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50991204 No.50991204 [Reply] [Original]

Id buy into COSMO if i were you guys. If you remember last year it went from $5-$40. It will do that again, maybe not as high but itll be the first coin to pump.

>> No.50991245

I appreciate any shill that says it "may not go as high" as a 4x lmao

>> No.50991278

I bought in at $9 last year. Never sold but at least the staking is decent.

>> No.50992862

what are best cosmos coins /biz/? what should i pump staking rewards into? atom? osmo? juno? evmos? is sentinel coming back?

>> No.50993008

where's the best (and least of a headache) place to stake? Also how much do you earn

OP, my biggest fud for ATOM is it's inflation and it's lack of usecase, what can you say about these two things?

Appreciate it anons

>> No.50993054

Kepler wallet. Staking matches it's inflation and you get airdrops. Comfiest hold for me I don't even look at charts anymore

>> No.50993291
File: 100 KB, 989x1124, Screenshot 2022-08-10 114213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bag of XPRT that im staking, want to buy some ATOM next, been waiting for BTC to break down and alts to follow before I buy in and start staking.

COSMOS seems primed to be the DeFi hub moving forward. So much interoperability, liquid staking, etc. Invested in SOL for the NFTs, and COSMOS for the DeFi/Liquid staking.

>> No.50993547

i have a really small bag like 6 juno and 5 cosmo. should i buy more and what else should i be buying on the ecosystem?

>> No.50993767


coin bureau says Evmos, XPRT, and Akash are the top 3 COSMOS projects. he may have sold out but he was making really good calls in the past.

>> No.50994426

atom,swth rest is hot air

>> No.50994599

fuck off scammer

>> No.50994716

ATOM is always solid

Kujira is the best up-and-coming but has already pumped a shit ton on the upcoming launch of orca and USK

OSMO is actually decent at these prices, pretty good sub-$1. Inflation is getting cut down and they're introducing real revenue sources over the next year or so. Also, native USDC is coming to IBC via Osmosis. Mars lending coming to osmosis, Kado coming to osmosis, etc.

Juno is a mess, evmos I don't care about

>> No.50994802

shut up spastic

>> No.50994885
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> FANTOM went from $0.01 to $3.00+ last year
fucking retards

>> No.50994898

Its inflationary as fuck, an add of 35.87% of tokens and its still connected to the miserable failure of Luna.

>> No.50994984

>Kujira is the best up-and-coming but has already pumped a shit ton on the upcoming launch of orca and USK
bla bla typical overhyped shit

>> No.50994986


>> No.50995175

I can tell from your posts that you're low IQ

>> No.50995446

the lack of use was a big problem but you need atom to pay for crosschain transations now. this was amazing news at the time because LUNA was on a roll and had just enabled IBC. now, it is mostly used by OSMO which is OK but id like to see a more commercial product leveraging it before i buy back in personally, espacially as we are in a gay market

>> No.50995684

>Anonymous (ID: bCL7ix5i) 08/19/22(Fri)14:59:11 No.50991204
Bought atom, juno and osmo. Love staking rewards. Love airdrops, they are huge.

>> No.50995698

any of you staking evmos? the apr is insane so i'm wondering where the price will end up in a few months time


>> No.50996170

You use Keplr for anything cosmos/IBC related, including staking and governance.

>lack of usecase
It's simple by design. ATOM is basically the bitcoin of IBC. It's the gold standard, simple and secure, high liquidity, low risk entry point to IBC.
There's now IBC stablecoins using the MakerDAO model (collateralized debt positions) that are collateralized by ATOM, and of course also interchain security coming later this year.

Staking yield fluctuates but currently is about ~12% from inflation and ~5% from tx fees.

>> No.50996207

Stay away from Sentinel, Comdex, Persistence and Asset mantle and youll be good.

>> No.50996844

>Stay away from Sentinel, Comdex, Persistence and Asset mantle

Assuming you bought the top on all 3 just before they dumped. Otherwise would appreciate the reasoning behind this.

>> No.50996891

I bought DVPN ages ago when they started, ive only seen it devalue, they still have not released the hardware they were working on and the software they did have has collapsed, their dVPN service is non functioning as there is no nodes to connect to anymore in the region, and many phones dont even have support for it as they refuse to update it.

The other 2 I dont care about. Asset Mantle had an incompetent team that made collecting their airdrop brutal and a waste of time (probably intentionally so) so it put even more people off from it.

>> No.50996980

If what you say about DVPN is true then that makes sense and I would agree to avoid.

Assetmantle isnt live yet, although I too remember being turned off by the airdrop claiming system. However, I don't think this is a good enough reason to avoid it as a potential investment.

If you don't care about Comdex and Persistence then why tell someone to avoid them? Aside from them both dumping after the airdrop (which most airdrops are victims of).

Comdex isn't live yet I dont think but Persistence is regularly giving updates and making progress. Just a week or 2 ago the Persistence's pStake app bridged to BSC and you can now liquid stake with BNB.

>> No.50997060

>If you don't care about Comdex and Persistence then why tell someone to avoid them?
Where did I do that?
I havent looked into them personally so I cant really give my take on them.

>> No.50997079

i got you mixed up with the other guy who said to avoid, my bad. didnt realize I was talking to someone else lmao

>> No.50997229

My main cosmos hold is 6420 Juno, though I do also have 250k GLTO, as a low market cap gamble.

dvpn and assman were relentlessly shilled here by jeets, so it's obvious. Also DVPN hasn't even completed their website, it's been "coming soon" for a year now. Comdex dev team is entirely jeets too, and I think they hired paid shills. Don't know what the story is with persistence

>> No.50997377

thoughts on evmos?

>> No.50997457

I had some, sold it for Juno. That evmos rocketed to the top 100 instantly before having any product is suspicious. Plus it keeps shitting the bed, plus the bridge hack. Not that Juno was much better, with several chain halts and the whale dramavpw4r, but they seem to gotten over the initial growing pains at least.

>> No.50997642
File: 842 KB, 1258x1426, JunoBacksConfio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the reasons I support Juno.

>> No.50997650

ATOM is my new bag as BNB is going down the shitter, and will never be a $500 coin again.
Staking is Kamphy

>> No.50997684

this lmao. might as well just 2x long btc at that point

>> No.50997691
File: 285 KB, 1286x562, JunoConfio2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.50997777

He's wrong but they are still pretty good. $JUNO and $SCRT are the winders

>> No.50997818

Sentinel has aleays been a scam remember all that fake ass shilling here every day forever?

>> No.50997946

I was wondering about that. Confio does all the basic CosmWasm development I assume? If so, Lobo buying their loyalty is a good move.
Osmosis owns keplr I think, so that's one remaining hurdle.

But, m-m-mu-muh blue frens...

>> No.50998140
File: 89 KB, 640x640, IMG_20220813_211711_981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evmos, stake with Space Pepe Labs validator for based airdrops in future

It's around rank 57

>> No.50998369
File: 147 KB, 970x1067, Screenshot_20220819-132805_Keplr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in this LP in the cosmos ecosystem. I think JUNO is one of the best coins on cosmos

Should I do something else with it? The main reason I am here is because of the 2 week unbonding as opposed to the 1 month

>> No.50999321

Bought into shinja for having bridges + nfts and because i'm early though your prediction sounds p good. Next coin in my folio

>> No.50999328
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I'm afraid.