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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51051925 No.51051925 [Reply] [Original]

The flippening has begun

>> No.51051953
File: 565 KB, 1077x1357, giga cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rope faggot

>> No.51052002

>nonsensical cope
Euro already been flipped. It was always bullshit, artificially propped up. Eurocucks eternally btfo. Europe is the American playground again. Dumb fucking euros were stupid enough to consolidate their currencies instead of retaining sovereignty and because disgustingly poor. Europe is officially the land of the unwashed masses and it’s only going to get much worse.

>> No.51052014

*became disgustingly poor

>> No.51052107
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100 sesame points have been added to your social credit score

>> No.51052122
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RIP Yuropoors. You guys were fags.

>> No.51052546
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Those people are literally unwashed too

>> No.51052566
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>balance of trade in toilet
oh yeah look at all that industry popping off lol

>> No.51052568

Burgers are making fun of Europoors, but we're watching the end of the western world and the rise of the eastern world, leaded by China and Russia. A new world order is forming, and we in the west will suffer.

>> No.51052601

The eastern world is made of cheap crumbling concrete and fake steel. While the ruins of the west weather the storm, the east will literally crumble.

>> No.51052612
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cope the thread

who cares as long as there's riot in the streets

>> No.51052634

Bonne chance, connard

>> No.51052674

Le Reddit cope memes

>> No.51052689

i'm not french and i couldn't care less, i just hate faggots like OP who think they're above others for no reason, it's almost as if he needs a sense of belonging to exist and he does so by mind-numbingly regurgitating whatever he sees other people post

>> No.51052702

Fuck europeans

>> No.51052705

Have you been to Europe anon? Americans would be embarrassed to live like those poor slobs.

>> No.51052731

Fuck China

>> No.51052732

your ancestors are euros, read a history book amerishart or are those too heavy for your flabby arms?

>> No.51052739

Its hilarious how a small group have ruined the economy of the EU all over them trying to ressurect khazaria or whatever it was called.

>> No.51052744

i agree 100% fuck china

>> No.51052753

Shut the fuck up, retard. No one cares about your shitty posts

>> No.51052756

It can take a long time before the benefits of a devaluation outweigh the negatives.

>> No.51052766

is that why you replied mongrel? kek
you took this too personally everything okay anon? i'm not joking

>> No.51052773

agreed, no one was implying it would be an instant win

>> No.51052778

go away self important yuropeasant

>> No.51052781

Germany literally going to an hero this winter.

>> No.51052803

Norway and France have their fucking shit together on Energy, but the UK and Germany act superior and pretend to run the financial markets and industrial house of Europe while laughing at Trump's remarks about energy independence and reliance on Russia.
OP isn't being arrogant to call out pieces of shit that might destroy the lives of millions of people because theyre bankrupting their country for no reason other than arrogance. In fact i'd call that pretty based.

>> No.51052806

what part of i'm not euro does your underdeveloped brain not understand?
are capable only of binary thinking lmao

>> No.51052820


>> No.51052834

norway was supposed to "share" some with the others but pulled back when they realized they barely got enough for themselves, retarded euro government should've gone for nuclear energy

>> No.51052836

youre the idiot that doesn't understand that devaluaing a currency to afford insane energy prices (prices that your export industry must pay btw) means you cannot compete with industries that dont have to pay retard tax level gas prices.

>> No.51052857

anon, i wasn't referring about the economical situation at all i was telling the retard that this miniature train building forum isn't browsed only by americans and euros

>> No.51052864

Look at the demographics and where immigrants go. CUM will become more powerful than ever assuming that politics stay stable

>> No.51052880

Yeah we're gonna be led by countries that can't even defeat wheat farmers and semiconductor farmers. The reality is everything is going to go to shit and be ruined by 3rd world monkeys.

>> No.51052908
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>Europe needs cheap eastern european labor
>floods themselves with russians, belarusians and ukranians
>devalues their currency
>german industry also needs cheap gas so they are fucked kek

>> No.51052920

>infinite negros flooding into texas, which then sends them to new york

>> No.51052939

In aids cases and suicide, sure

>> No.51053220
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Yet we still grow

>> No.51053241

Im still amazed that vinu still holds high, vite network definitely benefited from a memecoin

>> No.51053666

Russia is only leading conscripts to their death.

>> No.51053862

>we're watching the end of the western world and the rise of the eastern world, leaded by China and Russia.

Russia can't take over Ukraine in 100 days. Probably will take longer them 200 days and that is absurdly shameful and shows completely how unprepared and bad calculated their actions and "operations" are.
Russia was already a shit hole before the war in Ukraine. After this war started with all sanctions and this absurdly waste of overall resources will make Russia a country even worst.

China... Well... China...
China created a real state Ponzi scheme in their own country. Their economy is shamefully crumbling before the eyes of the world. Things are about tho get worst, and all this slavery and tyranny mode of government are already reaching to their peak.

Russia and China come together in a plan to attack other countries utterly for one single reason. Their government are like parasites. Vermin's. Pestilence.
When their host or place they are destroying start's to get very badly, dry, all they can do is try to spread in to new area to fuck and consume way to keep them "alive".
Well, happens that the world don't give a single fuck if they are loosing the "economy war" that everyone mutually agreed to play since nuclear weapons exist.
If they touch Taiwan, i hope they are confident and press the red button of the atomic bombs and get wiped from earth as well.

Because trust me, deeply inside... Hell, they know they will need it.
So nah bro... Most likely they will just keep crying exactly like when Pelosi just came to Taiwan, did her job and ignored their "threats".

>> No.51053896
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>entirety of Yuropoor economy is now on par with a discount store

>> No.51053924

Things are bad in China too. They're bad everywhere.

>> No.51053945

>Europeons are not sucking off China
It really is over for them

>> No.51053982

Got rejected by a girl that was working 2-3 jobs. bitch said well its hard out there these days.. I'm like, it is? Thank you for listening to my cope post

>> No.51055224
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>DAX is the only green index

>> No.51055232

you no fuck china. china fuck you!!

>> No.51055253

>we chyna now
>we popping off
All the world knows what China exports but what about eu ?

>> No.51055282

save for germany, europe is an import zone not an export zone you gigantic moron
and germany fucked itself over energy

>> No.51055344
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>> No.51055428

as an italian, you are retarded, the eu imports raw material and energy to make manufactured goods, a shitty euro just make imports more costly and so it make exports more difficult to produce, and normally exports are intra-eu so its just bad all around

>> No.51055480

What are they going to produce with no oil or gas?
They will have to pay more for gas and oil which make the German export model effectively collapse.
The EURO won't exist by next year. You will see countries abandon it one by one when Germany collapses. Unless they cuck to Russia or start WW3... again.

>> No.51055496 [DELETED] 

>All these seething muty replies

>> No.51055512

UK has literally too much gas. They're sending it to the EU lol they should just pretend theres "unscheduled maintenance" on the undersea connectors though more regularly...

>> No.51055517

>11 posts by this ID
>Its all some incoherent mutt rambling

>> No.51056144

we are sharing and its fucking our electricity prices. fuck germany.

>> No.51056295

All this arguing is pointless. Let's focus on the import stuff like will a bottle of single-malt scotch be cheaper now?
Should I stock up on Taliskar or wait for the market to bottom out?

>> No.51056353

China’s economy is already bursting. Haven’t you heard of their real estate collapse just recently?

>> No.51056369

>China’s economy is already bursting. Haven’t you heard of their real estate collapse just recently?
Nah we're going to keep ignoring those warning signs.

>> No.51057264

>Ireland is the best in that graph
I thought we were supposed to be potatoniggers? Oh right, only Jews say that to divide-and-conquer.
Irish are white and most likely better-mannered than (you) so long as they don't drink alcohol. I just wish they chose Orthodoxy instead of Roman Catholicism.

>> No.51057366

Ireland is a tax haven for imports into the EU. IIRC the tax of importing a Microsoft OS was based on the price of the CD and not the actual cost of the software.

>> No.51057739

Okay. And I won't deny that there are some absolute shitters from Ireland, but the trash talk we receive from the rest of Europe is simply getting boring.
"Not all Irish are terrible!" Maybe this is how Jews feel when people start hounding them too. It just sucks to know that "first-world nations" want to pretend they're Rome and Irish (among many other pale races) are being shat on like we're invading tribes who still live in huts in the snow.

>> No.51057863

As a South American I'll argue that devaluation is shit and the working class will never benefit from it.

>> No.51058085
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Behold, the mind of a poor.

>> No.51058101

You guys have no natural resources, and you cannot compete with Dubai and the Caribean for the do nothing job of hiding people's money.
We can't help you this time either, we need your weakness to help us because of our debt load.

>> No.51058236

I don't mean to be hurtful or anything but my brother got back from Ireland last week and he literally said they live in little huts and there's no heating or cooling. He also said it's "rough and rustic, feels like going camping. Villages remind me of Hobbiton." So I don't kind of sounds like you do live in huts in the snow.

>> No.51058264


>> No.51058350

Devaluation caused by incompetence is never good