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51082208 No.51082208 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing makes sense anymore, the entire world just feels fake and incredibly tense. I wish I could go back in time and ask the Romans and Byzantines if they had a similar feel before their empires' collapse. People say "don't watch the news" but we're all just passengers on a derailing train, and it's hard not to look on the window. What are we headed towards? Will things get better afterwards? When will things make sense again? When will people be kind again?

Good discussions yesterday, wanna keep it up. Favorite takes so far:

>Everything is always collapsing and being remade in different forms. Chaotic reformation is the constant in history. It is easy to lament that things do not remain the same but hard to adapt to what is now. Are things going to be difficult? Absolutely. Will it be as bad as the thirty years war or the mongolian invasion, or the fall of Ur? Hell, maybe. Probably not, though. People on an individual level aren't nearly as dangerous as they used to be.

>ask the Romans and Byzantines if they had a similar feel before their empires' collapse. You generally can't pinpoint the moment an empire collapses at the time. Some warn of a collapse generations before things start going bad, others deny a collapse has happened even after the barbarians have looted the palace and set fire to the vineyards. By the time most well-learned people of the empire know that a collapse has occurred, it has already been replaced by a successor empire (or descended into tiny warring kingdoms)

Whitepills welcome. We can navigate the world together.

>> No.51082234

Have gay sex

>> No.51082242

>When will people be kind again?
People have never been kind you moron. I dunno what fairy-tale bullshit about the world you've believed up to this point, but the way the world is now is how it's always been. There's no such thing as fair, and the sooner you get that into your head the sooner you can begin acting like a real adult instead of whining on /biz/ like a faggot.

>> No.51082258

It's going be very real and almost a test of endurance, but there will be fun, bravery and good times too.
Be strong and prep well, The fake times are ending, this was a small period of humanity.

>> No.51082259
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Op is demoralization shill restarting a second thread after being called out

>> No.51082293

No because I made a typo, take your meds you obviously spent every waking hour on this board.

>> No.51082305

I don't mind this take, but we never lived in a world of such dissonance. At least, not that I know of. That's why I wonder about other sunset eras, if people lived in the same sort of dissonance over the state of their nations.

>> No.51082361

agreed anon. something changed when the pandemic hit. collective shock, collective awakening, i have no fucking idea what it is but i know i feel it, i know you feel it, i know everyone feels it whether or not they choose to admit it. what we are heading towards is most likely a new world restructuring. without borders. right now we're transitioning away from an old/dead world. it's going to be gradual but unlike anything seen before in the span of humanity history-- the fall of romans, as history depicts was more or less overnight. this will be drawn out because of old ways clutching tightly to dissolving pearls. the wealth disparity has reached such extremes that it's actually impossible to move forward anymore. and humanity kind of depends of progress for survival. without it, as a whole, we are worthless. old method corporations will be torn apart, probably through falling profits(or revolution) and new method corporations will grow in place. chances are in the future, if work is still a thing, we'll probably be working for a company halfway across the world. and it'll be for maybe a few hours out of the day. the 9-5 waste needs to be condensed in order for progress to be rejuvenated. wasting away for 6 hours browsing your phone and working for 2 hours is just stupid. technology is not waiting around. its growing exponentially. and archaic systems are just simply refusing to adapt-- education is a big one that needs to evolve, but the education that most of us were brought up will cease to exist, since now you can access nearly anything your mind desires within a few clicks. why bother spending months having someone explain it to you? then you look at companies, especially tech companies, who tout to their customers how worthy their product is for digital communication but demand their employees (also customers) to return in office. this dichotomy of foolishness has been exposed, on top of lack of progress it just no longer makes sense, as you said.

>> No.51082494

Wealth disparity always runs in cycles. It's directly proportional to populism, which usually acts to resolve it. Look at the Huey Long/New Deal era, it took an intentional wealth distribution to calm down the populace. Not many people realize Depression-Era America was headed towards massive civil strife until FDR came in.

I get the digital think, both of us here, being on /biz/ get that. But the fact is that the vast majority can't into internet beyond Facebook and Instagram. Automation has to be intentionally stifled to give people jobs like any Stellaris playthrough.

>> No.51082510

$200/hour method

Register a new account at bit dot ly/3zCzQf6 enable 2FA, link your payout account (you can receive via BTC), grab the link at the side of "Home Page: Females", under link codes tab
Create an account at proxiware dot com and purchase a $22.50 proxy package and bind your IP to your proxiware account
Create an account at bit dot ly/reCaptchaSolver and fund your account with at least $5 and grape your API key
Download proxy list from https://mega.nz/file/kJ9zmACS#eIK0ulQlh7759IE5hFs3QSL6v6UdQ7mQblfuvVHLL8E
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Hit start and watch your earnings increasing
Proof of payment: i.ibb dot co/jMxxRQ5/Screenshot-2021-10-20-at-13-18-04.jpg

>> No.51082550

Sometimes I really think this is true. The last 80 years are statistically an anomaly in human history in terms of prosperity and peace for the average person.

>> No.51082552

>we never lived in a world of such dissonance
we didn't, but it has existed before.
understand that we were lucky to experience the world we did, because most did not get to

>> No.51082572

Because the tribe perverted it to serve themselves and ruined the European utopia.

>> No.51082591
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>this anon uses the same board during the same times and amounts of time that I do
>better try to insult him by saying he spends time on this board

Uncurbable levels of terminal retardation. No amount of cyberbullying can fix you + ESL

>> No.51082599

>I don't mind this take, but we never lived in a world of such dissonance. At least, not that I know of.

Of course not when you've only be around for the last 12 years.

>> No.51082776

>or descended into tiny warring kingdoms

This is what's going to happen. Balkanization. Here in Canada, I reckon Alberta and Saskatchewan will team up once shit hits the fan and they get tired of the Liberal Cronies. If it happens, I will leave Ontario and go help the Albertans, even if it means death.

>> No.51083120

can you provide other examples? genuinely want to learn

>> No.51083152

>I don't mind this take, but we never lived in a world of such dissonance
You didn't because you're a young faggot that thinks his 20-something coddled years on the planet make him a man. You're a child and you know nothing of the world.

>> No.51084895

give examples

>> No.51084976

What doesn't make sense, be specific

I am loving life rn desu

>> No.51085091

I have plenty going on but all this shit just puts a damper on everything. Should i just stop looking at the news? Is it that simple?

>> No.51085446

Really simple stuff guys.
More claims of ownership on less stuff. The real costs of this whole thing are disguised behind walls of lies. We promise a lot of things to people who go to work and some of them risk their lives or even die but we don't give a fuck because we're too busy robbing the people blind until we realize we need everybody because nobody wants to be a paramedic or firefighter anymore.
Pretending like there isn't a problem for the last 50 years, and more deliberately for the last few years, is being complicit in something that will hurt you eventually.

>> No.51085536 [DELETED] 

$200/hour method

Register a new account at bit dot ly/3zCzQf6 enable 2FA, link your payout account (you can receive via BTC), grab the link at the side of "Home Page: Females", under link codes tab
Create an account at proxiware dot com and purchase a $22.50 proxy package and bind your IP to your proxiware account
Create an account at bit dot ly/reCaptchaSolver and fund your account with at least $5 and grape your API key
Download proxy list from https://mega.nz/file/kJ9zmACS#eIK0ulQlh7759IE5hFs3QSL6v6UdQ7mQblfuvVHLL8E
Download the register bot from https://mega.nz/file/5BdxlJzA#vRjELmSKvi88kltDmkcSVYT4tTf28EGtUToGFYSKlzI run the Auto Register Bot.exe file, choose the language (en or ru), fill the API key of the captcha solver, put your affiliate link from Home Page Females, choose the text file of proxiware proxy list, choose how many threads you wanna run (4 or more recommended for faster earnings)
Hit start and watch your earnings increasing
Proof of payment: i.ibb dot co/jMxxRQ5/Screenshot-2021-10-20-at-13-18-04.jpg

>> No.51085548

the whole "you don't know when you're living through collapse" only works if your a peasant living in a mud hut. if you're a modern person living with electricity, running water, internet, super markets filled with food, etc etc you will fucking know when collapse hits.

>> No.51085663
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>Romans and Byzantines if they had a similar feel before their empires' collapse
I can't find it right now but there is a record from Rome where some guy (Augustus I think) is bitching about people not having kids.
It still took hundreds of years before the western Roman empire collapsed. You can chill.

>> No.51086240

We're definitely gunna lose some of our smaller territories, couple of islands too..
At home we might have to wall off some cities when they start protesting the wealth inequality because of all the low-born newly rich spending their father's dealership money *ironically* on cars, but we'll probably be fine.
If we have to go down to 9 or 10 aircraft carriers... it is what it is.

>> No.51086342

The barbarians were Germanic so at least compatible dna for future civs.
Now we're gonna have a literal planet full of violent niggers and beaners. The epitome of their culture is the twerk. Every single place on earth that they inhabit turns to literal shit - their native homeland, black america, black uk, black canada, black france, brazil, well you get the point. Its going to be a bloodbath.
What we have are a tiny group of financiers which are extracting work, effort, and creativity out of the smartest most productive generation of europeans and east asians on the planet, while raping their families and fertility. And while they're doing that the shittiest people in the world are mass moving south. Holy fuck I have no idea what the overlords are planning (if they plan at all and its not just a bunch of pyramid power grab rich quick schemes), but it isnt looking good to replace species highly conditioned for intensive abstract thought labor with people whose achievement lies in fucking, rapping, and sport.

>> No.51086370

>When will people be kind again?
You don't get to choose the way in which people are kind to you. And you are so self-centered that if people were kind to you, you would not think that the world was so awful. Do not allow your brain to dictate the way you feel. Only you can dictate the way you feel.

>> No.51086439

the romans literally got invaded

>> No.51086865

What's the right mindset to have during times like these?

>> No.51086927

>When will people be kind again?

This has only ever existed in homogeneously White or Northeast Asian societies.

The lawlessness and corruption that you're seeing now is what it has always been like in the 3rd world. However, the modern West has something that the 3rd world generally hasn't had, and that's multi-racialism. This causes a constant state of tension and, for the losing races, dread.