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51093116 No.51093116 [Reply] [Original]

Are all baby boomer men autist spergs or something? My 76 y/o grandfather is having a mental breakdown because city contractors accidentally fucked up his landline. He has a cellphone and he’s calling me to complain about it. He’s going for a walk now

>> No.51093188

consequences of leaded gasoline brain damage and decades of 16+ hours of television per day. many such cases.

>> No.51093236

its what happens when old men have nothing going on in their lives to validate their existence or spend their time on

seriously these guys just vegetate for 15-20 years while shitting in a diaper, and then they die after having expended all of their savings, it's an awful fate

my father is in his 80's now and he's mentally degrading, I told him it was time to do the honorable thing and go out into the wilderness and succumb to the elements, but he just thought I was inviting him to go camping, so we are going this weekend

>> No.51093261

He has really nothing else to worry about. In my experience boomers worry about that smallest shit because for one they’re old and have nothing going on and two, they’ve mostly lived in an era of low teir retail/readies/low class people bending over backwards to give “great customer service”. Basically they’ve been treated like a they’re on the perpetual edge of a tantrum their entire lives.

>> No.51093298
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> told him it was time to do the honorable thing and go out into the wilderness and succumb to the elements, but he just thought I was inviting him to go camping, so we are going this weekend

lost my shit

so are you going to let nature claim him?

>> No.51093311

Literally yes. If you want to find out for yourself, try driving over 50 miles with one in the passenger seat. Watch how quickly they turn into a child asking "are we there yet"

>> No.51093320
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gonna work until I die. Being a neet is death. Get fucked, zoomies.

>> No.51093326

no, we are going to go fishing and cook some trout on the camp bbq, then probably smoke some weed and reminisce

>> No.51093333

My father just hit 60 and is legitimately suicidal. He had to be hospitalized because being a handyman was his whole identity and he wanted to end his life over not being able to rake leaves anymore.

>> No.51093352

These boomers need to start playing halo or something damn lmao

>> No.51093355


>> No.51093368
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i dont want to be old bros..

>> No.51093386

>he wanted to end his life over not being able to rake leaves anymore.

that's bizarre, my dad started an entirely new business in his 60's from scratch and like a 10k loan

it was adjacent to his area of expertise, but it wasn't that tough, maybe you should tell him to go open a landscaping business or something

men NEED something to work on, or they just decay

>> No.51093453

>Are all baby boomer men autist spergs
No that's just American "men".

>> No.51093482

Society grows best when old men plant trees who's shade they shall never sit apon.
Tell your papa to start planting trees or something.

>> No.51093512

I'm 25 and want to kill myself, I've got the 12g right here too.

>> No.51093555

>my father is in his 80's now and he's mentally degrading, I told him it was time to do the honorable thing and go out into the wilderness and succumb to the elements, but he just thought I was inviting him to go camping, so we are going this weekend
kek'd out of my ass

>> No.51093617


>> No.51093618

We'll see how long those trees last when your shitskins cut them down.

>> No.51093628

Thanks for the blog post. When janny bans you for off topic posting enjoy your autistic spergout

>> No.51093671

most normalfags are autistic, yes

>> No.51093686

Boomers were the first generation to be true consoomers in every sense of the word, they came about regardless of location in the most pants on head retardedly easy tutorial mode with cheats on time period to have ever existed and probably ever will exist in human history. Naturally this rampant consumerism mixed in with extensive lead gas/lead in general exposure and being able to easily obtain a brand new home and car just by fucking around with an odd job for a year or two made them completely obsolete in the 21st Century, and by this I mean they cannot mentally cope at all with the world of today, even if they by proxy created it. Some of them obviously are different, I’ve known a few men in their 70’s who are still pretty active ane did and still do all sorts of shit while being well aware of how fucked up everything is now, but for a majority of them they might as well have been mindless flesh drones. Its why they seem almost childish/infantile at times and why they completely breakdown when the slightest problem occurs, you are seeing an entire group of people decompose in real time. I’d bet that alzheimers and dementia cases will skyrocket by the 2030’s. They largely drove, smoked, and drank themselves retarded and it shows.