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File: 723 KB, 1125x635, E2E41193-6F84-4F81-A237-78E7B38FE1D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51043187 No.51043187 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn’t the US end all income tax? Fiat money is just printed and there’s no need for the fed if the treasury can print the money too. Why not just eliminate income tax to draw in corporations and high net worth citizens? It would create more jobs and bring in more $.
I don’t get what I’m missing
In b4 “durrrr inflation”, they clearly don’t give a fuck about inflation

>> No.51043216

Taxes are a means of control. Why would they relinquish power willingly?

>> No.51043289
File: 556 KB, 1125x882, 320294CC-CB7C-44D1-91F7-1A9B2FF08FD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But cnbc is running YouTube videos that suggest raising taxes on the rich and corporations now. I’m wondering how they’re going to use it to fuck workers in the end.

>> No.51043628

It’s never been about making America better

>> No.51043644

most dangerous idea in the world

>> No.51043662



>> No.51043676

yup income tax gives mr taxman complete authority to know exactly what you're doing all year long

>> No.51043677

Income taxes originally passed because they promised it would only be the wealthy paying, iirc. The wealthy never really pay.

>> No.51043725

Imagine how much worse inflation would be if the deficits were several times as large because they have no tax revenue.

>> No.51043895

You dumbfuck
The treasury could pay off any deficit. There’s no need for debts and the fed dummy

>> No.51043917

>inflation and deficit
these are not related

>> No.51044797

no income taxes!

>> No.51044815

fuck taxes, fuck kikes, fuck the irs, fuck the cia and fuck the fbi

>> No.51044837
File: 129 KB, 612x612, 0209C41F-3DA6-48C7-8C3B-7289AD6274A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish dual citizens and judeomasons use income taxes to punish their goyslaves. It's literally traitorous.

>> No.51045571

Yep, this guy gets it. Taxes originally only applied to the top 3% of the USA ($300 or more yearly income, kek). Although I'm sure that was really just doctors and lawyers, not any of the real elites.

>> No.51045666
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All money is created digitally by private banks issuing loans (NOT government). Private banks create new, digital money AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract. The entire money supply is created this way- by PRIVATE BANKS.

OP is on to something: If we return to a debt-free, interest free money system, there would be no need for the national debt, interest payments on the debt, or income tax to service the national debt.

To accomplish this, we would need to zero-out ALL bank debts (all credit cards, auto loans, home mortgages, business debts, and government debts). Then simultaneously convert the existing money supply (Approximately $22 Trillion) to a debt-free, interest-free money (silver coins, US Notes, Greenbacks, etc.).

Get the proofs at:

>> No.51045730

hmm great question OP
why do we still have massive government programs from WW2 ongoing?
my local construction company is still putting a 100 meter pipe underground after 2 months and redirecting traffic
I wonder how long it would take a chinese company to do that? 12 am to 4 am? hmmmm

>> No.51045782

>turns your unemployed mom into a whore and your dad into a tranny slut to stop inflation
>dgaf about inflation


>> No.51045873

taxes are there to control inflation

>> No.51046292

You two dumbfucks don’t understand inflation
The money we spend on military bases over seas far exceeds the proceeds on taxes. That’s why we have a deficit every year since Bill Clinton

>> No.51046361

private bank loan creation inflation is even worse than military spending
Income taxes have been illegal in California since the states first constitution said so

>> No.51046416

Taxes create demand for fiat which is important to the modern monetary slave system

>> No.51046424


>Why doesn’t the US end all income tax?

tax receipts are the biggest source of the federal governments income

>Fiat money is just printed and there’s no need for the fed if the treasury can print the money too

FX is a relative rates trade. If the US decided to go to negative interest rates and print QE infinity the DXY would lose value relative to other currencies. If the DXY cannot be defended it is at risk of losing reserve currency status.

>if the treasury can print the money too

M2 supply irrevocably causes inflation. No ifs ands or buts.

>> No.51046446

What a dumbass.

Fed funds rate has nothing to do with QE
What the tick are you even trying to say?

>> No.51046488

Reminder these sniveling weasels let inflation get out of control, ruining the lives of millions if not hundreds of millions if we count in the global damage to the many economies and they get off 100% scott free.

>> No.51046499
File: 16 KB, 474x248, A2483B4D-4024-4911-962D-CB507163596E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51046501


Furthermore, this "experiment" you postulated has literally already been tried. It's called COVID-19. No bills, free stimulus checks, essentially no taxes, QE infinity, zero rates. Result: Inflation

>who cares inflation

Lose control of inflation and the US goes insolvent. Bond yields input inflation expectations into their calculation. If you refuse to respect or address inflation nobody will buy your treasuries at dogshit rates below the pace of inflation (You won't fund any new debt). Yields will rise to a level where the government literally cannot service the interest on the debt it owes. Bankrupt.

>> No.51046579


Lowering the Fed funds rate and QE implementation have the same effect; significantly loosening financial conditions. Increasing bank reserves and making it easier for banks to lend more money act as the same mechanism with a different name. Hiking rates and QT have the same effect; significantly tightening financial conditions. They are the same. If your next response to me is sub 85 IQ again I will not respond.

>> No.51046700

"will rise to a level where the government literally cannot service the interest on the debt it owes. Bankrupt."

This is absolutely going to happen regardless, it's a mathematical certainty. Whether it's in six months, six years or two decades from now is semantics

>> No.51046850
File: 317 KB, 1125x866, FC4A2906-7510-4F58-B05F-C26F0718B0D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re trying to hard
If you cared about inflation you would be focusing on ending fractional reserve with 0% requirements
You’re literally stupid if you think the fed decreases inflation. It’s entire existence creates debt on every new dollar created by govt
Which is a tiny percent of the overall money creation anyways

You’re wrong about lower rates causing higher inflation too. History proved it every time rates go up, inflation increases
Picrel is proof from the St. Louis fed

>> No.51046864
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, debtgdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arguable. There is the Japan path or a period of severe fiscal and monetary tightening akin to the 70s/80s to reach a reasonable debt to GDP ratio. Current trajectory, yes, it is untenable. The Fourth Turning is indeed coming

>> No.51046935

is this guy for real? he sounds like someone pretending to sound smart but he’s arguing in favor of central bank policy

>> No.51046963

He’s a larping retard
The current system needs to be fixed and op is right. Income taxes are pointless, we would be better off returning to tariffs than an income tax which discourages people from working.

>> No.51047018


you’re literally stupid if you think the fed decreases inflation. Its entire existence creates debt on every new dollar created by govt

The Fed has a number of things it can do to lower inflation:

1. Increase the Fed Funds rate, increasing the cost of credit
2. Reduce the balance sheet, decreasing liquidity and bank reserves
3. Sell MBS and put downward pressure on housing (Shelter, 33% of CPI)
4. Reduce demand via the wealth effect
5. Reduce demand via demand destruction

>You’re wrong about lower rates causing higher inflation too.

If you lower rates while every other central bank is tightening, you will 100% cause inflation in dollar terms. We are literally seeing the opposite effect of this right now. The US has a higher inflation rate than a number of other developed economies, because their response to COVID was much looser. Compare to Japan and China who are literally still holding a 2 handle on their inflation. When you loosen monetary/financial conditions, you create the environment for inflation.

If you want to argue if the current inflation is secular or not is an entirely different debate. The most relevant takeaway is that lower rates 100% have an effect on inflation, either exacerbating it or building the conditions for it to exist. You can't look at 20 years of deglobalization with China literally exporting deflation to the world and say, "look we can print forever!!!". Correlation /= causation. Would you argue lower rates would have no impact on inflation in a de-globalized world? I'd hope not.

>> No.51047073


No, I don't believe taxes should be abolished? And I don't believe a central bank is useless? Jacksonianism is dead for good reason.

>> No.51047126

Income given to government and burned is income not spent by consumers so yes, income tax does effect inflation, in that it eats up percent of wages.

>> No.51048067

>6 replies
He didn’t say income tax doesn’t effect inflation
Why do workers have to take it on the chin for inflation with income tax when bankers use fractional reserve
You guys are fucking nuts that you think this system is okay
Stupid cuckks

>> No.51048091

>he thinks it's about money
Control, dummy.

>> No.51048278

>we shouldn’t abolish taxes
>don’t abolish the central bank please
what a loser

>> No.51050606
File: 105 KB, 2132x1676, russell L munk QUOTE paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Government doesn't create any money, and the Fractional Reserve/money multiplier model is completely fake.

ALL money is created digitally by private banks issuing loans. Banks create new money AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract. Banks create new digital money with no need for prior reserves or deposits. The entire money system is created this way.

Get the proofs at:

>> No.51050634
File: 25 KB, 300x294, richard werner HERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M2 supply irrevocably causes inflation. No ifs ands or buts.<
Private banks create all money, NOT government.

Banks create new, digital money when they lend. This money did not exist until the borrower signed the promissory note. The entire money supply is created this way.

Richard Werner proved this empirically in 2014.

Proofs at:

>> No.51051010

Taxes confer value on fiat because you must pay the bill in their currency.

>> No.51051456

That's not even true though. Taxes are a means to pay for the public places that we all enjoy and take advantage of like parks, roads, diversity centers, and libraries.

>> No.51051476


>> No.51051504

They don’t need taxes to pay for any of those.
With the removal of the gold standard, taxes became 100% about control

>> No.51051528

Private banks create most money, the fed still creates money to buy US bonds
Fractional reserve is set at 0%

>> No.51051545

I can link you 100 economists on reddit who disagree with you.

>> No.51051572

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha go check national budgets chud

95% is gibs

>> No.51051717
File: 41 KB, 480x360, Jerry Nelson Federal Reserve bank of Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 12 Federal Reserve banks are privately-owned by the banks in their districts. So when you say "the Fed is creating money", you are really saying "PRIVATE BANKS are creating money."

Here's a 15 minute interview with Chicago Fed spokesman Jerry Nelson. He openly admits that the 12 Federal Reserve banks are private, bank-owned corporation with UNLIMTED MONEY CREATION POWER. (Skip to 4:17 to gear admission) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N-8DyPoNgU

more proofs at:

>> No.51051785

Yeah, but have you noticed the surplus of deadly sinkholes plaguing china? Do you really want them in charge of your infrastructure?

>> No.51051887

you are not completely wrong, but you do glow.