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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51000384 No.51000384 [Reply] [Original]

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>50920834

>> No.51000917

The entire market is about to dump isn't it. I am assuming we will too. How much longer before we decouple from the market and reach a new ATH once a week?

>> No.51001007

>Fine I'll look at that thanks, hard to imagine it would be stopped considering the push for LNG shipments to Europe from USA
yeah thats basically what Cheniere told to the gov't

>> No.51001205

I hope the faggots who laughed at me and condescendingly told me not to buy SALT at $2 never make it

>> No.51001248
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Yeah I still think we are going down to 3400 on the S&P at least. Just need the fed to suck some of that liquidity out of the market first. I wonder if they would go higher than the $95B/month I think it is they are scheduled to reduce balance sheet soon. It's still a slow pace compared to how quickly they expanded it after covid.

>> No.51001288

What does atlas do thats unique? Why the high value?
t. Told to never catch a falling knife (sometimes it falls upward)

>> No.51001409

People told me I was late to the party buying fertilizer when I was buying NPK.TO at $1.11-1.13

>> No.51001886

I never laughed, WAGMI SALT bro

>> No.51002033
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They own a deposit of the extremely rare mineral NaCl.

>> No.51002272

How come salt is rare?

>> No.51002466

I was just having a giggle. The saltbros will talk about it like it is though.

>> No.51002855
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better get in Monday, there's no such thing as FOMO until possibly when it gets up to around $12-15

>> No.51002937

I would never buy a stock like that, that's up 3x in 3 months on no news, hyped by retailers with insane expectations. I know you guys aren't going to do it but I think it would be very wise to take some profits here.

>> No.51003182

evening all how are things? been busy for a few days, anything big i missed?

>> No.51003322
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>no news

>> No.51003399

Dangerous thinking like this is how people bought BBBY at $28

>> No.51003459
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Fellow investors - I have a hot tip for you. You can't lose. Read my very exceptional DD. Look at my drawings. Watch Gram's videos. Stare into the horses eyes and see the future. Bayhorse Silver is going to produce millions of ounces of silver in two more weeks. Count on it. Don't miss out. You are going to make it, but only if you invest everything you have in this sure thing. Trust me. Trust my DD.

>> No.51003591
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BBBY doesn't have a green energy hydrogen spinout and YUGE feasibility study coming, followed by a bidding war and buyout

>> No.51003861 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51003906

Thanks bro, just bought 100k. I like the sound of this horse stock.

>> No.51003930

>anything big i missed?
Not really.

>> No.51004329
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every single day this week red for gold & silver, and right after the JP Morgan spoofing guilty verdicts

>> No.51004465

High iq post here. Fucking charts and graphs and guess work is peak 'tism.
You buy something because you think it's undervalued. Period. Then all those other rules and shit mean fuck all

>> No.51004504
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/biz/ is the saltiest board on this site

>> No.51004608

salt deposits arent actually all that rare, but high quality deposits are getting more difficult to come by.

>> No.51004909

look at gold vs Euro. USD is so high it's masking how well gold is actually doing.

>> No.51005678

Are limestone mines going to do well in the coming years? I work in one, so am curious.

>> No.51005912

which one do you work for? ill be sure to short it

>> No.51006068
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>> No.51006356
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Would you buy this?

>> No.51008251

Good morning bump

>> No.51009450
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Good day

>> No.51009565


Anyone got caught with this dog? They were actually a decently sized zink producer with 3 mines but went bankrupt this week after their Burkina Faso mine got flooded and some people died and they had to shut it down.

>> No.51009752

Name rings a bell but never looked into this one. RIP, miners. Always getting the short end of the stick

>> No.51009825

The industry really is a minefield. Y'all stay safe out there.

>> No.51010999

Vangold overvalued and not a buy according to this guy's reasoning

>> No.51011165

Hi Pan Man. How do you think the crushed rock/aggregates industry will do?

>> No.51011337

Right but theres also existing salt miners and the commodity value itself is minimal. Is it table salt? Industrial salt? Closing a logistics gap? Whats the angle?

>> No.51011371

What are the odds of a flood / fire / theft / fungus wiping out a decent percentage of grain stores this year?

I assume mines not in US/Canada have minimal safety regulations. That sort of thing is quite uncommon here but I also imagine the margins are smaller here too.

>> No.51011409



>> No.51011541

sand is already going up in value world wide but i am not sure about gravel or crush. Its probably not going to be great short term with how the construction sector is but long term everyone needs building materials, and if your the one generating them, you have some sway over the price.
depends on the company, most of the major miners bring western safety standards overseas, but it does little good if local inspectors or officials dont give a shit about safety. Same goes with the local population too, you cant teach safety to people who dont think that way. Mongolia has this problem, a few guys i know from underground worked there for 5 years and saw all sorts of extremely unsafe behavior, but no matter what the company did the work force still did it.

>> No.51011601

I have my eye on GUNR, HCMLY and Vulcan for sand exposure. Slow and boring but comfy.

>> No.51011693

i sold them last week because i think its going to re-test the July lows

>> No.51011862

Vulcan minerals or vulcan materials?

>> No.51011902

>news feed: zerohedge
we got some fucking jokers around here

>> No.51011953

Zerohedge has predicted about 500 recessions in the last twelve years.

>> No.51011981

isn't the fed reducing its balance sheet just adding liquidity back to the market? I'm so fucking shook at how long this market is dragging along i wish they just jacked rates up so we could get it over with. I'm sitting on $40k cash. been buying steadily for the last few months (mostly crypto though honestly) and I think I'm done for now. May buy the oil dips coming up since I'm way too bullish on oil for my own good but I think it may be best just to stay the fuck out of the market until 2024.

>> No.51012071

>What are the odds of a flood / fire / theft / fungus wiping out a decent percentage of grain stores this year?
China is going through some high temperatures right now that are even affecting factory operations. I guess that could be a drought which would negatively affect crop yields over there

>> No.51012283
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and theyve been right about 501 of them. only delusional niggers think that outright manipulation and theft of resources, fed money printing, etc are protection from reality. sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on while clown universe manufactures nothing but propaganda to keep us in the corner with the cap on isnt a viable biz strategy that can be sustained. weve been in a recession since 1971.
wake up. jaffas calling

>> No.51012284

Whichever one does aggregrates. Materials?

>> No.51012287

Is this going to end up another one of CMM's failures?

>> No.51012323

>news feed: zerohedge
yeah take this out of the OP

>> No.51012412
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materials is in bham alabama and they are the largest aggregate company around. ive seen vulcan come up here but i thought it was minerals from canada yall were watching. ive been silent on materials since its a blue chip of this sector and not a scam or gamble, it may not experience enough volatility to capture any attention itt

>> No.51012711

Vulcan Materials does aggregates.

>> No.51013536
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Europe is basically buying ever LNG they can get for every price on the spotmarket.
LNGbros, we cant stop winning

>> No.51013673

How do I into lng? Is there still room for the trade? I'm currently longing oil since I think Europe is gonna pivot to oil as fast and crudely as it can in a lot of spots

>> No.51013801
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hello all, the jew Genschler said that bitcoin is a commodity so I thought me and the bitcoin anons would come and post in this general from now on. So what's new, anyone think 21k will hold?

>> No.51013826

You mean stealing, see Yemen and what France and US are planning this coming week in the middle of a cia supported war with KSA and UAE.

>> No.51013918

>You have been reading about gold leaving the comex vault, but is it really significant? Yep, the Comex has a gold kilo vault and yesterday 41% of their gold said bye bye and left. They are screwed and there is no end in sight. Stack on while you can at discount prices to boot.

>> No.51014107
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this COMEX schizoposting needs to fucking stop already. Gold is beginning to do well now and that's purely because of market dynamics. It's fulfilling its purpose as a safe haven asset and performing well against almost every currency. There's a bullish uptrend against yuros for example. Nothing to do with muh coomex

God I hate this meme so much it's unreal. And the worst part, these schizo retards will go "see we were right about muh coomex!!!1!1"

>> No.51014499

I think the sad part is the crippling fear that is invoked when thinking about the idea that there may come a day when buying things like gold and silver will be much more difficult or even impossible. I think that drives a lot of the panic you see posted on boards like this. There’s something difficult to parse there: does anyone seriously think that having a thousand oz of silver, a couple dozen oz of gold, some combo of the both is going to save them from the inevitable hellscape they seem to know is coming? Is the future of humanity not looking as though we will eventually be able to harness materials, including gold and silver, in creative and difficult in the present day methods? Annual mine production is surely coming to a relative peak, there’s no question that the rare elements on this planet are a better place to store your wealth vs fiat currency. But the panic and fear is so pervasive that it makes many people misallocate their capital in ways that will allow them to capitalize on some biblical rush to precious metals that may or may not ever come. But what is that idea really? That we will have a California gold rush style rush to go prospecting? That rural African mining operations will suddenly become extremely valuable? I try and live in the middle, where I buy silver and gold and gold some portion of my portfolio in miners of rare earths, but also have no delusions in miners going x50+ by the simple fact of gold suddenly being worth 5-6K an oz.

>> No.51014583

Western Canada stranded resources get strandeder. AECO $0.01. All pipelines burst because the hydrogen made the steel brittle. TC energy never finishes the coastal gas project.

>> No.51014605

Diesel and LPG now, boy.

>> No.51014681

Don't get me wrong I do believe gold will have its day in the coming years. The trend is set already and it's crabbing against the motherfucking US Dollar while everything is crashing & burning. Whenever Fed ends up pivoting from the QT/rate hike and into QE/rate cut trajectory (when, not if) I believe gold will benefit handsomely. So technically yes there will probably come a day when a big rush to gold will come. But the insistence that because the rush to gold isn't happening RIGHT NOW it simply must be a grand conspiracy of banks and governments who are all pushing it down to keep the goys in check is just so absolutely ludicrous that it makes me angery. These guys will never admit they have been wrong about anything, but to their credit gold is a very good asset to own right now and into the foreseeable future.

>> No.51014881

depends on the kind of hellscape
if its the agenda 2030 hellscape silver will be valuable but it wont matter as long as your not inner party
if its mad max silver will be better than digital assets but worse than everything of more direct practical use like guns and food
anything in between and it will help a lot
fuck you bob
jp morgan just got a slap on the wrist for price manipulation
like every fucking year
we can argue about the definition of conspiracy if you want, because its out in the open and fucking everyone knows about the price rigging, but governments and banks certainly work in tandem to hold prices down

>> No.51015009

I'm not Big Bob. And manipulation happens everywhere all the time. Not the type of grand conspiracy manipulation that you think of. Manipulation on a smaller 'micro' scale.

>> No.51015034
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You're right, there is no manipulation, people should stop being with tin foil hat

>> No.51015070

Listen here, fat. There is NO manipulation, that is clearly someone accidentally clicking a plus instead of a minus.

>> No.51015081

I remember how the schizos were coping about the image of that Perth Mint managed standing in a warehouse with countless silver bars around him, they were all convinced that surely it must have been photoshopped. lol. You guys just keep believing whatever you want you precious retards you

>> No.51015097
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>> No.51015184

Can you fucking shitlords stay in /pmg/? Is it that hard for you schizo faggots to stay in your containment thread? Jesus.

>> No.51015252

>isn't the fed reducing its balance sheet just adding liquidity back to the market?
No that's taking liquidity out of the market as those assets will then be owned by private investors in exchange for taking their $ out of the system.

>> No.51015391
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Here's an actual metal shortage in LME that happened last year due to market players like Trafigura taking delivery on a fuckload of metal, LME's copper stocks went down to almost nothing last year. Yet none of the redditors/pmgfags were screaming from the rooftops that copper will moon and no memes were made of the #coppersqueeze of 2021. And, as is the case in situations like these, the LME had to change the rules:
>The LME responded Tuesday to the dramatic moves in copper by adjusting rules governing the market, including by imposing limits on the shortest-term spreads. The changes were made “to maintain continued market orderliness and avoid the development of an undesirable situation,” and are intended to be temporary, it said.
I can hear the schizos protesting already, "Buh, but they can't just change the rules like that! They should let degenerate gamblers drain their warehouses!! LME defaulted we were right all along" Lmao.

Of course, this is a bit different with precious metals where unlimited naked contracts are offered for jews to speculate on and manipulate small daily price swings for ez money but even in that case if the metal was all being drained COMEX would respond in a similar manner and change the rules temporarily. COMEX is absolutely fucking irrelevant to the price of gold. The only thing that matters is, where does the capital flow in the economy at large. If it is truly going to gold then the gargoyles in the futures exchange will follow along.

Now can you fags please eject yourself into your containment general, thank you.

>> No.51015451

Minbos Resources MNB.AX:
In Angola.
Phosphate project funded, to start construction Q3.
100MW of hydro power secured at 0.4c/KWH for 5 years and .08/KWH for 8 years + around 1.5c subsequently. Plans for 200MW then 500MW in stages.
Power to be used for the Green Ammonia meme, working with Stamicarbon. Likely Ammonium Nitrate for the first stage, i.e. fertilizers and explosives.

Give it a look if you're into agri and ammonia. Keep a look out for announcements, can't say about whether it's a buy right now. DFS and FID on the phosphate part due September. If they lock shit in it'll be easy money. The Chinese are already muscling in on it.

>> No.51015811

>Europe is basically buying ever LNG they can get for every price on the spotmarket.
trillion energy chads wwa

>> No.51015846

i was making fun of him schizo. if you visit the link, the sidebar is full of similar posts from months / years ago and nothing has happened to the COMEX

>> No.51015897

Perhaps I should have made it more clear that I wasn't talking to (You) when I made that post. It was meant to reinforce your post. Maybe I should have quoted somebody else

>> No.51015904
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I spent an hour trying to find THIS fucking clip, I finally found it. I want all you retards to watch this - watch his facial expression / movement after he says "These one time increases in prices are likely to have only transitory effects on inflation."

Start video @ 3:44 for the perfect start. Re-watch it a few times and look at his face. He 100% knows inflation was never going to be transitory; he is fucking financially dunking on America right now - he knows high inflation is necessary to pay for all of the "free" Covid vaccines - the gov't needs that increased tax revenue


High inflation is on purpose.

>> No.51016607


Almost there.

Should I just buy more now? I thought it had some crab left in it, but it looks ready to go.

>> No.51016608
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>Mfw only now Andy is starting to play with the idea that maybe we're pulling back because of high interest rates.

Well no shit.
It really shows how his strict data dependency can fuck him over and how it makes him a bad short term trader.
Of course housing is pulling back because of high interest rates, the average consumer is getting fucked hard.
The fact that the normies are substituting their daily spending with credit cards should be strong enough of a signal that they're running out of money in the first place.
How can Andy think that Millenials who are the poorest demographic in the recent history, would be able to even qualify for the kinds of loans that the high housing prices call for?
Some guy working as a barista who spends 80% of his income on rent and shares a house with 4 people, sure as fuck won't be buying a home the way his parents did.
I think his thesis is at least partly fundamentally fucked in the current scenario because he ignores many of the finer points about government interference, demographics and people's true consumption power.

In my opinion the only factor that can keep the housing going up radically is institutions running into housing for safety as the markets tank and that's about it. They're the only ones who can afford it.
But if they at any point decide to dump their inventories and run to the safety of the dollar rather than buying more homes, this housing of cards is going to be over even faster than ever before in history.

>> No.51017058
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>it may not experience enough volatility to capture any attention itt
Sand is a finite resource and doubled in price over the last 10 years. It will become scarce in our lifetimes

>> No.51017068

I like atlas I just think. It's going to correct.

>> No.51017081

think about all the sand and aggregate that went into those hundreds of chinese apartment complexes that are getting knocked down right now. Its nearly impossible to recover that material.

>> No.51017357

>Should I just buy more now?
i dont know, i was hoping for a pullback too but we havent got one. its like the closer uranus gets to our location, the more the stock goes up

>> No.51018878

What are some key economic indicators to watch? So far the omly reliable one has been gold/silver ratio shooting up before a crash in 08 and 2020.

>> No.51019682

Yield curve. Eurodollar futures. Indices. Gold price in different currencies. Dollar index. Copper price. Crude oil price. Natgas (HH/TTF) price. PPI.

>> No.51019867

Interview with bunker hill.


>> No.51021499
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Good Sunday everybody! What is everyone doing? I'm waging today and getting some good cash from that. If I have the time I'll be learning about selling calls later today. How are (You) spending your time today?

>> No.51022029
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Good morning. Just been for a run before breaking my daily fast. Sitting down now to a coffee and an ten-egg cheese omelette. I'm gonna catch up on some Ira Epstein and then I'll probably spend more time exercising.

Keep /fit/ bros, gains are more than financial and the body houses the mind. Money can't buy health.

>> No.51022068
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I made a huge bet on sea floor mining 50k shares on TMC, cost basis is around 40k since I've been swining TMC for a while. Current position is .942 on 50k shares.

>> No.51022892

Last period I got billed for 44+56 hours at Walmart and got almost $1k on my pay. Waiting for markets to open monday. Waiting for bottom of current U channel to buy more, then waiting for it to hit 7-9 and writing more CCs again

>> No.51023596

>44+56 hours at Walmart and got almost $1k on my pay.
Jesus christ, take some night classes or something and leave such slavery.

>> No.51023669
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Poo bros our day in the sun approaches.

>> No.51023791
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watching football, both american and english. will mow the lawn today but it might rain here, so if it does i won't mow. i harvested my cannabis plants on friday that i grew for fun - it's legal here - so they're drying for the next few days and then ill jar them for curation and long term storage when ready

over the past 2 weeks ive made a conscious effort to double my daily water intake and i feel noticeably better. so if any of you are feeling like shit all the time - try doubling your water intake for a week and see if you notice anything

>I'll be learning about selling calls
are you just starting with options or have you been learning already?

>> No.51024193

Thats in USD.
I actually live in Ontario and make $15.80/hr (plus $1/hr premium at our specific store due to high turnover). Been there almost 7 years. I have a diploma in programming c. 2012 but hate remote work, website design, and working w pajeets so I dont want to go to Toronto area.

In my location I rent from family and pay $500/m rent and minimize expenses. I prefer Walmart because I have good job security, its not stressful and I have a lot of pull w the managers and staff despite being part time.

My pay shouldve been $1680 net; 25% deductions due to tax, then $160 towards our stock program (they match 15%, which is an effective 13% discount on market value), and also provide a 1% DPSP and annual bonus (approx $800). Im not one of the idiots living pay to pay, though I can only set aside $5k per year or so

>> No.51024895

Off to prospect a clients property today! See you all this evening!

>> No.51025155

Some retard on smg is going to try and meme nat gas and pump the price.

>> No.51025291

When my dad and I started investing in 2020, he got UNG and USO on my recommendation. Gas is up 120% (he put in less than $500) and my own port is kinda heemed. Feels bad. But I'm stable and have a good outlook

>> No.51026319

Red, is oil still in a downtrend? I think people are waking up to the shortage from what I am reading and feel the need to buy sooner than later.

>> No.51026416

Were right at that critical point. I almost bought in yesterday but I decided to hold off a little bit longer. Almost every technical trader that I follow like Gareth solway, Justin hunh, would all say it's time to take a posistion.

>> No.51026430

I'm gonna watch the charts cause I think there's a little more downside. SPR releases don't stop until October. I think between now and then we'll get another drop. Especially with elections coming up.

>> No.51026436

Dude, LNG futures in Europe are selling for x6 what they are in the US. That isn't a meme.

>> No.51026489

>According to the Institute, while the mining sector was responsible for 19% of total private investments in 2012, it now accounts only for 10%. This new baseline is similar to that of 2016, even though copper prices have doubled since then.

Noone could have predicted this.

>> No.51026567

Behold. On the right, commodity prices in the US. Front and center, natural gas as it trades in Holland, which is *the* big hub for this sort of activity in Europe. To convert MWh to MMBtu, divide by 3.41. That gives you a price, in US units of measure, of about 71.5.

Now imagine if, in just a few months, the price of US natural gas went from 9 to 70. That's what's happened in Europe. And who is their biggest supplier of LNG now that Nordsteam is all but closed? We are. Even with fewer than 150 tankers equipped to carry LNG we passed the Russians last month to become the EU's largest natural gas supplier, and it ain't even started snowing yet.

Are you learning yet you smug little shitbird? There is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make serious dough, but no, you fuckheads would rather speculate on dying companies like BBBY and gamble the few thousand dollars your dear old gramma left you on cock suck fucking crypto.

>> No.51026574

Wow, I was so pissed I forgot the link.


>> No.51026623

Oh, and our ability to export LNG is about to expand dramatically . Some dumb shit cowboy hat-wearing mother fucker got greedy and ran a pipeline over pressure for too long and it blew the fuck up, but it'll be repaired by early October. Barring any more dumb shit greedy Texans blowing their own shit up, natch.


>> No.51026691

I guess we find out how inelastic the demand for diesel is this winter.

>> No.51026694

Is it time to invest in STNG?

>> No.51026700

I like how to Mexicans are building terminals to export natural gas they import from the States.

>> No.51026786

We don't want /smg/ to know yet. Let them buy once the price already made us a 5-10x profit.

>> No.51026814

Half will blow up from lack of maintenance and the other half will be taken over by cartels who will blow them up fighting over them. You cannot comprehend the reckless lazy slapdash nature of spic culture and worksmanship until you've lived amongst them for a few years. They're almost as bad as the Arabs.

>> No.51026829

Some fun reading is the early history of the oil industry in Mexico.

>> No.51026947

Tickers? I have crew energy and trillion.

>> No.51026998
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You cannot convince me this was not photoshopped

>> No.51027001
File: 134 KB, 1217x685, Screenshot_2022-08-21_14-39-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51027396

/smg/ has been aware of and been trading / holding natural gas itself as well as producers / transporters for 6+ months before the Ukraine invasion took place fren

>> No.51028183

When will uuuu go back up to 10? I'm getting bored

>> No.51028306 [DELETED] 

Gayhorse finally getting a juicy NR tomorrow, this one is going to be huge.. also CHECK EM

>> No.51029403


>> No.51029425

I think 5.00 is the bottom. Going to build more and then sell CCs at 8-9.

So what, do you go for transport companies? Producers? Spot price?

>> No.51029609

UUUU is going to 2$ when a nuclear incident occurs in Ukraine in the next several months

>> No.51029670
File: 231 KB, 1416x672, 1661122624693343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image has been spammed recently over there, they're well aware lol

>> No.51030451

It won't be just UUUU, then. The whole sector moves in lockstep.

>> No.51030543

I like UNG. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make money off a series of manmade disasters, so gimme LNG futures in one nice comfy easy-to-manage basket.

>> No.51030947

I bought a call with $22 strike when it ran up from $20 to $30 it could still drive up to $45 sure but it’s likely just gonna hang around $40 for a while

>> No.51031208

Damnit, my dad is going to make bank again and I'm not

>> No.51031214

Zerohedge is full of superstitious and self-absorbed morons.
See the comments beneath this article:


>> No.51031551
File: 114 KB, 727x776, devon energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Cheniere. They've missed the last four quarterly earnings estimates and the price per share is sky high. Pic related, on the other hand, is affordable for most small investors, pays a healthy 7% dividend, and they've *beaten* earnings estimates for the past four quarters by greater and greater margins. They may not be as big, but they're a helluva lot more profitable.

>> No.51031609

When do you know if a high dividend is risky? Eg PBR is 44% and is obviously risky. KO is like 2% and is low

>> No.51031637
File: 137 KB, 736x881, devon earnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at their track record and their earnings, obviously. The dividend rate is meaningless; it's a nice bennie.

>> No.51032919
File: 148 KB, 1200x601, GTE..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on GTE?
They look pretty cheap right now.

>> No.51033998

>German economy minister rules out keeping nuclear plants running to save gas

How many more back and forths are they gonna do?

>> No.51034574

>superstitious and self-absorbed morons
Like a faggot speculating about receipts for percentages of ownership of a company on a Bolivian pubic hair voodoo doll weaving blog?

>> No.51035182
File: 34 KB, 592x554, VUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will Vulcan hit $1 this week?

>> No.51035651

If that happens I will seethe to death for refusing to FOMO

>> No.51036192

If you did it would have corrected. If you do today it will correct. If you do next week it will correct.

>> No.51037039
File: 837 KB, 680x383, Goldenbrown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any day now

>> No.51037375
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Sick news release dropping today. Also check em + green ID. WAGMI!

>> No.51037404

Any thoughts about SBSW? Have been looking into buying it for this whole year, thankfully didn't. One of the rare actually cheap majors in PMs

>> No.51037516

Fuck, going to buy more trillion. I think gas is really launching.

>> No.51037567
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>> No.51037906

Still waiting for arctic star lab results…

>> No.51038004
File: 650 KB, 1366x619, 1629825494843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy muh silver pls sirs kindly redeem gme

>> No.51038132

Look up the new Colombian government and the upcoming tax increase on oil exports.

>> No.51038147

Which stock is the best energy play lads? KMI / RRC / CHK

>> No.51038296
File: 217 KB, 1080x1138, Screenshot_20220822-093257_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is Galleon Golds problem? Is this going to zero?

>> No.51038428

GME transfans are anti silver now?

Didn't this just get the reverse split to. 50 recently? Imagine it goes back to .05 on its own.

>> No.51038539


>> No.51038791

>Didn't this just get the reverse split to. 50 recently? Imagine it goes back to .05 on its own.

Yeah, it reverse split. It's basically back to the all time lows now. Could be an opportunity to get in cheap here really, but instead of averaging down I put my dry powder into SALT and VUL a couple weeks ago. Sprott owns a lot of GGO and there has been speculation from the start that Pan American will buy them out eventually, but this bag is getting heavy. If I had more cash right now, I'd probably buy TCF or VUL anyway. Any other GGO baggies have any copium to share on this one? The assays are forever 2 weeks away.

>> No.51038814

Mmmm lovely little oil dip...don't mind if I do

>> No.51038919

i don't understand how a group of people can be so retarded and so fucking hostile to their people. I feel like this is all the proof you need as to why you shouldn't give up your guns and yet lefties are barreling towards a "well the government would never do anything malicious so you should give up your guns" timeline.

We are so fucked, I need to get my own plot of land in the next 10 years and ASAP if I even have time.

>> No.51038922

Problem is that their resource is very low grade. They should have used a higher cut off grade, noone is going to build their low grade PEA project unless gold goes a lot higher.
They have their smaller high grade bulk mining project but how they are going to fund that with mkt cap so low is now also a problem.

>> No.51039307

So they now want to surface mine an outcropping high grade narrow vein and truck it 120 km to their mill, interesting. Also somewhat of an admission that they probably can't mine their silver profitably at this silver price.

>> No.51039315

What site is that? Its presented very cleanly

>> No.51039419

Fucking silver miner anon and his they are profitable at $10 silver lmao

>> No.51039483
File: 478 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-08-22-17-05-58-847_com.fusionmedia.investing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye Euro! Never to get back to $1. On that note, I have liquidated almost all of my Euro exposure in favor of USD and even CAD. I only need to go get some gold and sell my apartment and I will have the bare minimum exposure to my shitty pozzed currency. Went long on some big energy companies listed on US exchanges today as well, and bought more Verde Agritech. So what if those stocks go down when they'll still outperform fucking euro lmfao.

Of course, I'm still holding a substantial position of USD and some puts to take advantage of falling equities. Now I am become Rick Rule, destroyer of trash stocks.

>> No.51039638

Hardly ever missed ya

>> No.51039657

Let’s talk hole. Jackson Hole. What does Powell say on Friday? Any expectation of a pivot before 2023?

>> No.51039740

>Any expectation of a pivot before 2023?
Absolutely not. Equities are still way above pre-coof levels, inflation is still high in the US, employment isn't up to par and markets are not in any panic yet. The pain hasn't even begun in the stock market

>> No.51039912

Thoughts on sugar as a commodity? Had a forklift trainer at work today say Hershey's is having supply issues

>> No.51039980
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Kek Graeme does it again

>> No.51040337
File: 1.62 MB, 410x268, 1656872643567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw we're steadily getting nearer to the long term support levels in Uranium and we're still very close to the top of the bear rally in equities

We're blasting through those supports like they're wet paper on the next leg down.
There's no way in hell uranium is going to suddenly stop falling with the general markets.
Wouldn't bat an eye to see for example Cameco touch $14-15 levels after a while, which means other companies like UUUU is going to be a buy at $3-4.
I'm expecting a 30% fall from here all across the spectrum in these U stocks if the general markets keep on tanking.

>> No.51040409

For me its encuf. The best U stock. I even ask for extra radiation packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

>> No.51040469

sugarcane uses a shitton of fertilizer, lots of sugar is turned into ethanol, brazil for instance builds cars with running on ethanol in mind, while demand for ethanol is up due to high oil prices
sugar is the poor people food, for some reason all poor people all over the world seem to love shitty sugar soda
im super bullish sugar, wish i knew a way to invest in it, aside from stacking physical

>> No.51040547
File: 251 KB, 1622x1685, sokerivarasto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'll be slupring Encore for sure, I really like it and currently have it. I'm waiting for it to hit somewhere around .70-80
I think it has one of the greatest potential with them moving into production next year and timing this cycle perfectly and also being located in the US.
Regardless of how good of a company it actually is, UUUU does move very radically so I like riding that one for a quick profit.

>aside from stacking physical
Just do it like the Finnish armageddon sugar prepper did, pic related.

>> No.51040642

Galleon gold is the only miner that i've seen that actually managed to perform WORSE than Bayhorse

>> No.51040697

i said aside from kek
>love that guy
got 10kg or so stacked already, but dont have a sauna
also thought about stacking some rum

>> No.51040765

I'm just long term holding Verde Agritech as a good growing fertilizer business. If everything goes as planned they could be competing with Nutrien & Mosaic in about ten years. Will have to keep their production costs decreasing and increase production quickly for that to happen though. Plant 2 should be commissioned within a month which would increase their capacity to 2.4Mt, and Plant 3 in 2023/2024 with I think +10Mt IIRC. 23Mt or more sales annually in ten years, hopefully. Which would be equivalent to about 3.83Mt of KCl, more than what Nutrien is producing I believe. We'll see

>> No.51040942

got some verde myself but sold off over half my shares for a nice profit already, think i will the let the rest ride out as they are basically free now, but kinda expect a pullback now
brazil panicbrought lots of fertilizer early this year and till Trudeau pulls some shit or bolsonaro is replaced with a puppet that shuts down russian imports supply seems stable for now
it also did an x10 since last year already, the pattern makes me feel kinda uneasy and its shilled here a lot in the last few days
however i do believe it will be a good stock over a longer timeframe

>> No.51041011

There are plenty that are down a lot more than Galleon. Sprott just funded their current drill season and owns 21%. Galleon just needs to keep adding ounces and eventually have the gold price come back.

>> No.51041049


Do we buy oil now?

>> No.51041118

Encore is going to be the biggest name of the bull run.

>> No.51041151

Oh yes it's a long term hold. I hope it goes down a bunch. I'd love to buy more at cheaper prices too.

>> No.51041363


maybe invest in KO?

>> No.51041457

but if sugar gets more expensive their input costs rise

>> No.51041655

There's much better NG picks than the /smg/ reddit pumper's EQNR. This is why I always lurk /cmmg/.

>> No.51041683

EQNR is pretty good though not going to lie. Their natgas is unhedged I believe and they sell it all to European markets. Right now that's like $70/mcf

>> No.51041763


you got any opinion on Intrepid Potash compared to these other tickers

>> No.51042107


>"Equinor outlines Q1 gas derivatives loss of up to $500 million"
>"Equinor sees Q2 gas derivatives gain of up to $550 mln"
>"In the second quarter of 2021 adjusted earnings for Natural Gas Europe were impacted by losses on derivatives on gas forward contracts, offset by gains in other contracts. "

There's hedging going on. Norway wouldn't let its $125B state-owned gas company go cowboy on the market.

>> No.51042526

Yeah uhh still had my DD kind of left midway undone lol. Embarrassing I know
No opinion. All I need is Verde anyways since they're already in Brazil meaning their freight costs are the lowest out of all of those. And if everything goes right they'll become a producer to rival Nutrien and Mosaic

>> No.51042649
File: 18 KB, 600x350, PzPq6Pbn5RqgrWunhEx6rg-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NexGen is looking pretty cheap right now, Im probably gonna slurp soon.

>> No.51043238

unfortunately, still have many PM position on Degiro which are labelled in € but I guess that's not really a problem if I transfer them to Interactive broker (or if I hold until something replace €).

>> No.51043584

What do you mean? Do you have Frankfurt tickers as opposed to TSX tickers? That shouldn't be a big issue as the market tends to account for the currency arbitrage between different exchange listings.

>> No.51044049

lol holy shit GMTN is doing worse than BHS this year. all of you have such terrible picks besides saltanon. jr producers and developers lmao

>> No.51044101
File: 84 KB, 692x960, 1660575401414869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, TSX tickers are way too expensive to buy, can only buy "cheaply" on Frankfurt. I don't intend to hold very long anyway, I'll sell most of my holdings on this leg-up to 50$ then I'll transfer my cash to Interactive broker. I fear things happen in Europe that might force commie to make drastic moves...

>> No.51044519

i dont think any of us bought that, maybe a couple people

>> No.51044741

that one and Emerita are brutal, but even Newmont is ugly and it's the top holding of GDX

>> No.51044925

Charles Schwab. They're the firm that introduced stock trading to MR and Mrs America back in the 80's. Their web site has kept up this legacy, and is very well laid out and user-friendly.

>> No.51045003
File: 294 KB, 509x574, jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always slow in here, why is that?

>> No.51045130

Busy deciding where to put my money. Opening new position or adding to one I have.

>> No.51045344

>It's always slow in here, why is that?
Commodities do bad when inflation is coming down and the dollar is gaining strength

>> No.51045418
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I like what I see...

>> No.51045674

HCMLY and GUNR have been mild but not bad either

>> No.51045708

Thats a fairly long horizon. Why not wait 3-5 years then jump in?

>> No.51045846
File: 3.58 MB, 1372x1384, Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 4.18.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't long PLUG, they've been caught cooking the books for the past 4 years. and of course the fact they have a -91% profit margin and hydrogen is nowhere near economical

>> No.51046020

why my MLX so fucked for so long. it still makes money

>> No.51047031

What say you Red? I feel the trends are no longer in downtrend, am I seeing this wrong?

>> No.51047180

That's because they're increasing production very quickly and each quarter they post is better than the last. If the price stayed still for a whole year the P/E would probably be below 1 next year this time.

>> No.51047335

Hmm, or actually maybe below 2 is more realistic after some math. Still very cheap especially for a high growth business. Of course if potash prices go down significantly then they won't be netting that much but then I'll happily slurp more

>> No.51048069
File: 56 KB, 800x499, lagoonbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rana bros, where is the bonanza grade...

>> No.51048274
File: 1012 KB, 1072x1498, craiyon_190149_Golden_Brown_Poo_Lagoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the ground you bloddy bitch

>> No.51049039

Any $WEAT people here?

>> No.51049126

Did the Saudis just give Biden the middle finger?

>> No.51049142

Gonna long SOYB and CORN and hedge by shorting WEAT

>> No.51049203

Yeah, and just like that oil will now climb. The bottom was like 2 weeks ago.

>> No.51049217

What happened?

>> No.51049831

Red here. I am seeing the same. Tomorrow buy both oil and natgas. They have broken the downtrend and are about to moon.

>> No.51050160


>> No.51050775
File: 15 KB, 256x256, D44EEDF2-0715-49DA-9820-279D812AB3F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Transisco Green energy companies are full of irregularities and misleading reporting.

For instance, BLNK straight up lied about the amount of charging stations it had built, and investors didn’t care and just piled in. This was late 2020, before the entire EV market capitulation alongside the rest of the broader market kek

>> No.51050795
File: 52 KB, 1115x828, 824614D1-F5BE-4828-B91A-B0E6E40CFA61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a few interesting charts from Josh Young’s Twitter feed and sharing here

>> No.51050846
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>> No.51050869
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>> No.51050906

listen here you mother fuck... we need to be doing the needful purchase blue lagon stock, apes strong. rana has the gold sir, bonanza grade

>> No.51050973


Goliath Resources sure have been hitting some fantastic looking intercepts in core, too bad we dont have assays back yet. I do with the BC government would open up more assay offices.

Also how are things in general? I ve been extremely busy and cant always check the threads right now.

>> No.51051013
File: 229 KB, 1895x1119, 1661205484874995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. Josh is a smart guy, did he say anything about current oil inventories? He always stresses the importance of inventories in predicting the crude oil price and SPR has been getting sucked hard

>> No.51051130

I'll prolly break down and buy a thousand shares of Atlas Salt tomorrow, just for lulz. Most of my dough is wrapped up in NGU though.

>> No.51051487

>just bought 100k.
Paper hands. Tell you mom you need more money. Gram dumped 11,000,000 of his so you need to buy that least if you are ever going to make it. Why? Because Gram is going to dump another 10,000,000 soon and if don't buy it all up the price will collapse again. Show everyone your a whale. Read my DD again.

>> No.51051824

What was the thesis/intuition of how we don't have enough lithium on earth to build enough batteries to supply the EV fleet that's needed worldwide?

>> No.51052070

Thoughts on URNM? Most of their holdings is in kazatomprom

>> No.51052265

There's two major etfs for uranium: URA and URNM.
Personally, I like URNM because it has significantly more weighting towards Kaz and physical. Don't forget Yellow Cake (?) is physical too.
I love UUUU, been swinging it and writing calls, but I want to roll it into URNM.

Also, I want to get SMR which does miniaturized reactors. It's like Kaz - it does a unique thing. The whole sector moves together.
EU is also good, doing 80% URNM, 12% SMR, 8% EU for my uranium exposure

>> No.51052471

Its going to be interesting to see what Atlas does in the coming months / year, they look really good.

>> No.51052499

I wanted to short Germany and France, but then long coal and gas and fertilizer, on top of whatever grain and energy plays I was already doing. I don't have enough money for everything

Now I'm going down a rabbit hole of looking at the most economically big countries and their imports and exports so I can be aware of movements in the markets and what resources to watch for

>> No.51052915
File: 53 KB, 844x427, msci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I grabbed a list of all the (Blackrock) iShares-brand MSCI country-based etfs. In other words, these are the tickers for basically any relevant country

I filtered it to be anything with 200k+ volume so they're more liquid. Any OPEC country is doing very well (Qatar, Saudi, etc); Chile and Brazil are doing very well for some reason. Italy, Sweden, Germany aren't looking so hot due to the energy crunch. I think that due to the current macro, EU countries will continue to decline in value, and I'm personally favoring Mexico and possibly Israel

>> No.51053136

That fag is not me. I'm looking for more downside but most traders would advocate buying a tranche here. I wanted to buy more oil today so instead I put more money into trillion thus scratching that itch because the natgas exposure. I think oil could test all the way down to $68.

>> No.51053146

He's not red.

>> No.51053153

A while back I heard that foreign treasuries might be a good place to park some cash because of similar reasons and a lack of faith in America and the EU. May be on to something.

>> No.51053266

Hahaha, this is rich. It took me a second
>Gas prices are up like 500% YOY
>EU carbon permits are up too
>Oh wait it's because people are going to burn shit to have energy and they don't want to get taxed


>> No.51053312


I'm buying aluminum bros. no fuckin way its current price is justified for the energy cost inputs now.

>Aluminium production is energy intensive. About 17,000 kWh of electricity are required to produce 1 tonne of aluminium.

prob just gonna get alcoa calls.

>> No.51053360

I was looking at Rio Tinto ... apparently they do a lot of coal mining or at least are the biggest game in Australia. But the aluminum angle is interesting and they pay a good 11% divvy.

>> No.51053425

I’m getting absolutely and royally fucked here, 9% inflation and id of been better off keeping all my money in cash

>> No.51053448

Looks like it's already peaked. If what was happening in Europe had any real effect on aluminum, it'd be trending upwards on the coattails of LNG. But it ain't happening. Not yet anyway.


>> No.51053469

You could always sell and stick $10K in an I bond.

>> No.51054481

I would be careful with yuro bonds. Also I would be careful with shithole bonds as well, but Brazil seems to be doing relatively well judging from the uptrend channel that is beginning to be formed in BRL against a lot of currencies since two years ago. Might become an economic powerhouse in the future

>> No.51055173

>buying oil before elections
shiggy diggy my niggies

>> No.51057331

Not 100% sure on the exact figures, but Tesla alone needs like 2x the amount of current annual lithium production just to meet their 2030 vehicle production goals, assuming Li-Ion battery tech stays the same.

>> No.51057346
File: 724 KB, 2744x2767, 1211D03E-8BDC-44E3-8A3E-89EAF628D46B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51057405

Anyone know whats going on with Gazprom? Looks like the ADRs got de-listed but the press release said they were supposed to be converted to regular shares

>> No.51057780
File: 299 KB, 1041x995, SNOWLINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new ATH

>> No.51057886

Tinto ditched the coal assets a few years back. Go glencore if you want coal exposure

>> No.51058142

They lost all their money on the bayhorse pump and dump, so now all the "buying" is posing they are investing in anything..

>> No.51058255
File: 185 KB, 1482x1536, 9AA0412A-9983-414B-90CE-B60EF3CCEE7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we think of #DNN

>> No.51058386
File: 808 KB, 1438x1754, MV5BMTQzOTE5MzQ5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDk5MTIwNw@@._V1_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonanza bros, WAGMI

>> No.51058491
File: 763 KB, 1684x1193, SALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SALT news!


Atlas CEO Patrick Laracy, "We've got enough salt with the potential for storage to take care of ALL the projects that may emerge in Western Newfoundland."

>> No.51058570

was looking at aluminum and i kinda like century
based in us and island (about 2/3 us, 1/3 island), i think the high energy costs hurt them the least from the smelters

>> No.51060383

>lowest price it's stock has been at in 20 years
>"pump and dump scam stock"
Keep seething no horser. I'll load up another 50k at deep discount and ride this pony to the golden land.