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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5099636 No.5099636 [Reply] [Original]

With Colossus coming out within a week, what do you think the price of the coin will be? The chart looks very bullish so I'm definitely optimistic on this one

>> No.5099676

might scratch .50

>> No.5099685

I hold QSP and VTC, thinking about dumping them to get more REQ

>> No.5099691

Tree fiddy

>> No.5099704

Three Fiddy

>> No.5099707

conservative estimate based on marketcap and coin supply $200 at least

>> No.5099724

Free Tiddy

>> No.5099738

Kree Siddy

>> No.5099748

P Diddy

>> No.5099757

About three fiddy

>> No.5099761
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easily $100, don't bother screencapping

>> No.5099770

Tirthy tree fiddy

>> No.5099812

be shitty

>> No.5099879

I only have around 60 so far but I'm really hoping the req rocket takes off soon.

>> No.5099884


>> No.5099900

Fiddy Tree

>> No.5099918

I know you guys are joking but what do you mean easily? You're saying it can go well above that?

>> No.5099949

>testnet releases
>mainnet releases
>coinbase adopts req to handle payments
>$15/req that day
>$100/req EOY 2018

>> No.5099984

about four sixty

>> No.5100018

>what will the price be
I don't care, it will make me rich by EOY 2018, so I do'nt sweat the short term news sell offs.

Dump VTC but keep an eye on it in case, by some magic, it is listed on CB. QSP is wicked undervalued and they have a REQ airdrop coming up this month, and people are gonna flip shit over that and FOMO in hard. Many more updates this month and I've been actively increasing my QSP stack lately.

>> No.5100085


>> No.5100207

No more than three fiddy

>> No.5100266

ok I'll chime in here because I'm one of the few here who actually knows wtf he is talking about. Colossus will drive price to 50c but the real magic happens at 53-55cents, this is when a normie fomoxplosion wave kicks in due to everyone talking about Colossus. So at 50-52c keep an eye on volume, it will start to grow exponentially over a 6hr period. The fomo will take REQ to $1.30, there will be a pull back to around $1.05-1.15 shortly after. Sideways for a while and will creep up to $2-3 over 2018. After mass adoption around 2020 and beyond, 100's of financial dapps and apps begin running on the Request Network, token burn will push prices well over $30. *unforseen price explosion potentials: same mcap as Paypal = $130+ REQ, ebay is looking for a good way to accept crypto (pay with request) could see price over $100 as through ebay token burn would be intense.

>> No.5100314

Let me put it this way. I've never gotten into a coin at ICO, but I put 4 eth into this at 6 cents and actually believe this will allow me to quit my job by this time next year.

If this coin performs even a fraction as well as it is being hyped up I think it could be a top ten market cap coin.

I have extremely high hopes for this coin and because of that I won't sell a single share until it's life changing money.

>> No.5100497

Top kek. I jizzed in my pants while reading this.

But seriously, where did you get your calculations? So accurate.

>> No.5100501
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The front end looks nice

>> No.5100524
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>> No.5100547
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>> No.5100628

Okay, you have my attention. Shill me.

>> No.5100669

This is some quality app.
REQ will deliver

>> No.5100697

scary people are this emotional attached to a coin

>> No.5100733


>> No.5100756

Ok just heard and posting it here first, Colossus now less than 8hrs away. Strap in.

>> No.5100775

all the more reason to invest? I've never seen a coin with this kind of cult of personality either (well not since BitCoin but that was more of a slow burn for the longest time, not like this..)

>> No.5100779
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Guys I'm retarded pls help.

Would it be smarter to purchase ETH or BTC to purchase this from Binance?

>> No.5100790
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i'm more interested in the back end KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN LMAO

>> No.5100835


>> No.5100851
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nice, just kept my 10k

>> No.5100853
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That's what I figured. See you guys in lamboland

>> No.5100896

You really think they are gonna release it saturday/weekend? Don't think so.

>> No.5100901

You make me wet
$100/REQ is the only way I can justify day trading my sanity away for 150 REQ a day

>> No.5100906

Here's your shill: low marketcap, a product that is 1. actually releasing (you can already download the testnet code and run locally) 2. backed by YCombinator (who also backs Coinbase... REQ will be one of the ERC-20 tokens that Coinbase/GDAX adds in 2018) 3. actually useful and easy to explain to normies

>> No.5100939

Yep, there is no fucking way they release before next Wednesday. Keep calm my dudes and accumulate as much as possible.

>> No.5101101

Alright you win. I'll add this to my next drop.
Now give me opinions: How's a REQ, XLM, XRP alt spread for a 2018 run?

>> No.5101325

That's a god damn moon mission if I've ever seen. You should at least have a bit in something stable like ETH unless you don't mind the huge risk

>> No.5101348

Whoops my bad, I forgot XRP is Ripple. You're probably fine then.

>> No.5101374

I have my BTC, LTC, and ETH stashes vaulted up to ride things out, but those are the only altcoins I can truthfully back without buying into pointless shilling and by doing my own research.

>> No.5101576
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Try to also look for KNC in Q1, if REQ moon on mainet launch, this will moon too

>> No.5101612

I just wanna be free. Only 5000 req...too poor bought at 11c

>> No.5101743

Stinky linkies? Lanky lumens?

>> No.5101781

It is a bad practice to deploy during weekends, no one is available to fix things if they break, generally.

Monday/Tuesday prime times for deployment.

>> No.5101863

You're doing pretty good compared to me. I just jumped in and got 1000 req.

Thinking about doing some day trading to get more.

>> No.5101952

This is crypto, it's not a normal business.
And if they are DEPLOYING on a weekend that is obviously implying they're working on the weekend?

>> No.5101972

5k req is a solid amount, I have 3.3k

>> No.5102001

daytrading is going to be risky as fuck with this coin, we're seeing moon potential here in a few days when Colossus is released and we're going to see major activity in Q1 of 2018, playing with a lot might burn you. Holding and accumulating at dips is going to see the best returns versus high risk

>> No.5102103
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I'm going to accumulate XRP and REQ into 2018.

>> No.5102159

I meant daytrading with other coins, not req.

>> No.5102196

Not him. But add just a sliver of TRX on the off chance it becomes something. It's so stupid cheap and it might have potential...

Other than that, the online I'm not in of those is XLM

>> No.5102312



RIP dude.

>> No.5102314

200 sat for this EU Superstate NWO coin.

>> No.5102358

tfw reqlet with only 1000 so $100 and i'm still poor af

>> No.5102431

It is cheap as fuck, can you give me a reason it might go somewhere though?

>> No.5102439

omisego... ark.. neo... youre deluded mate req had very little following here until it mooned.

>> No.5102786

we'll see where we stand once they release colossus

I'm pretty optimistic.

>> No.5102998

The team couldnt manage to release a techno record in Berlin. How the hell will they manage to write the 400 lines of smart contract code needed for Collosus if they are out snorting coke in the Bergain club every night?

Failed DJ's turned Blockchain Developers

>> No.5103054

request is a legit project. great team and bright future. price is dirt cheap right now and i see it climbing into top 50 market caps quite easily

>> No.5103536

No XMR? Nigga is you crazy????

>> No.5103931


great team? can you elaborate on what makes them so great based on reputation

>> No.5103993

its dumping bros... its over

>> No.5104070


>> No.5104168
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>> No.5104181

I've been waiting for this shit to drop sub 20 cents for 3 fucking days let's go

>> No.5104190

Yeah I wish I'd sold 3 hours ago like I was thinking about doing. I'd rebuy of course but damn that would have been tasty profits.

>> No.5104202

its been holding 25 cents for the past 2 days but keeps on dropping on CMC
currently #81

looks like everyone is waiting on the testnet release to buy more or sell

>> No.5104233

what are you fucking retards talking about it's still 25 cents

getting my hopes up for nothing

>> No.5104394

ETH chart is very sad. I bought a bit more in the dip, not sure if hold or sell it when it rises again.

Also not sure if buy more.

>> No.5104407

>25 cents
>price is actual 24.7 cents and dropping fast

>> No.5104514

this is typical with ETH gains like we're seeing atm

>> No.5104541

ETH gains theoretically shouldn't req req fiat.

>> No.5104608
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15k Req bought at 6 cents, Will I make it boys?

>> No.5104755

naw dawg u getin left off bad n boujee

>> No.5104810

this shits gonna blow up

>> No.5104856



>> No.5104882


>> No.5104891

It finna go down this weekend my dude. Final week and whales gonna crash it to accumulate right before the news

>> No.5104897

Guys. Stop looking at the prices every single minute. If the team delivers on it's promises, this will moon in the next few months. So if you DYOR and trust the team then just HODL and enjoy your lambos.

But Jesus Christ if you guys think a 10% dip is the end of the world then you entered the wrong market. Every single top 20 coin has experienced way worse drops on their ways to the top.

>> No.5104920

This is somewhat of a concern since there's a good chance its current price is overinflated by the whale action.

We'll probably be ok on the long but we could see 22k again.

>> No.5104989

a lot of coins explode from a few cents and never come back down. 53 cents to 13 dollars in 3 months...

>> No.5105015

omisego, that is

>> No.5105018


>> No.5105036

that was my thinking when I got in at 0.24$ but now I'm getting concerned I made a mistake, maybe I should have waited till it drops and gotten more for the same price

>> No.5105067

just hold...go on request.network and look a the long term vision. with ycombinator's shilling this is gonna be huge. HUGE if team can deliver

>> No.5105068

One BTC bull run this weekend will drop it to pennies.

>> No.5105125

It dropped to 20 cents last time btc pumped and recovered quick

>> No.5105129

I always feel that way. I got in at like 36000 and it's hit far below that several times since. Always hurts but you just don't know. Honestly I wouldn't care so much if all this was true market value instead of blatant whale manipulation which could end in a huge pop.

>> No.5105255

Almost seems like whales shoot themselves in the foot so to speak, and fuck everybody else. Once the term whales goes mainstream and normies catch on that beta virgins do that, all of crypto is done.

>> No.5105261

I just hope we'll get to 1$ eventually and al this won't matter

>> No.5105280

dubs for truth

>> No.5105302

Oh yes it's going up To the moon

>> No.5105307

Bought another 500 in the 35000 dip. Kind of wishing I'd bought 1000 but didn't want it to shit down to 32000 after I did.

>> No.5105373

It was ~0.11 last week with ~0.12 all time high. Have some patience FFS. I swear, everyone on /biz/ is completely autistic. There is a reason /biz/ aspies aren't making huge gains like everyone else, it's because you are impatient as fuck.

>> No.5105430

The concern is it's up because of whales and will deflate to 5c when they dump at the news. We really need some kind of regulation desu.

>> No.5105475

like i said when the term "whales" goes mainstream there will either be regulations or the crash of the entire coin idea as we know it. And they did it to themselves for $1000
Normie here, money wont get you a girl, just going out and being clean, deodorant, and confident will sell yourself. Money wont, and it attracts the wrong ones anyway

>> No.5105558
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What's a good buy in price lads? you've shilled me but I don't want to rush in.

>> No.5105569

You might not need money to merely get a girl, but you need it to have a high quality of life and children. Or move country,

>> No.5105578

when moon?

>> No.5105594

It's still in a big dip, I almost guarantee you it'll be up from where it's at in a couple of hours. It'll probably be below this point again later, but you could always buy now, sell, then rebuy if you felt like it.

>> No.5105659

so i assume you are all in on req?

>> No.5106236

24.5k REQ checking in. How is it lookin marines?

>> No.5106298

Fucking bad, I accidentally put a double sell order up and sold part of what I want to actually keep.

>> No.5106377

Well why the fuck you doin that?

I got in at .14 .16 and some more at .25. I'd say just keep accumulating and if it dips just buy more.

>> No.5106407

I bought some in the dip and wanted to sell it, had it set to sell at 37500 and changed my mind for 38000, but I guess I forgot to cancel the old one.

So both sold and I panic bought back my shit and now it's dumping after I got bullied by bots into buying high, I fucking hate bots.

>> No.5106460

What do you mean by REQ airdrop? I am holding 3k of QSP and REQ. Is it one where they give you more REQ if you have it in a wallet or something or...? I tried googling it but couldn't find anything, QSP follows REQ on twatter but that's all I could see lol.

>> No.5106505

ok I'll chime in here because I'm one of the few here who actually knows wtf he is talking about. Colossus will drive price to 50c but the real magic happens at 53-55cents, this is when a normie fomoxplosion wave kicks in due to everyone talking about Colossus. So at 50-52c keep an eye on volume, it will start to grow exponentially over a 6hr period. The fomo will take REQ to $1.30, there will be a pull back to around $1.05-1.15 shortly after. Sideways for a while and will creep up to $2-3 over 2018. After mass adoption around 2020 and beyond, 100's of financial dapps and apps begin running on the Request Network, token burn will push prices well over $30. *unforseen price explosion potentials: same mcap as Paypal = $130+ REQ, ebay is looking for a good way to accept crypto (pay with request) could see price over $100 as through ebay token burn would be intense.

>> No.5106539
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That's all I could find.

>> No.5106651

looks like we're on the up and up tonight

>> No.5106755

This is why I don't really trade... Just accumulate my long term holds.
Why do you put these thoughts on my head... My weak fuckin hands will sell at 10 dollars for sure.

>> No.5106821

2020? fuck that’s a long time to have my money tied up

>> No.5106879

haha adhd as fuck. take profits occasionally, you can move across markets

>> No.5106892


have you ever listened to a word vitalik has said. he's the genius who built this whole thing. and HE says we're still 2-3 years out from any widescale USE adoption. not just shitcoin speculating. the gains you'll see when real practical appreciative tokens like REQ and OMG will make today's gains look like dust. if you're not in this for the long haul then you're looking for pocket change when instead you could actually fucking make it, like make it make it, as in autonomous self driving Lambo make it.

>> No.5107053


>> No.5107063

I think a lot of people are over estimating token burn
At current price all of the REQ in circulation can pay 160m in fees

At .2% that's almost 80 billion in sales

>> No.5107116


The way I see it is use REQ to appreciate then take the odd amount out to speculate in other coins.

>> No.5107119

How much will REQ/BTC price go up?

>> No.5107201

this is what I'm planning. I started my portfolio on REQ.

>> No.5107277

Where do you see ETH in 2020?

>> No.5107300


10K minimum

>> No.5107439

So if your prediction is right I would turn my 10 ETH into 100k but with REQ I would be touch 2.8 million

>> No.5108202

Why did I buy more at the top like a retard. Of course it was going to dip again.

>> No.5108469

It's ok bud. I made 100 REQ off that dip. I will keep it safe for you. You win some you lose some.

>> No.5108483

I've just been rebuying the same amount of REQ and getting ETH gains. It's too hard to quickly do the math to buy REQ gains if you have >0 ETH. I wish you could put some on lock so it was unusable but still ETH.

>> No.5108561

Have I been memed into buying a shitcoin? Is this like you guys and LINK?

>> No.5108603

Riiight... just open the previous trades tab and make sure you sell/buy higher or lower than the previous one and be patient lol. BTC is easier to follow too I guess. The BTC market mirrors the ETH one in price anyway so you might as well.

>> No.5108613
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>jumped off my 23c req for that tron pump
W-worth it?

>> No.5108627

I have been, I even take the fee off the sell total for ETH. It's harder to subtract the REQ fee from what it would be in ETH though.

>> No.5108639

Probably not, I grabbed 1000 of it pre pump but I still feel really shakey about it. Glad I didn't buy more.

>> No.5108674

0.05btc up on LINK and 0.07 BTC up on REQ so meh. These will be big in 6 months anyway, shit like this is the future of the crypto market and its real-world use. They aren't even my moon chasing investments. I only try and flip them when I have nothing else to do. Even then I am profiting from them and I bought a lot of my LINK at SIBOS lol.

>> No.5108694

Ah right, fair enough. I ignore the fee and only trade 100 stats higher or lower, I don't fuck about with small trades under 3%.

>> No.5108712

Wish I wasnt so poor, the tron pump was pretty nice, kinda hoping REQ doesnt blast off until next week so i can drop more duckets on it. Honestly considering dropping half a pay check.

>> No.5108770

where do you even buy req atm

I only use coinbase and bittrex atm because im new to this and a normie

I have a verified binance account too

>> No.5108788


>> No.5108789

You gotta dream bigger than that, anon. This is a literal moon mission once normies hear about it

>> No.5108807

Buy on Binance and transfer to your own wallet (if you trust your own security) or keep on Binance and add Google authenticator

>> No.5108811
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Weird that's my exact portfolio.

>> No.5108869

QSP might be worth getting to add to that.

>> No.5108902

I haven't heard of that one. What's it do?

>> No.5109024


rockstar team

approved by vitalik

no where to go but up in these next few months.

>> No.5109052

Kind of new and they had the ICO advertised on blockfolio last month. They Audit smart contracts and tokens basically. They just had a meeting at coinbase (possibly regarding the new alts they are adding?) and they are working with REQ and a few other coins/tokens already. They also give airdrops of tokens they audit apparently but I don't know much about that. Still only 120 ish market cap and cheap to buy. I can't see how this won't go up in the future even if it is only 2x in the next month or so but I expect better.

>> No.5109074

lol, that too.
~120th in market cap I meant. Plenty of room to grow. Easy to get too as they sell on binance.

>> No.5109156


>> No.5109704

Okay, seriously, why is the price so low right now?

>> No.5109752

In btc of course

>> No.5109790

This is going to become the meme portfolio of 2018. We're getting rich together.

>> No.5109848

I think REQ has a bright future, but seeing the posts in this thread is a bit worrisome.

>people FUDing dips (which makes me think there's alot of weak hands)
>"predictions" being posted constantly
>dips being seen as a bad thing instead of a golden chance to accumulate
>"where do I buy REQ"?

It seems like the REQ bunker has a disproportional amount of brainlets and normies. Is that a bad thing? I don't know.

>> No.5109867

The second ripple hits $0.93 sell and buy into a ETH dip instead.

>> No.5109899

bitcoin is the ultimate shitcoin, its all brainlets and normies. Yet it has been to the moon and further. REQ is fine. It can get pump and dumped by whales while it is low market cap tho.

>> No.5109936


nah. The 9k+ pajeets in the subreddit have all been brainwashed into believing there is zero chance this coin will fail, it's guaranteed to hit 5 dollars by Q1 2018, etc. That's why this shit never crashes. The token distribution is very egalitarian. Few whales and many holders. Deluded or otherwise.

>> No.5110015

I've been putting off Ripple but maybe I should consider it.

I'll never drop my Ark bags though. They're wholesome.

>> No.5110054

>go watch a movie
>price is still 25 cents

doooooo something

>> No.5110063

Crypto currency chat group on discord https://discord.gg/ESrPQ5E

>> No.5110265

Seriously, wtf is wrong with you guys who want profits every fucking hour?! Calm down. With that attitude, you will only FOMO and buy high sell low stuff.

>> No.5110300

Pretty easily

>> No.5110320

I can't stop myself day trading micro dips desu.

>> No.5110323
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Next week I think 0.5-0.6

EOY $1

>> No.5110372

At least ONE of my alt coins will go up.... I hope :^)

>> No.5110379

$1000000000000000000000 BY TOMORROW

>> No.5110420

>buy in the dip
>dips more
>go weakhands

>> No.5110579
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will my 1200 sat buy order trigger?

>> No.5110647

massive selling pressure going on now
this gonna be good

>> No.5110812

good for what?

>> No.5110831

I'm sure it will if you wait a few hours.

>> No.5110840

I was too hesitant to buy at the bottom again ahhhh.

Got some half way down though.

>> No.5110887

Accumulating. It seems like 99% of the posters in the thread are brainlets not realizing the potential of a dip.

>> No.5110894

it's gonna suck so I think 5 cents is optimistic

>> No.5110911

If you're a weakhanded faggot that can't take dips get the fuck out of any altcoin.

>> No.5110917

>people want the dip
>dips before colossus
>colossus releases
>dips even lower
>turns to utter shit
>stays utters shit

>> No.5110974

>play dips to make up initial investment
>if goes to shit you don't lose anything or get moderate gains
>if it moons you shit gold

>> No.5110978

Retarded newfag req was getting shilled since ico

>> No.5111007

Honestly almost every token "dips". OMG "dips" all the time.

>> No.5111142

Lol, this is what I'm always terrified of. But req at least has the paypal guys on our side.

>> No.5111178

You sound like an absolute braindead who has weak hands and has done no research. I'd advise you to get out now - because you are the type that will panicsell at .20c

>> No.5111212

Nah, I meant I worry about that with every coin I purchase, anything can go to zero any time. Req is legit though

>> No.5111427

req is legit but I don't expect it to pump until wednesday earliest it's going to have a tough time with BTC running wild monday due to futures

>> No.5111473

so was neo when it was fucking antshares and ark you fucking cuck.

hehe have a nice day btw

>> No.5111597

Ark's gonna do good in 2018 though right.