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File: 36 KB, 1227x2027, Ethereum-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51006747 No.51006747 [Reply] [Original]

Eth heads believe the first movers advantage is what gives both BTC and ETH equal reason to be #1 forever. This is fundamentally false, and reflects the poor understanding of cryptocurrency and lack of due diligence eth holders possess. This will ultimately be what leads to the downfall of eth. Not only are btc and eth fundamentally different, but other than a rapidly degrading first movers advantage, eth has no other competitive or comparative advantage to the countless fast, more efficient, and cheaper smart contract platforms. eth truly is the yahoo, the blackberry, of the cryptocurrency industry. see below the seething, uninformed, denying eth heads that a project offering nothing but hype will be the one to continue leading the pack.

>> No.51006788

bad analogy, network effect matters a lot more for currencies than for tech brands.

>> No.51006827

Reads like someone who didn't buy early like your mom told you to do.

>> No.51006866

eth heads throw around words like network effect to justify their coin not dying. the network effect as a result of their first movers advantage is no guarantee or indication of its future success. eth is not a currency.

>> No.51006879

bitcoin is money
altcoins are technologies
ethereum is an altcoin

>> No.51006909

read like someone who is irrationally emotionally attached to their investments

>> No.51006936

like you?

>> No.51007001

no, eth head. i am not an uneducated or unexperienced investor. i have sold 100% of my eth holdings at 3.5k. how about you?

>> No.51007080
File: 8 KB, 200x301, 65BBD1DB-7373-4435-ABB6-EA2ACD709FF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re all fucking retarded, buy ALGO, you won’t regret it.

>> No.51007108

Bitcoin was just the first proof of work shitcoin.
Ethereum is the EVM + the mining
Avalanche is the EVM, all other VMs, + new consensus protocol

If Ethereum is the Blackberry, then Avalanche is the iPhone

>> No.51007109

How is that even true? The reason everyone has an iPhone is because they saw everyone around them getting an iPhone. Apple wants shit before the iPhone.

>> No.51007113
File: 494 KB, 635x672, 1632332876799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Algo
My fucking man

>> No.51007119

whats the make it stack?

>> No.51007120

The iPhone was successful because anyone could make an app for it and put it in the appstore.
On other platforms that was highly restricted and not as open so the iphones gained adoption much faster as they were much more useful.

>> No.51007125


>> No.51007130

is this your newest cope, zuccboy?
your wife cheated on you

>> No.51007138

Its a centralized shitcoin using classical consensus and being limited to around 100 nodes, not decentralized and will never make it.
Sorry, you have to do better research or you wont make it.

>> No.51007147

nobody cares about your dead alts though.

>> No.51007175

Avalanche Consensus is the biggest breakthrough in Consensus protocols since Nakamoto.
Its also coming out of IC3, same as Ethereum once did, also Chainlink and many other technologies that are used in crypto every day.
You havent figured it out because you baghold some shitcoin and refuse to do research.

>> No.51007192
File: 111 KB, 736x1104, BB280BFC-68A1-436E-B04A-A6B2BF545534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shits down your throat* actually, Algorand uses Pure Proof of Stake which can have an unlimited number of participation nodes, using VRFs to randomly select 1000 of these participation nodes to approve AND certify each block. Relay Nodes just exist to make consensus communication more efficient. You have done less research on this than I have, and I can tell because you smell like you masturbate to ETH 2.0 infographics twenty times a day. You’re the biggest, gayest retard in this thread so far and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

>> No.51007203

that's nice, but technology has never driven price in this market, and it never will.

>> No.51007222

Proof of Stake is not a Consensus Protocol, its a Sybil Control Mechanism. That you dont even know something as basic as this already says how clueless you are.
>which can have an unlimited number of participation nodes
Not all of them participate in consensus and its limited like for all classical consensus shitcoins.
Its funny that you think you know something but actually you just bought into a centralized shitcoin. Many such cases.

>> No.51007232

The appstore is/was the most restrictive mobile platform.

>> No.51007235

Actually it does all the time, remember what happened after Cryptokitties?
That happened because Ethereum cant scale, it clogged up, fees got too high and the market collapsed.
So yes technology can influence the price.
If it would have scaled then the bullrun would have continued.

>> No.51007236

take a look at this genius non-seething eth bagholder. seems like a reasonable, clever, and rational investor doesnt he

>> No.51007248

Not in the really early days.
It gave developers a platform to sell their apps on and it had more freedom than the competition.
But of course over time things get more restricted and shitty.

>> No.51007264

nothing happened after cryptokitties, there's been a never ending stream of failed bitcoin and failed ethereum "killers" or clones since 2012.

ethereum is just a temporary tech product, it's only purpose is to dominate it's field to pump it's token's price so everyone can sell it into a hard asset.

but the thing is ethereum's actually managed that quite well, while all these embarrassing me-too altcoins haven't, so unless you sold those during their first bull market, you've just lost money.

>> No.51007275

I'm going to give you morons a free one. Quantum computing. Devs can program in any language. Devs also get royalties for unique code that gets copy pasted into other projects.

>> No.51007277

when all your competitors are retard who achieve their speed by big blocks and centralization you really don't have to worry about your """competition"""

>> No.51007281

very good analogy. thread full of bagholders who think they were early so they must be right but are now married to obsolete tech

>> No.51007306

>nothing happened after cryptokitties
the market crashed because Ethereum couldnt scale. that created big demand for other L1s to fill that gap.
>and failed ethereum "killers"
Ethereum killed itself with the "Merge". a Killer wasnt even needed.

>> No.51007317

No, the iPhone was successful because people thought a touch screen was “muh shiny object”. Nothing more. Bigger screen, people saw it out in the wild and looked at their tiny screen and went “why am I using this tiny screen?” Completely fucking network effect. Nobody gave a shit about the apps back then all the apps were stupid.

>> No.51007323

the market crashed because of the four year cycle, and ether crashed more because it's an altcoin. anything else is a deranged narrative.

it might kill itself with the merge, absolutely, but if it doesn't then it does put the nail in the coffin of all other "platform" altcoins.

>> No.51007356

nope, it was mainly because of the appstore, the early touchscreens were also really crappy but ease of use of course also played a role in this.
the iphone was just the superior product, hardware and software wise.
Nokia, Blackberry etc. just couldnt compete with that, they lacked the vision.
its already as good as dead, so many shitty design choices.
>after the Merge no withdrawel for staked ETH for 1+ year
>same high fees
>cant run your own node that actually participates in the consensus
>4% APY
>slashing (enjoy losing your staked ETH due to software or hardware bug)
>14+ minutes finality time

>> No.51007364

> quantum computing
> language
Mother fucker, quantum computing is a physics problem. You literally know nothing.

>> No.51007399

Both of you dipshits fail to realize what brought about the iPhone. The iPod. Everyone cool had one and using iTunes back then was the cool kids “not torrenting from limewire ;)” ability to get songs portable. The iPhone was an extension and successor to that idea that added the ability to call people on the device. Apps were dumb at the beginning where there were 1000 different fart sound board apps. Consumers started their trend into iPhone through their iPod and wanted to reduce technology carried into a single device.

>> No.51007418

point is what really made it a success is the appstore and giving developers a platform where they can sell their own apps.
of course there were many shitty apps but the competition literally had NONE of that.
then eventually the appstore had more developers than any other Smartphone and the network effect kicked in.

>> No.51007420

Lmao avalanche. If you said ICP I would respect that.

>> No.51007428


Research those things and you shall see.

>> No.51007430

ICP is a centralized and dead ghostchain.
has no chance against Avalanche.

>> No.51007450

People waist deep in ETH are more worried about the merge than you might think.

>> No.51007462

and they should be.
I mean just look at this list here >>51007356
imagine how retarded you would have to be to stake your ETH.

I also forgot to mention the "censorship at the protocol level".
its just getting worse and worse for Ethereum.

>> No.51007486
File: 179 KB, 200x200, 7667C70F-85D0-4363-8F43-B4FA2A811560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet computer = Google

>> No.51007509

>Not only are btc and eth fundamentally different, but other than a rapidly degrading first movers advantage, eth has no other competitive or comparative advantage to the countless fast, more efficient, and cheaper [alternatives]
Same shit applies to bitcoin you retard

>> No.51007541


if you don't understand the fundamental difference between bitcoin and literally every other derivative product, you should get help.

>> No.51007558

incorrect. you are a certified eth holder

>> No.51007587

>"muh crypto kitties shut down ETH"
>when the chain worked perfectly 100% of the time, just degens bid up the fees like crazy
>literally had a double mint that took the chain down for 2 days

>> No.51007601

>for 2 days
only the C-Chain halted, X and P Chain worked fine.
also since the bug was resolved 2 years ago the C-Chain worked flawless.

>> No.51007628

>only the C-Chain halted
the fact there was a catastrophic fuckup that took it down for 2 entire days screams all that needs said
FTM went down for days, due to 2 big validators going down
ADA froze up for an entire day
AVAX shit itself with a lmao "double mint"
SOL reboots itself on the weekly
while ETH has literally never had a single shutdown or issue
>"muh fees"
the entire goddamn point of the thing, is to support itself via fees, so you don't have to inflate the coin supply into infinity, to dilute value from holders to pay for economic security
and the only network anyone gives a fuck about getting ideal economic security, post merge, is ETH

>> No.51007666

Ifart and ibeer were classics

>> No.51007698

Avalanche isnt just 1 Chain, its 3 chains + an unlimited amout of Subnets.
>a catastrophic fuckup
no funds were lost and it was fixed pretty fast.
since then nothing like that happened again.
>while ETH has literally never had a single shutdown or issue
just wait for the reorgs and slashing.
>post merge, is ETH
dead on arrival see the list here >>51007356
also fees will remain high on ETH.
so post merge its as unusable as it is today.

>> No.51007729

>Avalanche isnt just 1 Chain, its 3 chains + an unlimited amout of Subnets
it fucked up, and it shit the bed
horrible look

>no funds were lost
lmao funds were made by the dude spamming "withdraw" and it minted him free money the foundation had to go "oh, haha, woops we'll just burn some of our coins to make up for that little oopsie poopsie"

>just wait for the reorgs and slashing.
why are avax fags always shitting their pants in fear of slashing? i know cowards are common, but not THAT common

>dead on arrival, see list here
>half of it is "muh fees"
you poor broke dumb faggots have zero clue how your holdings are diluted every single goddamn day by new coin minting, to dilute your money to pay for their network security
you go "yay cheap fees!" saving 50 cents, while losing 10% of value annually

>so post merge its as unusable as it is today.
>"i don't use it, so no one else will"
that's as retarded as saying "that restaurant is too crowded, no one goes there"
i knew roaches were dumb, but jesus fucking christ they're not sending their best

>> No.51007743
File: 109 KB, 997x995, 1648087804876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol where did you learn that zoomer? Some shitty YT video? HAHAHAHA

>> No.51007772

>and it shit the bed
it works now for years flawlessly, you have to stop living in the past.
and since its working perfectly now it handles more traffic than Ethereum while still maintaining low fees and sub second finality.
>lmao funds were made by the dude spamming "withdraw"
not a problem and irrelevant, he made peanuts. basically got paid for the bug bounty.
>why are avax fags always shitting their pants in fear of slashing?
because you will get slashed and lose your stake. such thing is not possible on Avalanche because it has no slashing.
Avalanche is superior because of that.
>half of it is "muh fees"
yes Ethereum fees will remain high, on Avalanche Fees are low. thats why it is superior.
>"i don't use it, so no one else will"
most people will come to Avalanche after realizing that ETH2 is trash.
4% APY and you get slashed by a hardware or software bug and every tx takes 14 minutes to be final.
you cant even run your own node.
ETH2 is trash sorry.

>> No.51007796

>4% APY
with 0% new emissions
literally passed escape velocity, where the high demand pays for the entirety of security without having to mint coins to dilute holders to protect the network
go smear your shitstained hands all over that "paying out 12%" chain, while the entire complete one hundred percent of said 12% is new coins issued to pay the fees to secure the network
if you're too retarded to understand that getting 4%, from something inflation 0%, is worse than getting 12%, from something inflating 12%, then there's no hope or sense or intelligence to be found with you

>> No.51007808

there is no security anymore, its centralized.
enjoy censorship at the protocol level, thats what ETH2 will have.
>from something inflating 12%
Avalanche is hardcapped and deflationary.
also 64% Staking ratio already while ETH2 has like 10%.
ETH2 staking is in every way inferior.
you can now continue seething.

>> No.51007816

This pretty much has to be single handedly the most retarded fucking thread I've seen all week. Trust me when I tell you this I've seen some retarded shit on this fucking sub. ETH is #1 and Polygon is #2. Get the fuck out of here with that other shit.

ADA? whitepaper Solana? trash Avax? Polygon just passed it in TVL. It's over anon

>> No.51007867

polygon is centralized
>constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)

>> No.51007960

Fuck you are a retard

>> No.51007970

Seething ETHcuck?
Remember, there is no unstaking for you maybe in a year if you werent slashed by then. Kek

>> No.51007985

eth heads, how does it feel not being able to let go of an out of date technology? how does it feel to cope as if btc is equally as in the shit as your slow smart contracts? you has your chance to make it in crypto, you failed. do better eth heads.

>> No.51007990

He's right, Apple portable devices first got big because of iPods.

>> No.51008213

70% premine spaghetti code full of infighters and narcissists

>> No.51008358

You’re comparing ETH to BB like that’s bad. You can just look back at how hard its run up was when it was in its prime. ETH is just in its infancy.

>> No.51008554

nice discussion bros but unfortunately for avax cockroaches zero knowledge technology fixes all eth throughput and tx cost problems. i will never forgive myself for not buying an avax node in ico as a hedge though

>> No.51008597

Apple was actually doing great before the iPhone with iPod sales. Every single faggot on a college campus in 2005-2009 had one of them and you saw every single faggot walking to class with those fucking gay ass ear buds on.

>> No.51008604

>zero knowledge technology
doesnt work and doesnt make it decentralized.

>> No.51008624


>> No.51008631

Web3 blockchains will have to do much more than maintain simple token balances and run lightweight smart contract computations. In the future, it will be necessary to completely decentralize online services, and run them entirely on the blockchain, so that they can be placed under the full control of community DAOs and their governance tokens (a DAO can only update other code running on the same blockchain).

Building Web3 services using traditional centralized IT technology such as cloud services, databases and web servers, doesn't make any sense, since it cannot be placed under the control of a community DAO. Furthermore, it can also get hacked, get corrupted, and is not unstoppable like a blockchain, and the person or organization who manages it has complete control — which would extend to any Web3 service built with it, even though Web3's service of the future are meant to be managed exclusively by their community.

>> No.51008660

Deflationary is questionable. It might over the long term, but currently the inflation rate is ~20%. VC unlocks are a bitch. I used to love avalanche, but the opportunity cost to hold it for a few yrs and cop exorbitant inflation isnt worth it

>> No.51008692

>in the future, it will be necessary to completely decentralize online services, and run them entirely on the blockchain
thats literally what Avalanche Subnets are for, Blockchain as a Service.
Most AVAX is staked or delegated, the rest is stuck in DeFi and fees are burned.
Inflation is like 6% not 20. thats FUD from some retard that cant count.

>> No.51008910

I'd like to see Avalanche's growth over the next couple of years. Having a privacy protocol on the blockchain won't be a bad idea either.