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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 31 KB, 508x541, 1502407826913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5107992 No.5107992 [Reply] [Original]

So this shitcoin going anywhere? I bought at 3k sats and its half of that now. I got bized didn't I? Many people are selling...

>> No.5108058

buy high sell low

>> No.5108106

u retard, did u ever looked at their website. literally no. because they dont have. did you ever look at their developer. literally no. becuase they similar to confido guys. fell for biz meme. u retard. buy coins only which at least seems legit. this one is out right scam. u desrve to loose money

>> No.5108205

This is a comfycoin pls no bully neko-san

>> No.5108247

You should've bought Monas or XEM/NEMs if you just wanted weeb coins you weeb

>> No.5108261

Because I have them as well

>> No.5108271
File: 307 KB, 1024x1024, neko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


neko is for fun and for cute. honestly more fanart is what would boost it most. are you an artist, OP?

>> No.5108297

It's not a scam coin, but it's also not a coin that has commercial goals or a professional development team. It's just some random Japanese ETH clone project that for some reason got put on an exchange half a year after it was released.

That said, meme magic has mooned coins before.

>> No.5108315
File: 500 KB, 1920x1080, 1505706948902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not really boosting if its going down...
I do edits on anime images

>> No.5108349
File: 34 KB, 674x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been mining these for a lil bit

>> No.5108371
File: 67 KB, 829x482, 1507292511565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you have free eletricity or very cheap, I doubt that its profitable...I mined about $100 in a couple of days when there was less miners

>> No.5108391

Same. Not as much return as I'd have hoped though. Kinda slow on my 1060

>> No.5108415

>becuase they similar to confido guys.
nekonium is transparently just a fun-project. they're not promising anyone anything.

>> No.5108426

i have 2 670s so i disabled sli and dedicated one to mining. yeah it doesn't seem worth it so i'll stop probably after i get 5 or 10 neko so it's transferred to my wallet. i wanted to test out mining.

>> No.5108444

This was literally a coin to test shit out, not to be an actual platform or anything

If you DYOR at all you'd know this

>> No.5108445

What I'm doing is mining Ethereum and selling it for btc then buying NEKO, sell more profitable for me. Also mining Monero on my CPU as well.
Got myself 3.3k NEKO.

>> No.5108524

>What I'm doing is mining Ethereum
yeah.. no chance for my older card. yours is over 3x as fast as mine. i limit mine to 65C though

>> No.5108534

The weird part is that even though they literally say that's it's just an experiment to figure out how to use Ethereum, they still went put it up on an exchange site and are planning more PR stuff

>> No.5108562

probably because crypto just blew up. i can see the japanese using a coin like. a japanese coin for the japanese. they spend hundreds of dollars on smilies for their LINE app. i can see them using a coin like this.

>> No.5108616

Mona already has that role filled out
It even has it's own LINE stamps

>> No.5108810
File: 43 KB, 888x663, 1500693671491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder why people are selling it so much

>> No.5108928

One last warning to everyone to get on the correct weebcoin and not this literal science experiment

>> No.5108975

to test how it dumps.

>> No.5110032
File: 1.79 MB, 560x315, legs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5110452

It's probably getting mined heaps
and the miners are selling it
it's literally a fresh ethereum with no miners, if you mine for it you're gonna get tons of it

>> No.5110652

Christ OP, for these types of Coins you mine a few hundred or so incase it moons in the far future, you don't actually buy them off the exchange.