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51073152 No.51073152 [Reply] [Original]

Would Universal Basic Income work?

if everyone got a free 1500 a month what would happen?

>> No.51073206

Rent costs $3000/ month

>> No.51073238

Hyperinflation, empty super markets, 5x rents, majority of the population asking for more government intervention, full totalitarian communism, collapse

>> No.51073289

The same thing that happened during the pandemic. Rampant inflation, riots and protests, supply chain crisis

>> No.51073308

>5x rents,
because everyone got 1500 a month?

>> No.51073464

Sought after homes abd apartments will always be more expensive so poorfags cant pay them, if anyone got 1.5k, sought after apartment would just be more expensive because there arent enough for everybody

>> No.51073502

If everyone was given $1500 basic income a month people earning $1500 would have the same purchasing power as someone now earning $0 a month. Nothing would change except the dollar being obliterated

>> No.51073526

>If everyone was given $1500 basic income a month people earning $1500 would have the same purchasing power as someone now earning $0 a month.
lol how do. you reason that

>> No.51073547

>economics, how do they work?

>> No.51073558

>the poors with their miniscule resources drive inflation
Tired meme, not to mention that these resources would be extracted for wealthier parties via taxes to fund this. Dollar in, dollar out.

>> No.51073570

A huge swath of the country gets social security every month, there are cities where almost everyone is on it

it does not fuck everything up the way this thread says it will

>> No.51073578

Just like all the current spending is extracted from wealthier parties? Right right…

>> No.51073581

>>economics, how do they work?
not an argument

>> No.51073595 [DELETED] 

Niggers would find a way to get fleeced out of their 1500 while whites continued to work and kikes continued to scam. Nothing would change, only the scale of the numbers.

>> No.51073604

Why do you think millions are quitting on mass while everything hyper inflated sweety. What would make someone want to work when you could sit on your ass and make the same? People think the west is the Titanic and that it will never sink. It’s the biggest ship of all time! Reality check, This ship is sinking and it’s sinking fast, some of the top levels have already boarded the life rafts and fucked off. Some of the middle class passengers have twigged somethings up and are waiting near the life rafts to get out and some of the lowly passengers know what’s going on but simply do not have the means to get off the ship. Things are about to get brutal. The paradigm shift is almost completely done.

>> No.51073610
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>if everyone got a free 1500 a month what would happen?

Nike revenue would MOON

>> No.51073628

*with the caveat that less whites would work because why bother when you can just mooch off the government. Every little bit of demoralization leads towards the overall collapse of society and this would just press it closer

>> No.51073668

>Tired meme, not to mention that these resources would be extracted for wealthier parties via taxes to fund this. Dollar in, dollar out.
it would probably be more, dollar print, dollar out

>> No.51073691

>Niggers would find a way to get fleeced out of their 1500 while whites continued to work and kikes continued to scam. Nothing would change, only the scale of the numbers.
poor people might have an easier time getting food and necessities

other than that i agree with you

>> No.51073695

>If everyone was given $1500 basic income a month people earning $150000 would have the same purchasing power as someone now earning $148500 a month.
Does that make it easier to understand?

>> No.51073705

>*with the caveat that less whites would work because why bother when you can just mooch off the government. Every little bit of demoralization leads towards the overall collapse of society and this would just press it closer
is working some shit hourly wage job (that probably is bad for society or the environment such as fast food) so you dont wind up homeless noble for some reason?

>> No.51073724

so what

>> No.51073751

Women would fuck only top Chads and niggers you wouldnt be able to get girls with your betabucks or even hire a hooker. Your status would get equalized with every shitskin in the world.

>> No.51073762

It is. This takes the slimmest most basic understanding of how many and value works to get.
Imagine COVID stimmy cheques but every month. Not sure how you think this is not inflationary

>> No.51073786

It could never work because american lives revolve entirely around their first $1500 a month. After they make that much money, they just deflate like a balloon. Literally, their bones liquefy and they collapse into a tiny pile of loose skin. Higher brain functions just cease completely till the month is up.

It's kinda crazy. They completely stop saving money. They also stop spending money too. They stop having hobbies. They stop pursuing an education. They stop having kids. They stop having medical emergencies. They stop building things, like families and businesses and communities. They just sit there as a little inanimate pile of skin patiently waiting for their next free hand out. A truly horrific but entirely accurate story according to many rich and very productive eye witnesses.

>> No.51073820

Moron, it’s all money printing, debt, deficit, currency debasement
Taxes never covered US gov spending and never will, not even if you tax 100% of the income
And guess who is hit harder? Poors and middle class, the ones with none or little assets

>> No.51073932

yes. Work, service, and production gives purpose and builds self-confidence. It's a fundamental piece of a functioning high-trust society. You can't create a utopia for humans, struggle(work in some form) is literally a part of the human condition.

>> No.51073961

Any monetary expansion and redistribution has problems/downsides, but there's some good arguments for doing welfare in the form of UBI rather than the current system of specific welfare.
>removes the disincentives for the poor to avoid work, which takes away their gibs in the current system
>reduces the beaurocracy/cost associated with distributing specific welfare
These only really apply if they totally get rid of the current welfare system, not just add on top of it. Also, it certainly shouldn't be enough to really live off the gibs alone. There would be tremendous economic costs from the drop in productivity if you could have a comfortable life without ever contributing anything.

>> No.51073972

lol no. people earning 1500$ will after that got 3000$ a month, which is twice of purchasing power those who earns 0$.

>> No.51073982

So it would do nothing in principle. In practice it would only destabilize markets.
Imagine there's a house that we both really like that cost 100k yesterday.
The stimulus of 1.5k comes out, what's stopping you from immediately bidding 101.5k to get it.
People underestimate how liquid prices are.
1.5k to every US citizen would be almost half a trillion dollars.
Half a trillion instantly dumped on the economy.
This is for a one time thing. Half a trillion dollars every single month would probably be too much even for Jpow to manage.

US gdp is 20 trillion by the way.

>> No.51074009

I live near a community that decided to use their collectively owned business asset to fund a basic income program for their members like 15 years ago. And looking at that community, it has turned me off the whole idea. Drug & alcohol use, which was already pretty bad there has only gotten worse, domestic violence has gotten worse, more petty vandalism & graffiti, and so on. And that location used to mostly employ its tribal members to run the casino and hotel, but after now has to bring in quite a few white people to run the tables & mexicans to clean the hotel rooms. Some tribal members still work, but a bunch decided to not bother.

Basically, there are three kinds of people; those who will behave in a productive manner on their own, those who will act like trash no matter what (think about the long term homeless, mentally ill, etc), and a third group that is capable of being reasonably sober & productive if they have to keep a job, but will turn to trash without that outside requirement. UBI enables that that third group to turn to trash.

>> No.51074031

Consumer prices are driven by production and consumer demand. The billionaires having some extra money doesn't have nearly as much effect as every person in the country having extra cash to bid up prices on things they're guaranteed to spend on.

Since I know you'll call me a bootlicker, I'm not. I don't condone any welfare or wealth redistribution for either the rich or the poor. I'm just saying millions of the common man drive inflation, not one man with millions of dollars.

>> No.51074068

>US gdp is 20 trillion by the way
And…a big chunk of it is just government spending
It’s unsustainable to print those quantities, it can only lead to accelerating debt spiral

>> No.51074201

Basically to summarize this thread OP is a stupid faggot (ticker: DUMB) and has no idea what planet he's on let alone anything about economics

>> No.51074235


>> No.51074256

People would get lazier, the government would grift more, prices would inflate, that would be the new expectation and then people would start pining for $3k instead

Stop depending on a nanny state

>> No.51074329

i dont see why you wouldnt spend tax dollars on the citizens of your country
if you dont give it to the people you'll just end up spending it on some woke bullshit instead
if the government cut spending on foreign countries and other bullshit like climate science it would work out well for the people
the problem is that the government would give out ubi and then spend the same ridiculous amount of money on the bullshit they spend everywhere else

>> No.51075915
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Imagine if the government spent all that money on infrastructure programs instead of enabling shitheads to kill themselves with drugs and alcohol. That would require a white government, not this kiked up niggerfest we have right now.

>> No.51075952

This reminds me I fucked so many sluts at ASU.
The girls there are the biggest whores.
Not sure what it is about that school.

>> No.51075969

A gallon of milk would be $500

>> No.51075992

wages would rise to keep people motivated to work.
inflation would happen naturally.
people could meet the basic cost of living and be able to start saving.
ignore the other retards itt.
none of them have 2c to rub together.
nor do they know what work is, despite trying to idolize it and attempt to emulate others that do

>> No.51076026

Yeah. Every used car went up $1200 after the 1st coofbux. The prices have only continued to rise.

>> No.51076115

Why does she look sad? Isnt she about to be paid to have sex? Seems like a prettyvsweet deal.

>> No.51076893

why would anyone work full time ever again you retard

What will happen is every company will just employ twice as many staff who work half as many hours and have flexible arrangements just like a supermarket does.

>> No.51076924

Kek, this

>> No.51077001

SS is paid into by the same people receiving it, the gov’t giving EVERYONE the same amount but printing it out of thin air would absolutely cause inflation.

Ignore that logic if you — do you think corporations are going to be charitable when they realize everyone suddenly has an extra $18K a year, or would you assume they’d increase prices? Capitalism = bad, remember?

>> No.51077035

Poor people are already subsidized with food stamps to purchase food. More money means more demand which means higher prices, so now poor people pay more for food.

>> No.51077126

I bet she could find a lawyer that would sue for sex trafficking; just based on that photo they took.

>> No.51077186
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We already saw what MORE free time did for your average person during lockdowns.

>time to binge watch
>uh oh depression!
>endless possibilities for new hobbies? Let's take none of them!
>video games!
>I gained weight!

The average person isn't ambitious. UBI would just be wasted on them. At some level, you realize that the rat race needs to exist to keep these people from destroying themselves

>> No.51077308

because 375 isn't that much.
but why should they work "full-time"? what's admirable about that? shouldn't people do what is best for themselves, their family, community and society? how is working on useless redundant tasks or the best portions of your free and creator-given life.
slavery isn't admirable in any era.

>> No.51077321

was just talking about this in another thread


>> No.51077362

basically my concern is, if ubi becomes the only way to live, with jobs few and far between having largely been replaced by robots and ai...

what if the ubi gets revoked? what if they decide the criteria for revoking a ubi is as simple as "hate speech" or "transphobia" etc.

does it become a world where everyone is afraid to speak their mind and everyone goes along with everything because they can't afford not to?

>> No.51077380

you could tie ubi in with a social credit scheme
how fucked would we all be then

todays paranoid conspiracy could be tomorrows accepted reality. its happened before

>> No.51077391

isnt it already?

but people were scared of the production line, cars, printers, copiers, tape players, computers, and robots n sheit.

we'll still somehow find a way to fuck the world up for silly reasons.

>> No.51077410

again. isnt it already?

>> No.51077494

it could be so much worse
but sure, people have been cancelled by the woke mob, tossed out of university, fired, over comments online. it sucks but you can still find a new job somewhere as not every employer is going to care out of millions of possible employers

but why formalize that process through the state and make sure it could happen to literally anyone? with probably no other possible jobs to fall back on.

imagine a future where anonymous conversation isnt possible because the web has been flooded with chatbots. so you have to confirm your humanity to have a conversation, an identity linked account being your only speech platform. and saying you're not sure the vaccine is safe, or saying you don't think children under 10 should be gender transitioned with experimental surgery, could get your ubi revoked. so nobody can afford to risk it.

so no "isnt it happening already" while a good point. isnt an argument in favor of ubi, which is still a terrifying dystopian system depending on how its implemented. even if its implemented well at first it could be corrupted to make my fears come true. its fucking dangerous

>> No.51077582

im saying we already live in a dystopic society in a lot of ways.
but what that thinking always forgoes is how useless humans are at doing things and it attributes perfect clockwork conspiratorial elements that cannot be questioned.

even in china and russia you can just go off the map and become someone else. yeah some places are worse than hell in every country. but mostly its just boring people being generally shit.

im saying if you starved on ubi if implemented correctly, as a society now we can actually blame retards for killing themselves without moral quandary for victim blaming or punching down.

i say give people rope to hang themseves with.

its still less than what blackrock lost for everyone anyways.

>> No.51077678

for the record though.
depends on what you need employment in. define the parameters less generally. you cant get every employer. only those in your industry, either remote or within travel distance. with someone you find somehow in your network.

the internet is already dead and yeah, everything you ever said is tracked. its a matter of time until we find a way to parse it and distribute summaries accordingly. which guess what, certain AI is about 2 months away from a public release. i think you'd be amazed at just how much you read is written by a robot if you knew how much was really out there.

yeah dystopia is scary, it has been for decades, but 1984 has been and gone. in many ways what we got was far worse than any novel.
truth is far scarier than fiction.
orwell never kept me up at night

>> No.51077773

Negative Income Tax would be a good start.


>> No.51077834

i think a universal 1% tax rate with strict auditing on carrying losses.

but i dont think businesses would avoid taxes if they were reasonable.
imagine getting 1% from every trillion-dollar company and them being happy to pay you honestly. personal taxation isnt even a drop compared to that. but im sure the same would apply.

an economy can have as much value as it wants, but if its value becomes stagnant, its worse than having no value.

>> No.51077961

It would work if you did away with all entitlement and welfare programs including the bureaucracies required.

>> No.51078005

>$600 rent
holy fuck what a dream

>> No.51078059

not if you share a studio/1br with five other people

>> No.51078075

and i say fuck your social credit scheme, fuck the ubi, and fuck everything we have now. the world already being shit is no excuse to shill for it to become even shittier. there is no free money it will come with strings.
>yeah but its already bad and
yes and?
why advocate for making it so much worse.

the scenario you describe where an ai backtraces every comment we ever made, why create a social credit scheme to plug that into?

because you want free money? it wont be free. its in exchange for whatever tiny scrap of freedom you have left

>> No.51078098

Wealthy people produce no resources, most stored “wealth” is all fairy dust and UBI would certainly be worthless because it would increase the money supply, while decreasing production. If you think poors are going to work at the start of UBI you are wrong. Everything that the rich have for sale is produced by some hard working schmuck. You can’t just paper upgrade everyone’s life there will be nothing to buy with that money. It takes a little bit of intuitive thinking to understand this.

>> No.51078108

imagine all these people with free time on their hands not being tired out at work. what are these idle hands going to do? they're gonna research, they're gonna talk. they're going to talk about who is running the world and what they're up to. dangerous talk. people running shit know this, the ubi will have to come with strict controls on speech and information and eventually with enough technology (neuralink) even thought

>> No.51078309

they get free coupons for producing nothing
moderate scenario is some people decide to take a permanent vacation, so now less people keep producing goods, but there's more money in the system
look up 'inflation' then kys for even asking this question, Klaus

>> No.51078369

reading is fun anon. try it sometime.
you've never taken free money? even if you think you havn't, im sure i could demonstrate quite a few ways where you got more than that already anyway.

we already have. just because youve spooked yourself doesnt mean the systems arent already there. go look. im not lying.

no. what youre doing is justifying why you feel you should be able to hold people down. you want to personify authority over others. but honestly. just go take a few deep breathes outside somewhere green. chill the fuck out.

>> No.51078831

what a flacid argument
mental gymnastics

>> No.51079564

>Would Universal Basic Income work?
Only when the economy becomes mechanized to a degree that only artistic and intellectual jobs exist anymore.

>> No.51079626

>Would Universal Basic Income work?
I think a better question is "how" it would work and what the effects of such a system would be.

At the very least technological progress would stall in the short term. Conversely, the failure of such a system could potentially lead to a reversal of the political pendulum leading to the reduction of the welfare state thus causing a net benefit in the long term at the cost of say, a lost generation. Its a complicated question

>> No.51079649

ill have you know that every thing was peaceful, fiery yes, but peaceful

>> No.51079697

Why stop at $1500? What does even "basic" mean? I consider an LA mansion and a limousine as basic, Let's just print a trillion $ and give out free money to everyone, just like Zimbabwe.

>> No.51079701

>artistic and intellectual jobs exist anymore.

And this just for artists.
Humaniggers are becoming useless, even in programming and engineering.

>> No.51079752

Mechanisation has always led to demand of more skilled technicians, they evolve but never go away, compared to this a lot middle management tier so called "intellectual" positions are totally useless, example :- Doctors.

>> No.51079783

after the hype dies down there will be a strong preference for human made art. because a human made it and art is a sentimental thing. knowing a machine made an art isn't going to hit me as hard in the feels.

>> No.51079869

>because a human made it and art is a sentimental thing
Tell that to consumers, AI learns from human art and not out of himself.

>> No.51079892


>> No.51079982

how much do we spend on social programs and the overhead to dole it out and prevent abuse? UBI would replace those with direct payments

>> No.51080023

if you get ubi you would be the new poor, nobody wants a poorfag renting so the bottom price for rent becomes $1500. Simple as.

>> No.51080357

machine made art is meaningless, pointless. like watching a robot dancing or playing sports, once the novelty wears off nobody will care about machine made art. because its fucking pointless. this would be glaringly obvious to you if you weren't emotionally stunted

>> No.51080407

>He hasn't taken the cuckold pill and gotten a wife yet
Ngmi, gay incel. You are the garbage in this world.

>> No.51080440

Stimmy cheques were deflationary. What's inflationary is the lack of stimmy cheques afterwards. Trump almost gave us $2000 per month for life and Congress shut the idea down out of spite and hate towards the American people.

>> No.51080455
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>> No.51080467
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>> No.51080488

rich would get richer

>> No.51080487

>redditor doing mental gymnastics so his feminized brain doesn't have to face the actual cause: niggers

>> No.51080489

Just kill the government officials who refuse to give you UBI. Simple as that.

>> No.51080520
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>> No.51080543

Nothing. Welfare leeches already get more than 1500

>> No.51080601

People would gamble it since there is no effort put into receiving it. Your not losing anything if you did not give anything to receive it.
When I worked 40hours a week I would feel the pain of losing money investing. When I quit due to burnout I got 2k a month, when I lost that money I hardly feel a thing.

>> No.51080624

Damn what a waste.

>> No.51080637

At this point, given the fact the Democrats seem Hell bent on giving every penny we have to black people and the Republicans seem He’ll bent on giving it to rich people, sure, just fucking implement it and shut down all the other handouts, subsidies, tax breaks and so on. Just streamline the whole damn thing and be done with it. Add a way for limiting people just shitting out 15 kids though. That’s all I ask.

>> No.51080900

This is exactly what the Average Joe poorfag is gonna be doing in 10 years. It won't just be Mexicans.

>> No.51080925

oh look someone is waking up

>> No.51081001

happening in Europe everywhere already. Unseen because it's the invaders that live like this for now and they're isolated so our people think it won't come that far when it's already common practice. Temp agencies even rent out beds in flats they own, stick up to four in a bedroom for $100-150 a week for as long as they're contracted. happening in all of our capitals.

>> No.51081083

Mathematically impossible. You can’t UBI more goods onto the shelves. There will either be massive price increases or massive shortages.

>> No.51081303
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i could have saved her bros..

>> No.51082878

this is too true. I just kept working. I actually worked more then ever. now with the work from home I can do more then just slave.

I can't remember when I did a full days work.

>> No.51082899

Realize where we are at now and that it is the result of Covid stimmies.
>your answer

>> No.51082941

What a retarded stat. Why is it comparing average 1 bedroom when it should be comparing the floor price across all 1 bedroom apartments. Not only that but the government has tons of programs for people that have low income.
Someone posted on here the gibs that a single mother can get and it's the equivalent of like 40k a year. That's why the wages are low in the first place because it means that people on the bottom are basically good for it since the government is footing half their bill anyway.

>> No.51083658

Look dude it's ok if you've never studied economics just don't have an opinion on things you don't understand please

>> No.51083720

It'd have to be at least 5k a month.

>> No.51085579

It would provide a huge incentive for people to not work.
It would make retiring, or multi-year vacations much easier.
Inflation would increase a lot, but could be countered by raising interest rates pretty high.

Sounds like a fun system.
No system is perfect - there are winners and losers, good and bad in each.

>> No.51085647

There is a power balance in society:
How much power that men vs woman have,
and how much power that labor vs money investing has.
Any system you make will be transferring power from one class to another.

Giving out UBI to everyone will disincentivize workers from working. But by raising interesting rates, this reduces the profit of parasitical endeavors like real estate profiteering, meaning it makes labor more valuable relative to investing, and so this shifts some power back into the hands of workers.
But on the other hand if interest rates are kept very low, then you create a very weird system where no one has incentive to work, but you have a very oppressive class of landlords and business owners, and it becomes like communist shit hole where no one has any incentive to work.

The standard of living in an economy is not dependent on paper money, but on the actual productivity of the economy. If no one has any incentive to work, the standard of living drops to shit. Low interest rates increase the parasitism in the economy, and transfer power from labor to investors.

Thank for listening to my ted talk.

>> No.51086234
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I got ubi. So did bill gates and mark zuckerberg. Lots of people get a ubi.

the thing is its just enough to pay the rent and a little food. I.e., the absolute minimum. And no one wants the minimum, they want stuff. So there is "incentive to work" you dumb fucks.

And to make it official, it needs to be means tested, just do it through payroll. Simple as. You get your job, you make more, you lose that minimum, yada yada. You lose job, instead of "funemployment" and fake food money, you get the minimum income.

And furthermore, pseuds, and weeabos masquerading as pseuds, and pseuds masquerading as poors: grow a fucking brain, please for gods sake, stop being so stupid as to argue against free college.

>> No.51086821

It could work, but it would require intelligent people to design the system; people who understand human nature and have no delusions. Our current governments are far from that.

>> No.51086916

I have a similar idea. First a minor wealth tax on institutions, corporations, etc. Wealth should not be hoarded by institutions and corporations. Second, a tax on revenues derived from data selling. We deserve to a cut off the revenues generated from our privacy being given up. Third, an automation tax. Automation replaces people. In a way it creates artificial people so they ought to be taxed. Redistribute these three things and levy a negative income tax to people who make less than the median income of their region. Between all four factors no new money is printed.

>> No.51086944

there wont be any govt issued price controls on rental property either mostly bc banks are now the largest realestate holders in most countries.

>> No.51086947

They can just NEET out in the middle of nowhere since they don't need to work anymore

>> No.51086953

It's complete enslavement to the establishment but the rich have been getting it from the fed for the past 15 years in the form of effective 0% interest loans.

>> No.51086968

simple, legalize rape

>> No.51086992
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People who hold political views the government doesn't like will be barred from getting the UBI, thus making it neaely impossible for them to economically compete.

>> No.51087023

ngl, the cuck life sounds comfy, but as long as gynocentric divorce, rape, and child support laws exist, marriage is a dumb move.

I just want to marry a hot slut and use her as a punching bag every time she is done fucking Chads. Also, wife beating should be legal and socially acceptable

>> No.51087043

Fuck no, that money belongs to the Jews! Any attempt to take money away from our beloved Jews, this "wealth redistribution", should be met with immediate resistance. They are our precious boys.

>> No.51087525
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Sauce? What's her name?

>> No.51087586

When the system ultimately fails after a decade or two or three and society falls into lawlessness, the productive classes will wander the lands slaughtering every last UBI receiver. As it is written.

>> No.51087594

i wish russian glownigges and their pets would get the fuck off this board, it's unreadable for the last couple months

>> No.51087709

>gee i wonder how people could cheat every single one of this idiot's ideas for profit
kys, retard

>> No.51087711

that sounds great, it will be incentive for people to kill their government members

>> No.51087804

It would incentivize working unlike current benefit programs. Since you’d still receive the benefit no matter what, you’d work harder to stack a paycheck on top. Also, it’d reduce class division as everyone would be receiving the same benefit. It’d just be helping poorfags more, proportionally.

>> No.51087834

prices of everything would go up until it was mostly worthless to the point where future people would complain its not enough

>> No.51087871

It will end modern slavery.

>> No.51087970

The answer to this question depends entirely on how it is funded. But probably it would be great and many problems affecting regular people would be solved overnight.

What people are saying about rent hikes is a common fallacy and the most retarded of the arguments against UBI. Housing costs are dictated by supply and demand not a cabal of landlords setting prices by fiat. If people have some extra money, that money is not a liability to them, rather it is additional leverage. The richer you are the less people can squeeze you and vice-versa.

The idea that markets aren't real and actually the bourgeoisie simply decide things by committee is a fantasy of stupid communists, not a good argument against UBI.

>> No.51088020

Means tested UBI is incredibly stupid. Maybe you make slightly more with a job but not enough for working to be remotely worth the difference.

Need to keep the U in UBI so wagecucks aren't fucked harder than already.

>> No.51088125

It just shifts everyone's budget constraint $1500 outward. The net effect is null if you take it from other transfer payments. Ie instead of welfare spending we do UBI. You get a reallocation of the existing transfers. It's a less effective one because rich people get it. Done legit calculations on this topic but I don't feel like typing up the whole shebang every time we have this thread. If you instead want to literally print money and distribute it that's different and retard tier.
What would happen
>price effects and not much else
What wouldn't happen
>elimination of poverty

>> No.51088282

Companies worth more than a set amount have to be listed on an exchange
Citizens have the right to buy shares with no or a very small commission
All shares come with voting rights
Everyone get a (fraction of a) vote but successful people get more votes than idiots

>> No.51088513

>if everyone got a free 1500 a month what would happen?
massive inflation, that's pretty much it, everyone would still have to work once that inflow is priced in, prices would just rice every month to keep up with the new money, you can't print your way out of scarcity

>> No.51088962

Not if you own your own place

>> No.51089856

>People would stop working
>Fake jobs would dissapear (good)
>Services will cost way more and people will stop using then
Deflation is the right answer, as most jobs have 0 real productivity anyways

>> No.51089926

>Would Universal Basic Income work?
>if everyone got a free 1500 a month what would happen?
inflation would move the price of rent and basic goods to over 1500 a month

>> No.51090061
File: 14 KB, 266x418, Immagine 2022-08-25 153606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elizabeth Hawkenson. Nice 7.5/10. She even did anal.

>> No.51090148

it could definitely work but only by shutting down most parts of the government and public services in general. it might even save money.

if most people are getting paid a decent amount of money just for existing then you don't need the pension/social security system. you can just shut it down and fire everyone involved with it.
same with the education system. if people are getting a decent amount of money just for existing, you can just close all schools and fire all teachers. they don't need schools anymore. if a family wants to educate their children they can budget and pay for it.

if people are getting a decent amount of money just for existing, you can get rid of most work related legislation. things like minimum wage for example. if an employer tries to abuse his workers they will just leave and collect UBI instead. so the UBI would essentially work as a "floor" for wages and working conditions.

same with transportation, things like buses, subways trains etc. most public services would become useless.

it would also fix house prices. people only live in the cities because there are more jobs there. so if they're getting money no matter what they would move to cheaper areas.

>> No.51090490

>it would also fix house prices. people only live in the cities because there are more jobs there. so if they're getting money no matter what they would move to cheaper areas.
This, I never see this mentioned as one of the benefits of UBI. How many people want to leave the big city behind, but can't because of jobs. This way you could get a small plot of land somewhere remote and live sustainably.
Also, you'd have an excuse to punish squatters more aggressively. You have no right to sleep in front of my building and shit on the street when you get enough money to go live in a remote location.

>> No.51090776

Are the powers that be so confused as to what to do they're seriously trying to experiment with social credit again?

>> No.51091105

if you lose it by working, then for the lower end there's an incentive not to work. no one wants the minimum, but at the wages available to the average poor person, it would make more sense not to work when you likely wont overcome or will barely overcome the minimum with significantly more effort

>> No.51091175

Who pays for it?

>> No.51091224


I wish I could run a scam as easy as the government

>I'm taking $1700 from you
>keeping $200
>and then giving $1500 back
>it's free!!!!

only people benefitting are the absolute dregs of society: fat/lazy/retarded welfare queens at the bottom and fat/greedy/conniving rich bureaucratic grifters at the top

>> No.51091387

Money doesn't actually do anything, so the net effect in the end would be nil. However in the short term, it would drive asset prices through the roof and cause all old debt to be devalued. A couple years in though, shit would be back to the way it was but probably a bit worse because fucking up debt and assets tends to screw the stability of what actually adds value to society: Industry.

Your food, gas, electricity, and other goods do not come from the federal reserve. The president isn't hiding it all in a closet somewhere. All that shit is generated by industrial companies, and without them you'd be dead. Do not fuck with them. Don't make shit unstable. Don't rock the goddamn boat. Fucking with energy is especially disastrous because everything depends on it. All of everything you consume comes from massive machinery which has a fixed amount of output and requires a lot of skilled labor to run and maintain. There is only so much of this machinery, and building more is an absolute feat which takes a lot of time and effort. So corporations use loans to pay for growth when needed. When you dump money into the system, you wipe out loans and drive up demand. Industries then try to grow, but they find that their money on the books doesn't go as far, and banks don't want to lend when the debt would decay faster than interest. So industry can't grow, and everyone suffers. THAT is why things have been so shit. Do not advocate for helicopter money. All it does is destabilize things.

>> No.51091449

most intelligent commie right there.

>> No.51091507

Because rentoids can't into basic math anon

>> No.51091603 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51091633 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51091877

I know her and she is such a loser... She dropped out of college after the first semester. Sounds like she did not even pass any of her classes.