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50983723 No.50983723 [Reply] [Original]

Stinky Linkies are gunna get flipped by LUNC
Lunchads report in

>> No.50983726

Gay sex!

>> No.50983995
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10 million baboona fag reporting in!

>> No.50985355

100% true fellow LUNChad
$5 EOY
sorry about your f-slurpox diagnosis, sir gay

>> No.50986269

Mandarin manhunter reporting for duty

>> No.50986306
File: 310 KB, 666x786, LUNC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A baggie got frustrated with life. Despite all the LINK and ICP he held, failure was all that he learnt. Feeling defeated with life, he sold everything and exiled himself in the chans. There he met a Hermit. The disappointed baggie shared his failure with the Hermit. “Give me one good reason not to rope.” He asked the Hermit.

“Look”, the Hermit said, pointing towards his bag. “Do you see that LUNC bag there?"

“Yes," the baggie nodded.

“I held that LUNC bag for months and it did not outwardly grow as much as $.0002. In fact, it crabbed at $.0001 for months. There was no sign of growth. But, I did not give up on LUNC and continued to hold and accumulate it. By October, a tiny pump emerged, and within six months, my LUNC grew to $1.”

“So, did LUNC lie dormant for months only to moon in Q4?” the Hermit asked. Baffled by the question, the baggie kept quiet. “The answer is quite obvious. My little LUNC was growing underground, developing a root system strong enough to support its potential for outward growth in Q4 and beyond. Had the coin not developed a strong foundation, it would not have sustained its life as it grew.”

“Did you know that all the time you had been struggling, you were growing strong roots?” asked the Hermit.

The baggie learned his lesson that day. He learnt the value of persistence and diamond hands.

>> No.50986336

I have 3 link and 3 wlunc, am I going to make it?

>> No.50986439

>holding lonk