to 3 mil, they should probably pull it and invest it safely. At that point they have a choice.

Another important note here - $2,000,000 is sufficient if you live alone. If you want to support a family on that, money is going to be constantly tight.

The difference between 2-3 mil and 10 is that with the latter you can both support a family and "appear" wealthy (without risk) if you choose to do so. On the other hand 2-3 mil is enough to do whatever you want - become a surgeon, become a mathematician, become a researcher, start a small business, become a pilot, etc. Only a few hobbies are out of reach in terms of expenses - notably automotive racing.

> $10,000,000 is for super cars, beachfront properties, and living on a surgeon's "salary".

This is also the point where women think you are "rich enough" if you aren't living outside of your means. That is NOT the case @ 3 million.

> $100,000,000 "hundie" is what the wealthy consider minimum to live a wealthy lifestyle - private medical care, mansions, private schools, constant vacations, expensive hobbies, etc.

Then you get into "start your own car manufacturing company if you want" territory


* $80,000 is used as "middle class income" as that's the low-end of what an engineer makes in a flyover state. That income is also realistic in trades and low-barrier-to-entry.