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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51102257 No.51102257 [Reply] [Original]

so are these cunts just gonna audit anyone who did anything with crypto or what

>> No.51102286

oh yea, they're going to audit a blockchain using microsoft excel

>> No.51102294

retarded? they make you attest if you did crypto or not for years now

>> No.51102365

He’s being sarcastic. No matter how many retards they hire it’s nearly impossible to keep track of the entire crypto blockchain. There is billions of addresses and trillions of transactions.

>> No.51102454

>No way you could possibly relate billions of database records quickly...

>> No.51102529

They’re going after people who split rent with venmo. Anything over $600 will trigger audits.

>> No.51102591

+80k agents over the next 10 years.
-50k from retirement's + job switching.
= 600 extra agents per state. Also the population is rapidly growing with all the niggers and spics the US importing.

>> No.51102619

>Billions of crypto accounts
>Quadrillions of transactions
>Trillions of failed transactions, dead shitcoins, etc
>All that manpower just to squeeze $10 from anon's dogecoin bags

They'll quickly find out how much of a waste of time this is, or they'll run out of money.

>> No.51102761
File: 90 KB, 1030x580, 1638315751024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIlter - Crypto wallet address &/or transactions with IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Filter - Failed, Cancelled
Filter- over $x.xx
Filter - white man
Pay up mayo nigga.

If we can view the data on the blockchain ourselves, what makes you think they cannot?
IRS subs out Crypto INCEL Forensic Software ( brought to you by Pateel "Just Learn to Code" Poojeet and Associate Shreet Shitters LLC)

Shit , just look at the CryptoTax software reporting...
It's easier than you think.

Exchanges will lick ass to keep there licenses, and will turn over any information to the IRS.

The 80K "agents" is an embelishment and Fear Mongering.... its 80K employees...
It is 80K total staff...
this includes HR Roasties, Internal Admins, Electricians, O&M Building services,janitors ( keke) and other associated wagies that DO NOT do Audits.

Still , we are fucked.

>> No.51103047
File: 70 KB, 400x333, bobo-coffee-cup-happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never declared 6 figure gains
already left the country
never paying a dime

>> No.51103074

Government is incompetent as fuck so probably this but unironically

>> No.51103079
File: 317 KB, 1225x713, 1652914970017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no wasting time with the irs. If they spend 100k recouping $10 that's fine. The IRS isn't about profitability it's about control and fear.

>> No.51103087

tb'h I doubt it's for profits. I think they just want to make your life hell just because they hate the masses. Not even meming. Bunch of psychos run this government.

>> No.51103094

Basically this. They couldn't care less if this is a net loss. The goal is to oppress. The bright side is they are a bunch of retards with tech so I doubt they'll be efficient enough to bother the grand majority. Maybe like 1-3% of all of crypto holders will get audited

>> No.51103113
File: 84 KB, 1075x931, 1651321831020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, but when it comes to the IRS its like this:

IRS Audit says you fucked up
they take your money first
you didn't and you know it 100%
You decide whether to spend the money in litigation, or give in and pay.
They have your money already.

>> No.51103123

they're only going to audit (You)

>> No.51103372

How are they going to audit my lightning transactions? There is no ledger?

>> No.51103553

Not everyone
Congress is exempt

>> No.51103617

I love how they can admit that an audit could be the state exerting pressure on a congressman, but refuse to admit it when every Joe with an unpopular opinion gets squashed into silence by the IRS.

>> No.51103872

you think a boomer knows what ringCT is?
they're totally going to track atomic swaps guys!!!
if they had spent 80B in chainalysis, I would be worried
but they spent 80B in mallcops who can only use their iphones

forget crypto, they can't audit the laundromat across the street

>> No.51104929
File: 64 KB, 860x819, 1637943333931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer doesn't know shit.
Boomer Government, with Money Machine That Goes Brrrrrrr hires Company or Subcontracts out this work.
Chances are slim ,but have increased.

This , of course, is Bullish for Crypto , as they now make it legitimate. because they want their cut.

>>track atomic swaps !!!!
yeah via :

>> No.51105581

Not just crypto. Anything. They're going to send out a bunch of claims around 200-400$ to the normiest normies and cryptoniggers. They will all pay because they rightly can not afford to contest in IRS's claim, and even if they could for some reason, they probably don't have records to prove otherwise in the guilty until proven innocent administrative "courts".

The only benefit to all of this nonsense is if you ignore any and all claims, eventually they'll sense some plush agents or agentettes to your house to test your passive counter-measures.

>> No.51105590

Idk I sent a message to my state’s revenue department talking mad shit to them so I’m probably fucked

>> No.51105813

They audit anyone who fails to report their earnings in crypto by comparing your W-2 wage and tax statement form and your 1099 tax form you get from your employer (Assuming you have a job), or your 1099K form the coin exchanges are required to send out that logs your transactions with whatever coins you've used in that exchange.

Have you used a cryptocurrency exchange recently in the past 5 years or are you sitting on bitcoin you mined pre-2014 and have in a physical wallet drive?

>> No.51105875

Someone post the screencap of the anon that sent the IRS 2 pallets of paperwork every year.

>> No.51105894

These particular agents will only be targeting whites. Although I suppose that's all glowniggers.