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51054095 No.51054095 [Reply] [Original]

europe is so fucked

>> No.51054108

Go outside. Have sex. Fix your internet and porn addiction.

>> No.51054112

That jew skeleton is so disgusting

>> No.51054129


what happened again?

>> No.51054128
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>> No.51054138

i think fucked does not do it justice, this is literally crisis of the third century tier collapse.

It's been surreal to see all the social democrats and democrats in the usa larp the dark brandon shit celebrating a flatlining of inflation at insane levels specially knowing that rates can't go up much longer without default risks.

I mean holy fucking shit celebrating when things are no longer going to shit anymore while you are doing policies that can't be sustained for much longer.

And in europe they celebrate they are filling gas reservoirs 1 week early than expected like holy fucking shit 70% of your gas is imported from non e members and you are celebrating that you filled your tiny reserve space some days early.

The entire world is ruled by morons

>> No.51054144

this will not solve my upcoming heating bills

>> No.51054148

If you are so smart yourself why don't you go fix all those problems?

>> No.51054157

monke started a war against a province that the soviet union massacred with starvation not even 100 years ago by dehumanizing the population from the same kremlin that starved them 90 years ago.

What the fuck was he thinking this is the same mistake the nazis did on barbarrosa dehumanizing the enemy and thinking the whole structure would collapse on itself.

You put people on those conditions and they will fight to the death.

>> No.51054162

i hear from a homeless man who lived outside for many winters that a way to survive the cold is to not sleep during the night, but to keep stood up and moving around.

hope this helps, eurofag.

>> No.51054163

Take that PUTIN !

>> No.51054167

this is none of my business tho
i'm mediterranean

>> No.51054168

Because the entire problem can't be fixed anymore due to wasting 50 years since bretton woods investing in nothing but bullshit, but what is worrysome is why the retards in power keep wasting the time.

It's like they are 90 iq level eating their own propaganda.

>> No.51054188

i’m american

>> No.51054193

since everybody is disregarding nuclear, i'm quite convinced eu folks are just following some dumb agenda
politicians seriously think energy crisis can be solved with renewables (it will never happen)

>> No.51054215
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Or they are just retarded, they tell you that if you don't like big government to move to somalia (which collapsed into a civil war after it's lenninist marxist government collapsed i may add).

But what is worrysome is that the same cunts that tell you muh big government good support descentralized stuff where centralization works (example energy supporting solar panels and wind power instead of centralized hydro or nuclear that have economies of scale).

And on things were descentralization is good (finance, food production, education) they support centralization.

It's like we have a generation of leaders that are entropy made leaders they do all the wrong choices they can holy fucking shit.

>> No.51054235

in america

>> No.51054236

The Euro is going on a 50% discount.

>> No.51054242

that's irrelevant. usa would invade canada too if they were to try to join an alliance hostile to the U.S.. what do you think the burgers are going to let china amass troops on the canada u.s border? lol

Ukraine asked for it, they elected a gay wef kike and are paying for it

>> No.51054245

in american things

>> No.51054254
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doing american things

>> No.51054257

they could have embraced their buffer zone status and profited from both sides. but they did stupid shit and are now winning stupid prizes.

>> No.51054269
File: 131 KB, 753x604, AF90E744-D1EA-4326-988B-4500A4C67C37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she like the janet yellen for europoors? She gives me the same retard vibes

>> No.51054274
File: 2.42 MB, 498x252, 39291D0D-2197-4D73-B3D9-95211A8A91C4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they lose like a landslide?

>> No.51054282

next gen leaders are picked by wef to lead retarded masses, it's not a surprise

>> No.51054283

yeah we really are.

>> No.51054306
File: 175 KB, 640x356, F15B8D1D-049C-4C5C-B490-A4ED8C9C3C5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting loads of head from american broads

>> No.51054320
File: 320 KB, 640x633, E31A509B-D850-471A-8C50-EF5B577062C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And shorting my own economy in a market cap that really really really is in the quintillions

>> No.51054333
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really really? Really. Really.

>> No.51054344
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back to plebbit with you, you shall be harvested.

>> No.51054350
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>> No.51054877

Who is this man?

>> No.51055198

>dark brandon
have sex incel

>> No.51055226

haha yeah, if you compare the consumption with the storage capacity, it's a joke. Germany regularly use about 4-5x what they can storage. There was for weeks talks about the UK and polish storage being full or about 90% full. Their storages aren't even enough for themselves, especially not UK. Austria seems to be the only country, that has enough storage capacity to make it a whole year through if their storage was full. Media is so politically biased, it'sa complete waste of time

>> No.51055270

Go fuck yourself, we will rise taxes to 90% and we will be just fine!!