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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51089382 No.51089382 [Reply] [Original]

If you are your own boss, then who pays your salary?

>> No.51089435

1. the money never existed, I want to buy a potato for $1 instead I grow a potato for free, I just saved a dollar
2. your customer base, I have extra potato now that I am good at growing for myself, so I sell them for a small profit

>> No.51089493

Fuck I got BTFO'd

>> No.51089594

>If you are your own boss, then who pays your salary?

The companies/clients I work with.

>> No.51089703

Boss of who? Bosses(masters) need a slave who sustains them otherwise the title doesnt make sense. Authority is by definition parasitic. Authority figures dont actually create any value. They merely give orders, punish/beat slaves into submission and leech off their work. They themselves dont actually do anything nor add any value at any step of the production/consumption process.

This is why capitalism (and by extension fascism) is purely parasitic, unstable, unsustainable and exploitative. The neoliberal capitalist status quo has become so normalized and has colonized the whole of mother Earth to the point where titles such as "boss" are not given any thought and taken for granted as completely normal concepts.

It doesnt matter tho, God is great and is purifying Earth of all the parasites one way or another

>> No.51089754

Fuck off parasitefag.

>> No.51089766

if you're dumb, the clients/customers for whom you wageslave. if you're smart, the surplus labor of your wageserfs.

>> No.51089888

Keep deepthroating the boot little insecure obedient compliant and submissive 4chan incel parasite and remember to be a productive good boy for your masters. Little wannabe wolf of wall street uberman "alpha male" cracker.

>> No.51089899

Shut up parasitefag.

>> No.51089935

your customers

>> No.51089947

>doesn't understand why the soviet and chinknese famines happened
Rent's due